Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 231 Emma, ​​Are You My Silly Angel!

Chapter 231 Emma, ​​Are You My Silly Angel!
Both He Fan and the foreign woman Emma got what they wanted, and they were very happy in their hearts. Emma smiled and asked He Fan, "Do you want to go back to Hakodate, Hokkaido? I can take you back again! "

"No! I will stay in Tokyo for the time being!

I want to start my own business here first! He Fan refused when he heard Emma's invitation.

"What? Career?

Do you want to do business?
But you are only 13 years old! "Hearing He Fan's explanation, Emma was surprised.

"13 years old, what's wrong?
We used to have a 12-year-old prime minister in China!
oh!Our prime minister is your western prime minister! Seeing Emma's shock, He Fan explained with a smile.

"Oh! my God!

Your history is so crazy!

It seems that when I go back, I will study it carefully, your Chinese history! "Hearing He Fan's disapproving explanation, Emma was really shocked, "However, I think it is more suitable for you to go to school!"
In this regard, I can help you get in touch! "

"School? I'm really not interested!

However, I am still very grateful for your concern! "Hearing Emma's proposal, He Fan didn't have any interest.

"Hey! Now that you have made a decision!

I will not say anything more!

If you want to go to school, you can still contact me and I will help you get it done! "Hearing He Fan's explanation, Emma thought that it might be the reason for the 15 US dollars, thinking that He Fan would go to school honestly after spending all 15 US dollars, so she just promised with a smile.

He Fan first found a safe and good apartment in Tokyo and rented it for a year.

In Japan, I really have no plans to buy a house for the time being, because He Fan always has a sense of unreality this time, like a rootless weed that cannot keep his feet on the ground.

It may be that in He Fan's heart, his hometown will always be the giant dragon in the east.

No matter where you go, you will not have the kind of down-to-earth sense of security in your hometown.

Japan is only in [-], and there is really nothing to see. He Fan arranged a place to live, went directly to a law firm, found a well-known local lawyer, and registered a company together.

Of course, before registering the company, He Fan had already rented a room of two to three hundred square meters in an office building as his company address.

Miyamoto Musashi, a well-known barrister in Tokyo, looked at He Fan in front of him, suddenly became a little annoyed, what happened to his secretary!

What would you bring a child into your own office for?
For a kid in his teens, what business needs to be handled by himself?
My own time is equivalent to gold, so precious, but wasted by the child in front of me!
Looking at Miyamoto Musashi's complicated expression, He Fan could of course guess the other party's mental activities, without any nonsense, he directly took out his ID card, and said succinctly, "Mr. Miyamoto, I need to register a company!
Please help me solve all the problems! "

"Mr. He, what name are you going to name your company?" Lawyer Miyamoto Musashi saw He Fan's identity certificate, and then realized that He Fan in front of him was a "great" American citizen, and immediately became respectful Said.

Seeing Miyamoto Musashi in front of him, like a chameleon, he changed from arrogance to respect in a blink of an eye, which made He Fan sincerely admire, Miyamoto Musashi's skills are really amazing.

"Well! The name of the company is Five Star Catering Culture Co., Ltd., and I am the only shareholder and legal person for the time being!
The scope of business is mainly catering! "He Fan didn't care about Miyamoto Musashi's face, he just smiled and said his company name.

"I see, Mr. Ho!
I will help you with the following legal issues and all procedures as soon as possible!

It takes almost three days!

It shouldn't affect Mr. He's affairs, right? After knowing everything, Miyamoto Musashi once again respectfully assured He Fan.

"No! There is time!

I rented a unit in this skyscraper for my business address!

Come with me to go through the legal formalities! "He Fan said to Miyamoto Musashi when he thought about renting a house and had to deal with it.

"Hi! Please take care of Mr. He in the future!" Hearing He Fan's words, Miyamoto Musashi stood up happily and bowed.

Seeing Miyamoto Musashi's performance, He Fan was really satisfied. What was originally a troublesome matter has become very simple after Miyamoto Musashi's handling.

That's why, He Fan likes to hand over professional things to more professional talents!
In fact, He Fan also thought about asking the foreign woman Emma for help, but He Fan always thought that the "golden thigh" should be used at the most critical time, otherwise it would be too wasteful!
After a period of contact, He Fan found that this Miss Emma is really very energetic, definitely not as simple as a doctor on the surface, and the most important thing is that Emma, ​​a foreign woman, is really reliable in her work.

With the analysis in mind, He Fan valued the value of the foreign woman Emma, ​​so he definitely wouldn't use it lightly.

Three days later, all the company's procedures were completed, and just like this, a company named Five Star Catering was established in Tokyo, Japan.

