Chapter 226

Early the next morning, He Fan woke up feeling sore all over. It was really this simple wooden bed, which was too uncomfortable to sleep on, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Looking at the time, he guessed that Mr. Inoue and Qianxia were coming to the store, so He Fan got up and packed up his bedding, put it in the fixed place that Qianxia gave yesterday, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

When Mr. Inoue and Qian Xia came to "Chinese Cuisine", they found that He Fan was already waiting for them. Qian Xia happily handed He Fan a set of elementary textbooks for learning Japanese, and explained with a smile, "He Sang, this is my When I got home yesterday, I found Japanese learning books for you, so you can study more when you feel bored!"

He couldn't understand Qianxia's Japanese, but it didn't prevent He Fan from understanding the other party's meaning. After taking the book, He Fan said with a smile, "Thank you!"

It may be that Qianxia understood He Fan's thank you, and quickly said to Mr. Inoue beside him in surprise, "Father, he said thank you to me! I actually understood!"

"If you also like Chinese, you can definitely let this guy teach you how to speak Chinese!" Mr. Inoue said to Qian Xia with a smile when he saw Qian Xia's happy look.

Hearing Mr. Inoue's proposal, Qianxia's heart moved, and she said happily, "Father, your proposal is great! I will consider it!"

Qian Xia happily went to prepare breakfast, and the so-called breakfast was just the simplest vegetable juice and rice balls!

He Fan was really hungry, so he ate two rice balls, but he only felt half full.

This made Mr. Inoue and Qianxia's eyes widen in surprise, then Qianxia excitedly stretched out her thumbs, and sighed to He Fan, "He Sang, your appetite is so good!

Glad you like my onigiri! "

Seeing Qian Xia's outstretched thumb, He Fan guessed that she also praised his good appetite, and then He Fan felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing He Fan's embarrassment, Qian Xia became excited again, and happily said to Mr. Inoue next to him, "He is actually shy! He is so cute!"

He Fan realized that she was talking about his cuteness when he heard the word "kawaii" in Qianxia's words, and he felt very helpless when he thought of being a big man called "kawaii" by Qianxia.

The work in "Chinese Cuisine" is really not a challenge for He Fan now.

It's just that He Fan feels very headache every time he sees Mr. Inoue's "innovative dishes", but he still needs to name Chinese dishes.

Sometimes Qianxia sees He Fan showing such a disdainful expression, but she doesn't say anything, she just observes everything about He Fan secretly, and with her own observation, she gradually discovers the mystery of He Fan.

In the days that followed, He Fan not only finished the work in the kitchen, but also often ran to the front to help Qianxia clean up the table. Mr. Inoue became more and more satisfied with He Fan's hard work, but he still didn't want He Fan to touch the kitchen. food.

Mr. Inoue gave He Fan the feeling that He Fan would really insult the food, and he refused to touch any food, which made He Fan feel that this old devil Inoue was really a little perverted.

He Fan didn't care about Old Devil Inoue's resentment and defense against him, and he didn't criticize Old Devil Inoue just because he was the "father" in cooking, but he would show a disdainful expression inadvertently.

In the days that followed, He Fan gradually adapted to life in a foreign country, and slowly learned some commonly used Japanese vocabulary, and he was able to communicate with old devil Inoue and female devil Qianxia to some extent.

After hearing that He Fan could gradually speak some common Japanese words, Qianxia showed a happy expression, and then praised He Fan, "He Sang, you are so smart!

I believe you will be able to communicate with us in real Japanese soon! "

He even guessed and understood the meaning of Qianxia's words, and then He Fan thanked Qianxia with a smile in his half-baked Japanese, "Thank you for your compliment! I will continue to study Japanese hard!"

Hearing that He Fan spoke Japanese, Qianxia still had a delighted expression on his eyes, even though it was a half-baked and strange accent.

"The Spring Festival will be in a few days, we need to close down for a few days, and then go back to our hometown in the countryside for the Spring Festival!
Come back to the countryside with us! "Looking at He Fan in front of her, Qian Xia suddenly told He Fan about their plans for the next few days.

