Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 229 Shocking One Night

Chapter 229

Seeing the foreign woman Emma go in alone, wanting to talk to He Fan alone, Qian Xia and Old Devil Inoue looked at the two people inside with some concern.

"Father, will this Emma suddenly come to talk to He Fan about something, will it cause us any trouble?" Qian Xia said worriedly to the old devil Inoue beside him.

Hearing the worries in Qian Xia's words, Old Devil Inoue didn't take it seriously, he just sighed and guessed, "It's okay!

We just bought a "labourer"!

It's not a serious crime, I'm just worried that I might not be able to keep this He Fan! "

"Then if we really can't keep He Fan, we should find another Japanese employee!
During this period of time, we have all gotten used to He Fan's existence, if there is no helper suddenly, we will definitely not get used to it! "Hearing the old devil Inoue's guess, Qianxia suggested helplessly.

"Hey! I don't know what you said!

It's just that the wages of Japanese employees are very high!
How can our "Chinese cuisine" afford it! Hearing Qianxia's proposal and worry, Inoue sighed helplessly, then said with a wry smile.

The two were talking quietly outside the store, but their minds were paying attention to the conversation between He Fan and the foreign woman in the store, they were very curious about what this foreign woman Emma liked about He Fan?
After Emma and He Fan finished talking, they were ready to leave, "Mr. He, I will help you with your legal status as soon as possible!

Why don't you leave with me, I believe that Mr. Inoue and Miss Qianxia won't stop us either! "

"Thank you Miss Emma for your kindness!

I'm more nostalgic, so I'd better stay at "Chinese Cuisine" and wait for your news!

Don't worry, we pay the money and certificates with one hand, and give you the detailed information with one hand! "As for the proposal of the foreign woman Emma to take He Fan away, He Fan directly refused.

For He Fan's direct rejection, the foreign woman Emma was very surprised, because she knew that He Fan's situation in "Chinese Cuisine" was not good, but rather poor.

"Since Mr. He is unwilling, forget it!

I will contact you as soon as possible! "Hearing He Fan's refusal, the foreign woman Emma said goodbye with a smile.

Seeing the back of the foreign woman Emma leaving, Qian Xia hurried over and asked He Fan, "He Sang, what is Miss Emma looking for you for?"

"Eh? It's just Miss Emma's private matter. I promised her that I won't tell anyone else!

I hope Miss Qianxia and Mr. Inoue can understand! "I already guessed that Qianxia and Inoue would be curious about what happened today. Anyway, they wouldn't believe what I said. Even if I told them that the foreign woman Emma promised to give me a legal identity and 15 US dollars, they would definitely not believe it. On the contrary, he would laugh at He Fan's foolishness, so he simply didn't say anything.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Qian Xia was very disappointed, but Old Devil Inoue smiled uncharacteristically and said, "Qian Xia, He Sang is a reputable person, we shouldn't make things difficult for him!

He Sang, I'm bothering you today, please rest! "

He has been in Japan for so long, nearly half a year, and this is the first time He Fan has seen the old devil Inoue treat him so politely.

No need to ask He Fan, he also realized that this is the old devil Inoue playing his own idea!

I am not a real 13-year-old kid who has never seen anything before, and I am not so easily fooled. I can see the complicated mentality of Old Devil Inoue at a glance!
Although he didn't know exactly what his intentions were, He Fan sneered secretly, but it didn't prevent him from strengthening his guard against Old Devil Inoue in his heart.

"Mr. Inoue is too polite!
Go back and rest, too!

Good night! He Fan replied with a smile.

At the foot of a beautiful mountain in Hakodate, Hokkaido, a beautiful and magnificent manor stands on a vast snowfield, "Koizumi, what happened to the matter I asked you to inquire about?"

"Sir, I did a simple investigation. This person is He Yuzhu, a native of the capital city of China, and he is only 13 years old this year!

At the beginning of this year, it was sold to Takehiko Inoue, the owner of "Chinese Cuisine", by the merchant Kameda Ichiro, and then changed its name to He Fan!

Except for the Spring Festival some time ago, I stayed in the countryside with Inoue and Qianxia for three days, and was locked in the "Chinese Cuisine" shop by Inoue for the rest of the time, and never went out! Hearing the questioning of Fujiwara Takumi in front of him, the housekeeper Koizumi hurriedly stated the results of his investigation.

