Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 227 The American Soldier Is the "Emperor"

Chapter 227 The American Soldier Is the "Emperor"

The day after Mr. Inoue and Chinatsu returned to the countryside was New Year's Eve, which the Japanese call New Year's Eve.

Seeing that their New Year's Eve dinner actually ate buckwheat noodles, He Fan was surprised, and then didn't say much, it was their own festival habit anyway.

After only three days in the countryside of Hokkaido, Inoue and Qianxia brought He Fan back to the "Chinese Cuisine" in Hakodate.

Regarding the intimate behavior between the two of them that night, there was nothing unusual about Qian Xia, and she still got along with He Fan as usual. In fact, He Fan didn't pay too much attention to it. It was only Qian Xia's temptation to her, and she felt a little bit of it at most. It's just exciting, I'm sure I won't get carried away and do crazy things for Qianxia.

When He Fan returned to "Chinese Cuisine", he still did some chores and had no interest in showing off his culinary skills. Even if the old devil on the well fell ill and couldn't work anymore, He Fan would not take action.

Because the current situation is different from what he was on a cargo ship. At that time, he was just a "bargain" worth [-] yen. If Kameda Ichiro was not allowed to see his value, He Fan worried that he might really be caught by that The ghost Kameda Ichiro was thrown into the sea.

But now I am a "black household" employee in a small restaurant, and I am still the kind of "lower class" who doesn't get paid!
Some people also want to ask, why does He Fan have to accept it like this?

But if this is not the case, is it really going to be in the "devil's den", where everyone is angry and blood flows like a river!
Isn't this a joke?
Not to mention that He Fan is now a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, even a big and round God of War, he can only do nothing!

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. In Japan now, for He Fan, there are still many opportunities. As long as you look for opportunities and follow the trend, you can truly get rid of the status quo.

The customer flow of "Chinese Cuisine" is not very large. Anyway, in the eyes of veterans like He Fan, it can only be regarded as Ma Ma Hu, which is passable.

"Father, He Sang, you have worked hard today!" Qian Xia said with a smile and bowed when she saw Mr. Inoue and He Fan who came out to rest at noon after a busy day.

"Qianxia, ​​you have worked hard too! Let's have dinner!" Mr. Inoue said with a smile.

He Fan is still a little unaccustomed to Qian Xia's politeness. They all say that people do as the Romans do. He Fan feels that he is hopeless, and he will never be able to adapt to this hypocrisy in his bones. Bar!
Seeing the never-ending sushi and miso soup on the table, He Fan felt a little overwhelmed, and soon Qian Xia brought out a large bowl of noodles specially made by He Fan, and He Fan said "thank you"!Then I ate it!
After the war, Japan was extremely short of food, so they could only ask for help from the United States, but the aid from the United States was wheat, which the Japanese were not used to eating. Because wheat was cheap, they would rather go out of their way to prepare noodles alone.

"He Sang, how did you fall into the hands of Kameda Ichiro?" Qianxia who was eating sushi at the dinner table suddenly asked He Fan.

He Fan was a little confused when he heard Qian Xia's question, then after thinking about it, he explained simply, "I had a conflict with my father, and then ran away from home!

At that time, our country was in a period of war, and the order was relatively chaotic, so I was sold to Ichiro Kameda by "human traffickers"! "

"Oh I got it!
But I heard from Ichiro Kameda that you come from a family of chefs!
is this real? "After hearing He Fan's explanation, Qian Xia showed an expression of reassurance, and then asked again.

"Eh? Actually, I woke up and found out that I was sold on the ship. It happened that the cook on the ship was sick at the time, so I went to work in the kitchen for a few days instead of the cook!

I don't know exactly what Ichiro Kameda told you! "Hearing Qianxia's question, He Fan explained ten truths and one falsehood.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Qianxia showed a disappointed expression, while Old Devil Inoue slapped the table angrily and cursed loudly, "Ichiro Kameda, Ichiro Kameda lied to us!
He often does some unconscionable business, and now his heart has been hacked!
When Ichiro Kameda couldn't eat, we took him in!
It's a good thing now, but he deceived us in turn! "

"Father! Actually Kameda Ichiro didn't lie to us!
He Fan really knows how to cook! "Hearing Mr. Inoue's anger, Qianxia said helplessly.

