Chapter 235 MacArthur
Since the two lines began to expand at the same time, the actions of Meizi and Sato Takeru were very smooth. By the end of March 50, the entire Japanese layout of the "Five-Star Noodle Shop" had been basically completed.

In fact, Meizi opened seven new stores in Tokyo, which is simpler, and the task was completed in less than February.

He Fan asked her to take charge of the production of instant noodles again. The location of the factory, the installation of the production line, and even the purchase of raw materials kept Meizi busy.

By the end of March, when Takeru Sato completed his mission and returned to Tokyo, the first batch of instant noodles had already been on the market.

As soon as instant noodles were launched, they became a myth again, even more popular than the original time and space. After all, behind He Fan is the huge Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce, not what Momofuku Ando of the original time and space can imagine.

For his future plans, He Fan directly printed Chinese, English and Japanese on the packaging.

Because of these three languages, Fujiwara Takumi dissuaded He Fan at that time, thinking that it was too cumbersome, but He Fan explained with a smile, "The market potential of instant noodles is huge, and the three languages ​​of Chinese, English and Japanese cover almost all the products. All markets in the world, this is also for the convenience of expanding the market in the future.”

He Fan's reason was far-fetched, but Fujiwara Takumi didn't say anything more, and the real reason is only known to He Fan himself.

Meizi also didn't expect that instant noodles would become so popular as soon as they came into the market. Seeing this situation, Meizi hurriedly ran to increase production, and He Fan also purchased five more production lines from Fujiwara Takumi.

"Boss, with the addition of the five additional production lines purchased this time, we will have eight production lines for five stars by then!

In this way, I don't know if the Japanese market can digest such a huge output? Seeing He Fan's additional production line, Meizi said with some concern.

Hearing Meizi's worry, He Fan smiled disapprovingly, and then simply explained, "Meizi, you can't just focus on the Japanese market!
Such a huge market outside of Japan is waiting for our occupation!

This is just the beginning, there will be more production in the future! "

Hearing He Fan's disapproving words, Meizi didn't say anything anymore, and went straight to busy with her own affairs.

As the weather gets hotter, people will become more and more restless. The conflict between the South Bar and the North Bar next door is intensifying. Every day in Japanese newspapers, there are almost all news of the conflict between the South Bar and the North Bar.

"Boss, there is an American outside who wants to buy our five-star instant noodles, and wants to negotiate the price with you alone." The secretary came to He Fan's office in a hurry and explained to He Fan.

"Oh! Can't Meizi make a decision?" He Fan said in surprise after hearing the secretary's explanation. After all, Meizi has been in charge of the production and sales of instant noodles, and the "five-star noodle restaurant" has long been handed over to Takeru Sato.

Hearing the surprise in He Fan's words, the secretary quickly explained, "It is said that this American is purchasing for the military, and the order quantity is relatively large, so Meizi has no way to make a decision."

After hearing the secretary's explanation, He Fan was already overjoyed. The reason why he made the instant noodles come out in a hurry was because he wanted to catch this big fish. He didn't expect the big fish to be hooked so soon.

"Okay, I get it now!
You let that American come over! "He Fan restrained the joy in his heart, and said to the secretary.

Looking at the American in a suit and leather shoes in front of him, He Fan was a little surprised, thinking that the other party would come in a military uniform, after all, that would be more imposing, "Mr. He, hello!
My name is David!

Is the purchaser of US military logistics!
This time is to buy large quantities of instant noodles! "

"David, hello!

How much instant noodles do you need to purchase? After shaking hands with this David, he asked the other party to sit down, and then He Fan asked directly.

"Mr. He, I plan to purchase ten tons in advance!

If it is welcomed by American soldiers, I will consider increasing the purchase again! Hearing He Fan's straightforward questions, David liked this way of communication very much, and then said with a smile.

"David, I just found out that the staff below have already offered you a 9.5% discount, but is there anything you are not satisfied with?" Hearing about David's purchases, He Fan already knew what Meizi had given you. The other party's offer, and then said with some doubts.

"Oh! my God!

It's only a 9.5% discount, how much is the discount?
We are the procurement of the military! Hearing He Fan's doubts, David said in disbelief.

"David, you have to know that this kind of instant noodles has never appeared on the market!

We need to develop research and development in advance, but also to develop production lines, because there is no experience, the price of the production line is still relatively high!

