Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 217 The big news that shocked the country

Chapter 217 The big news that shocked the country
Electric Factory.

Today, all the employees of the electrical appliance factory were notified, they stopped work for half a day, and all came to the playground for a meeting, which surprised the workers.

"It is said that the new official took office three fires, and this director He does not know how many fires have been set off. Isn't it satisfying?"

"That's right! This new factory manager is really hardworking! But for such a long time, the sales of TVs produced by our electrical appliance factory haven't increased much!"

"There are people here! They just want to keep showing their presence! I think this new Director He is just trying to show his presence! Like a clown, he wants to have fun in front of the leaders above!"

Stick and Yu Manting, who were standing in the crowd of workers, unconsciously showed gloating expressions when they heard the workers' discussion.

"I see that you, Uncle He, are about to step down!

You see, he's already at the electrical appliance factory, and he's making a big fuss! "Yu Manting suppressed the news and whispered to the stick beside her.

"I don't think he looks like an official like the factory manager before, you don't know, he used to be a cook!
In terms of cooking, He Yuzhu is really a genius, and he was transferred to the State Guest House as the royal chef!
You said that he is a cook, so it is enough to serve the leaders above, but he wants to be an official!

I see!He's really hanging this time! "Hearing Yu Manting's sarcasm and sarcasm towards He Fan, Bang Geng sneered and said what was in his heart.

Hearing Banggen tell He Fan's secret, Yu Manting was surprised, and said in disbelief, "No way! He Yuzhu used to be a cook after a long time?

Isn't he a college student at Peking University? "

"I guess it might be because he was comfortable serving the leaders above, and then the leaders gave him a place to go to university, and then let this fool think that he really has become a phoenix!

Then, out of nowhere, he came to our electrical appliance factory and messed around! "Hearing his wife Yu Manting's surprise, Bang Geng said analytically.

"What you said may really be true!

Awesome, look at the many reporters standing at the front! "Hearing the analysis of the stick, Yu Manting took it seriously, and then noticed the group of reporters in the front and the "long guns and short guns".

"Hey! What are you talking about!

Originally, I had planned to go to Hedong Province to cover news about a coal mine accident, and I already bought the ticket!

As a result, I was temporarily notified by the leader above to come to this Beijing Electric Appliance Factory for an interview! "

"Yeah! I am also very strange!

What news can there be about this big ass Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory?
It is worth all of us official media to come here! "

"Didn't you see CCTV standing in position C?
It must be big news that CCTV has been recruited! "

"The Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory is most famous for its poor quality TVs!
Besides this, what news can there be?
You don’t know, some time ago our family bought a TV set of Jingcheng brand, which cost more than 430 yuan, but within a month, various failures began to occur!
But it made our family miserable! "

"Oh! Could it be that the quality of the products of the Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory is so poor that it becomes insolvent, and then they announce the sale of the factory in public?"

"No way! The electrical appliance factory is a large state-owned factory no matter what, and it is impossible to be sold off at will!

Besides, besides Bao'an, where is there such a powerful private enterprise! "

"Stop making wild guesses!
You didn't find such an important slogan banner! "

"Slogan banner? Let me see!
Chinese don't lie to Chinese?interesting!
This is another one, swear to be the light of domestic products!Hey!

This cow!Jingcheng Electric will never bow to inferior manufacturing?
Haha, the person who wrote the slogan is really talented! "

"What are yours! This slogan is awesome. Jingcheng Electric vows to become a world-class manufacturing enterprise!"

He Fan didn't care about the comments and disgust of the workers and reporters, and directly carried a big oil hammer, and under the shocked gaze of tens of thousands of workers and reporters, he boarded the high platform that had been set up in advance.

Then he motioned to the captain of the security guard, and lifted the red cloth covering the high platform, revealing the shocking [-] TV sets.

Looking at the [-] TV sets on the high platform, the shocking scene shocked the workers who made the TV sets by themselves, not to mention the invited reporters.

"I am He Yuzhu, the director of Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory.

Today, all the employees of the electrical appliance factory are called here to announce to the Chinese people and the media that the Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory must strictly control the quality of its products in the future.

Absolutely not allow inferior products to flow into the market, to entrap consumers! "Looking at the tens of thousands of electrical factory workers and media reporters under the stage, He Fan said directly.

