Chapter 219

After hearing that He Fan was transferred to the policy research office, Li Guoqiang became excited, as if he was resurrected with full blood, and said to his son Li Meng beside him, "Son, I am so good!

This time, I was able to successfully transfer this person surnamed He away, and I did a lot of work behind the scenes!
I keep writing report letters every day, my hands are sore! "

"As soon as I return to the electrical appliance factory, I will let the six of you go back to work in the electrical appliance factory again!"

Hearing what his father Li Guoqiang said, Li Meng was very excited, but when he heard his father's arrangement for the other five unconscionable "chicks", Li Meng became unhappy, "Dad! Don't pay attention to those five bastards!" !

They beat me badly last time!
I still want to find revenge on them! "

"Okay! Okay! My precious son, Dad, I will depend on you!" Hearing his son Li Meng's complaints about the five "chicks", Li Guoqiang was also very angry, and then coaxed his son Li Meng to say.

For this precious son in front of him, Li Guoqiang has always been terribly spoiled, so he has developed Li Meng's ignorant character, causing trouble everywhere.

Seeing that his father was still pampering him so much, Li Meng showed a complacent expression.

You scumbags from the electrical appliance factory, when you laughed at me, Li Meng, I, Li Meng, will definitely repay you a hundredfold!
The excited father and son suddenly saw the secretary Xiao Cui rushing in, "Xiao Cui, why are you here?"

Hearing Li Guoqiang's doubts, thinking about the major events that happened, he quickly explained, "Secretary Li, something is wrong!
Something happened to our electrical factory! "

Hearing Xiao Cui's words, Li Guoqiang thought it was He Fan's transfer order, so he showed a disdainful expression and said, "Why panic! I know it all!"

Seeing Li Guoqiang's disapproving expression, secretary Xiao Cui's eyes widened in shock, "Ah? Secretary Li, you're going to be transferred!
You already know? "

"When what? What did you say?
I'm going to be transferred?

Wasn't He Yuzhu transferred? Li Guoqiang, who realized something was wrong, was suddenly shocked.

Seeing Li Guoqiang's expression, the secretary Xiao Cui realized that Li Guoqiang was wrong, thinking that He Yuzhu had been transferred, and then explained with a wry smile, "Both you and Director He have been transferred!
You have been transferred to the towel factory as the secretary! "

"What? Ah! My heart!" Hearing his secretary Xiao Cui's explanation, Li Guoqiang showed a heartbroken expression, and only then did he realize what it meant to shoot himself in the foot.

The current Beijing Electric Appliance Factory has been "coquettishly manipulated" by He Fan, and it has completely become a sweet pastry and a big fat meat. Anyone who sees it will drool. The position of the official secretary is also coveted by others.

Hearing the conversation between the secretary Xiao Cui and his old man Li Guoqiang, Li Meng realized something was wrong, and hurriedly said to Li Guoqiang anxiously, "Dad! Can I go back to work in the electric appliance factory?"

"Hey! Electric factory, we father and son can't go back!

I can only think of a way to let you go to the towel factory! "Hearing what his son Li Meng said, Li Guoqiang felt relieved for a while, and then explained with a wry smile.

"Ah? I don't want it!

I don't go to small garbage factories like towel factories!

Dad, haven't you always said that your backstage is strong?
Is this what you mean by a strong background? "Hearing Li Guoqiang's explanation, Li Meng couldn't accept it, and then roared loudly.


Seeing his son Li Meng questioning him, Li Guoqiang felt even more painful, and could only weakly point at his ignorant son in front of him.

The nurses in the hospital had long been bored with this family's best, and now they heard Li Meng yelling, and then lost their patience, "What are you calling for?
Here is the hospital!
If you want to call out, go out and call out! "

The personnel change at the Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory shocked all the workers. A few months ago, the workers might have celebrated loudly, but now it is completely different, because He Fan gave them hope, and this hope is about to be replaced by the new The leadership that came was ruined.

"Bang, what are you talking about!
We've only been getting bonuses for a few months, I think it's dangerous again now! "Yu Manting said with a helpless wry smile at the stick.

Hearing the wry smile in Yu Manting's words, Bang Geng was also very heartbroken, "It is said that the emperor is the courtier!

I think this bonus is really a bit overhanging! "

"If I knew it earlier, I would have gone to do sales, and I can still make a good fortune in these few months!"

Hearing the conversation between Banggen and Yu Manting, the other workers were also very helpless, "I heard that!
Someone wrote to the superior unit every day to sue the director of the factory!
I don't know who is so persistent! "

"Who else?
Isn't it Secretary Li who is treating the prostate in the hospital!
He thought that by driving Director He away, he would be able to return to the electrical appliance factory to dominate again, but in the end even he was transferred out of the electrical appliance factory!

This can be regarded as lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot! "A worker who knew the inside information suddenly said with a mysterious face.

Hearing such secret news, the workers couldn't help laughing at Li Guoqiang, "Li Guoqiang is really smart but he was mistaken by his cleverness!"

"Yes! I heard that Secretary Li was transferred to a towel factory as the secretary. A towel factory only has more than 400 people. How can it be a large factory like our electrical appliance factory with [-] people!
I'm sure my intestines are full of regrets! "Another worker suddenly said with emotion when he heard other people's conversation.

"If Director He can stay in our electrical appliance factory forever, the life of us workers will definitely be better and better!
Why!What a pity! "

The new factory manager, like a proud big rooster, patrolled his own territory everywhere, and told the secretary who brought him over, "Xiao Zheng, your next announcement!

All decisions made by the previous factory director will be overturned! "

“No more arbitrary bonuses to workers!”

"It is not allowed to give the salesperson any commission that does not comply with the regulations, and can only get the normal basic salary before!"