"He Fan just cooked a big pot of food on board for a few days, what can the crew eat?
Then he was boasted by Ichiro Kameda that He Fan came from a family of royal chefs in China!

What's this?This is blatant fraud! "Hearing Qianxia's comfort, Mr. Inoue thought it was Ichiro Kameda's idea of ​​changing the concept secretly, and then became even more angry.

Don't look at Inoue and Qianxia who are harmless to humans and animals now. If they know their real cooking skills, they will not only order themselves desperately, but also force themselves to hand over their cooking secrets and recipes. Unfortunately, there has not been any exchange of wages and equivalent property.

Since I'm not cheap, I wouldn't foolishly show off my culinary skills in front of them.

When it was time for dinner, there were more guests today. Mr. Inoue and He Fan had been busy in the kitchen at the back. When it was about to end, they heard the sound of arguing outside.

Mr. Inoue and He Fan hurried out to check the situation, and saw a few drunk American soldiers pushing Qianxia.

But what surprised He Fan was that Qian Xia did not resist fiercely, but gave He Fan a feeling of refusal and welcome.

What shocked He Fan even more was Old Devil Inoue, who felt a little excited when he saw his own daughter-in-law being entangled by American soldiers.

What a wonderful country this is, so advocating the strong, there are some morbid psychology.

An American soldier pulled Qianxia into his arms, and then used the strength of alcohol to touch Qianxia's body. He Fan was shocked to see Qianxia's expression of excitement and enjoyment, and was completely shocked.

"The Butterfly"

After hearing Qianxia's voice, He Fan really couldn't tell whether she was rejecting the actions of American soldiers or encouraging them! ?
There were not many diners, but when they saw the American soldiers making a fuss in the restaurant, they all checked out and left by coincidence.

Just when He Fan thought he would see a live version of the Japanese "action movie" soon, an American captain walked in and scolded several American soldiers, "What are you doing?
The Japanese set up a special entertainment place for you, why don't you go there?
Do you want to make trouble here? "

"Captain Clark, I'm sorry! We know we were wrong!" Seeing the captain who reprimanded them, the American soldiers were mostly sober and apologized quickly.

"Get out!" Seeing that the American soldiers apologized, Clark didn't say anything, but just drove them away.

Seeing the leaving American soldiers, Old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia unconsciously showed disappointed expressions, Clark thought he was a great hero, so he hurriedly came to Qian Xia's side, apologized and said, "I'm sorry, beautiful lady!

I apologize to you for the behavior of my soldiers just now!

I guarantee that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future! "

Hearing Captain Clark speak, he has been using English, it seems that this Clark can't speak Japanese.

Qianxia and the old devil Inoue next to him both showed confused eyes, but He Fan could understand but still pretended to be deaf and dumb, because this is the safest way.

Probably because he realized that neither Qianxia nor the old devil Inoue could understand his English, Clark shrugged helplessly, then took Qianxia's hand, and kissed the back of her hand, "Pretty lady, I will be back Look at you!"

After Clark finished speaking, he turned and left the restaurant regardless of whether Qianxia could understand or not.

The farce just now completely awakened He Fan. This is a foreign country whose life and thinking are completely different from those of the Chinese. There is no need to have any illusions about them. They may wish for things that they cannot bear.

Now He Fan is most fortunate that he didn't show his cooking skills at the beginning, otherwise he really doesn't know how he would be treated by this Japanese with weird thinking.

In the past, in books and TV shows, I often saw the saying that Americans are the overlords of the Japanese. Today, He Fan has really seen it.

Old Devil Inoue and Qianxia who returned to the apartment were also thinking about what happened just now, and did not fall asleep directly. Old Devil Inoue looked at Qianxia in front of him and suddenly asked, "Qianxia, ​​what do you think of that Captain Clark just now?"

Thinking about what happened just now, Qianxia felt very "exciting". She found that she enjoyed that strange feeling, and suddenly heard her father Mr. Inoue's question, Qianxia was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Father, I don't know either!
I can't understand his English!
So don't know what he means! "

"Qianxia, ​​today I understood a truth, the Americans are the gods of our island country!
They are the real strong! "Hearing the ignorance in Qian Xia's words, Old Devil Inoue spoke his mind seriously.

Hearing Mr. Inoue's point of view, Chinatown agreed very much, and then said in agreement, "Father, what you said makes sense!"

