Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 236 Why is it called a 5-star noodle restaurant

Chapter 236 Why is it called a five-star noodle restaurant
(Modify the chapter, if you have read it, you can skip it!) MacArthur is very satisfied with this bowl of tomato and egg noodles, but when he sees the name of the shop and the Chinese red background behind the five stars, there is always a kind of inexplicable feeling. uncomfortable feeling.

Looking at the excited Japanese foreman who was waiting to serve him, MacArthur asked suspiciously, "Excuse me, this beautiful lady, does your store name have any special meaning?"

Hearing MacArthur's question, the Japanese foreman trembled with excitement, after all, MacArthur in front of him was Japan's "emperor", and explained with a smile, "I'm sorry, Your Excellency General!
Our employees don't know the specific reason!
However, our boss is in the shop today, how about I ask the boss for instructions? "

"Okay! Then please trouble Miss!" Hearing the Japanese foreman's explanation, MacArthur thought for a moment, then nodded.

After hearing the Japanese foreman's explanation, He Fan had expected such a day would come, but he didn't expect that the first doubter would be MacArthur!
He Fan came directly to MacArthur and the two, and explained with a smile, "Mister, hello!

I am the owner of this five-star noodle restaurant!

I just heard the explanation from our foreman, and I understand your doubts.

The main reason is that our company is called Five-Star Catering, and we will provide an evaluation form for each guest after eating.

If the guests are satisfied with the meal, they can give a five-star praise, and if they are not satisfied, they can also give four stars, three stars, two stars, or even one star!

If you write comments and opinions, we "Five Star Noodle House" will definitely find a way to correct it!

This is also to allow customers to have a better experience! "

After hearing He Fan's explanation, MacArthur was relieved, and then said with a smile, "So that's it! I thought it was because of the Eastern Dragon!
After all, their national flag is the five-star red flag, which is really similar to your signboard! "

He Fan shrugged his shoulders pretending to be helpless when he heard MacArthur's words, and then explained, "This gentleman's connection is really far-fetched!

When our company was established, it seemed that the Eastern Dragon had not yet established a country, it was just a coincidence! "

"Hmm! What you said makes sense!
It seems that we are thinking too much!

Your pasta tastes really good though!
When we return from Desheng, we will definitely come to your noodle shop again! "Hearing He Fan's explanation, MacArthur thought it made sense, and then said with a smile.

He Fan couldn't help but laugh when he heard MacArthur's words. If this is the case, it seems that MacArthur will definitely not be able to come to the "Five Star Noodle Restaurant".

Yingjiang's army landed in Incheon and formally participated in the Bangzi War. It not only shocked the whole world, but also completely stunned Beiban. Stand up.

However, after inadvertently eating "five-star instant noodles", Xiongqi's Nanbang army was completely slumped. In front of this "delicacy in the world", the voice of eating instant noodles was everywhere, "Oh! Assi!

The "five-star instant noodles" are really delicious!

Such delicious food must be Smecta produced by our Nanbang!
It must be such a Smecta!
It's just a pity that why is there no text about our Nanbang on the packaging? "

After the Nanbang army fell in front of the delicious "five-star instant noodles", they asked the Yingjiang army to increase the supply of supplies, not guns and ammunition, nor the special military rations of the Yingjiang army, but "five-star instant noodles".

When MacArthur saw the material application report submitted by the Nanbang Army, he was immediately stunned, and then said blankly, ""Five-star instant noodles", what the hell is this?

The Nanbang army actually said that without the "five-star instant noodles", they would not be able to fight the war!

Is this him, are you kidding me? "

"Yeah! I also think that the Nanba Army has gone too far this time!

Otherwise, we'll simply reject them! "For MacArthur's bewilderment, the entourage was equally at a loss, and then suggested.

"Hey! Forget it!
The Nanbang Army is a child who will never grow up!
"Five-star instant noodles" are just that, let the logistics department of Yingjiang army satisfy them! "Hearing the suggestion of the entourage, MacArthur shook his head helplessly, and then said indifferently.

Seeing David, the logistics purchaser of Yingjiang's army again, He Fan restrained his inner excitement, smiled and said to David, "David, long time no see!

I thought you eagle sauce army was not satisfied with our "five-star instant noodles"! "

"Mr. He, to tell you the truth, the "five-star instant noodles" you produce are really good!
In our eagle sauce army, the response is also very good!
But it has definitely not reached the point where it is impossible not to eat!

