Chapter 220
Eighty-two years.

He Fan, who was admitted to graduate school, was reading a book in the dormitory on the third floor when he heard someone calling his name downstairs.

"He Yuzhu, someone is looking for you!"

He Fan looked downstairs suspiciously, and found his lover, Ma Hua, waiting fidgeting upstairs in the dormitory. Seeing the familiar figure, He Fan smiled happily, and then quickly went downstairs.

"Ma Hua, why are you here?" He Fan lightly punched Ma Hua on the shoulder, and said happily.


He Fan looked at the time, and then said to Ma Hua, "Let's go! Come home with me!"

On the way home, He Fan bought some cooked vegetables, took out a bottle of wine, and let Ma Hua stay at home.

"Ma Hua, you came to see me this time, is there something wrong?" After drinking for three rounds, the master and apprentice regained their previous intimacy, and then asked Ma Hua.

"Master, the efficiency in the steel rolling mill is not very good now, someone asked me to be a chef for their restaurant at night, and gave me 1000 yuan a month!
The most important thing is that it does not affect my work in the rolling mill!
So, I hesitated a little! Hearing Master He Fan's question, Ma Hua explained with a wry smile.

"Such a good thing, why do you hesitate?" He Fan sighed with a smile after hearing Ma Hua's explanation.

"There is another family that invites me to go! It also opens [-]!" Ma Hua explained.

Seeing Ma Hua's hesitation, He Fan realized something, and then asked suspiciously, "You came here to ask my opinion, could it be that these two companies have something to do with me?"

Hearing that master He Fan finally realized the important point, He Fan nodded, and then said with a wry smile, "One is Yu Li, the daughter-in-law of Yan Banggui, the third master of your courtyard, and the other is the son of Qin Huairu, the neighbor of your courtyard. stem!"

"Bang Geng? Isn't he working with his wife in the Beijing Electric Appliance Factory?" He Fan was a little surprised when he heard that Bang Geng was going to open a restaurant.

"Their Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory has been getting worse and worse in the past two years, and their wages can no longer be paid!

So both of them quit their jobs and want to open a restaurant! Hearing He Fan's doubts, Ma Hua explained.

In fact, I have been paying attention to the development of Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory. I really didn't expect that the electric appliance factory I managed so hard at the beginning would fail so quickly, and the defeat was still so thorough.

"Have you ever considered opening a restaurant by yourself and being your own boss!" He Fan suddenly asked Ma Hua.

Hearing the question suddenly asked by He Fan, Ma Hua was at a loss. This was something he never dared to think about. After a while, Ma Hua explained with a wry smile, "I have not saved any money in the past few years in the rolling mill. !

There is no capital to open a shop at all! "

"Hehe, wait a minute!" He Fan returned to the bedroom with a smile after hearing Ma Hua's words.

Soon under Ma Hua's surprised gaze, He Fan took out 2 yuan and handed it to Ma Hua, "Your master and I have only saved so much money in the past few years!

We, master and apprentice, will open a restaurant together!
I account for 70.00%, and you are responsible for the specific operation, accounting for 20.00%. The other 5.00% is reserved for the hardworking and loyal kitchen brothers. "

Hearing the master's words, Ma Hua's eyes widened in shock, and he said incredulously, "No! No! Master, I can't ask for shares. If the master wants to open a restaurant, I will definitely help you!"

"You do not know what I mean!
I have a special status now, and I can't do business casually!
Even the 70.00% shares are under the name of He Nianzu! Seeing Mahua's refusal, He Fan explained with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Ma Hua cleared his doubts, and then still refused to say, "Then I don't want your shares, master, don't worry, I will definitely help you and Nianzu to do a good job!"

"Mahua, don't refuse!
You are totally worth that much stake!
You should know that I can't show up at ordinary times, and Nianzu is too young, so I have to rely on you inside and out!

So giving you 20.00% five shares, I really feel sorry for you! Seeing that MCA still refused to take the shares, He Fan explained with a smile.

After hearing He Fan's explanation, Ma Hua no longer refused, but secretly vowed in his heart that he would work and manage with his heart.

"Also, this is the business plan and recipe written by me, you just follow the business plan in this plan.

Another thing is to recruit more sincere and talented apprentices, we will open many branches in the future, all of which need good chefs! Seeing that Ma Hua no longer refused, He Fan took out a thick document bag, handed it to his apprentice Ma Hua, and said instructively.

"Master, don't worry, I know!"

"It's best to buy the store directly, after all, the house price is not high now, so it's a good deal to buy!
Quit your job at the rolling mill, too!

There is no future if you continue to work there! He Fan thought for a while, and then ordered.

"Okay! I see! I will definitely do it!"

"This mahua is really disgusting!
I was a little hesitant yesterday, but today I directly rejected it!

Do you think he decided to go to Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li's place? "Yu Manting got Mahua's rejection reply, and said angrily to the stick beside her.

"It's possible! After all, that girl Yu Li is very good at making things happen, and Yan Jiecheng is also very good at calculating!

I heard that there was an apprentice named Fatty who worked with Sha Zhu before, let's go see tomorrow, can we invite him over! "Hearing Yu Manting's words, Sticky thought for a while, and then said.

When they returned home, Bang Geng and Yu Manting were still depressed. Qin Huairu knew that things were not going well when he saw their appearance, and then said with a smile, "When you said you were going to invite Ma Hua, I felt a little bit in my heart. hanging!

One must know that Ma Hua is Sha Zhu's most valued apprentice, so he will definitely ask Sha Zhu for his opinion!
Based on the current relationship between our family and Shazhu, he will definitely not agree! "

"Hey! Mom, what do you mean, Ma Hua will go to Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng's place?" Yu Manting, who was on the side, heard her mother-in-law Qin Huairu's analysis, and then asked suspiciously.

"I see it too!

You guys don't know that Sha Zhu is a person, and he is not one to bow his head easily, so I guess there is a high probability that Sha Zhu will let Ma Hua do it himself! Hearing Yu Manting's doubts, Qin Huairu smiled and said his guess.

"And the fat man you think of is just half a bucket of water, not good at cooking!
Tomorrow, Mom will invite Liu Lan for you. Her cooking skills are comparable to Fatty's, and she also knows many dry cooks. As long as you can invite her, that's all! Seeing Yu Manting and Bang Geng's gloomy looks, Qin Huairu explained with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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