He Fan's current Japanese is just "two swords", not even "two swords". He can only understand the two Japanese words "Spring Festival" and "countryside", and then he can only understand a general meaning , thinking that Qianxia was going back to the countryside with Old Devil Inoue for the Spring Festival, then He Fan just smiled and nodded.

Seeing He Fan nodding, Qianxia thought that He Fan agreed, and then said to the old devil Inoue next to him with some joy, "Father, He Fan agreed to go back to the countryside with us for New Year's Eve! It's really great!"

Hearing Qian Xia's joyful words, Old Devil Inoue sneered and said, "Hmph! I don't feel worried about letting him stay in the shop alone, what if he sneaks away?
Even if he disagrees, I will take him back to the countryside together! "

"Yes! What Father said makes sense!" Hearing the old devil Inoue's explanation, Qianxia thought his worry was necessary, and then agreed.

He Fan's Japanese is actually not even a "two swordsman". As long as the old devil Inoue and Qian Xia speak faster, He Fan will be directly confused and return to the state of not being able to understand a sentence again.

Since he couldn't understand the normal speed of communication between Old Devil Inoue and Qianxia, ​​He Fan stopped paying attention, and instead sighed in his heart, so the devil is also celebrating the Spring Festival!

When the Spring Festival was approaching, the old devil Inoue drove back from nowhere with a motorcycle tricycle, just like the kind of car used to move houses in the cartoon Totoro.

It wasn't until this day that He Fan realized that Qian Xia and Mr. Inoue were worried about staying in the store alone, but asked to take He Fan back to the countryside for the Spring Festival together. With a motorcycle tricycle, they rushed to their hometown in the countryside together.

During this period of time, Hokkaido has already become a snow country, and there are already snow plows on the road to clear the road, so He Fan is not worried that the old devil Inoue will overturn his car and fall into the ditch.

Looking at the beautiful snow scene in Hokkaido, I thought of the time when I went to Hokkaido with Wang Mingquan for the first time when I crossed the courtyard.

When he thought of Wang Mingquan, he unconsciously thought of the scene of playing poker with her in the resort hotel, and He Fan swallowed unconsciously.

Sensing He Fan's swallowing action, Qian Xia thought it was because she was too close to He Fan, which made He Fan have a physical reaction, and then felt a little funny.

The old devil Inoue didn't drive for a long time, and came to a small road, and then the snow gradually increased, and the car started to shake a little. Before He Fan was terrified for too long, the old devil Inoue parked the tricycle in front of a Japanese-style wooden house.

Qian Xia got out of the car first, and then explained to the bewildered He Fan, "He Sang, we're home!"

As soon as he entered the wooden house, Qian Xia ran to heat the hot water. The old devil Inoue didn't rush to unload the luggage, but went to light the oil stove, and then He Fan took the initiative to unload the luggage and moved into the house.

Seeing He Fan's behavior, Old Devil Inoue just looked happily, but didn't say anything, and then continued to clean the wooden house.

After a while, Qianxia came back with hot water, and let Mr. Inoue soak his feet.

Seeing He Fan's doubts, Qianxia didn't say anything, went back to the kitchen, brought another pot of hot water, handed it to the bewildered He Fan, and explained, "As soon as we Japanese come home, we will Soak your feet first, so you won't feel the cold!"

After understanding Qianxia's meaning, He Fan also imitated the old devil Inoue, soaking his feet comfortably.

Although He Fan felt very strange about the behavior of the Japanese, but after soaking his feet, he really didn't feel so cold.

Seeing that He Fan also soaked his feet obediently, Qian Xia returned to the kitchen again, brought out a basin of water, and soaked himself beside him.

"Wow! It's really comfortable!" Qianxia was soaked comfortably, and suddenly closed her eyes, sighing comfortably.

After the three of He Fan soaked their feet, there was a big cleaning. When the wooden house was restored to a tidy appearance again, both Qianxia and Mr. Inoue showed satisfied expressions.

Then Mr. Inoue came to the pile of wood in front of the door and motioned He Fan to chop wood. He Fan picked up the ax that Mr. Inoue handed over and started chopping.

Seeing He Fan skillfully chopping firewood, Old Devil Inoue laughed, as if he had discovered a new skill of He Fan again. He was very satisfied with the He Fan he bought for [-] yen.

