Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 234 Customized Instant Noodle Production Line

Chapter 234 Customized Instant Noodle Production Line
It wasn't until this moment that He Fan realized the joy of being a boss. The boss moved his mouth, the employees broke their legs, and all the troublesome and trivial things were handed over to the employees below. The hard-working life is much more comfortable.

The Japanese are really the most suitable talents for the service industry. The behavior of bowing when they see people cannot be learned from other countries and ethnic groups. Nanbang has learned it, but he only learned a superficial thing, which seems a bit nondescript!

As long as the Japanese are respectful to you on the surface, they will not let you find any difference, even if they are unhappy, they will really hide it!
As a student, Nan Bang is far behind. Although he is bowing, he still shows his inner arrogance and arrogance, which gives others a strong sense of conflict and seems a bit nondescript.

Seeing that everything was done by the employees, He Fan was busy with the next plan. He went downstairs and came to a "five-star noodle restaurant" near the company. Seeing the bustling scene of people coming and going, He Fan knew I successfully conquered the Japanese stomach.

"He Fan, why do you have time to come to the store today?"

Hearing the greeting, He Fan realized that it was Fujiwara Takumi who came to eat noodles again, so he smiled and said, "Mr. Fujiwara, hello! What noodles did you eat today?"

"Hehe, I like your Lanzhou Beef Noodles very much!
Really delicious!
I can't eat enough! Hearing He Fan who came to him, Fujiwara Takumi said with a smile.

"That old fellow Inoue, if he knows that you really have such good cooking skills, I don't know if he will be very sad!"

He Fan smiled helplessly when he heard what Fujiwara Takumi said, and then explained with a wry smile, "I wouldn't have exposed my cooking skills in that situation, otherwise I might never be able to leave the kitchen for the rest of my life!"

"Yes! There is indeed such a possibility!
But I'm also curious, why did you let Ichiro Kameda know your cooking skills when you were on the boat?

Isn't this contradictory? Hearing He Fan's explanation, Fujiwara Takumi said suspiciously while eating the beef noodles in the bowl.

"Hehe, you don't know that I was in the hands of Kameda Ichiro, and he only paid a hundred yen!

If I didn't let him see my value at that time, I might really have thrown him into the sea to feed the fish!

It's a different situation from Mr. Inoue in Hakodate! "He Fan knew that Fujiwara Takumi must have investigated him, so he said it without concealing it.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Fujiwara Takumi looked at He Fan in surprise, and then said with a wry smile, "What you said makes sense!

Maybe you don't know, Kameda Ichiro participated in that war, he can definitely do this kind of thing like throwing you into the sea to feed the fish! "

"Don't talk about unhappy things!
I heard from Koizumi that you have already opened an account at our Fujiwara Bank?
You trust me so much? "Fujiwara Takumi suddenly talked about He Fan's business affairs.

Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's doubts, He Fan smiled disapprovingly and said, "I'm just making troubles like this, why don't you trust me!
Besides Miss Emma's introduction at the beginning, I knew that Mr. Fujiwara was a reliable friend! "

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Fujiwara Takumi shook his head disapprovingly, and said with a lot of emotion, "If I hadn't seen the daily turnover of your "Five Star Noodle Restaurant" before, I would really despise your business!

But I really didn't expect that a small business would have such a big business opportunity. Now I admire you very much! "

"Hehe, I just relied on my own cooking skills and got lucky!

Fujiwara-san is really admiring it!

I'm really ashamed! "Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's praise, He Fan was very proud and said modestly.

"Haha, stop being humble to me!
I hear your next move is going to be big!
How about it?Whether there is any pressure on funds, our Fujiwara Bank can help! "For He Fan's self-effacing, Fujiwara Takumi shook his head and smiled, then asked.

Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's inquiry, He Fan knew that Fujiwara Takumi had been paying attention to him all the time. Anyway, he was a "little shrimp" now, and he would definitely not be favored by deep-sea giants like the Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce. .

To put it bluntly, after World War II, the Japanese government and the business community supported some enterprises, which is really admirable. Almost all famous large companies in later generations have more or less strong support from the business community.

"Thank you Mr. Fujiwara for your concern, the funds are still going well for the time being!