These all require a lot of capital investment, so so many discounts are already very rare! He Fan pretended to be helpless and explained after hearing David's words.

"That's good! Seeing that we are all American citizens, I will make a little more concessions and give you a [-]% discount directly!

If you are still not satisfied, I have nothing to do!

After all, your purchase volume this time is not too large! "

Hearing that He Fan set the price at [-]% off, David's eyes lit up, and he said with satisfaction, "[-]% off, yes!

But if we increase the purchase volume in the future, this price will not be appropriate! "

"Of course, after all, the price is based on your purchase volume as the preferential standard!
We also hope that you can increase your purchases! Seeing that David was satisfied, He Fan promised with a smile.

"The price is negotiable!
But I have one more request, that is, on your packaging, Chinese, English and Japanese are printed at the same time, it is really unnecessary!

So we ask that only English is printed! "Seeing that the most important price has been negotiated, David asked again.

"Huh? There is really nothing we can do about this matter for the time being!
At that time, we adopted three languages ​​at the same time in order to open up the markets of various countries at the same time!
If we continue to follow your requirements, we will need to re-increase investment, and we will not be able to bear it!
Of course, the situation will improve in the future, and we will definitely agree to your request!
Hope you can understand our difficulties! He Fan pretended to be embarrassed and explained after hearing David's request.

"Oh! my God!

It seems that this is only for the time being! Hearing He Fan's explanation, David thought for a long time before saying helplessly.

Since David bought that batch of instant noodles, it has never appeared again, as if this incident had never happened, and the conflict between Nan Bang and Bei Bang became more violent.

The "Five-Star Noodle House" has completely completed its layout in Japan, and it is directly managed by Takeru Sato.

As for the production of instant noodles, Meizi also did it perfectly, and He Fan didn't need to intervene at all.

Hakodate City, Hokkaido.

Qian Xia looked at the old devil Inoue who was gradually getting old, feeling a little sad, "Qian Xia, why is business getting worse and worse recently?"

"Hakodate City has newly opened a "five-star noodle restaurant". After all, customers like novelty. I don't think it will take long for customers to come back to our "Chinese cuisine" again!" Hearing the doubts of old devil Inoue , Qian Xia explained with a smile.

"Hmm! Qianxia, ​​what you said makes sense!

After all, we are an old shop that has been open for decades, and we will not be defeated by a newcomer!

I heard that Captain Clark was recently recalled to the army?
Is there going to be another war? Hearing Qian Xia's analysis, Old Devil Inoue agreed with it very much, and he has always been confidant of his own cooking skills, so he didn't take the "five-star noodle restaurant" to heart, and then suddenly asked about Qian Xia's lover, Captain Clark. matter.

"Uh, I don't know either!
I think even if there is a war, it's no big deal!
After all, the current U.S. military is number one in the world, and it is easy to solve.

Anyway, I feel that Clark was recalled to the army this time, and he behaved very easily!
Father, you don't need to worry too much!
We must have confidence in American soldiers! "Hearing old devil Inoue ask about Captain Clark, Chinatown said relaxedly.

"Hmm! Makes sense!

The strength of the US military is beyond doubt! "Very agree with Qianxia's words of praise for the US military, Inoue old devil said with a smile.

At the end of June in 50, the Bangzi War broke out completely. Nanbang first crossed the [-]th parallel and entered the territory of Beibang. As a result, Beibang was well prepared, and Nanbang fled like a rat.

The successive victories on the battlefield made Beibang completely forget himself, thinking that he was number one in the world, and that he would soon realize the unification of Bangzi.

The U.S. military in Japan was not surprised by Nanbang's failure at all, and Japan was doing its own thing with peace of mind, and didn't care about the disturbance from the outside world.

Japan is such a wonderful thing. As long as you figure it out and choose to lie down completely, you will be indifferent to other things.

There are more and more American soldiers on the street, appearing in groups all day long.

They often cause trouble everywhere after getting drunk.

The twelve stores of the five-star noodle restaurant in Tokyo were not spared.

A wave of rioting American soldiers has just been sent away, and maybe the next wave of rioting American soldiers is coming here.

He Fan told Miss Emma that she also had a headache about this kind of thing.

After all, it’s nothing, it’s all reasonable, and it made He Fan want to temporarily close the business, “He Fan, you just have to be patient for a while!
The U.S. military is very powerful, as long as it participates in this stick war, this farce will soon end!

