Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 225 Silly Zhu was Sold to the "Devil's Nest"

Chapter 225 Silly Zhu was Sold to the "Devil's Nest"

Knowing his next fate, He Fan didn't want to resist, but just passively endured it.

Because He Fan knew very well that even if he was sold into the mountains of the country and became someone else's "son" or "son-in-law", he would not be able to escape easily, let alone this foreign country far away overseas.

Kameda Ichiro was very satisfied with He Fan's knowledge and interests, and when he saw He Fan who had a new look again, he directly ordered, "You, come with me!"

Kameda Ichiro took He Fan directly to the shore and set foot on the land of Hokkaido, Japan.

Then, after passing through several confusing alleys, with He Fan behind him, we came to the entrance of a restaurant called "Chinese Cuisine".

He Fan could feel that this shop called "Chinese Cuisine" was actually not far from the pier, so it certainly didn't need to go through so many small alleys.

And the reason why Kameda Ichiro took him around in circles in the alleys was to make He Fan completely fascinated, and then give up the idea of ​​running away.

At the door of "Chinese Cuisine", a Japanese old man in his 70s and [-]s was waiting there for a long time. Seeing the arrival of Ichiro Kameda and He Fan, he showed a joyful expression.

"Kameda-kun, is this the chef you mentioned?
Are you lying to me?

I am very disappointed in your deception! Seeing the thin He Fan, the Japanese old man felt cheated by Ichiro Kameda, and then asked angrily.

"Mr. Inoue, we are old acquaintances!

How could I deceive you!

If it weren't for the fact that you often make me owe money, I wouldn't be willing to transfer him to you! Hearing Inoue Takehiko's doubts about himself, Kameda Ichiro explained with a smile.

Hearing Kameda Ichiro's explanation, Inoue Takehiko didn't take it seriously, and still looked down upon He Fan in front of him, then he snorted at Kameda Ichiro, and said bluntly, "Kameda-san, I have participated in Japan Veteran of the Russian War, don't try to fool me with your little tricks!
In addition to canceling your bill at our store, I can only give you another five thousand yen!
Instead of the [-] yen we negotiated at the beginning! "

Hearing the words of Inoue Takehiko in front of him, Kameda Ichiro wanted to drag He Fan away from here angrily, but when he thought of the debt he owed at this "Chinese restaurant", he was a little shaken, and tried again, " Mr. Inoue, I fully understand your doubts!

Otherwise, let this He Fan personally cook you a delicacy, and you will believe my words! "

Hearing Kameda Ichiro's proposal, Inoue Takehiko was noncommittal, and said stubbornly, "Kameda-kun, I trust my own judgment!

Please don't question my judgment!
So I think your proposal, totally unnecessary, is the biggest insult to food!
All you can do now is agree and leave this guy behind!
Or you choose to disagree and take this guy away! "

Hearing Mr. Inoue's words, there was no room for negotiation, Kameda Ichiro could only accept the reality helplessly, and then said to He Fan in half-baked Chinese, "You are He Sang, he is, you are the new boss. !

Respect Mr. Inoue as much as you respect me! "

He Fan couldn't understand a word of the conversation between Kameda and Inoue, he just babbled a lot, but the way he looked at him made him feel very uncomfortable. Finally, when he heard Kameda Ichiro's words, He Fan understood the general meaning.

But hearing Kameda Ichiro think that he feels good about himself, and He Fan respects him as the "boss", He Fan almost couldn't help but spit at him, you Kameda are really shameless!How can I see that I respect you!

Kameda Ichiro gave a simple explanation to He Fan, then happily took the [-] yen handed over by Mr. Inoue, turned around and left.

He Fan could understand Kameda Ichiro's joy. He Fan, who bought it for [-] yen, was sold for so much money as soon as he changed hands, how could he be unhappy.

"You, come with me!" Mr. Inoue heard Kameda Ichiro speak Chinese to He Fan, and then realized that He Fan didn't understand Japanese, and then felt that he had made a loss-making business again, and in the end he didn't Said to He Fan in a good tone.

Following the old man in front of him, he entered the so-called "Chinese Cuisine". He Fan took a casual look and found that it was just a very ordinary small Japanese restaurant.