Standing in front of He Fan, there were only five newly recruited employees, and of course, Miyamoto Musashi, the legal advisor of Five Star Catering.

Although Miyamoto Musashi is a wretched person with an eye for money, he is really capable. He Fan is very relieved to temporarily outsource the legal affairs to Miyamoto Musashi.

Looking at the five new employees in front of him, He Fan was a little smug, and then ordered loudly, "You are the first batch of five-star employees, the probationary period is only one month, and the salary is halved!
In the second month, excellent candidates will be officially hired, and their salary will return to the normal salary standard! "

"The one standing next to me is our five-star legal advisor Miyamoto Musashi!
You should have heard of his name, so you don't need to question our five-star strength at all! "

"The company's initial creation, the information in your hands is the work you need to do now!"

"Every street in Tokyo, the price of the store, the rent, the flow of people, the age of the customers, the scope of the main business of the street store, and the specific time of opening and closing, all need you to investigate!

For the time being, you need to select five stores in it for our company to open stores! "

"Our store, named Five Star Noodle House, specializes in all kinds of Chinese noodles and Chinese fast food box lunches!

Therefore, the survey of the major streets in Tokyo was divided into five parts on average, and each was given to five of you!
In a month, I need to see your results!

The outstanding ones will be rewarded with one month's normal salary as a bonus!

As for the losers."

"Did you hear that?"


Hearing He Fan's last stern question, the five new employees couldn't help but reply respectfully and seriously.

This time, He Fan planned to be a hands-off shopkeeper from the very beginning, and the most troublesome and tedious tasks were handed over to five new employees.

Of course, He Fan is not completely "herding sheep" and then going out to be chic and romantic in various nightclubs in Tokyo, but needs to find the address of the central kitchen.

Because He Fan plans to open five stores together, he will not buy real estate, but it is more appropriate to rent a house.

As for the establishment of the central kitchen, it is even more troublesome. After all, it is necessary to make advance plans for future expansion.

After being contacted by Miyamoto Musashi, He Fan went out to find the address of the central kitchen for several days, but he was at a loss and had no clue.

"Mr. He, according to your request and my analysis in the past few days, there is another property that is most suitable for a central kitchen!" Seeing He Fan's unhappy look, Miyamoto Musashi introduced cautiously.


"Just what?" He Fan asked suspiciously when he heard the hesitation in Miyamoto Musashi's words.

"It's just that this place, which used to be a military food factory during World War II, has not been used for a long time!
And it occupies a relatively large area, so the price may not be suitable! "Miyamoto Musashi explained cautiously, mainly because it was his friend's property, and the reason why he said it now was because he was worried that He Fan would think that Miyamoto Musashi had selfish intentions.

"Oh! It's really good! What else?" He Fan saw that Miyamoto Musashi had something to say when he heard Miyamoto Musashi's explanation, and asked again.

"Also, the owner of this property is a good friend of mine!

I really don't want Mr. He to misunderstand!

So." Hearing He Fan's doubts, Miyamoto Musashi shook his head and expressed his worries.

"Hehe! It's okay!
There is a saying in my hometown of China, that is, to promote the virtuous is not to avoid relatives and enemies!

The same goes for business!

Miyamoto, you really worry too much!

If you still have time today, take me there to have a look! "He Fan smiled when he heard Miyamoto Musashi's worry, but he didn't expect Miyamoto Musashi to be quite measured. He saw that there was still enough time, and then said with a smile.

"Hi! Mr. He, please follow me!" Hearing He Fan's disapproving words, Miyamoto Musashi suddenly had the urge to die for his confidant, and said excitedly.

Following Miyamoto Musashi to this small food factory, He Fan was really satisfied, but he didn't put his joy on his face, instead he pretended to nod deeply and said, "That's right, it's better than the previous ones!
But if the price is too high, it may not need to be considered! "

Hearing He Fan's words, Miyamoto Musashi was overjoyed and said nervously, "If Mr. He wants to buy it, it will be [-] US dollars!

If it is leased, it will be five hundred dollars a year! "

"Cough! Are you kidding me?" He Fan said with a sneer when he heard the offer from the other party.

Hearing such a high price from his friend, Miyamoto Musashi's expression became ugly. Seeing He Fan's angry look, he quickly reprimanded his friend, "Inuyang Jiro, you disappoint me so much!"

"Huh? Hehe, the price is still negotiable!
For the sake of Miyamoto Musashi, you can just give [-] US dollars!

This is already the best price! When Inuyang Jiro saw his offer, he angered He Fan and Miyamoto Musashi, he didn't care at all, and let people know it was "old fritters" at a glance, and then said with a treacherous smile.

