Chapter 223

After working for a long time, I finally saw that my "Zhanshen" electrical appliance factory was on the right track, and the brand-new color TVs produced by the newly purchased production line all showed my success.

He Fan saw that Lou Xiao'e managed the "Zhanshen" electrical appliance factory so conscientiously, and He Fan smiled happily. The cute and capable Mr. Lou still did not let himself down!
At this moment, Lou Xiaoe's outstanding ability made He Fan feel a little bit moved to take her down again. After all, I don't have any friends of the opposite sex around me now. If Lou Xiaoe is by my side, it would be a perfect thing.

He Fan thought about Lou Xiaoe in his heart, and fell asleep unconsciously. He also had a perfect dream with Lou Xiaoe. In the dream, his "Zhanshen" electrical appliance factory became a world-class manufacturing enterprise, and Lou Xiaoe also gave birth to a child for himself. .
Early in the morning, He Fan, who thought he would be refreshed, felt a pain in his back that he had never experienced before. This unusual situation made He Fan feel bad. guess.

He Fan, who was thinking about it in his heart, saw a three or four-year-old baby coming to his bed, and said in a childish voice, "Guokuo, do you still hurt?"

"Ah? Rain? Brother, I'm so thirsty!
Pour brother a glass of water, okay? "When He Fan saw the miniature version of the rain, he knew the fact that he had crossed again without asking.

It's just that the timing of this trip is even more bizarre. It turned out to be the beginning of [-], before the people's army entered the city.

That is, the age of twelve or thirteen when he was cheated into selling steamed buns, and then beaten to pieces by his father He Daqing, who also earned the nickname "Stupid Zhu".

"Guanguo, give you water!
Before Dad went to work, he said that you are a fool!

Don't let me play with you in the future! "Handed the water to brother He Fan who was lying on the bed, and then said in a childish voice.

"Does Yushui think brother is stupid?"

"Rain doesn't know!
However, Rain is a good boy!

I will listen to my father and never play with you again! "Little milk baby He Yushui finished speaking in a childish voice, and was about to turn around and run out to play, when she suddenly remembered something, and patted the wound on He Fan's back with her small hand.

"Wok, does it hurt?"


Feeling the pain in his back, looking at the cheerful little back of his younger sister He Yushui, He Fan felt a pain that he couldn't express his temper.

Only then did He Fan realize that he had fallen into the cycle of courtyards!
Unlike in the TV series "The Beginning", where the hero is accompanied by a little beauty, a cycle is only a matter of a few minutes, but his own cycle is a complete life.

As long as He Fan now thinks about the faces of the neighbors in the courtyard, he will have a feeling that life is worse than death.

He Fan lay on the bed for two or three days, and the wounds on his body gradually healed. Seeing the somewhat unfamiliar He Daqing, He Fan hadn't spoken to him in the past few days.

Seeing He Fan's attitude towards him, He Daqing didn't care, after all, in his heart, he cared more about the White Widow.

"Dad, I heard that you met a widow surnamed Bai in Fengze Garden, and you still want to go to Baoding to raise a son for her?" He Fan suddenly said to He Daqing who was beside him in shock.

"Eh? You stupid, stupid pillar, who is chewing your tongue behind your back?

You can believe this kind of words! He Daqing was a little stunned for a moment when he heard his son He Fan's question, and then quickly denied it.

"Hmph! You've been working so hard to teach me how to cook these days, wishing you could teach me cooking in one day!
Don't you just think that I have learned cooking skills, and if you assign me a random job, you can go to Baoding to accompany your White Widow? Hearing He Daqing's strong denial, He Fan said without mercy.

"I'm a fool!

I think you have recovered from your injury!Itchy skin started again!

No matter how stupid you are, believe it or not, I will break your leg? "He Daqing scolded He Fan angrily when he heard that He Fan directly revealed his plan.

"He Daqing, you are my father!
Beat me or not is your freedom!
But today I want to tell you a truth, you are a father now, you can't just think about pushing your responsibility to me as a son!
Also, I've seen that white widow before, I really don't know why you like her?

With your current conditions, it is very easy to find another big girl from the countryside to be your wife! He Fan sneered indifferently when he heard his father He Daqing's threat to him.

"Even if you like widows, you should find a decent-looking one in the capital who has no children and no burdens!

