Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 224 The Most Tragic Traverser, Sha Zhu

Chapter 224 The Most Tragic Traverser, Sha Zhu

When He Fan ran away from home, He Daqing didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that he just ran out to have fun and would come back soon.

He Daqing became a little worried when he still didn't see He Fan back until the next morning.

Going directly to the place where he hid his money, and seeing that 100 yuan was indeed missing, He Daqing became angry, and then cursed, "Damn stupid Zhu, how dare you steal my money!

You'd better not come back, when you come back, I will break your legs! "

The neighbors in the courtyard heard the commotion and rushed out to watch the excitement. As soon as Yi Zhonghai went out the door, he saw He Daqing who was yelling at him, and asked in confusion, "Old He, what's wrong with you?"

Upon hearing Yi Zhonghai's question, He Daqing said angrily, "What else can I do?
Silly Zhu stole my money and ran away from home! "

Hearing He Daqing's explanation, Yi Zhonghai and the neighbors in the courtyard house were all surprised, and Yi Zhonghai complained to He Daqing, "Then go out and look for it!
It's all because you beat him so hard last time!
Zhu Zi is only a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy, and now there are wars everywhere outside, so you are not afraid that something will happen to him! "

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's complaints to him, and thinking of He Fan who taught him a lesson about how disgusting this old man was some time ago, He Daqing just said angrily, "I'm too lazy to look for him!
At worst, I will marry another big girl and have another son!

Anyway, this silly Zhu is not a filial thing, it would be better to die outside! "

After He Daqing finished speaking, he gave He Yushui a word to the dazed little baby boy, and then went directly to work in Fengze Garden.

It is true that there are wars everywhere now, and it is difficult to do business. If he doesn't behave better, He Daqing is worried that he will really be fired by the boss.

Seeing He Daqing's indifferent attitude and hearing his shocking words, Yi Zhonghai and the neighbors in the courtyard shook their heads helplessly, and then went back to their respective homes.

When the first mother saw He Yushui who was stunned at home, her heart was moved, and then she picked up the baby He Yushui and returned home, "Yushui, your brother is disobedient! Run out and play by yourself!
Auntie will play with you, okay? "

"Well! Thank you, aunt!
The rain is very good!
I won't be disobedient like my brother! "He Yushui said happily after hearing what Da Ma said.

He Fan felt weak all over his body, smelled the fishy smell in the air, and knew that what happened to him was not good without asking around.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment and paying attention to the conversations of the crew members around him, He Fan didn't rush to find out where it was, but he just listened to the conversations he could understand on the defensive. In fact, these crew members came from all over the world and spoke no language. have.

"Hey! New here!

Do you know how much you were sold for? "A bearded man suddenly came to He Fan and asked He Fan in Mandarin.

He Fan shook his head in confusion when he heard the other party's question, expressing that he didn't know.

"Haha, you were only sold for 100 yuan! It's still Japanese yen!" Seeing He Fan shaking his head, the bearded man suddenly said with a smile.

Hearing the bearded man's words, before He Fan had time to react, he heard the other crew members laughing excitedly, and they all felt amused by He Fan's "cheapness".

"Uncle, where is this?

Where are you taking me? He Fan didn't care about the ridicule from the crew, instead he asked the question he was most concerned about.

"This is a Fuso cargo ship, and it is now going to Hokkaido in Fuso!

The owner of this ship is a Fuso, and your greatest destiny may be to be a crew member like us!
But we are employees who come and go freely, and you are different, you were bought back by the boss!

Haha, you are much more miserable than us! "

For He Fan's question, the bearded man was not impatient, but he explained it carefully, and then suddenly laughed happily, as if he found a He Fan who was even more miserable than him, which made him the happiest thing.

Knowing his current situation, He Fan didn't show any resistance, because He Fan knew that no matter what he did now, it was doomed to be futile.

Seeing He Fan in front of him heard his situation, he didn't yell crazily, but stayed quietly in a corner instead.

The bearded crew members and the crew who gathered around to watch the fun felt boring, so they all went back to rest.

After a period of adaptation, He Fan reluctantly accepted his tragic experience, and then unconsciously fell asleep.

He Fan, who was sleeping, was kicked awake by others, "Your guy who can cook?"

Seeing the guy in front of him speaking half-baked Chinese and asking him questions, He Fan thought that this is a "real devil", and then nodded helplessly, expressing that he was a cook.