After all, if it weren't for He Fan, the old devil Inoue would be so tired that his back would hurt if he chopped a few pieces of firewood.

When it was time for dinner, the three of them sat around the kotatsu and had a simple meal.

It was the first time for He Fan to sit on this kind of kotatsu, and he felt very surprised. Seeing He Fan's surprised face, Qian Xia explained with a smile, "We Japanese like this kind of kotatsu the most in winter. Sitting together is also very lively!

You must not have this kind of kotatsu in China, right? "

After hearing Qianxia's explanation, He Fan understood the general meaning of her words, then shook his head with a smile, expressing that there was no such thing, but he sighed in his heart that the Chinese kang is more comfortable.

Mr. Inoue and Qianxia gave He Fan the feeling that the Japanese are very resistant to cold, and their cold resistance is much better than that of the Chinese. Mr. Inoue gave He Fan an oil stove, and then he went to sleep by himself.

Overcoming the incompatibility in my heart, I forced myself to sleep, but the more I wanted to sleep, the more I found that I couldn't fall asleep.

Hearing the sound of wind and snow outside, He Fan lamented the uncertainty of his own destiny in this life. He really couldn't understand how he, a majestic traveler, would end up at this point! ?

It was really too difficult for myself to accept, but the fact is that He Fan himself was indeed sold by those two "human traffickers".

Looking at the behavior of old devil Inoue and Chinatown, he would never bring himself to apply for a legal residence permit. He could only be forced to be a "black household" in Japan, and he would have to endure the old devil Inoue and Qian Xia for the rest of his life. At the command of Qianxia female devil.

Now I am eagerly waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to change the status quo, and what I need to do most now is to learn Japanese quickly, at least to be able to communicate with the Japanese around me.

Now the only ones I can contact are Mr. Inoue and Qianxia, ​​but in order to change the status quo, I can only try to contact other Japanese.

Mr. Inoue's wooden house is not too big, He Fan can hear the sound of his snoring while sleeping, which makes it even more difficult for He Fan to fall asleep.

It may be that He Fan felt that He Fan was not used to the environment here. After seeing the old devil Inoue fell asleep, Qian Xia tiptoed to He Fan's side. Seeing He Fan's surprised expression, he put his finger on the He Fan's mouth, indicating that He Fan should not make a sound.

Qianxia's actions made He Fan, who was used to watching Japanese "action movies", suddenly feel his blood boil. He Fan couldn't restrain his excitement when he heard the sky-shattering snoring of old devil Inoue.

However, Qian Xia's next behavior disappointed He Fan who was full of expectations. Qian Xia handed He Fan two cotton covers, signaling He Fan to use them to plug his ears.

He Fan took the cotton cover that Qian Xia handed over in a daze, only then realized that he had misunderstood what she meant, but luckily it was dark night, and Qian Xia couldn't see her blushing.

Handing the cotton cover to He Fan, Qian Xia pouted her buttocks again, tiptoedly turned and left,

Qian Xia's sudden behavior completely shocked He Fan!
That's right!

This is Japan in my impression!
It's his "stimulation"!
But feeling that he is only twelve or thirteen years old and in good health, He Fan can only helplessly put down the heat in his heart, and then comfort his inner restlessness with a wry smile.

Qianxia just did this action, but did not continue the next "operation", then turned around and left again.

Sensing Qianxia's departure, He Fan let out a helpless sigh of relief, stuffed the cotton covers into his ears, and sure enough he couldn't hear the old devil Inoue's snoring, and then slowly fell asleep.

He Fan was originally an insecure person, and now he is in such a complicated foreign country. The quality of sleep is not very good. Whenever there is any disturbance, He Fan will wake up.

He Fan, who woke up suddenly, saw that it was still dark outside, so he knew it was still early, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

He Fan didn't get up to go out, he still stayed in his bed, guarding against everything around him.

He Fan doesn't know when he can let go of his defense. For He Fan, this kind of defense is really a torment, but there is nothing he can do, he can only force himself to accept it passively, which makes people feel helpless Reality.

(End of this chapter)

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