"Yaoxi! You did a good job!" Fujiwara Takumi was very satisfied with finding He Fan's identity so quickly.

"It's just." Hearing his big boss Fujiwara Takumi's praise to him, butler Koizumi was very happy, and then he said hesitantly when he thought about what happened today.

"Koizumi, you know my temper!
What I hate the most is people who hesitate!explain! Hearing Koizumi's hesitation, Fujiwara Takumi said unhappily.

"It's just that after Miss Emma left the hospital, she returned to "Chinese Cuisine" and had a long private talk with this He Yuzhu!

I don't know what's going on? Seeing that the big boss Fujiwara Takumi was not happy, Koizumi quickly explained nervously.

"Oh? It's really strange!
It stands to reason that Miss Emma should have nothing to do with this He Yuzhu? "Hearing Koizumi's explanation, Fujiwara Takumi was shocked.

"Sir, could it be this He Yuzhu, and something else we don't know about?

You know, although this Miss Emma is just an ordinary trainee doctor on the surface, her family is actually very powerful in both political and business circles in the United States! Hearing the shock in the words of his big boss Fujiwara Takumi, Koizumi said analytically.

"Yaoxi! You are right!

It seems that Miss Emma has her own actions, let's not get involved in it for now, so as not to hinder Miss Emma's affairs!

You have to keep an eye on this He Yuzhu from now on, and then provide covert protection as much as possible!
I don't want to show up, the person who saved my daughter's life was killed right under my nose!
I, Fujiwara Takumi, can't afford to lose this person! "After hearing Koizumi's analysis, Fujiwara Takumi agreed very much, and then told Koizumi to order.

"Hi! I will definitely protect He Yuzhu secretly!

Sir, please rest assured! Hearing the boss Fujiwara Takumi's instructions to him, Koizumi quickly responded.

The next day, He Fan woke up refreshed, packed his things, and went to wash up.

Here, He Fan had just washed up, when Old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia came to the shop, Qian Xia smiled and said to He Fan, "He Sang, good morning!"

"Good morning to you too!"

The old devil Inoue at the side also smiled at He Fan in a rare way, indicating that he greeted He Fan, and He Fan also smiled as a response.

Now that he has a clue about his legal status, He Fan feels very happy when he starts to do things, and then he no longer feels depressed like before.

Seeing that He Fan was carrying out his work normally, the old devil Inoue and Qian Xia looked at each other in doubt. They were all guessing in their hearts that Miss Emma, ​​the foreign woman last night, must have promised He Fan something .

But seeing that He Fan is still working normally without any abnormalities, this makes Old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia a little bit at a loss!
Didn't Miss Emma promise He Fan anything?
During the lunch break for work meals, the old devil Inoue specifically told Qianxia not to make cheap noodles anymore, "He Sang, you have been in Japan for a long time, and I am really sorry for letting you eat noodles every day!"

"Mr. Inoue is too polite!
I am originally from northern China, and the staple food is pasta, so I don't care! He Fan was very puzzled when he heard the uncharacteristic behavior of the old devil Inoue, but he didn't say anything, but thanked him with a smile.

"He Sang, it's fine if you don't mind!

Our nation has always been very friendly!

It's really good that we are together as a family now! Hearing He Fan's explanation that he didn't mind, Old Devil Inoue said shamelessly.

No matter how good He Fan's ability to endure, he was very angry when he heard the shameless words of the old devil Inoue. He really wanted to slap the shameless person in front of him to death!
At this moment, Qian Xia, who came out with the food, came over and asked He Fan and Inoue with a smile, "Father, what are you talking about?"

"Oh! I just said that we are like a family now!" Hearing Qianxia's doubts, Inoue old devil explained with a smile.

"Father, what you said makes sense!" Qian Xia agreed with a smile on what Old Devil Inoue said.

The uncharacteristic behavior of the old devil Inoue did not make He Fan relax his vigilance, but strengthened his vigilance in his heart. In this unfamiliar foreign country, he really had to rely on himself.

Today's dinner, there are still not many guests, but because of the incident with the foreign woman Emma last night, today he did not leave work early today, and still insisted on closing until the normal closing time.

When only He Fan was left in the "Chinese Cuisine" again, He Fan went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, feeling comfortable all over.

After taking a bath, He Fan lay down on his small wooden bed and fell asleep, but He Fan suddenly felt palpitations for no reason, as if something bad was about to happen.

