Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 239 Japan is full of gold everywhere

Chapter 239 Japan is full of gold everywhere

With the intensification of the stick war, the eagle sauce army is really overwhelmed. There are very few streets in Japan, where you can see unbridled laughter. Less and less people talk about this "easy" conflict that can be resolved. up.

The pressure on the Eagle Sauce Army has increased, and it is necessary to treat its little partner, the Nanbang Army, more preferentially. Some unreasonable requirements before have become indifferent.

According to the request of the "naughty boy" of the Nanbai Army, the frequency of David appearing in front of He Fan is getting higher and higher.

The Eagle Sauce Army and other friends, when they saw the abnormal demands of the Nanbang Army, they were quite contemptuous at first, thinking that the Nanbang Army was a strange thing that had never seen the world.

As the battle situation is not going well and the weather is getting colder and colder, Yingjiang Army and his western friends slowly try to eat "Five Star Instant Noodles", and eat a bowl of "Five Star Instant Noodles" "Noodles", it's really much better than drinking a cup of coffee and eating a cold ABC meal, and I feel a warm feeling all over my body.

Seeing that the Eagle Sauce Army and the Western friends who have always discriminated against themselves have become obsessed with the magical "Five-Star Instant Noodles", the Nanbang Army was very excited, and quickly and happily talked about the benefits of eating "Five-Star Instant Noodles". He also changed the name of "Five Star Instant Noodles" to "Xin Ramen".

MacArthur never expected that the "Five-Star Instant Noodles" would be welcomed collectively by Yingjiang's allied troops, just as he hadn't expected that the Eastern Dragon would join the war.

The large-scale orders of "five-star instant noodles" one after another shocked the Japanese business community. Seeing He Fan, who is making money every day, there is no one who does not want to swallow the "five-star food" in one gulp.

But the Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce behind He Fan is a super giant, and Miss Emma, ​​who has a strong background, often goes to and from He Fan's "five-star noodle restaurant" and residence, which makes these greedy and hungry wolves involuntarily timid and shrink back. .

He Fan never thought of monopolizing the huge market of "instant noodles", but for his own development in the future, he can only grit his teeth and persist for a while, because only in this way will he have more funds.

He Fan knew that it would not be too long for him to own the patents for "instant noodles" and instant noodle production lines, and one day he would have to disclose these patents.

As time goes by, the hungry wolves will gradually lose the patience to wait, and He Fan will have to disclose all patented technologies by then.

In order to make these hungry wolves less crazy, He Fan chose to keep a low profile. He Fan, who originally planned to invest everywhere, temporarily changed his mind and planned to stay dormant for a while.

The current He Fan is too young, and he has no choice but to wait until he is truly an adult among the thousands of flowers in Japan, so that he can do what men like most.

He Fan, who is bored, likes to come to the "Five Star Noodle Shop" next to the company. The waiters in the shop all bow when they see He Fan's arrival.

As soon as he walked into the "Five Star Noodle Shop", he noticed the noise at the side, and He Fan was a little puzzled.

A waitress standing next to him noticed He Fan's doubts, and explained to He Fan understandingly, "A guest was drunk and made a scene there! It's annoying the boss!"

After hearing the waitress' explanation, He Fan was relieved. The recent stick war next to him, the Yingjiang army was not going well, and they were not in the mood to make trouble everywhere. I didn't expect that there were still people making trouble by getting drunk. This might be the most troublesome thing about opening a restaurant. something happened.

Seeing that the foreman was trying his best to appease the guests, but the guests were still making noise, He Fan came to their side suspiciously and heard the drunken words of this guest.

"Baga! You, a little waiter, can look down on me?
I am the famous Tadao Yoshida, the president of YKK Co., Ltd.! "

"Do you think I was fooled by the Germans, and the zipper machine I bought was completely scrapped, so you are laughing at me here?"

Hearing that this drunk guy claimed to be the president of YKK Co., Ltd., He Fan guessed that he might be a big shot in the future, but He Fan didn't feel it at all!

After all, I am just a cook, with so many big names in the business world, how could He Fan know all about it, and it is still Japan alone overseas.

This guy named Tadao Yoshida fell asleep lying on the table after making a big fuss, and he even started snoring.

In any case, this drunk is a guest of his own noodle shop, and he can't be left on the street to fend for himself.

The weather is getting colder and colder. If something happens on the street or in your own shop, it will be really troublesome.

"Mai Hanano, open a room in a nearby hotel and send this guest there to rest!" Looking at the drunk guest, He Fan said helplessly to the foreman next to him.

"Hi!" Hearing He Fan's order, the Japanese foreman Hanano Mai quickly replied.

The customers who were watching the bustle all around, when they heard He Fan's handling method, they all praised He Fan in unison.