But I heard that MacArthur wants to attack the presidency through this war farce! "

"That MacArthur, I don't care what he thinks, he can't bully people like this!

I just want to start a small business and have a hot meal, why is it so difficult! He Fan said disapprovingly when he heard that the foreign woman Emma's self-confidence was bursting.

"I heard that the US military logistics has purchased some instant noodles from you, why don't I say hello and let them increase their purchases!
It can be regarded as a kind of compensation for you!
what do you think? Seeing that He Fan was so troubled by the harassment of American soldiers, the foreign woman Emma suddenly suggested.

"not so good!
I think it is more appropriate for customers to take the initiative to purchase!
I am so confident in my instant noodles!
I firmly believe that the U.S. Army Logistics Department will take the initiative to increase the purchase of instant noodles soon! "For the proposal of the foreign woman Emma, ​​He Fan was very disapproving, and said bluntly.

"Haha, He Fan, it seems that you are going to be disappointed!

I have eaten your instant noodles, it is really good!

In winter, if you can eat a bowl, it is really a kind of enjoyment!
But MacArthur promised to end this farce before Christmas!
So for your instant noodles, without my advance greeting, it is impossible for the US military logistics to have a large purchase volume! "Hearing He Fan's plan, the foreign woman Emma laughed happily, and then expressed the optimistic attitude of the whole United States.

He Fan almost couldn't help laughing when he heard the foreign woman Emma's analysis, and soon our hero will make you arrogant Yingjiang completely dumbfounded, "I don't care!
Anyway, I'm not just waiting, you are a big customer of the US military logistics!

I have already prepared to expand the foreign market next year! "

The "five-star noodle restaurant" and the instant noodle factory are running steadily, and they don't need much attention from He Fan, because He Fan has no other business investment plans, so he simply took the opportunity to relax.

Every day, he visits several "five-star noodle restaurants" in Tokyo, and sometimes visits "five-star noodle restaurants" in other cities. Seeing Takeru Sato and Meizi busy, He Fan feels very happy.

He Fan believes that employees should be like this, and they must not be left idle.

Because He Fan has come to a conclusion that as long as the employees are free, one or the other will definitely happen.

He Fan came to the "Five Star Noodle Restaurant" near the skyscraper today and saw a few drunken American soldiers making trouble. He really felt dizzy. He couldn't explain the reason to these guys, so he could only look at them helplessly. arrogant and domineering.

The only difference today is that with the entry of two US military leaders, the US soldiers saw who came, and they all calmed down. There was no need to reprimand them.

Looking at the guy in military uniform, sunglasses, and a pipe in his mouth, He Fan knew that he was MacArthur without any introduction.

Seeing such a big man all of a sudden, He Fan didn't feel any excitement, just winked at the Japanese foreman, and let the other party entertain him.

The Japanese are now most keen on learning English. When recruiting employees, there is no need to consider whether they can speak English, so He Fan is not worried at all. The Japanese foreman has no way to communicate with MacArthur.

When the Japanese foreman came to MacArthur excitedly, he handed over the menu with both hands, and asked in a trembling voice, "Your Excellency, what do you want to eat?"

"I heard that the tomato and egg noodles here are good!
Give us a bowl each! When MacArthur heard the words of the Japanese foreman, he didn't respond in any way. He still proudly looked at the interior layout of the "Five-Star Noodle Restaurant", while the entourage next to him hurriedly said to the Japanese foreman.

"Hi! Please wait a moment!" The Japanese head waiter almost bowed her waist into a bean sprout shape, her forehead almost touched the ground, and said respectfully when she heard the other party's order.

Seeing this picture of the Japanese foreman, He Fan suddenly felt a chill all over his body, making him tremble all over. This Japanese foreman is too dedicated, it seems that he will give her a raise.

Soon the Japanese foreman brought the two MacArthurs the tomato and egg noodles they wanted. Looking at the combination of red, yellow, green and white, the two MacArthurs suddenly had an appetite, and then took off their proud sunglasses and pipes , began to try it out.

After taking a bite, MacArthur immediately had a happy expression, and started to eat happily. The Japanese foreman beside him saw MacArthur eating, and wanted to yell happily, but he tried his best to restrain his inner excitement, pain and happiness with.

(End of this chapter)

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