But I will definitely ask Mr. Fujiwara in the future, I hope Mr. Fujiwara can take care of me a lot! "For Fujiwara Takumi's kindness, He Fan refused.

"Haha, you kid, let's not talk about the fact that you saved my daughter, even if you are just an ordinary young man, if you work so hard, I will support you!
You really don't need my help? "Although He Fan refused, Fujiwara Takumi still admired He Fan, and then asked again in doubt.

"Huh? There is really a tricky matter, and I need to ask Mr. Fujiwara for help!" He Fan's heart moved when he heard what Fujiwara Takumi said, and then he remembered his plan, and then explained with a smile.

"Oh! Tell me!" Hearing He Fan's words, Fujiwara Takumi became curious.

"I don't know Mr. Fujiwara, is there any machinery manufacturing company that I am familiar with, I want to customize a production line for producing pasta!" Seeing that Fujiwara Takumi agreed, He Fan explained.

"Haha, you may not know what our Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce does, do you?
Machinery manufacturing is one of the main industries of our Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce!

How about this!Come back and formulate your request, give it to Koizumi, he will help you get it done! Hearing He Fan's request, Fujiwara Takumi couldn't help but said with a smile.

"That would be great!
However, my production line is more troublesome!

I have the prepared materials in my hand now, why don't you follow me to the office to have a look? He Fan said happily after hearing Fujiwara Takumi's words.

Hearing He Fan's invitation, Fujiwara Takumi felt that he had nothing important to do now, so he agreed, and followed He Fan to the nearby skyscraper.

To be honest, it was the first time for Takumi Fujiwara to come to He Fan's small company. Seeing that the employees of He Fan's company were all working with enthusiasm, Takumi Fujiwara was still very surprised when he thought that He Fan was only 14 years old.

When he came to his office, he took out the production line materials for the production of instant noodles that he had made a long time ago from the safe, and handed them to Takumi Fujiwara who didn't care.

I heard that it was just a noodle-making machine, but Takumi Fujiwara really didn’t take it seriously at first. Seeing He Fan’s seriousness, he felt a little funny, but when he opened the information that He Fan handed over, Takumi Fujiwara became more and more surprised up.

"I feel that these materials are all handwritten, using Chinese characters. You can't make it all by yourself?" Fujiwara Takumi asked He Fan who was looking at Qian in surprise.

"Yes! The illustration above, I drew a sketch, and then asked a professional artist to redraw it!
This is a kind of pasta that has never appeared before. There are two drying methods: fried and non-fried. It may be a bit troublesome!
There are also dehydrated vegetable packs, seasoning packs and broth packs, all of which require dedicated production lines! "Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's surprise, He Fan explained with a smile.

"It's really troublesome, just making the bread is not so easy!
However, these problems can be solved, it just takes some time, can you wait? Hearing He Fan's explanation, Fujiwara Takumi became more and more shocked. He valued the boy in front of him more, but he didn't expect the other party's potential and ability to be so powerful. Then he thought about the production line carefully, and then said relaxedly.

He Fan was very happy when he heard that Fujiwara Takumi said that his machinery manufacturing company could produce instant noodles. After all, it was the first time in the world to produce instant noodles in [-]. "There is plenty of time!
After all, the five-star noodle restaurant is going to expand to other cities now!
Maybe, when ordering the production line, I will go to your Fujiwara Bank for a loan! "

"Haha, the loan is no problem!
Our bank is very relieved that you are such an excellent five-star company! "Hearing that He Fan has a loan plan, Fujiwara Takumi said happily.

Seeing such a troublesome matter solved by Fujiwara Takumi, He Fan was really moved. It seems that some things are trivial in the eyes of a capable person.

"By the way, have you applied for patent protection for such important information?" Fujiwara Takumi suddenly asked the most important patent question.

"It has been applied for a long time ago, not only in Japan, but also in Europe and the United States!
In the future, only Mr. Fujiwara's machinery company can produce this kind of instant noodle production line. He Fan explained with a smile when he heard Fujiwara Takumi's concern.

Takumi Fujiwara can see the importance of this instant noodle production line at a glance. The patent issue is of course very important. Unexpectedly, He Fan has already considered it and put it into action. Takumi Fujiwara is really satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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