At this time, there were no customers in the store, just a woman in her 20s, who kept wiping the table. Seeing Mr. Inoue bringing He Fan in, the woman bowed to Mr. Inoue with surprise and said, "Dad, this is Is it a new employee you bought?"

Hearing the woman's question, the old Mr. Inoue thought that he had suffered a great loss, and then complained to the woman, "Qian Xia, I may have been deceived by that bastard Kameda Ichiro!
Kameda Ichiro told me at the beginning that this guy is from a family of royal chefs in China, but do you think he looks like him?
The most terrible thing is that he can't understand Japanese at all, which is very troublesome! "

Hearing Mr. Inoue's explanation, Qianxia also showed a surprised expression, and then seeing Mr. Inoue's disappointed expression, she smiled and said comfortingly, "Father, your son Inoue Yikang is now alive and dead. I watch you work hard every day." The way I look, I feel very distressed!

Now with this He Fan, you can relax a lot!
Things that are not too complicated, but tiring, can be left to him!

This made it easy for both of us! "

Hearing his daughter-in-law Qianxia mentioning his missing son, and hearing her comforting him, Mr. Inoue became a little sad, and then said with a forced smile, "Qianxia, ​​what you said makes sense!"

"Dad, don't worry!
I will teach him Japanese as soon as possible!

He has learned Japanese, and it will be much more convenient for us to communicate in the future! "Looking at her father-in-law, Qian Xia promised with a smile.

"Then you have worked hard!" Hearing what Qian Xia said, Mr. Inoue showed a happy expression, and then bowed to Qian Xia.

He Fan couldn't understand a word of the conversation between the two "devils", but saw them chattering a lot and then bowing to each other.

Suddenly, He Fan felt that the "devils" were troublesome and couldn't figure out the relationship between them, so he started to bow down!
Are these two "devils" worshiping in front of their faces?
But seeing the age of Mr. Inoue in front of him, he looks like he will be blown down by a gust of wind, even eating a catty of "Wei Ge" is useless!
The old devil Inoue took He Fan to the kitchen, pointed at a pile of dishes waiting to be cleaned, and He Fan started to work without speaking.

Seeing He Fan cleaning the dishes swiftly, Old Devil Inoue started to check it worriedly. When he saw that He Fan cleaned the dishes very cleanly, he showed a little satisfied expression, which made him think that he had been fooled by Ichiro Kameda. The bad mood, there is a trace of comfort.

Since he couldn't communicate, He Fan simply pretended to be dumb and simply cleaned the dishes and kept the kitchen in his hands.

Seeing that He Fan took the initiative to clean up the kitchen after cleaning the dishes, the old devil Inoue and the female devil Qianxia all showed satisfied smiles at the same time.

It didn't take long for "Chinese Cuisine" to have customers, and the store gradually became busy.

But when He Fan saw that he, a pure Chinese, had never experienced "Chinese cuisine" and was made by the old devil Inoue, He Fan was really speechless.

Who gave the old devil Inoue the courage to tamper with Chinese food? This is too unscrupulous, can't you change the name?

At this moment, He Fan no longer had the thought of being taken seriously by Inoue and Qianxia by showing his hand.

Since these two "devils" don't believe in their cooking skills, that's just right!
Just do some simple chores with peace of mind!

The old devil Inoue was very satisfied with He Fan's serious work, and felt that the five thousand yen was worth it more and more. With He Fan's help, he would be able to relax a lot in the future.

After finally taking advantage of the gap to rest for a while, the old devil Inoue looked at He Fan in front of him, and couldn't help but think of his son Inoue Masuyasu.

Four or five years ago, Masayasu Inoue disappeared in Australia. He and his daughter-in-law Qianxia never believed that Masayasu Inoue was sacrificed, and they always hoped that a miracle would happen one day.

But Takehiko Inoue felt that his body was getting more and more dying. When Ichiro Kameda peddled "employees", both Takehiko Inoue and Chinatsu were moved.

This is how He Fan was sold to "Chinese Cuisine".

Looking at He Fan in front of him, Old Devil Inoue was not worried at all that he would run away, because He Fan did not have any legal status in Japan, and if he was caught by the police, the situation would become even more tragic. He Fan would just treat him obediently. In this kitchen, and then live like a "mouse".

