Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 241 Five Star Forestry Research Society

Chapter 241 Five Star Forestry Research Institute

He Fan left "Chinese Cuisine" directly and came directly to the "Five Star Noodle Restaurant" in Hakodate. He Fan smiled when he saw the crowded scene inside, but he didn't go in.

Back in Tokyo, He Fan told Fujiwara Takumi his request, and hearing that He Fan wanted revenge on Kameda Ichiro and the two traffickers, Fujiwara Takumi handed over the matter to Koizumi.

"Mr. He, after finding these three people, what should we do with them?" Koizumi asked with a smile without feeling complicated when he heard Fujiwara Takumi's order.

"Throw it into the sea and feed the fish!" He Fan said coldly when he heard Koizumi's question.

Watching Koizumi go down to do things, Fujiwara Takumi said to He Fan, "These are small things, He Fan, you can rest assured! Koizumi will definitely be able to help you solve them!"

"Well! Thank you Mr. Fujiwara for your help! Otherwise, this matter would be really troublesome!" He Fan said gratefully.

"He Fan, you are a Chinese! What do you think will happen in the end of this stick war?" Seeing He Fan in front of him, Fujiwara Takumi's heart moved, and he asked with a smile.

"It's really hard to say! I don't usually pay much attention to these current events. After all, I usually have limited energy. Business matters are very troublesome!" He Fan was not interested in discussing the issues discussed by Fujiwara Takumi. Then try to say haha ​​as casually and naturally as possible.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Fujiwara Takumi was not suspicious, but thought it made sense, after all, He Fan was only 14 years old this year.

Now the most panic is not Japan, but Hong Kong Island. He Fan has already sent Meizi to Hong Kong Island to set up an instant noodle production factory and a new store of "Five Star Noodle Restaurant". , but the soul is a normal adult.

Looking at Meizi every day, I can only see it, but I can’t eat it. It’s really painful. It’s really painful to send Meizi to Hong Kong Island.

However, for He Fan in Japan now, there are temptations everywhere, and there is more than one Meizi.

"Emma, ​​I want to start a shipping company on Hong Kong Island. I wonder if you can help me buy two [-]-ton oil tankers in the United States?" Seeing the beautiful and charming Miss Emma, ​​He Fan said with a smile own request.

"It's very simple! It's just a phone call! And the price is guaranteed to be the best! I'm just curious, why did you put the new shipping company in Hong Kong Island instead of Japan?" Regarding He Fan's request, Emma The young lady felt very relaxed, and then asked in doubt.

"As a free trade port, I feel that Hong Kong Island is more suitable for shipping companies! Of course, I also plan to diversify my investment!" He Fan explained with a smile when he heard Miss Emma's doubts.

"He Fan, what you said makes sense!"

Koizumi's movements were quick, and he directly took three photos and handed them to He Fan. Seeing the horrific Kameda Ichiro and the two traffickers in the photos, He Fan finally felt a sense of revenge.

He Fan mailed these three photos to the old devil Inoue in Hakodate, Hokkaido, telling himself directly that he had avenged his revenge, and made the old devil Inoue regret it for the rest of his life.

Hokkaido, Hakodate.

Qianxia received a letter in doubt, and handed it to my own father Inoue. The old devil Inoue took the letter, also very puzzled, then opened it, and found a photo of Kameda Ichiro and two strangers inside, old devil Inoue He was so scared that he quickly dropped the photo in his hand, only then realized that He Fan was not bragging, but really powerful.

"Father, could it be that He Fan has avenged his vengeance! He deliberately sent us photos, so that we can take care of ourselves?" Qianxia picked up the photo that the old devil Inoue left behind in horror, and said with lingering fear after seeing the tragic situation of Kameda Ichiro .

"Hi! That's probably the case! It seems that we have all misunderstood He Fan! He is definitely not as simple as we saw!" Hearing Qianxia's guess, Old Devil Inoue took back the photo again, with a sad expression on his face Said.

"Qianxia, ​​I heard that Clark was wounded on the battlefield? Was the injury serious?" Old Devil Inoue suddenly asked Qianxia.

"Father, Clark lost a leg in battle!"

"Qian Xia, how do you think about it?"


"I'm asking you, do you still want to follow Clark? Or do you have other plans?"

"Hey! Do I have the right to choose? As long as Clark no longer dislikes me, I will be satisfied!"

"What? He, Clark, is disabled! You still follow him!?"

When He Fan came to the "Five Star Noodle Restaurant", he saw a table of guests sitting there respectfully without eating any more noodles. He Fan asked the foreman Hanano Mai suspiciously, "Mai, what's the matter with this table of guests?"

"Boss, I'm about to report to you!
Since Tadao Yoshida came to our noodle restaurant last time and got your investment, there is another news circulating in Tokyo and even all over Japan.

If you just want to attract investment, go to the "Five Star Noodle Restaurant" to eat noodles!
This table of guests has persisted until now! "Hearing He Fan's doubts, the foreman Hanano Mai hurriedly came over and explained with a smile.

"What? There is such a thing!

In this way, in the future, you will register these customers who just want to attract investment, and mark those who are particularly persistent!
Report back to me at the end! "Hearing Hanano Mai's explanation, He Fan's eyes widened in surprise, and then he arranged with a smile.


With these few special guests, I came to the five-star company in the skyscraper, "What kind of business do you do?"

"He Sang, we are not in business! We are forestry researchers, my name is Yoshino Hideshi, and I am a professor of forestry at Tokyo Imperial University." Hearing He Fan's question, one of the leaders among the four replied respectfully.

"Mr. Yoshino, have you misunderstood!

I'm just a businessman!
How could I invest in something that has no commercial value in your forestry industry!
I think you have come to the wrong place, you should go to the government department! "Hearing Yoshino Hideshi's self-introduction, He Fan said in surprise.

"Hi! We all know what He Sang said, and this is also the difficulty our forestry profession faces!
Everyone pays attention to the value of business, and the research-oriented majors like our forestry have not been valued!
We are here this time to see if He Sang can provide us with some financial support! "Hideshi Yoshino was prepared for He Fan's surprise, and quickly explained in distress.

He Fan's heart skipped a beat when he heard Yoshino's explanation, and then suddenly asked with a smile, "How many people are there in your research team?"

Hearing He Fan's question, the four of them were pleasantly surprised. Thinking that He Fan had agreed to the financial support, Yoshino quickly explained happily, "Our team consists of 18 people!"

"Funds support you, I will not do it!

I am starting a private forestry research department and can hire you to work for me! He Fan explained with a smile when he saw the four people who were pleasantly surprised by Yoshino Hideshi.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Hideshi Yoshino was at a loss, and asked suspiciously, "Is He Sang going to study something?"

"Mr. Yoshino, I'm not very interested in your forestry, but since you've found me, I'll take the opportunity to do something meaningful!
I find it challenging to grow trees in deserts and deserts! Seeing the doubts of Yoshino Hideshi and the others, He Fan explained with a smile.

"So, if you agree to be hired by me, I will send you to the northern part of China!

There is a plateau desert there, which used to be the royal garden of the Qing Dynasty. During the late Qing Dynasty and World War II, it was severely damaged!

If you can plant living trees in that place, I think it will be more meaningful! "

"Of course, the environment there is harsh, the conditions are tough!

It's all up to you voluntarily, you can think about it for yourself, and reply to me when you have the result!

However, if you don't agree with my research direction, don't ask me for financial support in the future! "

(End of this chapter)

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