Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 228 Xia, You've Worked Hard Too

Chapter 228 Qian Xia, You've Worked Hard Too
The bravery of the little girl was not only surprised by the Japanese present, He Fan also admired it very much, and couldn't help but carefully looked at such a brave little Japanese girl, and then He Fan found that this girl was really beautiful , I don't know if I will be "long disabled" when I grow up.

Qian Xia went to pursue his strong man, and the old devil Inoue was very happy. During the staff meal at noon, he made an exception and brought He Fan a fried pork cutlet.

At the dinner table, Qianxia kept watching He Fan who was eating, she thought He Fan would be jealous, but she didn't know what He Fan really thought, if she knew, she would feel ashamed of her narcissism!

In the days that followed, Captain Clark became a frequent customer of "Chinese Cuisine", and often came to the store to pursue Qianxia.

The old devil Inoue saw that Captain Clark, who came to "Chinese Cuisine" more and more frequently, felt very happy. When he returned to the apartment at night, he praised Qianxia, ​​"Qianxia, ​​you did a good job!"

"Father! Thank you for your compliment!" Qianxia said happily after hearing her father's compliment from Mr. Inoue.

"Qian Xia, how is the progress between you and Captain Clark recently?" Old devil Inoue nodded, then asked Qian Xia with a smile.

"This..." Hearing the old devil Inoue's question, Qian Xia found it difficult to answer.

Seeing Qian Xia's appearance, he knew the result without answering, and then Old Devil Inoue smiled in satisfaction, and said nothing more.

In the following days, He Fan often found that Qianxia was not in the restaurant. Coincidentally, every time Qianxia was not in the restaurant, the captain Clark must have come to "Chinese Cuisine".

He Fan is someone who has been there, and knows that this is Qianxia and Clark in the upstairs apartment, where the fierce "Japanese-American War" is going on.

As long as Qianxia is not around, the old devil Inoue will ask He Fan to come to the front temporarily to entertain guests. After a period of study, simply communicate with the Japanese, and then help to order a dish, He Fan can still do it.

Running back and forth, He Fan also felt a little tired, and when the Chinese meal was about to end, He Fan found out that there were customers again.

He Fan looked up and found that he was still an acquaintance, it turned out to be the little Japanese girl who yelled "American Devil". Today she brought a foreign woman in her 20s into the store.

"Where's Miss Qianxia?" Seeing that He Fan was the host today, the little girl asked suspiciously.

"Miss Qian Xia has something to go out today!

If you need anything, it's the same if I come to serve you! He Fan said with a smile when he heard the little girl's doubts.

"But your Japanese emphasis is very strange, I feel very uncomfortable!
Why!never mind!Just you!

Must be that Captain Clark again? "Hearing He Fan's explanation, the little girl sneered, and then said knowingly.

He Fan didn't know how to answer when he heard the little girl's words, he just stood aside and waited.

The foreign woman opposite heard the conversation between He Fan and the little girl, and then asked the little girl in proficient Japanese, "Clark? Who is this?"

Hearing the foreign woman's question to her, the little girl explained with a smile, "Captain Clark is a captain of your US military!
Often come to this restaurant to pursue the proprietress!
Looking at the current situation, Captain Clark has succeeded! "

Hearing the little girl's explanation, the foreign woman was a little relieved, and then the little girl said to He Fan who was waiting, "Just give me what I usually eat!

Need two of the same today though! "

"Okay! Please wait a moment!" Seeing that the little girl had ordered, He Fan said with a smile, and then went back to the kitchen to tell Old Devil Inoue.

Seeing He Fan go to the kitchen, the foreign woman asked the little girl in a low voice, "Haha, I finally found someone whose Japanese is worse than mine!"

"Hehe, I heard he is a Chinese!

I haven't been in Japan for long, and my Japanese must be very poor! "Hearing what the foreign woman said, the little girl explained with a smile.

Seeing He Fan coming with the menu and the familiar dish names on it, Mr. Inoue knew that it was the little girl again.

"That little girl came alone?" Mr. Inoue asked suspiciously.

"No! I also brought a Western woman, who seems to be an American woman!" He Fan explained when he heard the old devil Inoue's doubts.

"Oh I got it!
When greeting this little girl later, don't talk nonsense, but be careful in serving her!
If you let others know your "black household" status, you will definitely be arrested! Looking at He Fan in front of him, Old Devil Inoue suddenly said threateningly.

He Fan nodded his head to the threat of Old Devil Inoue, expressing that he knew about it.

The "Japanese-American War" in the upstairs apartment was fierce and long-lasting!

It's been a long time, and Qian Xia still hasn't come down.

