Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 247 Silly Zhu, I want to be your secretary

Chapter 247 Silly Zhu, I want to be your secretary
The news that Qianxia inquired here did not quench Fujiwara Chika's curiosity, but made her even more confused, and suddenly felt that He Fan had always been sure of winning.

But if He Fan didn't get acquainted with Miss Emma and his father Fujiwara Takumi because of saving himself, how could he escape from the control of Takehiko Inoue and Qianxia?
Chika Fujiwara came to Qianxia with a puzzled face, but she left Qianxia's place with even more doubts in her heart. When she walked out of the door, she saw the horrific Clark being beaten by her bodyguard. Chika Fujiwara stepped on his face directly, and said in a cold tone , "Clark, I heard that you have one son, two daughters and three children in the United States!
If you let me know that you hit Chinatown again, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life!
Clark, don't question the ability of our Fujiwara family!

If you are not convinced, you can go out and inquire about the strength of our Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce! "

After warning Clark, Chika Fujiwara turned around and said goodbye to Chinatsu who was behind her again, "Miss Chinatsu, we will meet again if we are destined!"

"Hi! Goodbye, Ms. Fujiwara!" Qianxia respectfully bowed and said goodbye. Looking at the back of Fujiwara Chika leaving, her heart ached. Missing He Fan was like missing billions of dollars.

Chika Fujiwara left Qianxia's "Clark Bar", and went directly to He Fan's five-star company in Tokyo, and found He Fan, "He Fan, where is Miss Emma?
Why is she not here with you! "

"Miss Fujiwara, Emma rarely comes to my company!
She should be working in the hospital now!
Why do you have time today to come to me?

After finally returning to Japan, I don’t spend much time with your father! He Fan was surprised to see Chika Fujiwara appearing suddenly, and explained with a smile when he heard her doubts.

"My father is busy with business every day, how can he have time to spend with me!

I even suspect that he sent me to the United States to have more time to earn money! "For He Fan's doubts, Chika Fujiwara explained with a smile.

"Hehe, you are only 17 years old this year!

Finished school so quickly? "Fujiwara Chika's explanation surprised He Fan.

"No, I was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania to major in business management this year, and I will enter university to study next year!
I won't be able to stay long when I return to Japan this time! Seeing He Fan's surprise, Fujiwara Chika suddenly said proudly.

"Wow! Ms. Fujiwara is so amazing!" How could He Fan not be aware of Fujiwara Chika's pride, and then praised this beautiful little girl.

"Haha, of course I'm amazing!" Hearing He Fan's praise, Chika Fujiwara was extremely happy.

"However, He Fan, you can call my name Qianhua!
It's so strange to hear you call me Fujiwara-san! "

"Fujiwara Chika, your name is really nice!" He Fan really felt nice when he heard little Fujiwara's full name for the first time.

"He Fan, do you know where I came from?" Looking at He Fan in front of her, Fujiwara Chika suddenly whetted her appetite.

"Where?" He Fan said politely.

"Chinese cuisine" in Hakodate, Hokkaido!
No!It's now "Clark's Bar"! Seeing that He Fan was aroused, Chika Fujiwara explained with a sudden smile.

"Oh I got it!
Miss Qian Xia, how are you now? Hearing Fujiwara Chika's explanation, He Fan asked "old friend" Qianxia.

"Very good! After Inoue-san passed away, I feel that Chinatsu and Clark's life is very good!

Of course, when Clark is drunk, he will often have domestic violence!

However, I have already warned Clark, and I believe he will not do it again! Hearing He Fan's concern for Qianxia, ​​Fujiwara Chika introduced with a smile.

"He Fan, if you hadn't saved me and met my father and Miss Emma in the first place!
Do you have other ways to leave "Chinese cuisine"? "Fujiwara Chika suddenly asked her purpose of coming to Tokyo this time.

"Eh? No!

Maybe I will stay in "Chinese Cuisine" for the rest of my life as a "black household" without identity!

So, I am very grateful to your father Mr. Fujiwara Takumi now!

As for Miss Emma, ​​I sure love her very well! "For Fujiwara Chika's doubts, He Fan felt a little confused, and then responded with a smile.

"He Fan, you are lying!
You must have other ways!
Should I directly kill Mr. Inoue and Miss Qianxia, ​​and then flee to the end of the world! "For the coping in He Fan's words, Fujiwara Chika was not satisfied.

"Haha, Qianhua, you are so funny!

Japan is a society ruled by law!
Even in a war-torn country, this kind of thing is a big case that shocked the whole country!

Do you think I can be so stupid? He Fan laughed out loud when he heard that Chika Fujiwara's guess was so violent and bloody.

"So, you must have other ways!" Chika Fujiwara heard the confidence in He Fan's words.

"Hey! There is indeed a way!

But definitely not as bloody and violent as you said!
That is the most stupid behavior! "He Fan said helplessly.

"Really? Tell me your method!" Hearing that He Fan did have a solution, Chika Fujiwara showed a curious expression.

"Hehe, is it true that all of you girls are so curious!
I came all the way from Hakodate, Hokkaido to Tokyo just to ask me this question? Seeing the excitement of Fujiwara Chika, He Fan said with a helpless wry smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, and tell you my method!" Fujiwara Chika couldn't wait to know the specific method.

"The method is very simple! Just wait patiently!" Looking at the beautiful Fujiwara Chika in front of him, He Fan explained with a helpless smile.

"As soon as I came to Japan, I found that Takehiko Inoue was already dying, and he must not live long!
At that time, Miss Qianxia will definitely not be able to support "Chinese cuisine" as a woman. "

"You should also know that my family has been cooks for generations, so I am very confident in cooking!

I believe I have the ability to revive "Chinese Cuisine"!
You said that if I exchanged it and asked Miss Qianxia to help me with a legal identity certificate, would she agree? "

"Ah? I see!
If Mr. Inoue passed away, you were still in "Chinese Cuisine", the situation that I want you to say will really happen!
Miss Qianxia will definitely agree to your request, and your request is not too much! "After hearing He Fan's explanation, Chika Fujiwara thought more and more that He Fan's method was very feasible.

He Fan chatted with Chika Fujiwara for a long time before Emma appeared in front of them, and when she saw Chika Fujiwara who came back again, Emma was also very surprised, "Little Fujiwara, why are you back in Tokyo again?

Don't spend more time with your father? "

"Haha, Miss Emma, ​​you really deserve to be a couple with He Fan, even the words you say are the same!" Hearing Emma's call, Chika Fujiwara jokingly said with almost the same doubts as He Fan.

"This time I will stay in Japan for a few months, so during this time I want to work as a secretary in your boyfriend He Fan's company, it can be regarded as my internship!"

He Fan also just heard Chika Fujiwara's thoughts, and then looked at Emma in surprise, "Qianhua, you should go to work in your father's chamber of commerce!
Their kind of big chamber of commerce can learn more! "

"What? He Fan, are you unwilling?" Chika Fujiwara was very dissatisfied with He Fan's proposal, and she thought it was He Fan's disapproval.


"Forget it! He Fan, since Little Fujiwara is willing to stay in Wuxing, you can accept her!" Emma said helplessly to He Fan after seeing the mentality of a little girl in Fujiwara Chika.

"All right!

There is no need for a secretary!

You can be my assistant!
You are free to come and go, if you have anything to do, just say hello!

No special leave required! Seeing that his "big boss" agreed, He Fan didn't say anything, so he agreed to make arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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