"There is also the return to the factory for repairs promised by the factory manager, so let it go!

Post a notice directly at the gate of the factory. Once sold, we will not be responsible for it! "

Hearing the instructions from the new factory manager, the secretary hurriedly and seriously recorded them, but when he heard that he no longer promised to return to the factory for repairs, the secretary said with some concern, "Factory manager, if you suddenly no longer promise to return to the factory for repairs, I am worried that consumers will Opinion!
After all, they have been used to this kind of operation for several months!
There are still many consumers waiting to return to the factory for repairs at the gate of the factory. I am worried that they will be overwhelmed! "

"Hmph! What can't you think about!
Wouldn't you say that it was the irresponsible decision of the previous factory director?
If they have any opinions, let them go to the former factory director He! "Hearing the secretary's concern, the new factory manager reprimanded disapprovingly.

He Fan didn't care about the changing situation in the electrical appliance factory, and he didn't care at all. After all, he returned to Beijing University to attend classes again.

Seeing He Fan who came back to class again, Gao Ming showed an excited expression unconsciously, "Uncle He, you are finally willing to come back!

But it made us want to die! "

"Really? I haven't seen you for a few days!

Your clever mouth has become so sweet? He Fan laughed and joked after hearing Gao Ming's exaggerated words.

"Uncle He, I saw a back in the newspaper some time ago, which is very similar to yours. You are not the director of the electrical appliance factory?" A happy smile.

"Hehe, of course not!" Hearing Su Chaoran's words, if he hadn't been transferred from the electrical appliance factory, it would be difficult to answer, but what he said now is the truth.

"I'll just say it!
Uncle He is just a college student, how could he become the factory director at the departmental level!
I think that Su Chaoran wanted to touch Uncle He's good figure, but a hallucination appeared! Gao Ming on the side heard He Fan's negative answer and joked to Su Chaoran with a smile.

"Don't tell me, I always feel that there is something wrong with Su Chaoran!
I can warn you, if you dare to touch me next time, I will definitely beat you into your Tianjin Goubuli Baozi! "He Fan heard Gao Ming's jokes on Su Chaoran, and quickly changed the subject.

"Don't! My uncle!

I like to eat Goubuli buns, but I don't want to be Goubuli! "Hearing what He Fan and Gao Ming said, Su Chaoran knew it was a joke, and then said exaggeratedly.

When Ran Qiuye saw He Fan, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, reappeared in the classroom, he couldn't help but feel a little happy. Ran Qiuye had a lot of opinions on He Fan's frequent absence from class.

Ran Qiuye also tried to find out what He Fan was busy with, but none of the teachers around him gave him an accurate answer. He also went to the department head to inquire, but he still didn't get an accurate answer. It made Ran Qiuye even more curious.

"He Yuzhu, you haven't been at school recently, where have you been?" Ran Qiuye said to He Fan in front of him pretending to be angry.

Seeing Ran Qiuye in front of him paying too much attention to him, He Fan was very helpless. He had pursued her so passionately at the beginning, but was rejected by Ran Qiuye with various plausible reasons.

Now that both of them are married and have their own worlds and circles, Ran Qiuye will desperately get close to He Fan again.

"There is something at home that needs to be dealt with!

Let Teacher Ran worry about you! "He Fan explained casually.

"It's not good for you to fish for three days and hang the net for two days!

Our Peking University is not an ordinary junior high school, elementary school or something!

So I think you'd better have a sense of proportion! "How could Ran Qiuye not understand what He Fan said to him, and suddenly his face changed.

"Hehe, Teacher Ran is right!
It's not mine!
Be careful next time! Seeing Ran Qiuye being so entangled, He Fan quickly apologized, too lazy to make unnecessary excuses.

Hearing He Fan's tone, Teacher Ran realized that he was going too far, then turned around and left without saying anything.

Seeing Ran Qiuye getting more and more entangled with him, He Fan realized that he had to make it clear with the other party. He waited for a long time in the faculty building before he saw Ran Qiuye's figure.

"Teacher Ran, do you have time?

Can I have a private chat with you? He Fan said with a smile.

Seeing He Fan appearing in front of her, Ran Qiuye unconsciously smiled happily, "I have time!
He Yuzhu, what's the matter with you, just tell me! "

"Teacher Ran, I heard you got married in [-]?" He Fan asked Ran Qiuye with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's question, Ran Qiuye was a little puzzled, and then explained with a forced smile, "I divorced him the year the college entrance examination was resumed because of my emotional discord!"

"Oh, that's what marriage is like!
Unlucky ones, nine out of ten!

Teacher Ran, you'd better look away! He Fan said with a wry smile when he heard that Ran Qiuye really got divorced.

"Well! I understand the truth!

I heard you were divorced a long time ago too? Hearing He Fan's wry smile, Ran Qiuye thought it was He Fan's concern for her, and then said with a smile.

"Yes! I also had a failed marriage!

I have no plans to remarry now!
I just want to live this life simply by myself! "He Fan suddenly said what was in his heart with a serious face.

"Ah? You can't have this kind of unmarriageism just because of a failed marriage!
You are wrong! "Ran Qiuye's eyes widened in shock when he heard what He Fan was saying.

"Hehe, it's not entirely because of my ex-wife!

In fact, in this world, I don’t have a lover who suits my heart!
There is no woman worth paying for!
So I no longer hold out the hope of remarrying! Seeing Ran Qiuye's incomprehensible look, He Fan directly stated his plan.

Ran Qiuye is a smart person, and he understood the meaning of He Fan's words, that is, she clearly said that she, Ran Qiuye, was not the woman he Fan liked and cared about.

(End of this chapter)

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