Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 230 Silly Zhu, who are you?

Chapter 230 Silly Zhu, who are you?

What happened on the night of horror completely shocked Koizumi, who was secretly observing He Fan. Seeing that He Fan escaped from the hands of the old devil Inoue safely, Koizumi felt really lucky when he thought of the task assigned to him by Mr. Fujiwara.

After relaxing, Koizumi couldn't help admiring this 13-year-old Chinese boy, and felt that He Fan was very mysterious even more.

Koizumi never thought of being able to hide such a big matter from his boss Takumi Fujiwara, so he could only go back and report in a hurry with a bitter face.

Looking at Koizumi in front of him, Fujiwara Takumi was really angry, as if his face was being slapped, "Koizumi, you disappointed me!"

"I'm sorry, Fujiwara-san!
I really didn't expect that Inoue would sneak back into the store through the back door!
Fortunately, He Fan was very astute and predicted Takehiko Inoue's bad intentions in advance, so he didn't let Inoue succeed! "Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's reprimand to him, Koizumi was very helpless, and then thinking of what happened just now, he still had lingering fears.

"Now I am more and more curious about this Chinese boy named He Fan!
Is he really just a 13-year-old boy from China?

It's incredible!
After all, with the situation last night, even an adult would be killed by Inoue!

It is even impossible to come to Japan safely, and Kameda Ichiro may be thrown into the sea on board! "Hearing the lingering fear in Koizumi's words, Fujiwara Takumi was also very shocked.

"Koizumi, tell me the truth!
Have you really found out He Fan's real background? "

"Mr. Fujiwara, I have worked for you for so many years, I will not deceive you!
Please believe in my loyalty! "Hearing his boss Fujiwara Takumi questioning him, Koizumi hurriedly assured him in horror.

I am really worried that Mr. Fujiwara in front of me will suddenly become unhappy and let himself disappear. After all, the Fujiwara family is the king of this land.

"But! Do you think this He Fan is just a 13-year-old boy from an ordinary family like you investigated?
So let me ask you, Koizumi, what were you doing when you were 13 years old? Hearing Koizumi's assurance, how could Fujiwara Takumi not believe his loyal servant, but the matter of He Fan was too puzzling, so he couldn't help but questioned Koizumi again.

Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's doubts, Koizumi was also confused, and couldn't help but think about the issues that Fujiwara Takumi was concerned about.

yes!When I was 13 years old, I was thinking about spying on my neighbor's wife taking a shower, right?
If there is no comparison, there will be no harm or shock. Looking back now, He Fan's behavior and calmness in dealing with danger are too abnormal!
"Sir, please give me one more chance!
I must find out in detail the details of the three generations of He Fanzu! "The facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but not believe it. Now Koizumi also suspected that his information was wrong, and then pleaded again.

"Hey! This is not in a hurry, take your time!

Maybe the last time we inquired about the situation, it was because we were too impatient, so we didn't inquire in detail enough!

The most urgent thing now is to take He Fan away from "Chinese Cuisine" first. This Inoue is really nervous, and it is really hard to predict what stupid things he will do again! Hearing Koizumi's plea, Fujiwara Takumi also guessed that the last information was not detailed enough, and then ordered Koizumi to say.

"Hey! Sir, you are right!

It's just that we don't have any contact with this He Fan!

Even if you mention the relationship with Miss, He Fan will still be very defensive in the current situation! "Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's order, Koizumi realized that he had overcome this difficulty, then wiped his sweat in a panic, and then analyzed again.

"Yaoxi! Koizumi, your analysis makes sense!

Why don't you just say that you were sent by Miss Emma to protect his safety!

It happens to be able to test out the true relationship between He Fan and Miss Emma! "Hearing Koizumi's analysis, Fujiwara Takumi felt a little headache when he thought that He Fan was so defensive. After thinking for a while, he smiled and said to Koizumi.

"Mister's strategy is too wise! Koizumi admires it!" Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's order again, Koizumi's eyes lit up and he said with admiration.

In fact, Koizumi knew that if it was just to repay his kindness, there was no need to make such an effort. What Fujiwara Takumi valued most was the real relationship between He Fan and Miss Emma. After all, the United States is the "emperor" of this land.

Looking at Koizumi who suddenly appeared before him years ago, He Fan felt a little baffled, "Who do you think sent you?"

