Chapter 237

He Fan was very happy to make such a big order, and Meiko was very excited, and also surprised Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi.

David had just sent the payment, and He Fan opened an account at Fujiwara Bank. When the bank staff saw such a huge amount, they immediately notified Koizumi in shock.

At first, I thought the bank staff were making too much fuss. After all, Koizumi knew that the "five-star instant noodles" had been selling well recently, but after checking the specific amount and seeing the big scene, Koizumi was also shocked, and he felt that this was just the beginning .

Koizumi hurried back to the chamber of commerce and found Fujiwara Takumi to report the situation. Seeing Koizumi's panic-stricken look, Fujiwara Takumi was also surprised, "Koizumi, what's wrong with you? It's rare to see you in such a hurry!"

"Sir, just now the staff of the bank reported to me that a large amount of money has been transferred to He Fan's account!
The source of the funds is the logistics department of the Eagle Sauce Army! Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's doubts, Koizumi explained.

"Nani? Didn't the logistics of Yingjiang's army just buy ten tons of "Five-Star Instant Noodles"?

Is it possible to do a big business again?

This is really incredible! Hearing Koizumi's explanation, Fujiwara Takumi said in surprise.

It's not that Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi haven't seen the world. With the development of He Fan's career, the deposit in his account will increase. This is a growing account, which surprised Fujiwara Takumi and the others.

"Sir, I think so too!

Hearing that the battle at the front of the stick is going well, MacArthur promised to end the war with Christmas money!
There is no reason to purchase such a large amount of "five-star instant noodles"? Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's surprise, Koizumi also felt a little puzzled.

"Recently, the Eagle Sauce Army has ordered a large number of weapons from our machinery manufacturing plant, and it seems that the instant noodle production line ordered by He Fan cannot be delivered on time!
We're about to lose a fortune again!

In such a simple war, why use so many weapons? "

"Sir, didn't you say last time that MacArthur provoked this war, and the local eagle sauce did not support it, and only allowed MacArthur to use Japan's power!

And MacArthur wants to use this war to attack the presidential throne!

Sir, do you think MacArthur will use force to ascend to power if he fails to achieve his goal through this war? Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's doubts, Koizumi said analytically.

"Koizumi, you are right!

Now this He Fan, I thought I had a high opinion of him, but I didn't expect him to grow so fast!
Koizumi, I have a thought, now we have been requisitioned by the eagle sauce army!
Why don't we come to "escape the shell of the golden cicada", we simply set up another machinery manufacturing enterprise with He Fan, so that we won't lose the huge market! "After hearing Koizumi's analysis, Fujiwara Takumi thought it made sense, and then expressed his intentions.

"Sir, your plan is really perfect!
Miss Emma is standing behind He Fan. With such cooperation between the two parties, we can virtually draw closer the relationship with Miss Emma! "For Fujiwara Takumi's plan, Koizumi's eyes lit up, and then he further analyzed and said.

Hearing that Koizumi not only agreed with his plan, but also analyzed his main purpose, Fujiwara Takumi nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi suddenly appearing in front of him, and hearing their plan, He Fan almost shouted excitedly.

Although the Japanese manufacturing of the later generations is not as good as the technology of Germany and the United States, it is still very good. He Fan has never expected to be able to get involved in an industry that represents the foundation of a country. The opportunity before him has indeed appeared. up.

He Fan knew that this was all thanks to MacArthur. In order to win the stick war, MacArthur set his sights on the Japanese manufacturing giants. The Japanese manufacturing giants who had no choice but came up with this "golden cicada escape shell" strategy.

He Fan understood the cause and effect, tried his best to restrain the ecstasy in his heart, not to let his joy show on his face, and then said with a smile, "For such a good thing, Mr. Fujiwara can think of me, I am really honored!

I just don't know how to distribute the shares of the new manufacturing plant? "

Hearing He Fan's words, Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi were delighted, knowing that this meant that He Fan agreed to their partnership proposal, and then Koizumi said, "Our Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce is willing to invest 30.00% of the shares in technology. Mr. provides financial support and accounts for 70.00% of the shares!
Mr. He, what do you think of this distribution of shares? "

"Your Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce's technical shares account for 30.00%, which is very appropriate!
But I think part of the shares should be used to motivate the management, so I want to give 60.00% of my own to the management for distribution, that is to say, I only need [-]% seven! He Fan was really satisfied after hearing Koizumi's explanation, but when he thought of the management of the machinery manufacturing plant in the future, He Fan explained again.

Hearing that He Fan generously handed over 14% of the shares to the management, Fujiwara Takumi and Koizumi looked at each other in surprise, and were deeply shocked by He Fan's maturity, stability and foresight. There is nothing remarkable about a person, but He Fan in front of him is only [-] years old!
"Since you, He Fan, are so courageous enough to contribute 5.00%, then our Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce will also contribute [-]%, just enough to make up [-]%, and distribute it to the management to motivate their work!" Although shocked in his heart, Fujiwara Takumi gradually began to get to know He Fan formally, and then said boldly.

In fact, He Fan and Fujiwara Takumi both know that the 5.00% shares are still in their own hands, and the management only has the right to share dividends, so both of them are very generous.

He Fan was really happy to see that he had set foot in the basic industry so quickly. He really wanted to celebrate with Meizi and share his joy, but Meizi was sent to Hong Kong Island by himself to build a new instant noodle production factory.

MacArthur was very excited, seeing that he was about to hit the Yalu River and completely wiped out Beibang immediately, but the old man he was worried about did not appear. This meant that the presidential throne was getting closer and closer to him, so how could he not be excited.

But a sudden news caught the excited MacArthur off guard. The Eastern Dragon joined the battle. Although there were no signs or flags, it was indeed an army from the Eastern Dragon.

MacArthur hoped that this was just an "April Fool's Day" prank, but the cruel reality was in front of him, and he had to be forced to face the reality.

"Company commander, we found a regiment of Nanbang troops ahead!
Shall we kill him? "Chen Tianfang came to the company commander and told the company commander the military situation he had detected.

Hearing the situation introduced by Chen Tianfang, the company commander and the instructor next to him looked at each other with joy, then turned their heads and said to Chen Tianfang, "Your second row will intersect the enemy's retreat first, and block their escape direction in advance!
Chen Tianfang, I ask you not to let an enemy go! "

"Yes, company commander! Guaranteed to complete the mission!" Hearing the company commander's order, Chen Tian was relieved to be happy. This is the company commander's decision to wrap up this wave, and he hurriedly said excitedly.

When the second platoon arrived at the designated destination, the company commander looked at the time, and then ordered the first and third platoons to launch a fierce attack.

The head of the Nanbang army, seeing that the "five-star instant noodles" in front of him was about to be eaten, picked up the noodle bowl with joy on his face, and heard the sound of "tick-tick-tick" bugles coming from all directions, and the head of Nanbang was startled Some of them didn't hold the noodle bowl, and all of them fell on the ground with a "pop".

"Regimental Commander, we have been attacked by the Eastern Dragon!" The communications soldier ran in panting, and said to the panic-stricken Commander-in-Chief.

"Ah? Then why are you still standing there!
Abandoning all the luggage, each of them carried a box of "Five-Star Instant Noodles" and retreated quickly! "Hearing the explanation of the communicator, the head of Nanbang gave orders in a hurry.

"Yes! Captain!"

(End of this chapter)

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