Seeing that He Fan nodded, the "devil" in front of him was very happy, and said with a smile, "Yaoxi! Those two bastards didn't lie to me!"

"I am! Your boss! The cook is sick! You, go to work!"

Hearing that the "devil" in front of him had been "didi" for a long time, He Fan understood what he meant. The cook on the ship was sick, so he asked himself to take over the job of the cook.

Lian Meng guessed the meaning of "devil", He Fan nodded again, then got up and followed the "devil".

The "devil" didn't take He Fan to the kitchen directly, but took him to a bathroom, gave him a set of clean clothes, and signaled He Fan to take a bath.

Knowing the meaning of "Devil", He Fan obediently walked into the bathroom without any impatience or any resistance. Seeing He Fan's obedient performance, "Devil" was very satisfied, then nodded, and said something in satisfaction, "Yaoxi! Be smart!"

Seeing He Fan walking out of the bathroom with a new look, "Devil" was even more satisfied, "The 100 yuan is really worth it!"

Following the "devil" to the kitchen, He Fan looked around casually. Looking at He Fan who was looking around, the "devil" ordered, "We have 30 people! You do it!"

Guessing the meaning of "devil", He Fan started to make it directly. He saw that the most common dishes in the kitchen were Chinese cabbage, and some pork.

He Fan had already made a large pot of rice in advance, guessing that it should be enough for 30 people, and he quickly got busy with the matter at hand.

He Fan cooked the meal without yelling, the crew members smelled the aroma of the food and ran out to eat with big mouthfuls.

The boss Kameda Ichiro, the "devil" who brought He Fan to the kitchen just now, showed surprise when he saw the crew members eating Zhengxiang.

"Looking at their worthless appearance, is it so delicious?" Ichiro Kameda sighed in Japanese, and then he ate it in disbelief.

After taking a sip, Kameda Ichiro, who didn't pay attention at first, lit up his eyes and showed an excited expression. Looking at He Fan in front of him, he became more and more satisfied, and said with praise, "Yaoxi! You are a chef Great art!"

Afterwards, He Fan's life became much better. He no longer needed to stay in the dark and damp cabin, and got the right to stand on the deck to breathe in the air. The crew no longer laughed at He Fan's "cheapness".

Instead, he began to laugh at the two "human traffickers" who sold He Fan to Ichiro Kameda, mocking them for selling the treasure as "grass".

As time passed, Ichiro Kameda became more and more satisfied with He Fan's cooking skills, but thinking of the accelerated consumption of food on board, Ichiro Kameda showed a tangled expression, "He Sang, your cooking skills are excellent !

I am enjoying it very much!
But the food is running out, and I feel very uncomfortable!

Do you understand? "

After hearing Ichiro Kameda's "didi" again for a long time, He Fan knew what he meant. It was because he disliked his cooking skills, which increased the appetite of the crew and made Ichiro Kameda a little distressed.

Regarding Kameda Ichiro's thoughts, He Fan could only express that he was helpless, he was too lazy to talk to the other party, and just stared blankly at the other party.

Maybe he also knew that it was too difficult to communicate with He Fan, Kameda Ichiro just patted He Fan on the shoulder, didn't say anything, then turned and left directly.

He thought that Kameda Ichiro would let him leave the kitchen, but Kameda Ichiro didn't, which made He Fan feel confused.

But not long after, He Fan saw a strange old man come to the kitchen, and immediately busy himself with his displeasure.

He Fan knew that it was the former cook who had recovered his health, and Kameda Ichiro let himself stay and help the former cook.

After thinking about the cause and effect, He Fan didn't show any abnormality, he still obediently beat the cook from the sidelines.

The cook was a little surprised to see that He Fan didn't have any abnormalities. In the past few days, he heard that the boss Ichiro Kameda bought a new "crew" and the dishes he cooked were very delicious.

This made the sick old man feel a little bit paralyzed. After finally recuperating his body, he hurried over to work.

If he didn't rush back to work, the old man was really worried that He Fan would rob him of his job.

With his current age and cooking skills, if he doesn't have this job, his life will be troublesome in the future.

"Boy, remember, this is my territory!

Play smarter for me in the future! "The old man looked at He Fan who was on the sidelines, and couldn't help but said a lesson.

