Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 232 5-Star Noodle Restaurant Opens in Tokyo

Chapter 232 Five Star Noodle Restaurant Opens in Tokyo

He Fan who was hugging Emma enjoyed it a lot, but after all, he was only 13 years old and in good health, he would never do anything out of bounds. Emma stayed in He Fan's apartment that night.

He Fan has been living on and off for nearly a year, and this is the first time that He Fan has slept so soundly. Feeling the sense of security brought by Emma, ​​He Fan is really moved, and he is also thankful for his luck that he met a beautiful angel.

That night, He Fan slept soundly, as if he had returned to China, surrounded by his own countrymen.

Anyway, I don't worry, I will be thrown into the sea by others in the middle of the night!

Don't worry, I'm sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, someone stabbed me with a samurai sword!
After being busy for almost a week, the five five-star employees were all exhausted. As soon as Sato Ken returned to the company, he drank a large glass of cold water, and then he felt alive again, complaining in his mouth, "Meiko, I It feels like what we are doing now makes no sense at all!

It feels like the boss is deliberately tossing us! "

Hearing Sato Takeru's complaint, the other four employees all had different expressions, but they didn't say anything, Meiko heard Sato Takeru's complaint, but reprimanded him, "Sato-kun, you can't speculate about our boss like this!

The boss asked us to do this, there must be his intentions!

I have thoroughly researched the information given to us, and the things involved in it are really very extensive!
I think it is our honor to meet the boss! "

"Meiko, that's what you thought!
I don't think so, I think since the boss just wants to pick five shops, we just choose the best five shops among the shops we saw during this period, and hand them over to the boss to complete the task ! "Hearing Meizi's reprimand to him, Takeru Sato didn't take it seriously, but said opportunistically.

Hearing Takeru Sato's clever proposal, Meiko's eyes widened in shock, and she looked at her old classmate Takeru Sato in disbelief. Before she had time to say anything, the three employees next to her were all brightened when they heard Takeru Sato's proposal. Sasaki He said happily, "Satou-kun, you are such a genius!
This proposal of yours is great! "

Hearing that some colleagues agreed with his proposal, Takeru Sato was very excited, as if it was an honor to be recognized by others, and then said to the angry Meiko, "Meiko, see!
My suggestion is still very necessary!
In school, your grades are relatively excellent, and you are also very beautiful, but now we have stepped into the society!

We must learn to deal with things in a smart way! "

He Fan stayed in his office, busy with the central kitchen. He Fan shook his head helplessly when he heard the conversation of the five new employees. Doing things is actually opportunistic.

I thought this was the final conclusion of the five of them, but He Fan heard outside the office, Meizi angrily reprimanded Sato Takeru and other colleagues, "How can you be so perfunctory!

The boss asked us to investigate in such detail, but his intention was to plan for the opening of new stores in the future!
I'm also ready to sort out our investigation into different shops of the first, second and third levels!

The first level is the five initial shops requested by the boss!
In the second level, I plan to tentatively designate ten stores for the expansion of stores in the future!
The third level is still designated as five stores, which are used to supplement the business in Tokyo!
I believe that the opening of twenty stores in the whole of Tokyo has reached the limit! "

He Fan, who was about to come out to deal with their discussion, was completely surprised when he heard this Meizi's plan.

I do have plans to open a branch, but now it's just an idea. I didn't expect that this Meizi made a detailed plan today!
Thinking that his boss had left the company, the five new employees were discussing without consideration.

Unexpectedly, He Fan walked out of his office suddenly, seeing the boss He Fan who suddenly appeared in front of him, the five new employees all became dumbfounded at the same time.

In the end, Meizi woke up first, bowed and apologized to He Fan, and said, "Boss, I'm sorry!

We are so tired recently!
Didn't mean to slander the boss and complain!please forgive me! "

"Hehe, Takeru Sato said something right!" Looking at the beautiful Meiko in front of him, He Fan said with a nonchalant smile.

I thought that He Fan would directly reprimand them, but when they heard He Fan's words, the five of Meazi felt a little inexplicable, and they all stared at He Fan in a daze.

Seeing the expressions of the five Meiko, He Fan could of course guess their mental activities, and then explained with a smile, "The only thing Sato Takeru said is correct is that you, Meiko, are really beautiful!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation, the five of Meizi were stunned for a while, and after Meizi realized it, she became shy.

Seeing the colorful expressions of the five people, He Fan didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile, "I did hear all of your conversation just now!

You have worked hard this time! "

"Now I'm announcing a personnel appointment. Among the five of you, Ms. Meizi will be your team leader. Your salary will return to the normal salary standard from the first month, and there will be half a month's salary as a bonus!"

Hearing He Fan's appointment, the five of them were stunned for a moment, and then except for Meizi, the other four employees all looked at the lucky Meizi enviously.

"Boss, thank you for your care!
I will definitely not let you down! "Meiko, who had reacted, bowed excitedly and said.

"I hope that you will do even better in your future work under the leadership of Meizi!" Seeing that his appointment had achieved the desired effect, He Fan said with a smile.

