Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 245 Silly Zhu and Emma are a couple of dogs and men

Chapter 245 Silly Zhu and Emma Are Just a Couple of Dogs
In the evening, Little Fujiwara did not leave Tokyo, but came to He Fan and Emma's house as guests. Seeing that He Fan's home was just a small apartment, Little Fujiwara was surprised.

Seeing Little Fujiwara's surprised look, Emma had a familiar expression and explained, "Little Fujiwara, you must be wondering why He Fan likes living in this small apartment?
And this is the kind of rent from others!

In fact, he has a lot of real estate in Hokkaido and Tokyo!

It's just that he thinks this apartment is where he made his fortune, and he lives comfortably!

I asked him to buy it, but he didn't want to either!

I really don't know what he thinks! "

"Haha, you can bear such a weird brain circuit of He Fan!
Miss Emma, ​​I don't know if He Fan is too lucky, or you are too talkative! Hearing Emma's explanation, Fujiwara said with a smile.

He Fan just smiled when he heard what Emma and Little Fujiwara said about him, but he didn't care.

Back in the bedroom, before the door could be closed tightly, Emma hugged He Fan and gnawed on him with a look of hunger and thirst.

After a while, Emma stopped panting, and still hugged He Fan like an octopus. After calming down for a while, Emma suddenly said to He Fan, "He Fan, you Do you like Fujiwara very much?"

"What? Emma, ​​what nonsense are you talking about?
Today is the day when I truly know her, how could it be like what you said! "Hearing Emma's question, He Fan quickly denied it.

"Pull it down! I am the woman who knows you best!

Didn’t you trick Meizi from your five-star company, and Mai Hanano, the foreman of the skyscraper store in the former “Five-Star Noodle Restaurant”?
You don't really think that I don't know anything! ? "Hearing He Fan's denial, Emma said bluntly.

Hearing that Emma was very clear about his situation, He Fan didn't say anything, and quietly waited for Emma's next words.

"However, I don't mind your flirtatiousness at all!
Because I know that it is impossible for me to marry you!

My family will not allow me to marry a Chinese! "Emma said tenderly as she lay on He Fan's chest.

"Oh? In other words, if your family asks you to marry someone else, you will be willing?" He Fan was already prepared when he heard Emma's explanation, and he still said with some doubts.

"No! I have discussed it with my family!
I will never marry in my whole life!

I am still your woman!

Marriage involves many things, not only family background, but also legal issues!
So, I hope you understand and don't mind! "Hearing He Fan's doubts, Emma hurriedly explained excitedly.

"As long as you are willing to follow me for a day, I will never mind whether we are married or not!" Emma said, how could she not understand, then sighed helplessly, and finally said reassuringly.

"He Fan, I believe everything you say!
But I feel that Fujiwara is really good!
Regardless of family background or beauty, they are all candidates for your perfect wife! "Hearing He Fan's assurance, Emma was very moved, and suddenly acted as a matchmaker's suggestion.

"Emma, ​​your family is not willing to accept a Chinese!

Do you think the Fujiwara family is willing?
Mr. Fujiwara still throws me into the sea to feed the fish!

Emma, ​​Little Fujiwara is indeed very beautiful, but I really don't have any unreasonable ideas! "Hearing Emma's proposal, He Fan said with a helpless wry smile.

"He Fan, what you said makes sense!"

"He Fan? Are you asleep?"


"He Fan, I want it again!"

"Oh? Then come on!"


Xiao Fujiwara, who lives in the guest room, has been listening to He Fan and Emma's movements, and is very angry, but she is just a guest, but she can't say anything, she just cursed in a low voice, "Hmph! What a couple Dogs and men!"

As soon as the day dawned, Little Fujiwara ran out with panda eyes on his face. Seeing that He Fan and Emma looked refreshed, Little Fujiwara became even more angry, and could only curse in a low voice again, " Damn dogs and men!
I didn't sleep well alone!
What a beast! "

Emma saw Little Fujiwara, who was in a bad mood, and immediately ran over and asked concerned, "Little Fujiwara, do you have a little bit of bed?

Why are you so haggard!

Not at all like a 17-year-old beauty! "

Emma's concern, like a one-hit kill, completely broke Little Fujiwara, and he could only deal with it with a helpless wry smile, "Oh yes.

"Haha, little Fujiwara, you really worked hard last night!

Come and have breakfast!

He Fan's craftsmanship is great! "Hearing the coping in Xiao Fujiwara's words, Emma didn't know the reason, but said happily that the prank succeeded.

Seeing He Fan with the same refreshing face and thinking of his madness last night, Little Fujiwara just didn't look good, but just finished his breakfast in a dull manner, and fled the apartment of this "dog man and woman".

Hokkaido, Hakodate.

Seeing his daughter not seen for a long time, Fujiwara Takumi hugged her tightly, and then said, "Qianhua, didn't you already arrive in Japan yesterday?

Why did you come back to Hakodate today? "

"Father, I was in Tokyo all day yesterday!
Guess who I met? "Hearing his father Fujiwara Takumi's doubts, Fujiwara Chika said with a mysterious smile.

"Nani?" Seeing the mysterious face of his daughter Fujiwara Chika, Fujiwara Takumi also became curious.

"Father, I met Miss Emma in the capital!
Or her boyfriend He Fan!
It was the Chinese waiter who saved my life in "Chinese Cuisine" back then! Seeing that his father was interested, Fujiwara Chika explained with a smile.

"Oh! He Fan!

I know him!

Now he and I are good friends! "Of course Takumi Fujiwara would not be surprised to hear that he just met her savior, He Fan.

"Nani? Father, are you kidding me?
Is he just a waiter from China? Hearing her father's explanation, Chika Fujiwara was shocked. She never thought that her father Takumi Fujiwara, a Japanese business oligarch, would become friends with a "waiter" from China.

"Hehe, Qianhua!

You have been away from Japan for too long!
He Fan is not as simple as it seems on the surface!
Otherwise, Miss Emma would not have taken a fancy to him! "I realized that my daughter Fujiwara Chika was surprised because I had been away from Japan for too long, and I hadn't talked about He Fan with her for so many years.

"When I was in the United States, I read a paper published by Miss Emma, ​​which talked about a first aid method!

But I know, that is the method He Fan used when he rescued me in "Chinese Cuisine" back then!

So I guess, He Fan and Miss Emma must have some deal that we don't know about! "For the relationship between He Fan and Emma, ​​Chika Fujiwara expressed her guess.

"That's right! I've known about this for a long time!

In exchange, Miss Emma gave He Fan a legal identity and a lot of money!
Then He Fan went to Tokyo and opened the "Five Star Noodle Restaurant"!
Later, there were some important investments such as food factories, machinery manufacturing factories, and shipping companies!

The current He Fan is no longer the "black householder" who had nothing at all! "For the guess of his daughter Fujiwara Chika, Fujiwara Takumi nodded in agreement, and then explained in detail.

"Nani? It seems that I left Japan and missed a lot of interesting things!" Hearing his father Fujiwara Takumi's explanation, Fujiwara Chika sighed in shock.

"However, I still don't understand how Miss Emma became He Fan's girlfriend?

This is really amazing! "

"Hehe, He Fan has a lot of women!

Not only Miss Emma's!
But I feel like Miss Emma doesn't mind too much! Seeing the doubts of his daughter Fujiwara Chika, Fujiwara Takumi suddenly said gossip.


(End of this chapter)

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