Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 216 Silly Zhu's "Show Operation"

Chapter 216 Silly Zhu's "Show Operation"

As soon as He Fan took office in the electrical appliance factory, he acted very aggressively. Many people in the factory were waiting to see He Fan's jokes.

This is the case in the factory, and it is even more turbulent above. After all, the opening of the times has just been proposed, and everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones.

No one can tell for sure, and it is not clear who is doing right and who is doing wrong!
Just like that, the bosses above also focused their attention on the electrical appliance factory in front of them.

He Fan didn't care about the turmoil from the outside world, and was still implementing his plan step by step.

"Xiao Cui, what's the feedback from the sales department recently?" He Fan asked his secretary Xiao Cui as soon as he came to the office.

Some people may wonder why He Fan borrowed Secretary Li's secretary Xiao Cui instead of directly promoting a confidant and newcomer.

Aside from the fact that Xiao Cui is more aware of the situation in the electrical appliance factory, another reason is that because He Fan invited Li Guoqiang out of the electrical appliance factory for the time being, Li Guoqiang must have great opinions in his heart. Give Li Guoqiang hope to return to the electrical appliance factory again, so that he won't jump the wall in a hurry.

"Director, the recent sales data of the sales department has increased! But." Hearing He Fan's question, Xiao Cui carefully introduced the situation of the sales department.

"But what?"

"However, there is still a big difference between the small increase in sales and the backlog of inventory in the warehouse!" Xiao Cui explained with a wry smile.

"Hehe, a TV set costs 400 yuan!

This is a person's salary for a year. How could an ordinary family not think carefully before buying it!

It's all normal! "Hearing the wry smile in Xiao Cui's words, He Fan didn't take it seriously. He had expected it at the beginning, and the sales volume would definitely not increase at the beginning. The reason why the sales department was mobilized was to let them learn to get used to going out to do business instead of sitting in the office. The office is waiting for customers to come to the door.

"Xiao Cui, let the technical section chief come to my office now!" Thinking of the next "show operation", He Fan smiled confidently, and then ordered Xiao Cui to say.

Xiao Cui was very surprised to see that He Fan was still confident after hearing his introduction. After hearing He Fan's order, Xiao Cui let go of the doubts in his heart and ran down quickly.

Looking at the technical section chief in front of him who seemed a little stiff, He Fan smiled, and greeted him, "Old Liu, sit down! Why are you so stiff!"

He Fan greeted Old Liu, the head of the technical department, to sit down, and made a cup of tea for him himself. His abnormal behavior made Lao Liu and Xiao Cui's eyes widen in surprise. Lao Liu quickly said, "Thank you very much, Director Already!"

"Old Liu, I have always respected technical personnel with real skills the most. I have learned about your resume. To be honest, you are worthy, Old Liu!" Seeing that Old Liu was still cautious, He Fan said with sincere admiration.

Hearing He Fan's pursuit of his past experience and skills, Liu, the head of the technical department, was very happy and proud, and inadvertently drew closer to He Fan.

"I asked you to come here this time because of one thing." Seeing that Lao Liu and himself gradually drew closer, and let go of his inner guard, He Fan smiled, and then explained to Lao Liu in a low voice, looking up to the side Xiao Cui, who was eavesdropping, He Fan's face pulled, and he said bluntly, "Xiao Cui, you go out first!"

Xiao Cui, who was eavesdropping, was suddenly chased away by He Fan, feeling very astonished, and became more curious, turned around and left the factory director's office helplessly, but Xiao Cui wanted to know the details like grass growing in his heart. .

Seeing Xiao Cui leave the office, He Fan smiled again and said to Old Liu, the head of the technical department, "Old Liu, only you know what happened today, I know, no third person can know!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Lao Liu was very surprised, but he still agreed, "Factory manager, please don't worry!
Although I don't know the specifics yet, I still feel the factory director's trust in my old Liu!
I will not let you down! "

"Hehe, you also know that the TV set of our Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory has been ruined by these moths who came through the back door!
Recently, although I have continuously introduced new measures, the sales volume is still not satisfactory!

So I'm going to give our electrical appliance factory a strong medicine! He Fan explained with a smile when he saw the statement of Old Liu, the head of the technical department.

"In the warehouse of our factory, are there some completely scrapped parts stored?"

"Yes! There are a lot!" Hearing He Fan's explanation and sudden question, Lao Liu was puzzled and replied with a smile.

"Then you are like this, you secretly use these discarded TV parts to assemble [-] TV sets!" He Fan explained with a smile when he heard Lao Liu's affirmative answer.

Hearing He Fan's order, Lao Liu was shocked and said in a daze, "What's the use of the factory manager assembling so many fake TVs?

You don't want to take it out to cheat money, do you? "

"How come! My plan is like this." Seeing Lao Liu's confused look, He Fan knew that the other party had misunderstood, and quickly explained with a wry smile.

Hearing He Fan's plan, Old Liu, the head of the technical department, gradually became short of breath. He Fan saw that Old Liu was getting more and more excited, but he was frightened, and quickly comforted him and said, "Old Liu, you can't be excited!

I heard you have heart disease!

If something happened to you in my office, even if I have a mouth all over my body, I can't explain it clearly! "

Hearing He Fan's reassurance, Liu, the head of the technical department, gradually calmed down the fluctuations in his heart. He held He Fan's hands with surprise on his face, and said excitedly, "Director He, you are sent by heaven to save us from Jingcheng Electric. The great savior of the factory!"

