Chapter 238 Influx of Orders

The battle went smoothly, and the Nanbang army was about to collapse at the first touch. For Chen Tianfang in the second platoon, the company commander was very relieved, because the second platoon had always been their company's trump card.

"Report to the company commander, the enemy will be defeated at the first touch!
The strange thing is that they all discarded their armor and armor very well, and they all held a big box in their hands!

Our platoon leader is in pursuit! Seeing the company commander, the communications soldier hurriedly reported the situation loudly.

Hearing the correspondent's report, the company commander and the instructor looked at each other in surprise, and the instructor said suspiciously, "The guns, ammunition, and even the guns have all been left behind!

It's really strange that the Nanbang army is holding the big box tightly! "

Although the company commander is also very puzzled, because of the preparation in advance, Chen Tianfang's second row will not disappoint, no matter what medicine is sold in the enemy's gourd, it will be clear at that time.

Sure enough, it didn't take long, Chen Tianfang ran over in a hurry, panting and reported to the company commander, "Report to the company commander, instructor! Our second platoon has successfully completed the task!

This gang of Nanbang troops is really troublesome!

As soon as we saw our second row blocking their way, we immediately ran into the woods with the big box in our hands!

It's a good thing we were prepared, otherwise we wouldn't be able to catch these bastards! "

Looking at the big box seized by Chen Tianfang, and hearing his account of the battle, the company commander and the instructor started to study the big box curiously. The Nanbang captives on the side saw the captured big box, but they showed heartache and reluctance expression.

The expressions of the prisoners, of course, could not escape the observation of the company commander and the instructor. The soldiers on the side saw the not-so-honest prisoner Nan Bang, and hit him with the steel gun in his hand, "Be more honest!"

After being taught a lesson by the soldiers, the captive Nanbang reluctantly calmed down and turned his reluctant eyes away from the big box in the distance
The instructor looked at the big box in front of him and found that it turned out to be a cardboard box with two big characters "Five Stars" written on it, and there were notes in Chinese, English, and Japanese next to it. Seeing this, the instructor was surprised because it was seized from the enemy. It is really extremely rare to find something with Chinese characters.

Unlike canned food or some military food, you don’t need to understand the words on it, you will know that it is edible after you open it. There are a lot of seized weapons and supplies, and to be honest, they really don’t know how to use them.

Seeing the Chinese above, the instructor looked at it slowly, and then suddenly realized, "Company commander, this is a kind of pasta called "five-star instant noodles"!
It has been dried with special technology, and then soaked in boiling water, it can be eaten in 3 minutes! "

"Ah? It's a food called "five-star instant noodles". Is it necessary to make the Nanbang army so crazy?" Hearing the instructor's explanation, the company commander and Chen Tianfang beside him were surprised.

Hearing the doubts of the company commander and the others, the instructor was also very confused, and then opened the box directly, revealing rows of boxed instant noodles.

The instructor picked up a box of instant noodles, the front of the package was Chinese red, and the Chinese characters "five stars" were printed on it, and the five golden stars in the upper left corner stimulated every soldier who saw it. Excitedly said, "This thing is "five-star instant noodles"! It really looks like it!"

"Yes! It really looks like it!"

The instructor holding the "Five-Star Instant Noodles" in his hand heard the company commander's emotion, and quickly understood what he meant, and said with emotion.

The soldiers around saw the "five-star instant noodles" in the instructor's hand, heard the emotion of the company commander and the instructor, and also understood the meaning of "it seems to be", and looked at the Chinese red noodles in the instructor's hand with joy. and five golden stars.

Chen Tianfang looked obsessively at the packaging of the "Five-Star Instant Noodles", and soon came to his senses, then saluted the instructor and the company commander, and directly asked for instructions, "Company Commander, instructor, I want to put this "Five-Star Instant Noodles" on the The packaging stays!
We don't have any flags and logos of our own when we go abroad to fight. Now that we have this packaging, I want to leave one as a thought in my heart! "

Hearing Chen Tianfang's request, the instructor and the company commander came to their senses. Seeing the eager expressions of the other soldiers, the instructor smiled helplessly and shook his head and said, "Chen Tianfang, you kid is going to return the pearls!

The instant noodles here are the best! "

"Okay! I know what you mean! You can keep the packaging!"

"On the supplies of Yingjiang's army, Chinese, English and Japanese appear at the same time. It is very rare!"

Hearing that the instructor agreed to Chen Tianfang's request, the soldiers around all showed excited expressions, at this moment a correspondent came to the company commander and reported, "Report, company commander, instructor!

We caught the head of the Nanbang Army. After he was captured, he made a request that these "five-star instant noodles" should still be their food! "

Hearing the request from the commander of the Southern Battalion Army conveyed by the correspondent, the company commander and the instructor looked at each other with strange expressions. Why are you so persistent because of stuttering?
He Fan didn't know about the things on the Bangzi battlefield, but David increased the order of "five-star instant noodles" again and again, which made He Fan uncontrollably happy, and started a new machinery manufacturing enterprise with Fujiwara Takumi. He almost emptied his own account, but our lovely Eagle Sauce Army Logistics Purchasing David has become the "God of Wealth" in He Fan's eyes.

"David, your order volume is getting bigger and bigger. Is there any accident on the battlefield?" Looking at the "God of Wealth" David in front of him, He Fan asked knowingly.

Hearing He Fan's question, David's expression was very rich, and he said with a little embarrassment, "There is indeed a little episode!

However, there are some small problems!

Our eagle sauce army is still number one in the world, just as MacArthur promised, we will definitely end this war on Christmas Eve! "

"Hehe, the strength of the Eagle Sauce army!
There is no doubt about it!

Just like what we said last time, we still give you a 8.5% discount! "David in front of him is his own "God of Wealth". There is no need to sprinkle too much salt on his wounds. A slight tease will be very good.

Looking at the back of David leaving, He Fan couldn't help but want to laugh heartily. His "Five Star Instant Noodles" had really become his "cash cow". If it wasn't for Miss Emma and the Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce behind him , I have been devoured by hungry wolves long ago.

Fujiwara Takumi's actions are very fast. Miyamoto Musashi on He Fan's side has just completed all the procedures for the machinery manufacturing plant. Fujiwara Takumi has already completed the installation of the factory building and machinery. He Fan bought it at a very low price, and then appeared in the new machinery factory.

In less than a month, the new machinery manufacturing plant started the processing of the instant noodle production line, and was taken away by He Fan for installation and debugging. When batches of "five-star instant noodles" were produced, He Fan was the real one. Take it easy.

(End of this chapter)

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