Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 240 Stupid Zhu Hates Kameda Ichiro

Chapter 240 Stupid Zhu hates Ichiro Kameda

He Fan's investment in Yoshida Tadao's big operation can't be hidden from Fujiwara Takumi, who has been paying attention to He Fan, and the Japanese business giants, who are thinking about the future of zipper manufacturing in their hearts.

We all know that the current zipper market has long been dominated by European and American giants. They have strong manufacturing capabilities and are constantly processing new zippers every day.

These Japanese business tycoons really look down on He Fan's behavior of pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth.

"He Fan, I heard that you recently invested in Tadao Yoshida from Heishan County!

I know that his luck has always been bad, and his previous investments failed either because of this or that reason!
So, I mean, while you're just getting started, you still have a chance to regret it! "Looking at the young and shameless He Fan in front of him, Fujiwara Takumi couldn't help persuading him when he thought of Tadao Yoshida's past.

"Mr. Fujiwara, I am very happy that you care so much about my investment!

This investment in Tadao Yoshida is more like my investment in the zipper business!

You must think that the current zipper business is controlled by those European and American giants, the price is too low, and it is not very popular in the market, because the potential of the zipper market is really too great!
But now is just the beginning, and it has not yet reached the time for real development!
Mr. Fujiwara, if you believe me, take a stake in my YKK company!
You will be amazed when our zipper kingdom is built! "Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's attention, He Fan was very grateful, and then explained his point of view, and invited Fujiwara Takumi.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Fujiwara Takumi did not answer immediately, but thought about it carefully. After He Fan's detailed explanation, according to Fujiwara Takumi's business experience for a long time, he really felt the vast market of zipper manufacturing. "He Fan, how many shares can you give me?"

"Now I own 70.00% of the shares, and the rest are in the hands of Tadao Yoshida, and I promised him that I will give him 20.00% of the shares within ten years, so I can transfer [-]% of the shares to Mr. Fujiwara! "Hearing Fujiwara Takumi's question, He Fan knew that he was tempted, and then explained the current joint-stock organization with a smile.

Hearing He Fan's plan to donate shares within ten years, Fujiwara Takumi was surprised, and said in disbelief, "He Fan, will you treat Yoshida Tadao too preferentially?

I feel that there is no need to give him such good conditions! "

"Mr. Fujiwara, if you want to be successful in business, in addition to the accumulation of many lifetimes, there is also the spirit of perseverance. There will be failures, and it depends on whether you can stand it!
Tadao Yoshida has very sensitive tentacles and abilities, but he is a little short of chance!

Personally, I feel that Tadao Yoshida deserves good treatment! "For Fujiwara Takumi's surprise, He Fan didn't take it seriously, and then explained carefully.

To bring Fujiwara Takumi in, He Fan has his own plan, and the money is touching. No matter whether Yoshida Tadao is a world-class zipper giant in the future, it will not hinder He Fan's investment.

But now Tadao Yoshida is in the trough of life, as long as investors are willing to pay, they will agree to any conditions.

However, if investors without strength will be gradually marginalized or even kicked out of the company, you will not be treated preferentially just because you are the original founder or investor.

A small instant noodle has already made other people so crazy, and this is how the zipper kingdom is brought up again. I don't know how these people operate!
And pulling Takumi Fujiwara is a kind of guarantee, and at the same time warns Tadao Yoshida not to do anything wrong in the future.

Hearing He Fan's evaluation of Yoshida Tadao, Fujiwara Takumi smiled noncommittally, and then nodded in agreement with He Fan's invitation. As a result, He Fan now has 50.00% of YKK shares in his hands, and Yoshida Tadao has 30.00% in his hands. %, Fujiwara Takumi holds 20.00%.

As for ten years later, after excluding the 40.00% of the shares given to Tadao Yoshida, He Fan still has [-]% of the shares in his hands.

As for the donated shares, they still belong to He Fan, and Tadao Yoshida only owns the right to distribute [-]% of the shares.

On the battlefield next door, the results of the Eastern Giant Dragon completely shocked the world, and they also realized that this Eastern Giant had really stood up. At the end of the 50s, Walker, the commander of the Eighth Army, died in a car accident.

Such an aggrieved way of death surprised everyone who watched the war. Until this moment, the Yingjiang army began to face up to their opponent, the Eastern dragon.

He Fan has been paying attention to the things on the Bangzi battlefield, thinking that he is deep in the enemy's camp, but can't do his best for the hero, it is really uncomfortable and aggrieved.

