Chapter 222 God of War TV

The leader did not have any concerns about the request made by He Fan, so he reported it directly.

Then the leaders started discussing that He Fan was going to be the deputy mayor of Hedong. Many leaders knew about it, so they didn't make He Fan wait long, and they gave an answer, 1000 million to buy 40.00% of the shares .

After receiving the news, He Fan directly apologized to Lao Nie in Hedong, and then explained.

The people in the capital city also helped He Fan contact the bank that could help with the loan, and directly loaned him 1000 million.

After signing the contract, He Fan became happy, and the electrical appliance factory finally became his own industry.

The news that He Fan returned to the electrical appliance factory as the factory manager had already been heard in the electrical appliance factory, and the workers cheered excitedly.

When He Fan came to the electrical appliance factory, the first thing he did was to convene the sales department again, and announced on the spot that he would sell a TV with a commission of ten yuan.

Hearing He Fan's decision, the sales department couldn't help but get excited. The commission for one set is ten yuan, and ten sets is only 100 yuan. This is too fast.

"Old Liu, you change all the TV sets and trademarks to "God of War", and there will be no "Jingcheng brand" in the market in the future!" After sending off the joyful sales department members, He Fan told Lao Liu, the head of the technical department Said.

"Ah? Relaunch a new trademark "God of War", consumers have never heard of it, are they willing to buy it?" Old Liu was shocked when he heard He Fan's order.

"Hehe, the new trademark is better than the smelly streets of the "Jingcheng brand"!

There are also measures to restore the return to the factory for repairs again, and consumers must quickly accept the brand "Zhanshen"! Hearing Lao Liu's shock, He Fan said with a disapproving smile.

Hearing the sarcasm in He Fan's words, Lao Liu felt a little embarrassed, because the last batch of factory leaders really went too far.

With such a high commission, the sales department was really excited and tried their best to promote the "God of War" TV. When consumers heard that there was a problem, they would be repaired for free within three years, and they gradually tried it.

400 yuan is still a huge sum of money for current consumers, so they are still very cautious. Seeing that after a period of time, the deposits in the account in the factory have gradually increased. He Fan directly opened to CCTV and found I missed the CCTV reporter who reported for me last time.

"Miss Zhou, I'm He Yuzhu, the director of the electrical appliance factory, do you remember me?"

"Uh? Are you the director of the electrical appliance factory? Of course I remember, our staff at CCTV still remember the scene of you smashing [-] TV sets in anger! Are you back at the electrical appliance factory now?"

"Hehe, this time I came here to advertise on your CCTV!"

"Oh? You need to find our leader for advertising! Let's do this! I'll take you to the deputy station in charge of advertising!"

"Then thank you very much, Miss Zhou!"

Hearing Ms. Zhou's explanation, the deputy station stood up in surprise, then smiled and stretched out his hands to He Fan, and then explained, "Haha, I have been hearing about you from the leader, but I have never had a chance to see you. I didn't expect you to Come to our CCTV to do business!"

He Fan's heart moved when he heard the deputy station's explanation, and the leader helped him a lot invisibly, "Hello, deputy station! I heard that during the Spring Festival, your CCTV will hold a gala, and I want to sponsor you The Spring Festival Gala, do you know how much sponsorship fee is needed?"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the deputy station's heart was moved, and he quickly said happily, "This is great! Our CCTV is worrying about this matter! I didn't expect that Director He would give us a helping hand! Let's do it! 20, what do you think?"

"20 is fine! But I need an exclusive sponsorship, and the entire Spring Festival Gala can only show the advertisement of our Zhanshen Electric Factory!" He Fan knew that 20 was not much of a discount when he heard the request from the deputy station, and then he put forward his own request.

Hearing He Fan's request, the deputy station smiled happily, and then promised with joy, "Director He, don't worry!

Will definitely make you satisfied!

Don't mind it, 20 is indeed a huge sum of money, but our CCTV has no choice!
If Director He hadn't come to sponsor this Spring Festival Gala, it might have been closed down! "

He Fan smiled subconsciously when he heard the explanation from the sub-stage in front of him, and then his heart was full of emotions. Who would have thought that the giant in the future would have such a difficult day.

This time, He Fan did not perform his duties as much as last time, which surprised the bosses who had been paying attention to the electrical appliance factory.

He Fan has been waiting for the arrival of the Spring Festival Gala, and the reputation of "God of War" has been completely spread before he can proceed with the next operation.