"Mr. He, I was sent by Miss Emma to protect your safety!

Today Miss Emma heard about what happened to you last night, so Miss Emma is very worried about your safety! Hearing the precaution in He Fan's words, Koizumi smiled and explained again.

After hearing Koizumi's explanation, He Fan didn't feel relieved, on the contrary, he became even more confused. No matter whether this Koizumi was sent by the foreign woman Emma, ​​He Fan couldn't put his own safety in the other party's hands.

"Oh, I don't think so!

Go back for me, thank you Miss Emma for your concern!
Tell her that what happened last night was just a misunderstanding!
I am safe now! With a plan in mind, He Fan refused with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's direct refusal, Koizumi knew that he would not be able to take him away today. Thinking of the most important issue of his boss Takumi Fujiwara, he tried again and said, "Yes! Mr. He!

I don't know if you have any other words that I need to bring to Miss Emma? "

He Fan smiled silently when he heard Koizumi's extra question, and made a judgment in his heart, the person in front of him must not be sent by the foreign woman Emma!

After all, Emma, ​​a foreign woman, attaches so much importance to this new first aid method, how could she let her subordinates inquire about it at will!
Although He Fan has seen through Koizumi in front of him, this is a foreign country with no security, so He Fan chose not to expose it, but said with a smile, "Hehe, no more!"

Seeing that He Fan's tone was so tight, Koizumi didn't say anything more, just bowed to He Fan, and then left.

Seeing another stranger coming to look for He Fan, Qian Xia realized that He Fan was going to leave, then sighed, and said to Inoue, "Father, I want to write a job advertisement and post it at the door!"

Hearing Qianxia's words, Old Devil Inoue thought for a while, then sighed, nodded a little lonely and said, "Yes! You can do it!"

"Hi! I'll go right away!" Hearing his father Mr. Inoue's agreement, Qianxia bowed his head and replied.

"Wait! Qianxia, ​​do you think I'm really wrong?"

"Father, I."

"Hey! I know what you mean! Go write the recruitment notice!"


China, Beijing.

When the people's army entered the city, some of the "snakes, rats, rats and ants" that often haunted the city disappeared, and everywhere was peaceful and peaceful. Everyone was full of expectations and longings for the future.

The quadrangle is still the same quadrangle, but the current quadrangle is missing a guy called "The God of War in the quadrangle". I don't know if the lives of the neighbors in the quadrangle will still be wonderful!
Seeing He Daqing who came back from get off work, Yan Bugui hurriedly greeted him with a smile, "Old He, are you off work?
What's the matter with you these days?
I never saw you buy roast duck and eat it! "

"Old Yan! You leave school so early!

What kind of roast duck do I still eat now!

Recently, someone introduced me to a girl from the countryside, who is about to meet and go on a blind date!

If everything feels right, you're ready to get married!
Now is the time to spend money, but I still don't want to eat roast duck! Seeing Yan Bugui in front of him, He Daqing explained with a smile.

Hearing He Daqing's explanation, Yan Bugui's eyes widened in shock, and he said in disbelief, "Old He, you are really going to marry a big girl back!
Are you really going to stop looking for your son Sha Zhu? "

"Of course! What I said doesn't count!

Don't mention that stupid post to me again!
Mentioning him makes me upset, the farther he dies, the better! "When Yan Bugui talked about He Fan, He Daqing suddenly became angry. It has been almost a year, and He Daqing still can't let go.

Seeing that He Daqing was so angry, Yan Bugui didn't want to offend He Daqing in front of him, but thinking of the strange things that happened nearby, Yan Bugui still smiled and explained, "Old He! I know you are still angry with Stupid Zhu!
But listen to me, don't worry!

Recently, near our street, strangers often come to inquire about Sha Zhu, almost asking about three generations of your ancestors!

I just feel that this is a bit strange, remind you to pay attention! "

After hearing Yan Bugui's explanation, the angry He Daqing gradually calmed down. He also felt very strange. After thinking about it carefully, he didn't care, and then said indifferently, "It should be the rural girl someone introduced to me. I heard that my son Silly Zhu is gone, I don't believe it, I came here on purpose to inquire about the situation!"

Hearing He Daqing's unconcerned guess, Yan Bugui's heart moved, and he also thought that it was probably the case, and then he relaxed, jokingly said with a smile, "Old He, your guess is reasonable!

