Chapter 221
After arranging for Ma Hua, He Fan suddenly felt that one matter had been solved again. Opening a restaurant was what He Fan had always wanted to do, and the plan had been prepared long ago.

The previous plan was that if he was not going well in the officialdom, it would be a good way out for He Fan to go into business at that time. This time MCA came to ask for his opinion, and He Fan was moved in his heart, and then handed over the hotel plan to him.

Ma Hua can stand the test, and he treats himself as a master honestly and honestly. He Fan is really relieved to entrust such an important matter to Ma Hua.

During this period of time, He Fan has been waiting for the news from Director Nie of the former steel rolling mill. Now the other party has reached the Hedong Provincial Committee. Some time ago, this old Nie suddenly invited He Fan to go to any deputy mayor of Hedong. He Fan knew that this was The leaders of Hedong Province saw the value of He Fan's "show operation" in the electrical appliance factory some time ago.

Especially after the director of the electrical appliance factory made a lot of troubles, the electrical appliance factory was about to die. Only after this comparison did the bosses realize the value of He Fan's ability and vision.

Until today, He Fan finally waited for his transfer order again, the deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city in Hedong Province, focusing on the economy, He Fan is really satisfied with such a suitable position now.

Satisfied, He Fan hurried to the leader's house to announce the good news to the leader and his wife.

As soon as he entered the big leader's house, He Fan found a room full of big shots sitting around and discussing something.

Seeing this situation, He Fan hurriedly hid, but when he heard the movement at the door, the bosses collectively paid attention to He Fan, and immediately made He Fan feel like he was being shot by more than a dozen X-machines. It's like standing naked in front of the bosses.

"Zhuzi, come here!" Seeing He Fan who came back, the big leader's heart moved, and he smiled and shouted to He Fan who was sitting on pins and needles.

"How did you have time to come here today?"

Hearing the big leader's words, he smiled at the leaders on the side, and then said respectfully, "Hi, everyone! Uncle, my transfer order has arrived, the deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city in Hedong Province, and I came here to give you good news !"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, all the leaders present showed complicated expressions, and then the big leader said happily, "Oh? Show me the transfer order!"

Hearing what the big leader said, He Fan quickly took out his transfer order and handed it to the big leader.

"Comrade He Yuzhu, you used to be the director of the Beijing Electric Appliance Factory for a period of time. Do you have any thoughts on the difficulties that the Electric Appliance Factory is facing?" A leader saw that the big leader really liked He Fan's transfer order. , and then I really lost my patience, and asked He Fan directly.

He Fan was a little surprised when he heard the leader's words, and then glanced at the big leader, and when he saw the other party nodded slightly, He Fan explained with a smile, "Since I left the electrical factory, I have always focused on In terms of study, I don’t pay much attention to the electrical appliance factory, but judging from the sporadic information, the electrical appliance factory is already hard-won!”

Hearing He Fan's words, the leaders present showed complicated expressions again. They didn't know the conclusion of what He Fan said, but they still couldn't accept it. After all, tens of thousands of workers and tens of thousands of families were involved. Big things.

"If you are allowed to return to the electrical appliance factory as the factory manager, do you have the confidence to save the electrical appliance factory again?" A leader sighed and asked urgently.

He Fan felt really complicated when he heard the leader's words. The current electric appliance factory has been completely hollowed out, and its reputation is in the hearts of consumers, and it is already a real stinky street.

"Can't do it!

Because my business management philosophy is not acceptable to the workers!

Workers who make mistakes will be fired, and those who do well will get bonuses, and spend a lot of money to update equipment and develop new products. These are all things that the current workers cannot accept!

It is useless to change the director of the factory, because the TVs produced by Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory are really stink in the hearts of consumers, and they cannot be saved! With an idea in mind, He Fan explained with a wry smile.

For He Fan's explanation, all the leaders present agreed, and one of them sighed with resignation, "This is a major event involving tens of thousands of families. I feel that I should try it. Maybe it can be saved?"

The big leader knew He Fan best, so he said to He Fan, "Zhuzi, if you really have any ideas, just talk about it, and it will be considered a mistake! We will not blame you!"

Hearing the words of the big leader, the other leaders looked at He Fan curiously. Seeing this posture, He Fan knew that he needed to produce some dry goods, "I think the only way out for the electrical appliance factory now is to introduce external funds and Technology, and even management concepts, only in this way can the electrical appliance factory be truly revived.”

Hearing He Fan's concise words, the leaders were shocked. One leader showed an angry expression, pointed at He Fan in front of him and said, "You are not trying to save the electrical factory! You are trying to sell it!"

"Eh? There's no way around it! The current electric appliance factory is short of capital and technology, but famous, and even lacks vitality now!" He Fan said with a wry smile when he heard the leader's question.

Seeing this situation, the big leader sighed, and then said to the other leaders, "Go back first! We will discuss the matter of the electrical appliance factory later!"

Looking at the leaders who left, the big leader waved at He Fan, and said with a smile, "You still have some dry stuff in your heart, didn't you take it out?"

"Hehe, I do have some ideas! It's useless to just talk about it, it will only make people annoying, so it's better not to talk about it!" He Fan explained helplessly.

"Hmm! What you said makes sense! After all, if you're not in your position, you don't seek your own government! Zhuzi, if uncle asks you to give up the deputy mayor of Hedong Province and return to the electrical appliance factory as the factory director again, would you like it?" The big leader suddenly Said to He Fan.

"I'm going back to the electrical appliance factory, and I can't do it anymore! I'll be kicked out if things get better!" He Fan explained with a wry smile when he heard the big leader's question.

"What if I promise you that no one will touch you this time? Do you want to try?" Regarding He Fan's concerns, the leader suddenly said seriously.

He Fan knew that the leaders were really anxious after hearing what the big leaders said, and the electrical appliance factory was really on the verge of imminent danger, "Uncle, I grew up watching you! You have a problem now, I should help solve it! If If you really want me to be the director of the factory, I must own the shares of the electrical appliance factory! If the superior agrees, I am going to buy the shares of the electrical appliance factory, so that I will be worthy of the name as the director of the factory!"

"Oh? Even if the superior agrees, you don't have such a large sum of money!?" Hearing He Fan's request, the big leader was shocked.

"I'm going to get a loan from the bank, and then buy the shares of the electrical appliance factory. Only in this way can I be sure to save the electrical appliance factory!" He Fan explained with a smile when he heard the big leader's doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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