Seeing that the little girl and the foreign woman she brought were almost ready to eat, He Fan guessed that after sending these two away, he could rest.

He Fan, who was thinking about things boredly, suddenly heard a noise coming from the front. Old Devil Inoue and He Fan looked at each other suspiciously, and then ran out to check the situation.

I saw that little girl seemed to be choking on food, and the foreign woman beside her was yelling in a hurry, "Help! Someone help her!"

He Fan saw that Mr. Inoue, the boss who claimed to be a "veteran of the Russo-Japanese War", stood aside like a fool. Rescue.

Under everyone's amazed gaze, following He Fan's tossing, the little girl finally spit out the food she choked on, and then gasped, unconsciously showing the smile of the rest of her life after a catastrophe.

Seeing that He Fan had saved the little girl, the foreign lady happily hugged He Fan and thanked him loudly, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

He Fan was a little uncomfortable with the enthusiasm of this foreign woman, and before he had time to say anything, a group of bodyguards in black suits and black trousers rushed in and rushed the little girl to the hospital in a hurry.

"am I right!
This little girl is the child of a big man!

Let you greet carefully, you can't go wrong! "At this time, the voice of the boss, Old Devil Inoue, came from behind He Fan.

He Fan didn't care about Old Devil Inoue's afterthought, and didn't expose his timidity just now, He Fan said with a smile, "Mr. Inoue, what you said makes sense!"

After a while, Qianxia came down from the apartment upstairs, and then heard about what happened in the store just now.

"Father, He Sang, you have worked hard!" After hearing the whole story, Qian Xia bowed to He Fan and Old Devil Inoue.

Hearing Qian Xia's words, Old Devil Inoue was very happy, and then said with a smile, "Qian Xia, you have worked hard too!"

Hearing the old devil Inoue's "ghost animal" praise, and thinking of the battle between Qianxia and Captain Clark in the upstairs apartment, he almost spit out the noodles in his mouth. These two people are so weird!
I don't know what happened today. After the incident with the little girl at noon, there were no guests at dinner.

Seeing that there were no guests for dinner today, Inoue and Qianxia decided to close the business in advance and take a good rest. After all, such an exciting little girl incident happened today, and Qianxia was a little tired after the battle with Captain Clark.

Back upstairs in the apartment, the old devil Inoue asked Qian Xia, "Qian Xia, did Captain Clark say how to arrange you?"

"Clark said he couldn't marry me!
Let me live in Japan with peace of mind, it can be regarded as his home in Japan, and then he will not treat me badly! "Hearing the doubts of his father, Mr. Inoue, Qianxia was a little tired, and then forced himself to speak.

Hearing Qianxia's explanation, Old Devil Inoue sighed helplessly. It seems that Captain Clark just treats Qianxia as a mistress, and now he only hopes that Captain Clark can really fulfill his promise to Chinatsu.

"fair enough!
A hundred years later, I will leave you this shop and the apartment upstairs in Japan.

These are the foundations of your survival, and with the care of Captain Clark, I am relieved! "

"Thank you, Father!" Qianxia thanked Mr. Inoue with some joy after hearing Mr. Inoue's arrangement.

"Qianxia, ​​go! I see you are tired too, go to rest earlier!"

"Father, good night!"

The foreign woman left the hospital, saw that the little girl was really fine, and heard the doctor in the hospital praise He Fan's first aid measures. This moved the foreign woman who was a doctor. The first aid He Fan used The method seems to have never appeared.

Because she is a doctor herself, she knew how precious this new Heimlich method was, and then went to "Chinese Cuisine" again.

When I came to "Chinese Cuisine", seeing that it was closed, the foreign woman called the phone number of the nearby shop according to the phone number left on the signboard.

On the phone, after hearing the foreign woman's simple explanation, Qian Xia and the old devil Inoue went downstairs in a hurry, and then apologized to the foreign woman, "I'm sorry, miss!
We are closed today! "

"I'm here to find the Chinese clerk in your store!
So tell me, where is he? "Hearing Qianxia's explanation, the foreign lady explained disapprovingly.

Hearing the foreign woman's explanation, Qian Xia and the old devil Inoue looked at each other helplessly, and then the old devil Inoue thought that the foreign woman in front of him might really be an American, so he didn't hesitate anymore, but opened the store directly He opened the door, bowed to the foreign woman, and said, "Miss, the Chinese clerk you are looking for is resting inside!"

"Thank you, Mr. Inoue!" The foreign woman said gratefully when she saw that old devil Inoue opened the store door directly.