But this Nanbang army is really amazing!
The material application report they submitted to General MacArthur turned out to be all "five-star instant noodles" produced by you!
He also said that without the "five-star instant noodles", the Nanbang army would not be able to fight!

oh!my Lord!
What kind of army is this! Hearing He Fan's words, David explained with a helpless wry smile.

After hearing David's explanation, He Fan was also shocked. It turns out that Nan Bang's habit of eating "instant noodles" in later generations is still so strong now!

It really deserves to be the "biggest country in the universe"!
"Then David, how many "five-star instant noodles" are you going to order this time?" He Fan was actually surprised, but He Fan still didn't show it on the surface, and asked David with a smile.

"One million tons this time! How about it?
The purchase quantity is large enough!

How much discount can you give me this time? Hearing He Fan's directness, David liked this way of communication very much, and said proudly.

"Eh, your purchases are indeed a lot this time!

But no more discounts!

Because what you don’t know is that the whole of Japan is rushing to buy “five-star instant noodles”. After all, there is a war, and everyone is still a little panicked!
Then our "five-star instant noodles" became a scarce commodity in Japan!

If I deliver all the 100 million tons of "five-star instant noodles" to your eagle sauce army, there will be a short-term shortage in the market!
In this way, it will be very troublesome!
So this time we have no choice but to give you an extra discount, it's still only [-]% off! He Fan said with a face of embarrassment when he heard the number revealed by David.

"Oh! my God!

Mr. He, you can't treat our eagle sauce army like this, such a big customer! Hearing He Fan's explanation, David was shocked.

"David, I have always treated you as a friend in my heart!
Giving so many "five-star instant noodles" to your eagle sauce army, I need to bear a lot of pressure!
After all, the customer is God!

Those customers in the market are also gods, and our company cannot wantonly offend them!

If you come back a day later, it is very likely that I have sent this batch of "five-star instant noodles" away! Seeing that David was so shocked, He Fan pretended to be helpless and explained.

"My friend, is it true that there can be no more discounts?" Hearing He Fan's explanation, David still wanted to try to ask.

"I'm really sorry!

However, if your Eagle Sauce Army orders the next batch of "Five-Star Instant Noodles" in advance, I can decide to give you a 8.5% discount right now, and it doesn't matter how much you order! Seeing that David didn't want to give up, He Fan added another bargaining chip.

Hearing He Fan's "chip", David's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Dear friend, we've made a deal!"

Seeing the back of David leaving excitedly, He Fan was also very happy. After all, he sold 100 million tons of "Five-Star Instant Noodles" at one time, and this time the inventory was almost cleared.

When Meizi saw the invoice that He Fan gave her, the shock in her heart was beyond words. Looking at He Fan in front of her, she hugged He Fan in admiration, and kissed He Fan on the face. He said excitedly, "My boss, you are really great!"

Meizi's figure is very good. At the age of 23 and four years old, he is at the prime of his life. Although He Fan is still young, his height has reached nearly 1.7 meters, and Meizi's height is less than 1.6 meters. Meizi directly There is no sense of disobedience hanging on He Fan's body.

"Boss, you are amazing!
I have never seen such a powerful man like you, and I want to give myself to you tonight! "Meizi said while kissing He Fan forcefully, while looking at He Fan with eyes full of desire.

Hearing Meizi's tempting proposal, He Fan's heart swayed, and he couldn't help eating her, but thinking of his young body, He Fan still refused and said, "Meizi, I am too young now!
If you really want to be my woman, just wait for me for another two or three years. If you can't wait so long, don't think about it for now!

You, Meiko, are still free! "

Hearing He Fan's refusal, Meizi also knew that it was really not suitable now, but she still said, "You really like you!
What you said makes sense, but right now, I just want to give myself to you! "

"Cough, this really won't work!" He Fan swallowed unconsciously when he heard Meizi's very tempting words, and said helplessly.

"Meiko, things are always changing!

There was also a Japanese woman who wanted to be with me before, also because of my age, it didn't work out, and then she moved to the arms of other men!
So, maybe you will meet other men you like in the future, don't be too impatient! "

"No! I definitely won't!

I must wait for you for two years!

I must be your woman! Hearing He Fan's words, Meizi said excitedly.

He Fan was noncommittal when he heard Meizi's confession, and didn't care whether she could do it, but just kissed Meizi as his response.

(End of this chapter)

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