He Fan was pleasantly surprised when he heard the familiar Chinese, and said to the old man with joy, "Master, are you also Chinese?

It was so good!

I found that there are not many Chinese on this ship! "

"Hmph! There are too many Chinese!

Don't make friends with me!

What I hate the most is what you do! Hearing He Fan's surprise words, the old man didn't take it seriously, but he was not moved by the fellow villagers.

Seeing that the old man was impatient with him, He Fan didn't care, as long as he could communicate. During this period of time, there was no one to talk to, so He Fan felt quite boring.

The bearded crew member who appeared at the beginning was also a Chinese. He Fan searched for him for a long time and found that the bearded man had been avoiding him. He Fan could understand the bearded man's complicated mentality.

I thought that He Fan was just a "cheap product" bought, but the real situation is completely opposite, He Fan is really a superb cook.

The bearded man thought of himself, the first time he laughed at He Fan, he felt like a light on his back, so he simply avoided He Fan.

Seeing that He Fan had no intention of vying for the job, the old man felt relieved. With He Fan's help, the old man also felt much more relaxed, but he still had no good looks towards He Fan.

"Oh! Today is the old stubborn man's cooking, right?

This is too unpalatable! "One crew member took a bite of the meal and complained with a painful expression.

"Yeah! If you haven't eaten He Fan's cooking, you won't feel it!
After eating the food made by He Fan, it would be hard to swallow the old stubborn one now! "Some crew members responded in agreement.

The old man was very angry when he heard that the crew members disliked his food, and said angrily, "What's wrong! Do you like it or not!

If you don't eat, you will be hungry! "

Hearing the old stubborn man's sarcasm, the crew gritted their teeth and swallowed the unpalatable meal, but they dared not refute.

Seeing the situation of the restaurant, Kameda Ichiro knew that it was terrible without even tasting it, so he showed a satisfied expression, "Yaoxi! Your He Sang, go and make two for me alone!
I want to eat it alone! "

He Fan glanced at the old stubborn man with a complicated face when he heard Kameda Ichiro's words, and returned to the kitchen without saying anything.

It didn't take long for He Fan to come out with two dishes. Under the eyes of the drooling crew, Ichiro Kameda smelled the aroma, then ate happily, and then stretched out a thumbs up. Looking at He Fan, he said, "He Sang, you are very well!

The cooking skills are superb! "

He Fan felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Kameda Ichiro's constipated mandarin, but just ate the big pot of rice made by the old stubborn head helplessly.

Looking at everything in front of him, the old stubborn head showed a complicated expression, feeling at a loss for his next fate.

In fact, He Fan is equally at a loss about his own destiny. He originally planned to be a border guard and fight the national war, but unexpectedly, by accident, he was sold by Gou Ri's "human traffickers".

He Fan really doesn't know what kind of fate he will face in the future, so he can only take one step at a time and bear it silently.

I don't know how long the ship sailed on the sea, and finally arrived at the destination. The old stubborn looked at He Fan in front of him with a complicated expression. After getting along with him for many days, he was also used to the existence of He Fan.

The old stubborn sighed helplessly, and told He Fan, "Be careful, kid!
Don't look at Kameda Ichiro's harmless appearance, but his nature is very cruel!

He doesn't like us crew running ashore, so you try to hide as much as possible!
Don't be curious about what's going on outside!

Do you understand? "

He Fan's heart skipped a beat when he heard the old stubborn man's instructions, and he said gratefully, "Thank you, Master!
In the past few days, I saw that the crew members were not interested in coming out, so I guessed it roughly, and I will be careful! "

Seeing that He Fan understood everything, the old stubborn man didn't say anything, just sighed silently, went back to his own dormitory in the cabin, and took a rest.

Seeing the behavior of the old stubborn head, He Fan has no interest in the current Fusang, and simply falls asleep with his head covered.

Sometimes He Fan avoids troubles, but the troubles come to him. I saw the owner of the ship, Ichiro Kameda, came to He Fan's dormitory. He Sang, come with me!"

After hearing what Kameda Ichiro said, He Fan stared at him in confusion, then followed Kameda Ichiro in a daze, and came to the bathroom again. Down, went straight into the bathroom.

This feeling of being manipulated by others is very uncomfortable, and I may be the saddest time traveler!

As soon as I came to the new world, I was sold by "human traffickers". Looking at the current situation, I am about to be sold!
(End of this chapter)

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