Chapter 218 Sales are hot

The phone number of the sales department of Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory was almost ringing, and almost every domestic city was asking for additional orders.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou!

If you want our electrical appliance factory to deliver the goods as soon as possible, you must pay in advance! "The salesperson of Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory has never said to the buyer of Shanghai Department Store in such an uplifting manner, although it was only on the phone.

Hearing the request from the sales staff of Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory, the buyer of Shanghai Department Store was surprised, because it was something that had never happened before, "Your Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory never made such a request before!

It's just too much!
Are you not afraid of offending merchants like us? "

"Mr. Zhou, I'm really sorry!
This is the rule set by the new director of our electrical appliance factory, I hope you can understand!

Sorry, there is another call coming in now, so I have to hang up your call first!
Mr. Zhou, don't worry, as soon as you make payment, our electrical appliance factory will deliver the goods immediately!

Friendly reminder, our warehouse is running out of stock!

Mr. Zhou, you need to hurry up." Hearing Mr. Zhou's complaint, the sales staff explained politely, and then hung up the phone directly.

Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Mr. Zhou from Shanghai was in a mess. Thinking that what the salesperson of the electrical appliance factory said was true, Mr. Zhou could only sigh, then got up and went to the bank to make a payment.

"Director He, the TV inventory in the warehouse won't last for a few days!" Secretary Xiao Cui ran into He Fan's office with a happy face and explained excitedly.

"Then let each workshop ramp up production!

I also want to warn the workers and workshop directors below that each workshop is responsible for all defective products produced!

In view of the recent hard work of the workers, an extra one yuan of overtime pay is added every day! He Fan smiled and ordered after hearing what the secretary Xiao Cui said.

"Yes, Director!

But if the workers are given such high overtime pay, will the leaders above have any objections? "Hearing He Fan's order, secretary Xiao Cui agreed, and then said worriedly.

"These are not things you should worry about!

Just do what I tell you to do!

go down! He Fan shook his head when he heard Secretary Xiao Cui's worry, and then said noncommittally.

The current Beijing Electric Appliance Factory has become a fat meat of fatal temptation, and "hungry wolves" who are eyeing the electric appliance factory have appeared in batches.

He Fan now only needs to implement his plan in an orderly manner, which means he has made his own voice. Even if he is squeezed out by others, he will still leave a deep impression on the hearts of his superiors.

Now there are not a few bigwigs who are paying attention to the Beijing Electric Appliance Factory. They are surprised by He Fan's "show operation" and shocked by the terrible sales of the current Electric Appliance Factory. All of these all explain He Fan's value to them.

"As far as I know, Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory's inventory is running out!
Every workshop is ramping up production!

Now it seems that Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory has really come back to life! "A leader who knows the Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory better, introduced the situation with a smile.

Hearing the leader's introduction, all the leaders present in the meeting room showed happy smiles.

"But this He Yuzhu, ever since he became the director of the Jingcheng Electrical Appliance Factory, first forced Li Guoqiang and Secretary Li to leave the electrical appliance factory; then directly fired six workers; It is a crime to wantonly destroy [-] TV sets and waste the property of the big leaders!
I also heard that he wants to increase the overtime pay of one yuan a day to the workers again!

What is his behavior?Everyone is clear in their hearts!
Therefore, I think He Yuzhu should be taken down immediately, and suitable people should be sent to the electrical appliance factory to make things right! "For the resurrection of the Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory, some leaders also have different views.

Hearing the leader's detailed crusade against He Fan, heated discussions erupted in the conference room, especially when he heard the final re-selection of "appropriate people" to the electrical appliance factory, many leaders were moved.

"I heard that this He Yuzhu is still a college student who hasn't graduated yet!

He's quite capable, but he's too rough and aggressive, I think let him go back to school and study honestly!

Coming out to work in such a hurry will be very detrimental to his future development! "Finally, a leader said with a decision that He Fan considered.

The workers who were working overtime and working overtime were very tired, but after hearing the notice from the factory that there would be one yuan of overtime pay every day, the workers broke out with great enthusiasm again.

"Director He is really kind!

What I pretend to be in my heart is our workers!
One yuan of overtime pay per day is 30 yuan a month!
There are more formal wages! "

"Yes! I didn't expect that he really saved our Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory!

You don't know that the TVs produced by our factory are already sold like crazy outside!
Many places are desperately snapping up! "

Hearing the workers' discussions, Sticky looked at Yu Manting with complicated eyes, and Yu Manting said in a sour tone, "I heard recently that the people who sell Keli have made a lot of money!
A commission of five yuan can be earned for one TV set, and five hundred yuan can be earned for one hundred sets!
Much better than us workers! "

The workers at the side laughed when they heard Yu Manting's words, "It seems that you don't know yet!
A few days ago, Director He made a rule that the sales of big shopping malls like department stores are not counted. Only by contacting individuals can you get the commission! "

"Ah? Isn't this opportunistic? Aren't you afraid of getting caught for committing a crime?" Yu Manting's eyes widened in surprise when she heard the words of the workers beside her.

"The salesperson just went to contact, or sold directly from the factory to individuals. How can this be considered opportunistic?" Hearing Yu Manting's surprise, the worker explained with a smile.

"Ah? That's right! But with such direct sales, the commission must be quite a lot!" Hearing the other party's explanation, Yu Manting said with emotion.

"Yeah! A lot of salespeople are really making a lot of money these days!

The factory manager also deliberately asked the warehouse to give priority to the delivery of these direct sales customers!
This is the most direct encouragement!

Now I regret that I didn't let my husband apply for the sales staff of our electrical appliance factory! "The worker said with regret when he heard Yu Manting's emotion.

"Hey! At the beginning, we saw that the external sales staff did not have a basic salary. We were worried that we would not be able to sell a few units. Who would have thought that our factory manager is so powerful!

Directly let our TV sales surge!It's useless to regret now!

Is the factory ready to dismiss the salespersons with poor sales? "

How could Yu Manting not understand the other party's regret, she might regret it more than the other party!

Seeing He Fan who came back, the big leader had something in his heart, but said with a forced smile, "Zhuzi, are you off work?"

"Hmm! I see you look unhappy, Uncle!

Is something wrong? Seeing the unhappy look of the big leader, He Fan was moved in his heart, and then asked.

Hearing He Fan's question, the big leader shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Did you, kid, have already expected the handling of you by the higher authorities?"

"more or less!
If after this incident, the sales volume is not so strong, but there is a certain increase, I still have the possibility of staying in the electrical appliance factory!
But now the electric appliance factory has become an attractive fat meat, and then" He Fan also explained with a wry smile after hearing what the big leader said.

"As long as you are prepared in your heart!
The notice from the above has come down, you have been transferred to the policy research office as the secretary, and the main thing is to go back to Peking University to study! "Hearing He Fan's explanation, the big leader sighed helplessly, and then directly stated the superior's new acceptance of He Fan's fate.

He Fan was not surprised when he heard the big leader's words, but just smiled indifferently, and then he didn't care who will take over as the factory director of the electrical appliance factory. After all, no matter who is the factory director, it has nothing to do with the current He Fan.

He Fan was calm on the surface, but he sneered in his heart, so let's wait and see how they perform.

(End of this chapter)

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