"Hi!" Upon hearing He Fan's words, all five of them answered in unison.

He Fan looked at Takeru Sato again, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Taken Sato, in fact, you are also very good!

We have a vocabulary in China called down-to-earth!
If you can be truly down-to-earth, your future will be limitless! "

"Hi! Thank you boss for not minding my recklessness!" He Fan's encouragement, Sato Takeru bowed respectfully and replied.

"It's not terrible to expose your shortcomings, but you are afraid of knowing your own shortcomings and not correcting them!

This is very deadly!

I hope you are not so unrepentant! Seeing that Takeru Sato is so smart, he understood his encouragement to him, and then said with a smile again.

"Hi! Boss, don't worry!

You will never be disappointed again! "For the boss He Fan's point of view, Sato Takeru agrees and is very moved, and he no longer feels contemptuous because of He Fan's age.

"Koizumi, what happened to that He Fan recently?
You arrange a time and I am ready to come to thank you! "Fujiwara Takumi finished his work and said to the butler Koizumi who was standing by.

Hearing what his boss Fujiwara Takumi said, Koizumi quickly explained helplessly, "Sir, I may disappoint you!

Some time ago, Miss Emma took He Fan out of Hakodate, Hokkaido, went directly to the US embassy in Tokyo, and helped He Fan apply for a legal status in the United States.

As for He Fan, he is still in Tokyo and has not returned to Hakodate, Hokkaido! "

"Oh? What do you mean, He Fan has changed from a "black household" without legal status to a current American nationality?" Hearing Koizumi's information introduction, Fujiwara Takumi was shocked, and repeated in disbelief.

"Hi!" Koizumi replied affirmatively.

"Then He Fan must be studying at school now, right?

Which school in Tokyo? Calming down the shock in my heart, I valued the relationship between He Fan and Emma again, and then asked Koizumi with a smile.

Hearing the question from his boss Fujiwara Takumi, Koizumi also showed a confused expression when he thought of He Fan's current behavior. Seeing Koizumi's confused look, Koizumi became puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Sir, He Fan did not go to school to study, but opened a company in Tokyo, and there are five more shops called "Five Star Noodles" that will open soon!" Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's doubts, Koizumi quickly introduced.

"Nani? He Fan, a 13-year-old, started a company instead of going to school?" Koizumi just finished introducing He Fan's specific situation, Fujiwara Takumi stood up in shock, and looked at Koizumi in disbelief .

"Hi! I couldn't believe it when I heard the news!" Seeing his boss Takumi Fujiwara's shocked look, Koizumi replied affirmatively, and said with a wry smile.

"13 year old kid!
Started a company?
It's so amazing!

This He Fan is getting more and more mysterious! "Although Fujiwara Takumi was surprised by He Fan's behavior, he still arranged his subordinates to take care of He Fan as much as possible.

"The Black Dragon Club in Tokyo is very powerful, go and say hello to them, don't provoke He Fan!"

"Hi! I've already explained it!

And reminded He Fan of the close relationship between you and Miss Emma!
The Black Dragon Society will definitely not trouble He Fan! Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's order, Koizumi quickly explained.

"Yaoxi! You did a great job!
In Hakodate, Hokkaido, we almost killed He Fan. This kind of oolong cannot happen again in Tokyo! " Hearing Koizumi's explanation, Fujiwara Takumi expressed his satisfaction, and then gave an order with a lot of emotion.


"Koizumi-kun, I'm still curious, what were you doing when you were 13 years old?" Fujiwara Takumi suddenly asked Koizumi in a funny way.

"Nani." Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's mischievous question, Koizumi blushed with embarrassment.

After a busy month, "Five Star Noodle Restaurant" finally opened with the efforts of five new employees of Five Star, the legal consultant Miyamoto Musashi, and the boss He Fan.

There was no lively opening ceremony, just a good day was chosen, and the "Five Star Noodle House" opened in Tokyo, Japan in [-].

"He Fan, you are too hateful!

You didn't even invite me to such a big event as the opening!Still take me as a friend! "The foreign woman Emma looked at He Fan who greeted the guests, and asked angrily.

Looking at the foreign woman Emma in front of him, He Fan smiled happily, and then explained with a smile, "Miss Emma, ​​are you not in Tokyo? When did you come back?

Besides, I didn't hold any opening ceremony, I feel that's too ostentatious!

I still like to keep a low profile! "

"Hmph! You are all excuses, I think you just don't regard me as a friend!" The foreign woman Emma still couldn't let go of He Fan's explanation, and then complained.

"Oh, how come!
You must be mistaken!
It is my honor to have you as a friend! Seeing that the foreign woman Emma still couldn't let go, He Fan shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile.

"Hmph! Only ghosts will believe you!
But the business in your store is very good!
Make me a bowl, the signature noodles in your store are ready!

But I need you to do it yourself before I consider forgiving you! "Looking at the lively scene around, the foreign woman Emma was surprised to find that the business in the store is really good, much better than the "Chinese cuisine" in Hakodate, Hokkaido!

"No problem! Just wait for me for a while!" He Fan responded with a smile when he heard the request from the foreign woman Emma.