In the first Spring Festival Gala in [-], CCTV was very attentive. At least He Fan’s commercials were very good. It made He Fan accustomed to the time traveler of later generations of commercials, and he felt very amazing.

On New Year's Eve, every Chinese watching the Spring Festival Gala remembers the brand of "God of War" TV, and families who plan to buy a TV set choose "God of War" TV in their hearts.

""God of War" TV? I haven't heard of it before! I heard it's foreign technology! The quality must be guaranteed!"

"That's right! They can advertise on CCTV, they must be strong, and they definitely won't be as bad as the TVs in Beijing before!"

"Then why don't we buy one in two days, our family needs a TV anyway!"

"Okay! Go shopping as soon as the market opens in two days!"

Such conversations happened in many families, and the success of the Spring Festival Gala once again stimulated consumers' desire to buy.

As soon as the first day of the Lunar New Year dawned, the phone at the electrical appliance factory kept ringing, and the salesperson's face almost stiffened from laughing.

The payment method of the "Zhanshen" Electric Appliance Factory has once again become the method of payment first and goods later. Although the dealers do not understand it, they can only accept it passively.

The number on account [-] of the "God of War" electrical appliance factory gradually increased, He Fan laughed happily, but He Fan came to the Beijing Hotel.

Knocking on the door of a guest room, I saw a familiar figure - Lou Xiaoe,
"Mr. Lou, long time no see!"

Seeing He Fan who suddenly appeared in front of her, Lou Xiaoe widened her eyes in shock, and said in disbelief, "Silly? Is it really you?"

"Hehe, now you, Lou Xiao'e, dare to call me silly Zhu! Why? Why don't you invite me in?" He Fan sighed.

Hearing He Fan's emotion, Lou Xiao'e woke up from the shock, "Haha, please come in!"

Lou's father inside heard the movement outside the door, and asked Lou Xiao'e, "Xiao'e, who is it?"

"Dad, do you still know Sha Zhu?" Lou Xiao'e said with a smile when she heard Lou's father's question.

Seeing He Fan in front of him, Lou's father showed a puzzled expression. After all, the two were not familiar with each other before. Seeing her father's puzzled expression, Lou Xiao'e explained with a smile, "He is a fool! He used to roll steel. The cooking skills in the canteen of the factory, the old neighbor in the courtyard, that idiot who often bullies Xu Damao!"

After hearing Lou Xiao'e's series of introductions, Lou's father didn't say anything, but He Fan was about to be pissed off. Lou Xiao'e is still the same fool as before!
"Let me introduce myself again, my name is He Yuzhu!
Now he is the director of Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory, and owns 40.00% of the shares in the factory! Seeing Lou Xiaoe's introduction and Lou's father's confusion, He Fan introduced himself with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's self-introduction, Lou's father and Lou Xiao'e looked at each other in surprise, and then Lou's father asked in shock, "Jingcheng Electric Appliance Factory is the company that will advertise in the Spring Festival Gala this year and produce TVs?"

"Yes! I came here this time to ask you, would you like to invest in our electrical appliance factory?" Seeing that Lou Xiaoe and his daughter understood their identities, He Fan didn't talk about anything else, and then said directly own purpose.

"How do you invest?" Lou Xiao'e looked at Lou's father in surprise, and then asked doubtfully.

"If you are willing to invest, we will discuss the details!" He Fan explained with a smile.

Lou Xiaoe finally agreed to the decision to invest in the electrical appliance factory. When He Fan raised the matter with his superiors, he was only willing to contribute 1000%, and then He Fan took out [-]% and sold the shares to the Lou family. , and the Lou family paid [-] million Hong Kong dollars in funds.

As a result, He Fan only had 30.00% of the shares in his hands, but he was still the major shareholder of the electrical appliance factory. With the foreign aid of the Lou family, He Fan asked Lou Xiaoe to contact the production line for the purchase of color TVs.

"Silly Zhu, in the current situation in China, there are very few families who can afford to buy black and white TV sets. Why do you have to spend a lot of money to buy a color TV production line? Isn't this a waste?" Lou Xiaoe asked puzzled.

"Hehe, this world is developing!

Color TV is the trend of the times. Although China is not able to accept color TV with higher price, we can sell it to foreign countries!

After earning a lot of foreign exchange, we will lower the price of domestic black and white TV sets so as to seize the huge domestic market! He Fan explained with a smile when he heard Lou Xiaoe's doubts.

"With the funds, we will invest again in the production of new products, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners!

At that time, our "Zhanshen" electrical appliance factory will really become a manufacturing giant! "

(End of this chapter)

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