"Miss is too polite! This is what I should do!" Hearing the foreign lady's thanks to him, Old Devil Inoue bowed again in surprise.

Old Devil Inoue saw that the foreign woman in front of him was happy, and quickly said to He Fan who was sleeping in the store, "He Fan, come out quickly, someone is looking for you!"

Hearing the old devil Inoue's rude instructions to He Fan, the foreign woman knew that she came here to ask for something, so she quickly stopped the old devil Inoue and said, "Mr. Inoue, let me go in and talk!"

Hearing what the foreign woman said, Old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia were a little shocked. When did the "Taishanghuang" be so easy to talk, and then they wanted to go in with the foreign woman.

After discovering the behavior of the old devil Inoue and Qianxia, ​​the foreign woman quickly stopped her, "Mr. Inoue, Miss Qianxia, ​​please wait at the door for a while!
I would like to have a private conversation with your employees. "

Hearing the foreign woman's request, Old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia were a little embarrassed, and then Old Devil Inoue said with a embarrassed face, "Miss, you can do whatever you want! We will wait for you at the door!"

Seeing how sensible old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia were, the foreign lady smiled, feeling very satisfied, and went straight into the shop.

He Fan heard the commotion outside, because it was summer, he wanted to come out wearing only a vest and big pants, but he saw the foreign woman who came with that little girl at noon today came in.

"Sir, I don't know how to address it?" The foreign woman saw He Fan with a confused face, then smiled and said in a low voice.

"Eh? My name is He Fan!
Is a Chinese!

Is this lady looking for something? He Fan felt a little dazed when he heard the foreign woman's question, and then explained.

"Mr. He Fan, hello!

My name is Emma!

I am now a doctor in the United States, and I came to Japan for further training!
Seeing the first aid method used by Mr. He Fan today, I feel like I have never seen it before, and I am a little curious!

So I came here this time to ask Mr. He for advice! "Hearing He Fan's doubts, the foreign woman explained her reason for coming with a smile.

"Huh?" After hearing the explanation of the foreign woman named Emma, ​​He Fan remembered that the Heimlich first aid method only appeared in 1974. No wonder Emma was so excited.

"I heard that your American doctors like to write papers or something?

is that so? Knowing Emma's reason for coming, He Fan didn't answer directly, but asked instead.

Hearing He Fan's question, Emma smiled, realized that He Fan was a smart person, and then stopped going around in circles, "Mr. He seems to be very clear about my reason for coming!

So let's cut to the chase and talk about your conditions! "

"I will tell you the complete first aid method, you can call it Emma's first aid method!
And I guarantee that in this world, you are the only doctor who knows this method! Seeing Emma being so straightforward, He Fan said with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's words, Emma was pleasantly surprised. If it was true what He Fan said, she could truly become famous, and then said urgently, "Please tell me your conditions?"

"You also know that I am a person without identity now, so I need a legal identity!" He Fan expressed his greatest worry when he heard Emma's surprised and urgent question.

"Yes! Japanese nationality?" Emma agreed to He Fan's request without thinking too much.

"No! It's your American nationality!" Seeing Emma agreeing so readily, He Fan suddenly felt that the asking price was too low. He underestimated the strength of the foreign woman in front of him, and then came up with a wild asking price.

Originally thought that Emma would reject her asking price, but Emma agreed again and said, "Yes! You are very smart and know that the United States is the most powerful country now!
As long as you can guarantee what you just said, it will not be troublesome for you to become an American citizen! "

"Whether what I said is true, your IQ and knowledge should be the clearest!
If you don't believe me, you won't be chatting with me here! He Fan said with a smile when he heard that his biggest question came out of Emma's mouth so easily.

"Mr. He, you are right!
What else do you want, let's talk together! "Hearing He Fan's emotion, Emma said with a smile.

"There is one last request, 20 US dollars!" He Fan said the final request directly. He originally wanted 100 million, but he was really worried that the meeting would collapse. After all, what he values ​​most now is the issue of legal status.

"No! $20 is too much!

I'll give you up to $15! "Hearing He Fan's last request, Emma thought for a while, then refused.

He Fan pretended to think about it for a while when he heard Emma's words, and then agreed with a wry smile.

"I will help you arrange to go to the embassy to handle the nationality issue as soon as possible. I hope you don't lie to me, or I will make you regret it!" Seeing that the terms were negotiated, Emma threatened He Fan.

"Don't worry, Miss Emma!

We each take what we need, I need this first aid method is useless, and it is very simple for you to help me get a legal identity!

We are all smart people, we will not mess around for unimportant things! He Fan said with a smile when he heard Emma's threat to him.

(End of this chapter)

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