Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 246 Silly Zhu, why are you so mysterious!

Chapter 246 Silly Zhu, why are you so mysterious!

Once people become interested in something or someone, they will become more and more curious and eager to get to know each other.

This time Chika Fujiwara returned to Japan, and unexpectedly found that her father Takumi Fujiwara and Miss Emma respected He Fan so much.

How arrogant my father Fujiwara Takumi is, as a daughter, I know it best!
Not to mention Miss Emma, ​​who has a profound background, she is a foreign woman who eats people without spit out her bones!
In this way, Fujiwara Chika really felt that this He Fan was getting more and more mysterious.

For He Fan's impression, Chika Fujiwara is still unkempt and skinny, which is very in line with Chika Fujiwara's impression of Chinese people. As for other impressions, it is probably He Fan's bad Japanese!

I once joked with my classmates that He Fan spoke Japanese badly, and I often bet that there are no classmates who can understand all the menus that He Fan reported in Japanese.

At that time, Chika Fujiwara subconsciously thought that He Fan might stay in that "Chinese cuisine" for the rest of his life, living a dark life.

Although her father Takumi Fujiwara said that most of He Fan's achievements today are due to He Fan's own hard work and vision, in fact, Fujiwara Chika still thinks that He Fan was lucky. Fortunately, he saved himself and then met Emma. Miss and her father Fujiwara Takumi.

Thinking about He Fan's mystery, Chika Fujiwara tossed and turned, unable to sleep until the next day, Chika Fujiwara came to the former "Chinese Cuisine" again, but it had already become "Clark's Bar".

The business hours of bars and small restaurants are reversed. Early in the morning was the business hours of "Chinese Cuisine", but now it is the closing time of "Clark's Bar".

Chika Fujiwara walked into the smoky "Clark Bar" with a look of disgust.

That's right, Chika Fujiwara felt that this bar was full of smoke.

"Miss Qianxia? Are you there?"

Qian Xia, who was hungover all night, heard someone calling her name, and hurriedly walked out with Clark from the inside in confusion.

Then she saw a pretty girl with a familiar face, followed by two bodyguards of big men, Qianxia was a little puzzled at first, and then her heart moved quickly, and she said uncertainly, "You are Ms. Fujiwara?"

"Yes! Miss Qianxia!

I didn't expect that after so many years, you still remember me! Seeing that Qianxia recognized her, Fujiwara Chika was very happy.

"Miss Fujiwara, since you choked on our "Chinese Cuisine" more than four years ago, this is the first time I've seen you in person. I apologize to you here!" After confirming that it was Chika Fujiwara, Chinatown immediately told her said apologetically.

"Haha, if you don't tell me, I've already forgotten about it!
Miss Qianxia, ​​don't be so polite!

Are you really married to that American jerk named Clark? "For Qianxia's belated apology, Fujiwara Chika smiled happily, but said casually.

Hearing Chika Fujiwara's "American devil", Chinatown was so terrified that before she had time to say anything, Clark on the side said angrily, "Hey! Little girl!

I can understand Japanese now!
Are you calling me an "American devil"?

I'm a great American Veteran and you yellow monkeys are the losers!
You are the "Japanese devils"! "

"Hmph! It seems that our American friends are still not sober enough!
You take him out sober and sober! Seeing Clark's unconvinced, Chika Fujiwara directly ordered the bodyguard behind him.


Hearing Chika Fujiwara's order, the two bodyguards immediately dragged Clark out of the bar, "You can't do this to me!

I am a great American soldier!
You will regret it!

Seeing the bodyguard's movements and hearing Clark's screams, Chika Fujiwara thought Chinatsu would beg for Clark's mercy, but she didn't, and felt a little excited instead.

Seeing Qianxia's strange behavior, Fujiwara Chika didn't take it seriously, and then suddenly said with a smile, "Miss Qianxia, ​​let's stop paying attention to this poor fool!