A black shadow tiptoed to He Fan's bed, picked up the samurai sword in his hand, and stabbed it deeply into He Fan's body, "Haha, little mouse!

Don't even try to slip away from me! "

Seeing himself thrusting a knife into the figure on the wooden bed, the black figure laughed wildly with excitement, echoing in the darkness of this "Chinese cuisine".

"Hey! Mr. Inoue, you often say that you are a veteran of the Russo-Japanese War, and the feel of the knife is different, you can't tell the difference, right?

Haha, you can't be bragging all the time! "He Fan's voice suddenly came from the other side and entered the excited old devil Inoue's ears.

Hearing He Fan's voice, Old Devil Inoue realized that something was wrong, and angrily lifted the quilt on the wooden bed. There was no bloody scene as imagined, "Baga! You "little mouse" is really disgusting!"

Seeing the angry look of old devil Inoue, He Fan sneered, and said bluntly, "Mr. Inoue, don't make trouble anymore!
You can't conquer me!
Just accept your fate! "

"It's absolutely impossible!
You are just a "little mouse" who was sold to Japan from a backward China!
Impossible to be so powerful!

It is impossible to see through my scheme! Hearing He Fan's sneer, Old Devil Inoue nervously grasped the samurai sword in his hand and said unacceptably.

"Mr. Inoue, you are so old!

How ignorant they are!
If I really had no strength, I would have been thrown into the sea by Ichiro Kameda long ago, and it would be impossible for me to come to Japan safely! He Fan said mockingly when he heard the unbelievable words of old devil Inoue.

"Mr. Inoue, we are all smart people!
Just open the skylight and speak the truth!
What exactly do you want to do?
Do you really just want to sand me off? "

"You are just the most humble "little mouse" in my eyes, I will not allow you to climb on my head!

I must destroy you! Hearing He Fan's ridicule to him, Old Devil Inoue said angrily.

"Hehe, Mr. Inoue, you are really naive!
If you think you can kill me, then let me go!
It just so happens that I also want you to see how powerful the God of War in the courtyard is! He Fan also became angry when he heard the unreasonable words of old devil Inoue.

"What courtyard God of War!? It's really inexplicable!

I must sand you, you nasty "little mouse"! "Unable to understand the meaning of He Fan's words, Old Devil Inoue still vented his anger.

At this time, Qian Xia also ran in suddenly, seeing He Fan and Inoue who were at war, he quickly persuaded the old devil Inoue, "Father, you are my only family member in this world!

I don't want to lose you so soon!

It doesn't make any sense if you do this! "

"Qianxia, ​​you don't understand!
It is very painful to let this nasty "little mouse" crawl on our heads!

I will never allow it! "Hearing Qian Xia's persuasion, Old Devil Inoue is still determined to go his own way.

"My lord, He Sang has nothing to do with us!

We have known each other for less than a year, there is no such big hatred!
It is his personal business that he can make a success, it has nothing to do with our Inoue family!
Father, please put down the murder weapon in your hand! Seeing that old devil Inoue is still determined to go his own way, Qianxia said pleadingly.

Hearing Qianxia's begging, and seeing that he really couldn't get enough of He Fan in front of him, the old devil Inoue reluctantly put down the samurai sword in his hand, and Qianxia hurried over to hug Inoue, crying in pain.

After a while, Qian Xia bowed deeply to He Fan who was beside him and said, "I'm sorry, He Sang!
Sorry for the trouble! "

"Qianxia, ​​I won't stay with you for long!

How great it would be if all of us could get together and get together!
There is really no need to make such a fuss! "Looking at Qianxia in front of him, and the old devil Inoue who has calmed down, He Fan said with a helpless wry smile.

"He Sang, you are right!

I promise that what happened tonight will never happen again!

excuse me! After Qianxia finished speaking, she left with the dazed old devil Inoue.

Looking at the backs of Qianxia and Inoue leaving, he shook his head helplessly, if he had left with Emma last night, it might have been even more miserable.

He Fan never thought that the Americans would be much kinder than the Japanese, on the contrary they would be even more cruel. As a "black household" without any identity, if he fell into Emma's hands, his future was really uncertain.

It will be safer for He Fan to stay in "Chinese Cuisine" and wait for news from the foreign woman Emma!
After all, He Fan already knows Old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia quite well, the worst is a false alarm like tonight, and if it falls into Emma's hands, it might be a disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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