Seeing the compliments from the customers around him, He Fan knew that he had achieved his goal, and after only spending one night's hotel rent, He Fan was very satisfied with such a beautiful advertisement.

Back in his apartment, He Fan gradually thought of future generations. There is indeed a Big Mac that makes zippers in Japan. Of course, he would not think that he would be so lucky. When the opponent is most frustrated.

The next morning, when He Fan woke up, he had long forgotten what happened yesterday, and went to the company to inspect as usual, and found that the foreman of the "Five Star Noodle Shop" next to him was waiting with the customer who was drunk yesterday. look at yourself.

When he came to the office, he heard Hanano Mai's explanation, and then saw Yoshida Tadao's respect, He Fan smiled and said to Hanano Mai, "Mai, I already know the matter! Go back to work at the "Five Star Noodle Shop" first!"

"Hi!" Upon hearing He Fan's order, Hanano Mai bowed and responded.

Looking at the beautiful image of Hanano Mai leaving, He Fan suddenly felt a little helpless, because he was too young and his body was not mature enough, otherwise
Noticing that Yoshida Tadao was still standing aside respectfully, He Fan greeted him with a smile, "Yoshida-kun, you're welcome! Sit down and talk!"

"Thank you!" Hearing He Fan's greeting, Tadao Yoshida was very happy, and quickly thanked him in surprise.

"Mr. He's name, Yoshida has heard of it for a long time!

It was a great honor to see you today!

Yoshida is deeply sorry for my recklessness yesterday! Seeing He Fan sitting next to him, Yoshida Tadao was very happy, and quickly apologized again respectfully.

"Yoshida-kun, don't worry about what happened yesterday!
I heard you say yesterday that you are now making zippers. I am very interested. Can you tell me about the zipper manufacturing in detail? "Regarding Yoshida Tadao's respect, He Fan shook his head, expressing that he no longer minded what happened yesterday, and then asked curiously.

Hearing that He Fan was interested in zipper manufacturing, Tadao Yoshida was moved and said in surprise, "Hi! Mr. He is interested, Yoshida is very honored!"

"Mr. He, you should know that the current zipper manufacturing is all controlled by European and American manufacturers, and the technology of the United States and Germany is the most unique in the world.

In [-], I bought a set of zipper production machinery made in Germany, and the output was [-] times that of manual production!
At the beginning, my zipper factory was brilliant for a while, but soon there were problems with the machinery, and finally I found out that I was deceived by the Germans!
The zipper production machinery sold to me was scrapped, but I borrowed a huge sum of 1200 million from the Industrial Bank for this!

I also thought about ordering new zipper manufacturing machinery, but I don’t have the funds, and the machines in Germany and the United States are too expensive, so the best option is to imitate them in Japan, because there is still no funds, and…”

Hearing the detailed explanation of Tadao Yoshida in front of him, he was able to see the broad market prospect of zippers even though he had nothing. He Fan was convinced that this is a very far-sighted manufacturing wizard, and it is worth investing in himself.

"He admires Yoshida-kun's foresight!

If I decide to invest in your YKK company, how many shares are you going to sell? "He Fan asked straight to the point.

Hearing He Fan's question, Tadao Yoshida was inexplicably excited, and hurriedly stood up and bowed in surprise, "If Mr. He is willing to take a share, I am willing to sell 60.00% of the shares!

I don't know, is Mr. He satisfied? "

"How about this! You directly sell 70.00% of the shares to me, and you keep 30.00% for yourself!
YKK is still managed by you, and you will be given an additional 5.00% of the shares every five years of work!
Ten years later, you can own 40.00% of YKK's shares! He Fan thought about it for a while after hearing Yoshida Tadao's words, and then directly stated his conditions.

"However, YKK's finances must be in Wuxing's hands!"

He Fan's conditions must be said to be very generous. Yoshida Tadao was so excited beyond words, and then said inexplicably pleasantly surprised, "Hi! Mr. He, Yoshida will definitely not let you down!"

"Next, with the funds, how are you going to deal with YKK, the next business issue?" Seeing Yoshida Tadao's surprise, He Fan directly asked the most important thing.

"Sir, I am going to order a hundred sets of the latest zipper machinery directly in Japan.

Only a large number of cheap zippers can defeat the monopoly of zipper manufacturing in Europe and America! " Hearing He Fan's question of concern, Yoshida Tadao hastily replied respectfully.

"Very good! Yoshida-kun, what you said makes sense!

Then you can rest assured and boldly implement the plan!

However, you need to move YKK to Tokyo as soon as possible! "As for Tadao Yoshida's plan, He Fan comes from a later generation, and of course knows the extent to which zippers have been flooded, and he really needs to win by cheapness and quantity.


(End of this chapter)

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