It seems that this rural girl really cares about you!
If you remarry, you should arrange a few banquets in our courtyard! "

Yan Bugui's words hit He Daqing's itch, and it was a joy.

Because He Daqing is really satisfied with this rural girl, but some of them are too young!

It was because their family couldn't eat recently, and they were almost starved to death. They heard that He Daqing was a cook who didn't worry about food, so they agreed to contact He Daqing!
He Daqing secretly went to see this girl, she really looks like a fairy descending from the earth.

"Haha, I must! I must!" He Daqing replied with a smile, and then went home in high spirits.

"Hey! This is He Daqing!
At such an old age, with two children already, he still wants to marry a little girl!

My wife's life is really good! "Looking at the back of He Daqing returning home, Yan Bugui couldn't stop feeling emotional.

"What's wrong?
Lao Yan, do you also envy He Daqing?
Want to marry a little girl too? "The wife on the side, hearing her husband Yan Bugui's emotion, questioned angrily.

"How is it possible? Am I, Yan Bugui, that kind of person?" Hearing his wife questioning him, Yan Bugui quickly explained with a smile.

"Hmph! You don't even dare to borrow your guts!"

Japan, Tokyo, US embassy.

The foreign woman Emma looked at the staff below, and became more puzzled by the information about He Fan collected during this period.

"That's all about He Fan's information? It doesn't seem like he has anything to do with medicine?" Emma, ​​a foreign woman, looked at the staff in front of her and said suspiciously.

"After hearing Miss Emma's explanation, we must pay attention to the connection between He Fan and medicine!

Then the focus of our next investigation is this aspect, but we found nothing!
This is how I guessed, according to our investigation, we found that He Fan once learned martial arts from a national army martial arts master for a period of time!

Miss Emma, ​​do you think it is this mysterious national army who taught He Fan this first aid method? "Hearing Miss Emma's doubts, the staff was also very puzzled, and then tried to guess.

"Your guess makes sense!

But if it was really taught to him by the national army, it must have spread by now!
From this point of view, it doesn't look like he was taught by the national army, this He Fan is getting more and more mysterious!
By the way, has the issue of his naturalization been settled? "Hearing the staff's analysis, Emma thought about it for a while, but she didn't agree at all, and then asked suddenly.

"It's already been done!

You can take him to the embassy at any time to go through the relevant procedures! Hearing Miss Emma's question, the staff replied with a smile.

Emma, ​​a foreign woman, drove to "Chinese Cuisine", without saying anything, He Fan got into Emma's car, and then went all the way to the embassy,

After He Fan completed all the formalities from the embassy, ​​holding the identity certificate and a check for 15 US dollars handed by Emma in his hand, He Fan was really relieved. It was too hard.

And He Fan happily gave the Heimlich first aid method that he had sorted out based on his own memory to the foreign woman Emma.

With such detailed information on Heimlich's first aid method, the foreign woman Emma was shocked!

At this moment, she was rejoicing in her heart, fortunately she didn't engage in any dark tricks at the beginning, otherwise she might really regret it for the rest of her life, this information is really too detailed and precious!
"Miss Emma, ​​I want to congratulate you in advance!

Once your paper on Emma's first aid method is published, it will make you a world-class medical expert! Seeing the excited look of the foreign woman Emma, ​​He Fan said with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's congratulations to her, Emma, ​​the foreign woman, woke up from the surprise and repeated in her mouth, "Emma's first aid method? Emma's first aid method? It sounds so good!
Mr. He, you are a genius! "

"No! The real genius is you Miss Emma!

You are the real world-class medical expert! He Fan didn't take it seriously when he heard Emma's happy words, instead he said solemnly with a smile.

Emma knew the meaning of He Fan's words, and she was even more pleasantly surprised, and thanked He Fan, "Mr. He, you are a smart person!

It is my greatest luck to meet you! "

"Miss Emma, ​​what you said is too serious!
I also hope that you can take care of me in the future! "For the sake of safety in the future, He Fan said with a smile when he saw that this foreign woman Emma is very energetic and can be regarded as a "golden thigh".

"Don't worry, Mr. He, I understand what you mean!" After understanding the meaning of He Fan's words, they are all smart people, so Emma, ​​the foreign woman, agreed with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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