"Everyone must have noticed that the [-] TV sets on the high platform are all defective products that were found out this time.

Today, I smashed these defective products in front of the employees of Quandian Electric Factory and the media.

They are absolutely not allowed to flow into the market! "

The workers and reporters in the audience were completely shocked when they heard He Fan's declaration. This is really crazy.

Seeing the stunned electric factory workers and reporters under the stage, He Fan didn't say anything, he directly swung the big oil hammer in his hand, and smashed a TV set to pieces!


Seeing He Fan's rude behavior, the tens of thousands of employees and reporters under the high stage screamed in shock.

"Director, don't smash it!"

Some distressed workers shouted in pain.

He Fan felt happy when he heard the workers' reluctance to stop him. This is a conscious "eye-catching"!

"What? Are you reluctant?
Then why don't you work seriously and responsibly?
Why let these crappy TVs be produced?
Why do you want to let these inferior TV sets flow into the market to entrap consumers? "He Fan suddenly turned his face aside, and asked the workers in the audience.

Seeing the workers in the audience blushing and lowering their heads when they heard his shout, He Fan swung the big oil hammer in his hand again and smashed a TV again.

Seeing the TV that was smashed by He Fan again, the reporters in the audience came to their senses, hurriedly pressed the shutter button of the camera in their hands, captured every movement on the stage, and recorded every sentence He Fan said .

After all, this is tomorrow's headlines!
"If you are distressed, then you must work hard and seriously in the future, and you must never produce this kind of inferior thing that harms consumers!" He Fan said loudly again, looking at the tens of thousands of electrical factory workers in the audience.

"All the leaders of the electrical appliance factory, all come up, and together with me, destroy all these harmful and inferior TV sets!" He Fan saw the shocked leaders of the electrical appliance factory, and then ordered in a cold voice.

When the factory leaders heard He Fan's order, none of them dared to climb up to the high platform, and they all lowered their heads shamelessly and cowardly.

"What? You are all fools!
If you strictly enforce the production regulations, will these defective products appear?

You are paid a high salary and enjoy superior treatment. Is this a vegetarian meal? "Seeing the demeanor of the leader of the electrical appliance factory, He Fan said sarcastically with a sneer.

Hearing He Fan's yelling at them, the leaders of the electrical appliance factory lowered their heads even lower, wishing to find a crack in the ground under their own feet.

"Since you don't dare to break with inferior products, then I, He Yuzhu, will come!" Seeing the cowardly behavior of the leaders of the electrical appliance factory, He Fan sneered, and then took off his shirt in front of the public, revealing his whole body With beautiful muscles, he directly swung the big oil hammer in his hand and smashed it happily.

The reporters below are all frantically capturing He Fan's various actions at the moment. In this way, under the witness of these reporters and tens of thousands of employees, He Fan smashed all [-] TV sets with one hammer. .

"Finally, I would like to announce one more thing, that is, if there are any quality problems with Jingcheng brand TVs purchased within three years, they can be returned to the factory for free repairs!
This can also be regarded as a kind of compensation for previous consumers! After smashing [-] TV sets, He Fan was somewhat tired. Looking at the reporters in the audience, He Fan released a new "nuclear bomb" again.

"Bang, I think you and your grandma stopped your mother from interacting with this director He, it was absolutely the most correct decision!
I just found out today that Director He is a complete lunatic!
Still an unreasonable lunatic! On the way home again, Yu Manting was still shocked by what happened just now.

Hearing his wife Yu Manting's emotion, Bang Geng was convinced, and he really thought about it, "A TV is worth four hundred!
Two hundred TV sets cost 8 yuan!
What a huge sum of money!
It was smashed by this lunatic silly pillar! "

"You said that if our family had 8 yuan, wouldn't that day be as beautiful as a fairy!"

"Bang, didn't you notice that today's workers have a lot of opinions on this He Yuzhu in private discussion!

We are planning to write a joint letter together to sue him at the superior unit! "Yu Manting heard Bang Geng's emotion and told the plans of the workers below.

"Hmph! This idiot is still as stupid as ever!

As soon as he entered the electrical appliance factory, he fired Secretary Li's son Li Meng!

Now he's in the electrical appliance factory, and he's acting like this again!