"Haha, so, Lao Liu, you also think my plan is feasible?" He Fan said with a smile when he heard Lao Liu, the head of the technical department, praise his plan.

"This plan is great!
After the implementation of the plan, the whole country is still going crazy!

At that time, our Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory will definitely sell out of stock! Hearing He Fan's question, Lao Liu said excitedly.

"So you have to keep a list of all the parts of these [-] TV sets. This "nuclear bomb" exploded, and I'm worried that it will catch me too!" He Fan ordered after hearing the excitement and support in Lao Liu's words. Said.

"Factory manager, don't worry! My old Liu has lived such an old age, and I have never admired others as much as I admire you, the factory manager. If the "nuclear bomb" explosion is really going to hit you, my old Liu will definitely be with you!" Hearing He Fan asked again, Lao Liu patted his chest and promised.

"Old Liu, I am very moved by your words!

You go down and get ready!
Do remember, it is best for you to make these [-] TV sets by yourself! "He Fan asked again.

"I see, factory manager! Don't worry!"

Xiao Cui looked at it suspiciously, and Old Liu, the head of the technical department, walked out of the factory director's office excitedly.

The new doubts and curiosity became more serious. When I returned to the factory director's office again, I heard He Fan ordering himself, "Go and make some banners according to my request!"

"Okay! Does the factory manager have any other orders?" Hearing He Fan's orders, Xiao Cui replied with a smile.

"No more for now! Go down first!"

Xiao Cui couldn't let go of his doubts, so he rushed to the hospital and reported to the puzzled Li Guoqiang, "Secretary Li, today the director of the factory He summoned the technical section chief to his office and kicked me out. Know what they talk about in the office!
It's just that I saw Liu, the head of the technical department, running out with excitement!

Then Director He asked me to make some banners according to his request! "

Hearing what the secretary Xiao Cui said, Li Guoqiang sneered, and then said gloatingly, "Let his surname He make trouble!

The more he tosses, the faster he dies! "

"I, Li, am over 50 years old, and I have never seen such a stupid guy!
He didn't know whether it belonged to a faction at all, so he directly attacked his own people!

I see who will speak up for him when he waits until he is besieged by others! "

Hearing Li Guoqiang's angry emotion, the secretary Xiao Cui took it seriously, and also thought that the new factory director He Fan was a lunatic who acted recklessly without any scruples.

After leaving the hospital, Xiao Cui hurriedly ran to prepare the banner. Although he didn't understand what He Fan was messing with, Xiao Cui knew that if he did his own thing well, even if the universe was destroyed, it had nothing to do with him as a secretary.

After everything was arranged, He Fan went home from get off work, and before going home, He Fan first went to the house of the big leader.

Seeing He Fan coming over, the big leader said angrily, "You are a busy person, finally you are willing to come back!"

"Haha, Uncle, look what you said!

It's as if I haven't been back for a long time! He Fan said with a smile when he heard the complaint in the words of the big leader.

"How's the sales volume of your Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory recently?" The big leader soon became concerned about He Fan's work.

"A little growth! But not ideal!

This time I came here to ask you for help! He Fan sighed and said helplessly.

"Hehe, I already have a TV at home!
Will not buy again! "Hearing He Fan's words, the big leader made a joke.

"Uncle, you are making fun of me!

This is a plan that I specially wrote, so please correct me! "He Fan handed the specially prepared plan to the big leader after hearing the happy look of the big leader.

The big leader took the plan handed over by He Fan without heeding it, casually opened it and read it, but the more he read it, the more shocked he became, "Zhuzi, are you crazy?
Do you know what it means when you do this?

It might really crush you to pieces! "

The wife of the big leader at the side heard the shock and emotion of the big leader, and looked over curiously. When she saw He Fan's plan, she looked at He Fan in front of her in shock, and said with a lot of emotion, "Zhuzi, you What a brain!
Your way of thinking is too unique! "

"Hehe! Uncle, it's not enough to be smashed to pieces, but it's very possible to stand aside!

But you have also seen my plan. If it is implemented, the sales of Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory will definitely be out of stock!

The electrical appliance factory will really be brought back to life! He Fan said with a smile after hearing the emotion of the chief leader and his wife.

"You are right!
But have you ever thought about your own future and destiny?

This is an exploding "nuclear bomb", and I can't even protect you!
Others don't care if you use scrap parts, they will only attack you desperately! Seeing that He Fan didn't care, the big leader reminded with a wry smile.

"Uncle, I know what you said!

But I am only a junior now, and it will take another year to graduate next year!
Even after graduation, I am ready to take the postgraduate entrance examination directly!

Whether this incident will affect me or not, I actually don't care! He Fan was moved to say what was in his heart after hearing the big leader's concern for him.

Hearing that He Fan already had his own life plan, the leader and his wife looked at each other in relief, and the leader suddenly said with emotion, "Zhuzi, you are really outstanding!

If I had such an excellent son as you, I would wake up laughing in my dreams! "

"Hehe, I'm your nephew!
It's no different from my son!

He is still the child of your two elders! He Fan said with a smile.

"Yes! Zhuzi, you are right!

Just feel free to do it boldly! Hearing He Fan's words, the big leader said with a smile.

"Well! So I plan to invite all the official media in the capital, and if I can contact the official media from other places, I will try to invite them too!
Since you want to do it, you must do it well, and you will never regret it! Seeing that the big leader agreed to his plan, He Fan said with a smile.

"Okay! And CCTV!
I will help you get in touch!
Uncle, I will accompany you too, completely crazy for a while! "Hearing He Fan's request, the big leader also said boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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