"Since Qian Xia agrees with my point of view, if I let you contact Captain Clark, would you like it?" Seeing Qian Xia agreeing with his point of view, Mr. Inoue was very pleased, and then suddenly proposed.

"What?" Hearing Mr. Inoue's proposal, Chinatown was a little at a loss.

"I know what you're thinking, do you think that this He Fan from China is fair and beautiful, and you want to have some development with him!

You are wrong, Chinatown!

You are both 27 years old this year, and He Fan is only 13 years old this year, the age difference between you is too big!

Five years later, He Fan has grown up, but you are already an old man, do you think you can compare to those young and beautiful girls? "Old Devil Inoue knows Qian Xia best, so seeing Qian Xia's confused look, Old Devil Inoue explained earnestly.

"One more thing is the most important!
He Fan can't protect you at all!
There is an old saying in China that the mud bodhisattva can't save himself when he crosses the river!
He doesn't even have a legal identity now, how can he protect you! "

"Our nation admires the real strong!
We only bow our heads to the real strong!
And this American Captain Clark is the most suitable candidate. Even if you become his mistress, it is an honor! "

Hearing the analysis of her father, Mr. Inoue, Qianxia knew it well, and she was already a little moved, and after thinking about it, Qianxia still said worriedly, "Father, what you said makes sense!

But this Captain Clark may not be able to see me!

I worry."

Hearing Qianxia's worries, Old Devil Inoue was very satisfied with Qianxia's sensibleness, and agreed to his proposal on behalf of her, and then said with a smile, "Qianxia, ​​you are such a silly child!

Although I can't understand Captain Clark's English, I can feel the fire in his eyes after seeing you!
It was an urge to possess, and I've had it before, so I have the best say! "

"Since you don't understand English, you can just take the opportunity of learning English with Clark and get close to this Captain Clark, only this Captain Clark can protect you!
I feel that my body is getting worse and worse, and I don't know when I will go to see Yaqi God!

I am relieved to see that you have a good home! "

"Father! Thank you for taking care of me!

I will definitely not let you down! Qianxia was very moved when she heard her father, Mr. Inoue, about her future arrangements, and said gratefully.

"Also, don't learn Chinese any more in the future!

The language of the weak is not necessary, let us take the trouble to learn it!

Only by knowing how to learn from the strong can we survive better! "Old devil Inoue was very satisfied with Qianxia's obedience and obedience, and then thought that Qianxia was learning Chinese during this time, and then he said.

Hearing his father Mr. Inoue's instructions to him, Qianxia said obediently, "Yes! Qianxia knows!"

Yesterday, "Chinese Cuisine" was rioted by American soldiers. On the second day, old devil Inoue and Qianxia were still open for business as usual, and the diners nearby were not surprised, but thought it was very normal. matter.

When it was lunch time, Old Devil Inoue and He Fan were busy behind, and Qian Xia was still greeting the guests in front, but today Qian Xia saw Captain Clark came to the store with a bouquet of roses.

Seeing that Captain Clark really came to "Chinese Cuisine" again as Mr. Inoue guessed, Qianxia showed a happy smile.

"Beautiful lady, this bouquet is for you, I hope you like it!" Captain Clark said to Qian Xia in a self-conscious manner.

Unable to understand Captain Clark's words, Qianxia just smiled and took the roses handed over by Captain Clark, and said happily, "Thank you!"

"Beautiful lady, I don't know your name yet?" Seeing Qian Xia took the roses he handed over, Captain Clark thought Qian Xia had accepted his pursuit, and then asked with a smile.

Hearing what Captain Clark said to herself in English again, Qianxia was really stunned. The guests on the side also found that Qianxia might not understand Captain Clark’s English. A little girl in her teens spoke Japanese to her. The dazed Qianxia interpreter said, "Miss Qianxia, ​​this American devil is asking for your name?"

Hearing the little girl's explanation, all the diners in the "Chinese Cuisine" looked at the little girl who was speaking in shock. Qianxia was also shocked, because in this land now, dare to call Americans "American devils" "The Japanese are really rare.

However, Qianxia saw that this little girl was a regular customer in her store, and was glad that Captain Clark could not understand Japanese, so she quickly said with a smile, "Captain Clark, my name is Qianxia! Suzuki Chinatsu!"

Hearing Qianxia's words, Captain Clark imitated Qianxia and said in a strange tone, "Qianxia, ​​Suzuki Chinatsu?"

(End of this chapter)

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