Thinking of He Fan in front of him like a "mouse", Old Devil Inoue felt a little pervertedly happy and excited, and laughed out loud unconsciously.

Hearing the old devil Inoue looking at him, he laughed, wondering what he was thinking, but He Fan didn't care, not even interested in looking up at the old devil Inoue.

Seeing that He Fan didn't look surprised when he heard his laughter, the old devil Inoue showed a satisfied smile, and praised in Japanese, "You are such a cute "mouse"!
It's just perfect! "

I couldn't understand what the old devil Inoue said, but it didn't prevent He Fan from guessing that what he said was not good. He Fan didn't make any changes, he could only keep this shame in his heart, and then endured it silently.

"Chinese Cuisine" was busy until one o'clock at noon, and then there were no customers, Qian Xia hurriedly helped the old devil Inoue take off his apron, and then sighed, "Dad, today's business is great!

You have worked hard! "

"No hard work at all!
With He Fan here today, I feel much more relaxed! Hearing what his daughter-in-law Qianxia said, the old devil Inoue explained with a smile.

Hearing her father-in-law Inoue's explanation, Qianxia's eyes lit up, she bowed to He Fan and said, "He Sang, you have worked hard!"

He Fan couldn't understand the female ghost Qian Xia's words, but when he saw her bowing to him, He Fan smiled and expressed his response.

Seeing that He Fan couldn't understand Japanese, Old Devil Inoue felt a bit of a headache, and then told He Fan in half-baked Chinese, "You, you need to learn Japanese, communication is troublesome!"

After understanding what old devil Inoue said, He Fan smiled, and then nodded to show that he understood.

"Chinese Cuisine" had no customers, so Qianxia was ready to eat, and then brought out their work meal, and started eating.

Looking at the sushi and miso soup on the table, He Fan is not picky eaters. To be precise, the current He Fan has no right to be picky eaters.

Looking at He Fan who was eating, Qianxia suddenly smiled and asked He Fan in Japanese, "He Sang, do you eat rice or noodles?"

He Fan couldn't understand Qian Xia's question to him, but just looked at the old devil Mr. Inoue in a daze.

Seeing He Fan's confused eyes, Mr. Inoue said helplessly in half-baked Chinese, "She, Qianxia!

Do you like rice drops, or pasta?

We are short of rice in Japan now, you are the best pasta! "

Listening carefully to Mr. Inoue's explanation, He Fan gradually understood what he meant, and then said directly with a smile, "I'm from northern China, so I can eat pasta!"

Mr. Inoue did not understand He Fan's Chinese very well, but he understood the "noodles" mentioned in He Fan's words at the end, and then his eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Yaoxi! Qianxia, ​​he said he likes to eat Pasta, you can prepare cheaper noodles for him in the future!"

There was very little food, and with his own appetite, He Fan really couldn't get enough.

Qian Xia might have noticed that He Fan was not full, but she didn't say anything, just took a careful look at He Fan.

In the evening, after a lot of busy work, it was finally time to rest. Qianxia and Mr. Inoue lived in the apartment above the "Chinese Cuisine", while He Fan was left in the shop by them, and they casually set up a simple restaurant. small wooden bed.

When He Fan was the only one left in "Chinese Cuisine", he took the clean clothes and towels that Qianxia gave him, went to the bathroom and took a simple shower.

The weather is still winter now, and He Fan just keeps himself from sweating.

Thinking of "sweaty smell", He Fan thought of those two nasty "human traffickers". merchant".

In the end, they were still not satisfied. After meeting themselves again, they still stole all their money and belongings, and then sold themselves to Ichiro Kameda frantically.

No matter how much He Fan hates these two "scumbags", it doesn't make any sense. He can only hope that God can punish these two "bastards" so that he can get justice for his poor self.

Lying alone on a simple wooden bed, He Fan couldn't help but think of his cheap father He Daqing and his younger sister He Yushui who are far away in the capital city of China. He wondered if He Daqing would be furious if he found out that he had stolen money and then ran away from home. .

Without himself, He Fan doesn't believe that He Daqing will run to Baoding in a chic way like in the original drama, to sleep and fly with the White Widow.

Now that I have been reduced to Japan, I have no hope of going back. I can only be a "black household" without identity. I hope that my next self will be lucky enough to obtain a legal residence permit in Japan.

(End of this chapter)

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