Not long after, He Fan personally brought out a bowl of noodles and placed them in front of the foreign woman Emma. Seeing Emma's curious face, He Fan explained with a smile, "I'm afraid you won't be used to those special noodles. , I made you a bowl of tomato and egg noodles! Try it out!"

Hearing He Fan's explanation and smelling the aroma of this bowl of tomato and egg noodles, the foreign woman Emma actually felt that she really had an appetite. She looked at He Fan suspiciously and asked with a smile, "What about this bowl of noodles?" Did you really do it?"

"I come from a family of chefs in China, and my ancestors have been chefs for three generations!

Otherwise, I wouldn't open a noodle restaurant! He Fan said with a helpless smile when he heard the question from the foreign woman Emma.

"Okay! It looks quite appetizing!
Then I will try it! "Emma, ​​the foreign woman, heard He Fan's explanation and said reluctantly, then picked up the chopsticks and tasted them.

Emma, ​​the foreign woman who didn't pay attention at first, after taking a sip, her eyes lit up unconsciously, and then she felt the deliciousness of this bowl of noodles, and then she was no longer polite, and ate it directly.

Seeing the appearance of the foreign woman Emma eating, He Fan smiled as expected, and went to greet other guests.

As soon as he turned around and left here, he saw two dignified middle-aged strangers put down the flower baskets they brought at the door of the store, and even smiled and congratulated He Fan in Chinese, "Mr. He, your "five-star noodle restaurant" It’s opened, but there’s no grand opening ceremony!”

Since this person spoke fluent Chinese, but still had a little Japanese accent, He Fan guessed that this person was also Japanese, so he asked suspiciously, "Thank you! Who are you?"

Another middle-aged man, hearing He Fan's doubts, quickly introduced with a smile, "Mr. He, this is Mr. Fujiwara Takumi, the president of the Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce!"

He Fan was still puzzled when he heard the other party's introduction, but since he came to congratulate himself on the opening, he didn't need to be too entangled, so he quickly let go of the doubts in his heart, thanked him with a smile, and said, "President Fujiwara is so kind!

It's just a small noodle shop, there's no need for any opening ceremony! "

"Hehe! Mr. He, you are too self-effacing!" Hearing He Fan's words, Fujiwara Takumi thought it was He Fan's self-effacement. He started opening five stores at the same time.

After finishing her own tomato and egg noodles, Emma, ​​the foreign woman, felt unfinished. She licked her lips and began to miss this delicious feeling. She inadvertently noticed the situation on He Fan's side and saw that it was her own. Acquaintances greeted each other with a smile and said, "Mr. Fujiwara, why did you show up now!
You should be the first to show up! "

Hearing what Ms. Emma said to him, Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi next to him were both moved in their hearts, and then looked at each other helplessly. How could they not understand the meaning of Emma's words.

"He Fan, this Mr. Fujiwara Takumi is the father of Miss Fujiwara you rescued last time!

He should be the first to thank you! Noticing He Fan's doubts, the foreign woman Emma quickly introduced with a smile.

After hearing the explanation from the foreign woman Emma, ​​He Fan was truly relieved, and then said to Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi again, "Mr. Fujiwara, Mr. Koizumi, nice to meet you!"

Hearing the accusation in Miss Emma's words, Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi looked at each other helplessly, with a bitter smile in their hearts, if they were not worried about affecting your actions, Miss Emma, ​​they would have appeared in front of He Fan to thank him, but Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi could not refute.

"Mr. He, it's a pleasure to meet you!
I've wanted to visit Mr. He for a long time, but there are too many things recently, so I haven't made it!
Thanks to Mr. He for rescuing the little girl at that time!
Thank you very much! "Fujiwara Takumi looked at He Fan in front of him, bowed again and said in thanks.

"Easy to do!
Fujiwara-san is so kind!
Is Ling Nu okay now? "Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's thanks, He Fan said with a smile, to be honest, there is no image of that little girl in my mind now, only a beautiful concept, after all, I just glanced at it at that time .

"Uh" hearing He Fan's doubts, Fujiwara Takumi was about to explain, and the foreign woman Emma beside him also asked curiously, "Yes! Mr. Fujiwara, I am also feeling strange!

I haven't seen Fujiwara-san since what happened last time!
where is she now "

Hearing Miss Emma's doubts, Fujiwara Takumi explained with a smile, "Miss Emma, ​​Mr. He, I have already sent my little girl to study in the United States!

Because I left too hastily, I didn't have time to say goodbye to Miss Emma and Mr. He!

I'm so sorry! "

After hearing Fujiwara Takumi's explanation, Miss Emma was relieved, and then said to Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi, "So that's it!

You are really lucky to come here today!
He Fan's pasta is really delicious! "

Hearing Miss Emma's words, Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi couldn't help but look at each other, their hearts moved, and then they thought of He Fanzu's identity as a chef, and then they both looked forward to it, "Oh! Then I have to try it out today!
When I was young, I spent some time in Shanghai, China!
Thinking of the food there, I still really miss it! "

(End of this chapter)

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