I think he is a grasshopper after autumn who can't grow up, and can't be the factory director for a few days! "BangJiao said gloatingly suddenly.

Such explosive news completely drove the domestic media into a frenzy. The next day, the headlines of almost every media were the news about He Yuzhu, the director of the electrical appliance factory, smashing the inferior TV in anger.

He Fan's behavior completely stunned the bosses who were watching the electrical appliance factory, and they all gave He Fan a "crazy" evaluation in their hearts.

"This He Yuzhu is really too much. The 8 yuan TV was directly smashed by him so easily!"

"Yes! Now we have received dozens of complaint letters about He Yuzhu!
How long has he been to the electrical appliance factory!

Just like that, the sky is full of anger and people complain! "

"Some time ago, I heard that this He Yuzhu fired six workers as soon as he took office in the electrical appliance factory. What is he trying to do?"

"I have a different opinion on this matter!
The current policy is to open the times, we should observe for a while!
Don't jump to conclusions so early! "

"Then watch for a while longer!

Anyway, we are crossing the river by feeling the stones! "Finally a leader said with the final word.

When the common people saw such explosive news, they all thought that the TV sets of Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory had a guarantee of quality, and they rushed to buy Jingcheng brand TV sets.

Shanghai, department store.

"Hello, girl!

Do you have Jingcheng TV sets here? "An old man took a newspaper and hurried to the department store where TV sets were sold.

"Excuse me, sir!

Jingcheng TV has just been sold out!

However, we still have Shanghai brand TVs here, and the quality is also very good! "The salesperson apologized quickly when he heard the uncle's request, and then introduced other TVs to the uncle.

"I don't want Shanghai TV!

All I want is a Beijing brand TV!
I'll leave you the phone number of my unit. When the Jingcheng brand TV arrives, just give me a call! Hearing the salesperson's explanation and introduction, the uncle quickly shook his head and said persistently.

"Okay! Grandpa! When the goods arrive, I will definitely notify you!" In response to Grandpa's request, the salesperson smiled and wrote down the other party's phone number.

Looking at the back of the uncle leaving disappointed, the salesperson shook his head helplessly, while another salesperson beside him said with a wry smile, "Which one is going to buy a Beijing brand TV today?
Why are Jingcheng brand TVs so popular all of a sudden! "

"Hehe! You don't even know about such a big news!?
The director of the Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory destroyed 8 defective TV sets in public, worth [-] yuan!
The common people think that the quality of Jingcheng brand TVs is guaranteed, and they must rush to buy them! "

"Ah? It's so crazy!
No wonder so many customers suddenly appeared to buy Jingcheng TV sets!
I want to buy it all! "

"If you want to buy it, the stock has arrived, and I will reserve one for you in advance!
There is also an internal discount price!
Very good deal! "

Peking University.

"Oh! The headlines on the front page of today's newspaper are amazing!

The director of the Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory directly smashed [-] low-quality TVs, vowing to prevent defective TVs from entering the market!
The director of this electrical appliance factory is amazing! "Su Chaoran looked at today's newspaper and said with emotion to the students in the dormitory.

Hearing Su Chaoran's emotion, the other students in the dormitory also looked over curiously. When they saw the news on the front page and the photo of a strong man with his upper body naked smashing the TV, they were also shocked.

"My God! The director of this electrical appliance factory is a lunatic!
Two hundred TV sets cost 8 yuan!
However, how do I look at the figure in the photo, so familiar? "Gao Ming stretched out his head to look at the newspaper in Su Chaoran's hand, and said with the same sigh.

Hearing the doubts in Gao Ming's words, Su Chaoran was also surprised, "So you also feel familiar!
As soon as I saw this photo, I felt like Uncle He's back!

The muscles are so developed, the curves are so beautiful, I really want to touch it! "

"Fuck you, Su Chaoran!

You are a pervert!
Not to mention, the person in the photo really looks like Uncle He!

Recently, Uncle He doesn't come to school often! "Zhang Jie, the man with thick glasses, made a sarcasm of Su Chaoran, and said with the same emotion.

"Yes! I'm asking for leave again!

Our Peking University, only Uncle He can ask for leave so awesomely! "Hearing Zhang Jie's words, Su Chaoran said in admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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