If there were no those two hateful "human traffickers", I would be a member of the heroes now, throwing my head and blood for the future of my nation, and when the war subsides, with my age and roots, I will definitely put If I send myself to a university or a military academy for further study, my future will be really limitless, and I will be in front of my neighbors in the courtyard house at that time, and I will definitely have a bright future.

It's a pity that everything has changed, and I can only live overseas, looking north to China.

I was very aggrieved, and then I wanted to vent. There were many women around me, but there was nothing I could do. It seemed that I just thought of other ways.

He Fan drove directly to Hakodate City, Hokkaido. When he stood in a familiar place and saw a familiar signboard, He Fan felt that this was a dream.

It didn't take long to feel emotional, and walked directly into "Chinese Cuisine". Seeing the empty environment, He Fan felt a little puzzled, after all, it was already lunch time, "Welcome, sir!"

He Fan smiled unconsciously when he heard Qian Xia's familiar voice, and when Qian Xia looked up and saw a familiar face, He Fan with a different temperament, his eyes widened in shock, "He Sang,'s you ?"

For more than a year, He Fan's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes. After long-term nutritional supplements, he is no longer the bean sprouts he used to be.

"Qian Xia, long time no see! I'm He Fan!"

Hearing the movement, Old Devil Inoue hurried out to check the situation. When he saw He Fan, he widened his eyes in shock and showed an expression of disbelief.

"Mr. Inoue, long time no see!"

After the three of He Fan were seated, Qianxia and Inoue kept staring at He Fan in front of them. He Fan could understand their complex mentality, but he didn't care.

"It's time for dinner now, why are there no guests?" In order to ease the embarrassment, he said with a smile after being stared at by them all the time, and feeling uncomfortable all over his body.

Hearing He Fan's doubts, Old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia showed complicated expressions, Qian Xia explained with a wry smile, "Some time ago, a new noodle restaurant called "Five Star Noodles" opened in Hakodate, unexpectedly, all of our The business is gone!"

After hearing Qian Xia's explanation, He Fan also showed a complicated expression, and then said with a helpless smile, "The guest is probably just for a moment of freshness. After a while, he should come back!"

"He Sang, thank you!" Qian Xia thanked He Fan with a smile after hearing He Fan's comfort.

He Fan suddenly looked at the old devil Inoue at the side, and said seriously, "Mr. Inoue, I came here this time to ask you about the whereabouts of Ichiro Kameda!

Please tell me his contact information! "

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia looked at each other in surprise, and said in disbelief, "He Sang, why are you looking for him now?"

"Mr. Inoue, Miss Qianxia, ​​I used to live happily in my country, but now I have to bear this kind of life of displacement!

So I hate those two traffickers and Kameda Ichiro very much, I must make them pay the price! "For the doubts of the two, He Fan had already prepared in his heart, and then explained.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, they knew that He Fan wanted revenge, and they didn't care about the two traffickers, but Kameda Ichiro was in their hearts, he was their compatriot, so Old Devil Inoue and Qian Xia looked at each other with complicated expressions, shaking He shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, He Sang! There is nothing we can do!"

"Hehe, you'd better think clearly before answering!
With my current ability, it is very easy to find out the whereabouts of Kameda Ichiro!

The reason why I came here to ask you is because this matter has something to do with you, I just want to understand a grievance with you! He Fan was disappointed to hear that the two were still defending Kameda Ichiro, and then said with a sneer.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Old Devil Inoue and Qianxia showed complicated expressions. After a long time, Old Devil Inoue still denied it, "He Sang, I'm really sorry! We can't do anything!"

Seeing that the two looked like dead pigs not afraid of boiling water, He Fan also lost the mood of reconciliation. He smiled indifferently, then got up and said goodbye, "Then! I will interrupt! Goodbye!"

Seeing that He Fan got up and left without any nonsense, Qianxia said with a worried face, "Father, should I inform Ichiro Kameda in advance that He Fan is planning to take revenge on him?"

"Hmph! No need!
This He Fan is just blatantly talking big!

The Chinese people in my impression are like this, they can only brag and don't need to talk to them! Hearing Qian Xia's worry, Old Devil Inoue said with a sneer indifferently.


Hearing the old devil Inoue's evaluation of He Fan, Qian Xia took it for granted, and then said nothing more.

(End of this chapter)

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