So, I think it's best for you to stay in the capital with peace of mind, work hard to support your family, and find a woman who can marry into the He family instead of you! "

He Daqing was a little shaken when he heard He Fan's analysis of himself. He liked the White Widow very much, but if he wanted to go to Baoding for her and marry into their family, He Daqing also had some hesitation.

But when he saw He Fan, who was only twelve or thirteen years old, and thought that he had been taught a lesson by his own son, He Daqing suddenly felt that his face had lost the brilliance of being a father, "See if you can do it, you idiot!

Speaking of you, my father, and me, it's clear and straightforward!
Go out and sell a bun, and you can get fake money, so take care of yourself first! "

He Fan just smiled indifferently when he heard He Daqing's embarrassing words. He Fan didn't care if the other party listened. Since he was reborn in the courtyard again, he would not repeat the same mistakes and be sucked blood by the neighbors of the courtyard, including this father. He Daqing.

The next day, at dawn, He Fan knew that He Daqing had gone to work, and the baby boy, He Yushui, had eaten breakfast, and ignored He Fan on the bed, and ran out to play.

When He Fan saw the peaceful home, he went to the place where his father He Daqing hid the money, and saw that there were about 300 yuan in all of He Daqing's savings. He Fan didn't think about taking it all away. There was a little milk baby He Yushui, so He Fan took out 100 yuan, but the others did not move.

Finding his best set of cotton clothes and trousers, He Fan packed them carefully, and then left the house directly.

But as soon as he left the door, he saw the young and outrageous Jia Zhang next door, looking at him curiously. He Fan was moved in his heart, and went back home again, took out a "general lock" and locked the door directly.

Jiazhang knows He Fan, and has been recovering from his injuries at home for the past few days. Today, he was surprised to see this He Fan coming out of the door.

But when he saw He Fan locking the door and then leaving directly from the back, Jia Zhang sneered and said in a low voice, "What a stupid idiot, there is nothing to lock in this broken house!

How can this silly Zhu be as sensible and smart as Dongxu in our family! "

He Fan came out of the courtyard, without admiring the streets of the capital before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and went directly to the Beijing Railway Station.

"Where are you going, boy?"


"The train ticket from Beijing to Anton, here you are!
Boy, I think you're the only one?

It's cold in Northeast Anton now!You'd better wear thicker in advance! "

"I see! Thank you, Auntie!"

Holding the train ticket, He Fan was very excited at the thought of going to Andong soon. Now that he has traveled to such a special node, as a man, he must go to the Northeast to serve as a border guard until next year when the national war breaks out. , Let's also be a hero for a while, a real god of war.

He Fan boarded the train, went to his seat and sat down, he could not help but think of his own fate.

Now I am convinced that I am constantly trapped in the time travel and cycle of the courtyard world, and I don't know when it will be the end.

The TV series "The Beginning" is for the male and female protagonists to stop the bus from exploding, but I cycle back and forth in the courtyard world, but there is no clue that it will end.

It was the first time to travel through the courtyard world, and He Fan went directly to Hong Kong Island. Not only did he have his own career, but he also reaped his own love, which is already very happy.

The second time I traveled to the world of Saihanba, it was actually the world of courtyard houses, but I just crossed over to it. Feng Cheng, a passionate young man of the same period, not only saved Feng Cheng's mother, but also gained success in his career and love. Double harvest.

In the third time travel, he became a fool again. He Fan did not go to Hong Kong Island this time, but stayed in the mainland to enter the officialdom and was admitted to university. success.

This is the fourth time he has traversed, and He Fan is completely tired of the crookedness. Those trivial matters and intrigues in the courtyard, he simply went directly to Anton, and became a glorious border guard, which can be regarded as a tribute to the great martyrs!
He Fan, who was thinking about something, didn't keep it, he was already being watched by others, "Brother, look at that brat, doesn't he look familiar?"

"Which one? Oh? Really!

Is it the fool who we bought his buns with fake money a few days ago? "The eldest brother followed his younger brother's words, saw the somewhat familiar He Fan, thought for a while, and then suddenly said with a smile.

"Really! It seems that the big brother's eyes are more useful!" Hearing what the big brother said, the younger brother said flatteringly.