Tell me about our experiences over the years! "


"When I return to Japan this time, the first stop is Tokyo!
Guess who I saw in Tokyo? Seeing that Qianxia agreed to her proposal, Fujiwara Chika said with a smile.

"Nani?" Chika Fujiwara's words made Qianxia feel very confused.

"Haha, I met an unexpected acquaintance in Tokyo!

Miss Qian Xia, you also know it! Seeing the doubts on Qianxia's face, Fujiwara Chika was very happy, and then continued to hang on Qianxia's appetite.

"Nani? Ms. Fujiwara, please help me!" Qianxia saw that Chika Fujiwara was still that naughty little girl, so she could only ask helplessly and respectfully.

"I met He Fan, that is, the "black worker" you bought from Kameda Ichiro when you "Chinese Cuisine" back then!" Fujiwara Chika explained happily when she saw Qianxia's appetite was whetted by herself.

"Haha, what's even more unexpected to you is that He Fan is now the big boss!
He opened a five-star company, and now he is the one who opened the "five-star noodle restaurants" everywhere in Japan!
Ms. Qianxia should have eaten that kind of instant noodles "five-star instant noodles", right?
That was also produced in his factory! "

"Nani? Impossible!
Absolutely impossible!
When He Fan first came to Japan, he was only twelve or thirteen years old. Even if he is an adult this year, he is still only [-] years old!

It is impossible for him to achieve such achievements in such a short period of time!

Miss Fujiwara, you must be mistaken!
If it is said that he is working in the "Five Star Noodle Restaurant", I will believe it! "Hearing Fujiwara Chika's explanation, Qianxia showed an unbelievable expression, and said excitedly.

"Yeah! Miss Qianxia is unbelievable, I can understand it!
Because I couldn't believe it at the beginning, but this is the truth! Seeing Qianxia's unbelievably excited look after hearing the news about He Fan, Chika Fujiwara sighed with deep understanding.

"Could it be that what Ms. Fujiwara said is true!" Seeing Chika Fujiwara's serious expression, Qian Xia had to accept this fact.

"Although it's hard to believe, I don't need to lie to you with this kind of thing!" Seeing that Qianxia still didn't believe it, Fujiwara Chika shook her head and said helplessly.

"I came to you this time because I wanted to ask you about He Fan!
I'm intrigued by his mystery! Seeing that Qianxia accepted He Fan's news, Chika Fujiwara revealed the real purpose of her visit this time.

"Miss Fujiwara, actually I don't know much about this He Fan!" Hearing that Fujiwara Chika was asking for information about He Fan, Qianxia was also a little confused, and then said what she knew.

"My father-in-law Inoue Takehiko, Ms. Fujiwara has met!

At that time, I wanted to find a worker because I was too old, but the wages of legal workers in Japan are very high!
Our "Chinese cuisine" simply cannot afford it! "

"Just at this time, a former diner Ichiro Kameda said that he had a "black laborer" bought from China who could sell us "Chinese cuisine" so that he could save wages!

And the price is only part of Kameda Ichiro's arrears in our "Chinese cuisine" and [-] yen. "

"I heard Kameda Ichiro's introduction, this He Fan is from a family of royal chefs in China, and coming to our "Chinese Cuisine" can be of great help!
My father Takehiko Inoue was very happy, but seeing He Fan himself, seeing that he was only a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, he felt cheated by Kameda Ichiro! "

"Later, He Fan worked very hard!

Probably because of the language barrier, he has been seldom speaking!
Until later he rescued Miss Fujiwara, and then your friend Miss Emma took him away!
Since then we have almost no contact! "

"However, once, he came back to Hakodate and asked us about Kameda Ichiro's whereabouts!

We guessed that he was trying to get revenge on Ichiro Kameda, but we didn't tell him.

Later, he sent us a few photos of the death of Ichiro Kameda and the traffickers, probably to warn me and my father Inoue! "

(End of this chapter)

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