Seeing Inuyang Jiro in front of him, He Fan completely lost his patience in bargaining, and said in a cold tone, "Inuyang Jiro, right?
Buy it for $[-]!

If you agree, please contact Miyamoto Musashi! "

After He Fan finished talking about his price, he turned around and left without saying a word.


When Miyamoto Musashi heard He Fan's price, he was a little shocked. He glanced at his friend Inuyang Jiro, snorted coldly at Inuyang Jiro, and then left with He Fan.

Inuyang Jiro was also shocked when he heard the price given by He Fan, but he said treacherously in Chinese with a strange smile, "Hey! Don't do that!
I have also been to your China!

Talk about business!You can't be so impatient! "

He Fan stopped when he heard Inuyang Jiro's words, and suddenly turned around with cold eyes, staring at this shameless person, seeing Inuyang Jiro lower his head in fear, He Fan left without saying anything.

Seeing He Fan's cold and stern eyes, Inuyang Jiro suddenly became frightened for no reason, as if being stared at by a fierce tiger, he felt fear involuntarily.

Wiping the cold sweat from the fright on his head, he said to himself with lingering fear, "Looks like I need to ask Miyamoto Musashi later!

Who is this Chinese kid in his teens?

How could there be such cold and merciless eyes! "

After finally catching up with He Fan, Miyamoto Musashi explained breathlessly, "Mr. He, don't get me wrong!
Inuyang Jiro is just a food merchant!

In the past, during the war, Inuyang Jiro and the domestic military only did military food supply business!

Of course his character is not very good!
Please don't mind Mr. Ho! "

"If Mr. He is interested, but feels that the price is too high, it is better to consider long-term rental!

As for the rent, I will definitely help you to minimize it! "

"What I hate the most is a guy like Inuyang Jiro who thinks he's smart!

I will not have any entanglement with this kind of person, so I will only buy this factory building, and the price is only six thousand dollars!
Whether Inuyangjiro agrees or not, I don't care! After hearing Miyamoto Musashi's explanation, He Fan knew that Inuyang Jiro was not the "war devil" he thought of, and then he was no longer so angry, and then explained in a cold tone.

Seeing the back of He Fan leaving and hearing his unquestionable offer, Miyamoto Musashi smiled wryly.

During the war, Inuyang Jiro prospered for a period of time by supplying military rations to the military.

But after the defeat, Inuyang Jiro was completely finished, and he often lived by smoking "white flour". It can be said that his wife and children were separated, and he was really desperate.

In fact, although this small food factory has been dilapidated, there is no problem in selling it for more than 1 US dollars.

However, many buyers were worried that Inuyang Jiro was too stupid, and worried that after the transaction was completed, Inuyang Jiro would often come to make trouble, so they failed to complete the transaction.

Seeing Miyamoto Musashi in front of him and hearing the news he said, He Fan was a little surprised, and then he wanted to confirm the news and said, "Your friend Inuyang Jiro really agreed to sell this for six thousand dollars. An old factory building?"

"Yes! Mr. He! Inuyang Jiro agreed!" Hearing He Fan's doubts, Miyamoto Musashi said again affirmatively.

"In that case, let's get ready to sign the contract!
But you should also know that because of your special relationship with Inuyang Jiro, I have to find another lawyer to follow up on this transaction!
Miyamoto Musashi, I hope you can understand! He Fan was very satisfied when he heard Miyamoto Musashi's affirmative answer, but he thought of the legal safety issue, and then explained with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Miyamoto Musashi thought it was necessary, so he said with a smile, "Mr. He, you are worrying too much!
My professionalism is still very sound!
I don't mind your proposal! "

After hearing Miyamoto Musashi's words, He Fan didn't care whether he was sincere or not. He directly picked up the phone on the table, pressed the speakerphone, and called the foreign woman Ai in front of Miyamoto Musashi. Ma.

"Miss Emma, ​​I'm He Fan!

long time no see, how are you? "As soon as the call was connected, He Fan explained with a smile.

"Yeah! Long time no see!

You called me today, what's the matter?

Could it be that you figured it out and want to go back to school?
Great, let me help you out! "Hearing He Fan's voice, the foreign woman Emma's surprised voice came from the phone.

"Eh? It's not about this!
I want to buy a factory in Tokyo. Does your US embassy have a good lawyer? Come and help me? He Fan felt dizzy when he heard that Emma, ​​a foreign woman, still stubbornly wanted to send He Fan to school, and quickly explained.

"Oh? So that's what happened!

Very simple!