Hearing the younger brother's compliments to him, the eldest brother was very grateful, and then said to the younger brother, "I think this little brat is alone! Let's go and get some more benefits!"

"Brother, will this brat recognize us?" The younger brother said worriedly when he heard the proposal from the elder brother.

"What are you afraid of? We have already changed our costumes!
With his stupid appearance, you think highly of him too! Hearing the younger brother's worry, the eldest brother said disdainfully.

He Fan, who was thinking about something, suddenly smelled a stench like he hadn't bathed in several years, and hit him. He Fan looked at the environment of the train carriage, and suddenly felt a little relieved, thinking it was the train carriage. Strange mixed smell.

After the elder brother and the younger brother came to He Fan, He Fan felt that the stench became more serious, and even made He Fan feel a little suffocated, so he got up and left his seat quickly, wanting to go to the connecting point of the train to catch his breath.

Seeing the back of He Fan getting up and leaving, the elder brother and the younger brother looked at each other in surprise, the younger brother smiled helplessly and whispered, "Hey! Why is this brat so smart all of a sudden!"

"Hmph! If Lao Tzu is following me, don't even think about running away!
The next stop is Tianjin Railway Station. Anyway, we are going to Tianjin. Let's move to the next stop!

You get things ready ahead of time! "Hearing the younger brother's emotion, the eldest brother sneered, and then whispered to the younger brother.

When He Fan came to the connecting point of the train, he found that the air was much fresher, and the peculiar smell was no longer there. Looking at the scenery outside the train window, He Fan had no interest in admiring it, but only thought about his future fate.

Not long after, I heard the conductor start to announce the station, "Tianjin Station is here! Tianjin Station is here!"

As the conductor announced the station, commotion gradually started in the carriage. Passengers who needed to get off at Tianjin Station all packed their luggage by coincidence. In order not to hinder others from getting off, He Fan tried to hide aside as much as possible.

After the train stopped, I saw the passengers on the aisle getting off the train, but not long after, He Fan smelled that peculiar "stinky smell" again, and when He Fan was searching strangely, he inadvertently met him. The look in the eyes of the elder brother and the younger brother made He Fan feel that something bad happened in his heart, but before He Fan thought about it for long, a white rag was placed on He Fan's nose and mouth.

He Fan was terrified and wanted to shout for help, but found that he could not make a sound, and his body was gradually losing strength. The elder brother and younger brother quickly lifted the limp He Fan, and got off the train with the crowd.

The three got off the train, and the conductor looked at the three in front of him strangely, and then asked with some doubts, "What's wrong with him?"

"Haha, nothing!

this is my son!
Haven't slept in a day or two, it's not too much sleep on the train!

It's all at the stop, and I can't wake up! Hearing the conductor's inquiry, the eldest brother explained with a smile.

The conductor just asked casually, and after hearing the explanation from the eldest brother, he boarded the train without further ado, and left Tianjin Station as the train started.

After watching the train go away, the younger brother said happily, "Damn it! I was scared to death just now!

I thought I was discovered! "

"Hmph! Look at your worthless look!

There are wars everywhere now, so the conductor asked casually, how could it be troublesome! "Hearing the younger brother's rejoicing for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, the elder brother scolded angrily.

Hearing the elder brother reprimanding him, the younger brother didn't seem to care at all, instead he showed a simple and honest look and said with a smile, "Hey, you are the best brother!
So what do we do next with this little brat?
You can't take him with you all the time! "

"When you get to a place where no one is around, take away his money and luggage first!

Then sell him to Ichiro Kameda as a crew member!

Then we can get another one! "Hearing the little brother's doubts, the eldest brother showed a confident expression, and then smiled and said his plan.

Hearing the elder brother's plan, the younger brother showed an excited expression, and complimented the elder brother again, "Brother, you are so clever!
It seems that I still need to learn more from you in the future! "

"But I'm worried, this "little chicken" is too thin, will Ichiro Kameda look down on it?"

"What are you afraid of? No matter how small a "chicken" is, it is still a "chicken"!
You forgot how delicious the steamed stuffed buns made by this kid are, we will tell Ichiro Kameda later, this little chicken comes from a family of royal chefs, and his cooking skills are superb!

Hey, the price might be even higher by then! "Hearing the younger brother's worries, the eldest brother still didn't care, and then explained with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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