Tell me where you are and I'll send the lawyer over now!
Don't worry, in this land, no one dares to deceive us Americans! "Hearing He Fan's request for help, the foreign woman Emma must have not considered it, so she readily agreed.

"Hehe! I'm in room 22 on the 2210nd floor of a Tokyo skyscraper!" He Fan smiled happily and said his address when he heard that the foreign woman Emma was so powerful.

"Okay, I get it now!
How about this!I'm also curious about the workshop you need!

I happen to be in Tokyo right now!
I might as well go there too! "Hearing the address He Fan mentioned, which is not far from the US embassy, ​​the foreign woman Emma suggested with a smile.

"Eh?" Upon hearing the proposal from the foreign woman Emma, ​​He Fan heard a rush of busy voices before he had time to express his opinion.

Hearing the conversation between He Fan and the woman on the phone, especially when he heard the "US Embassy", Miyamoto Musashi was completely shocked. It turned out that the teenager in front of him had such a deep background, and the person standing behind him was actually He is the "overlord" of this land.

Emma, ​​the foreign woman, moved very quickly. She didn't make He Fan wait long, and came to Room 22 on the 2210nd floor of a skyscraper in Tokyo. Seeing the decent five-star company, Emma, ​​the foreign woman, was really shocked. .

"He Fan, are you here for real?"

He Fan realized that she regarded himself as a real friend when he heard Emma, ​​the foreign woman, and said with a smile, "Of course! I usually mean it!"

"Oh! My God! You must be crazy!" He Fan's affirmative answer, the foreign woman Emma was still very surprised.

"Forget it! You can do whatever you want!
Now take us to the factory you want to buy!
I'm really a little curious! "Although she was very surprised, looking at He Fan in front of her, the foreign woman Emma was very helpless, then shrugged and said.

Inuyang Jiro saw that He Fan came again, but brought the ace lawyer dedicated to the US embassy, ​​and then completely gave up, signed directly and happily, and completed the deal.

Seeing He Fan's strength and his background, Inuyang Jiro no longer has the courage to turn around again!
He Fan was very happy to see that the matter had been resolved and Miyamoto Musashi and the ace lawyer at the US embassy were sent away, and then he invited the foreign woman Emma, ​​"Miss Emma, ​​thank you very much for your help today!

I want to invite you to my house as a guest!

I don't know, do I have the honor? "

"Oh? Your house?
where is it?
Take me there! "Hearing He Fan's invitation, the foreign woman Emma was very happy, and then said excitedly.

When they came to the apartment that He Fan had just rented, Emma, ​​a foreign woman, suddenly joked, "He Fan, you rented such a nice apartment, you don't mean you want to have a girlfriend!

correct!In your China, this is called "Golden House Zangjiao"! "

"Haha! Emma, ​​you are so funny!

I am only 13 years old this year!

About girlfriend?It is absolutely impossible! He Fan laughed loudly when he heard the foreign woman Emma tease him.

"But in our America, and even in the whole of the West, there are many young loves of this kind!

But I feel that there is nothing wrong with it! "The conflict of ideas makes it difficult for the foreign woman Emma to understand.

"I know what you said!

But the kind of young love in the West is more like platonic love, not physical!
No one will really taste the "forbidden fruit" at this age!

Because doing so is very harmful to the body! For Emma, ​​a foreign woman, to discuss this issue with him, He Fan had a feeling of "communicating with others", but when he thought that Emma in front of him was a foreign woman from the West, He Fan didn't care. Then he said casually.

Hearing He Fan's point of view, the foreign woman Emma's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something exciting, and then asked suspiciously, "He Fan, are you really only 13 years old?

But how do I feel, your mind is very mature!

Especially in doing things, it gives me the feeling that you are more stable than adults! "

"Huh? I'm really only 13!
My maturity may be related to my experience!
You should know my past, it's really hard to describe! "Hearing the doubts of the foreign woman Emma, ​​He Fan knew that this was a temptation from the foreign woman Emma to him. After thinking for a while, he explained with a wry smile.

Of course, Emma, ​​the foreign woman, knows He Fan's miserable past. When she first saw the information obtained from the investigation, Emma was really shocked.

Thinking of He Fan's past misery, the foreign woman Emma couldn't help showing a pitiful expression, she came to He Fan's side, hugged He Fan directly, and said comfortingly, "He Fan, all the misfortunes are over. !
With my friend here, I will never allow you to endure that miserable situation again! "

Being hugged suddenly by the foreign woman Emma, ​​breathing in the scent of her perfume, feeling her plump and hot body, and hearing her comfort to him, He Fan's heart was really touched at this moment!
My goodness!Did I really meet an angel? !
(End of this chapter)

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