Chapter 248 Sony is Stupid
He Fan's ideal life is to be a hands-off shopkeeper, so no matter which business operation, He Fan has always treated his employees very well, and he also generously distributed stock dividends, just to make the employees work hard for him.

So He Fan, the boss, is usually very leisurely, and Fujiwara Chika, the assistant, is even more leisurely, following He Fan to run around casually every day.

Whichever branch of the "Five Star Noodle Restaurant" I go to today, I will inspect YKK Company tomorrow, and I plan to fly to Hong Kong Island to inspect Five Star Shipping the day after tomorrow. Anyway, with the company of the superb beauty Chika Fujiwara, He Fan has really packaged himself as a busy successful person.

After a busy day, I just returned to the headquarters of the five-star company in Tokyo when I saw the secretary passing by, bowed to He Fan and explained, "Boss, Mr. Ibuka and Akio Morita of Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd., I would like to see you." you!"

"Oh? Bring them in!" He Fan was a little surprised when he heard the secretary's explanation. He Fan didn't know whether Sony's predecessor was Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd., but He Fan was the name of the two great gods, Jing Shenda and Morita Akio. Still heard of it.

Seeing Jing Shenda and Morita Akio, who are famous in later generations, and hearing their bragging about their Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd., He Fan smiled noncommittally.

Although the management of the two of them in later generations is indeed very powerful, now is the most difficult time for them, and they may really regard themselves as their life-saving straw.

"The two of you came to see me this time. According to you, you want to get investment from a five-star company?" He Fan couldn't understand what they meant when he heard Jingbuka and Morita Akio boasting about their Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd. , nothing more than wanting to attract investment, and then said directly with a smile.

"Hi! We have always heard that Mr. He is very supportive of a company that is difficult to start a business like ours, so we want to try it!" Seeing He Fan's straightforwardness, Jing Shenda and Morita Akio, who had prepared a lot of introductions, were all excited. Somewhat at a loss, he replied respectfully.

"Then how many shares are you going to sell?" He Fan asked the most important question again without too much embellishment.

"Mr. He, we are going to sell 40.00% of the shares of Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd.!

We each hold 30.00% of the remaining company shares! Jing Shenda and Morita Akio were very uncomfortable with He Fan's straightforwardness, and they still answered He Fan's questions quickly.

"I have two other plans, please listen to them first!

The first plan is that I will buy all of your shares, and the company will still be managed by the two of you, and I will give you 5.00% of the shares as gifts!

In addition, you will each have a 15.00% share dividend!
As long as you work in Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd. for one day, you will each have the 15.00% dividend right!
After 30 years, if you still work in the company, you will have the right to share 15.00% of the dividends for life! He Fan smiled noncommittally when he heard the thoughts of Jing Shenda and Morita Akio, and suddenly said his two plans.

"The second plan is that I will only acquire 60.00% of your company's shares, and then you will retain 40.00% of the shares!

In this way, I will still only be the major shareholder, and the company will be managed by you! "

"This..." After hearing He Fan's two proposals, Jing Shenda and Morita Akio looked at each other in shock, the conditions offered by He Fan were really too generous.

"You can go back and think about these two options!
Get back to me with results!

You should also know that I don't like to interfere in the management of the companies I invest in!
Just like Mr. Tadao Yoshida of YKK, even with the investment from Five Star, YKK is still managed by Tadao Yoshida!
Now our five-star company and YKK company have achieved a win-win situation! Seeing the shock of the two, He Fan didn't attach much importance to this investment. If Jing Shenda and Morita Akio didn't accept their proposal, He Fan would also plan to directly enter the electronics industry.

For this Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd., He Fan pays more attention to the two great talents, Jing Shenda and Morita Akio. If he has their support, he will be even more powerful, and he will be very economical if he entrusts his electronic company to them for management. Heart.

"I hope that your Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd. will become the second YKK company!" Seeing the performances of Inoue Ibuka and Akio Morita, He Fan mentioned one of his most successful investments, YKK Company.

Hearing that He Fan mentioned the successful case of YKK Company, Jing Shenda and Morita Akio showed excited expressions.

They also saw the success of YKK company, so they found He Fan, hoping to get He Fan's five-star company to invest in them.

In fact, Jing Shenda and Morita Akio had made preparations in advance for He Fan's two proposals. After all, with the jewels from YKK company in front, they had considered it clearly. Jing Shenda and Morita Akio who was next to him looked at each other in surprise, and then The first option was chosen.

In this way, He Fan's five-star company will own 90.00% of the shares of Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd., while Ibuka and Morita Akio each own 5.00% of the shares, and each also owns 15.00% of the shares for dividends.

In other words, as long as they are in Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd. for one day, they are considered to own 20.00% of the shares!
In their eyes, Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd. has not developed very well since its establishment in 46. With the investment of the five-star company this time, they not only obtained a large amount of wealth, but they will still control Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd.

They all thought in their hearts that the benefits and treatment they received were more generous than that of Tadao Yoshida of YKK Company.

Seeing that Jing Shenda and Morita Akio were very satisfied with He Fan's investment, He Fan asked the company's legal counsel, Miyamoto Musashi, to draft the contract. After the three signed their names, Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd. Fantastic new industry.

"Mr. Ibuka, Mr. Morita, since the five-star company has invested in Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd., it is better to change the name!" Seeing that Ibuka and Akio Morita agreed to his plan on the spot, He Fan was very happy, because in this way, he would be happy. It will save a lot of things, and then decide to change the name of the new company.

The most taboo thing about doing business is a single husband, and the most taboo is Zhuge Liang's kind of doing everything by himself, which is really likely to be exhausting.

I am not an omnipotent god, so it is unrealistic to know everything just because I am traveling through time.

"Does Mr. He want to change the company into Five Star Communication Industry Co., Ltd." Hearing He Fan's request, Jing Shenda and Morita Akio would of course give face, and then said with a smile.

"No! I decided to change it to Sony Communications Industries, Ltd.!

What do you guys think? He Fan said the name of the new company after hearing the conjectures of Jing Shenda and Morita Akio.

Hearing that He Fan wanted to change the company to Sony, Jing Shenda and Morita Akio agreed with a smile and said, "Sony! This name sounds good!
Our products will definitely be popular in the future! "

"Haha, that's for sure!

I think our Sony's main direction of attack in the future should be transistor technology. It is best to launch transistor radios as soon as possible as our Sony products! He Fan was delighted to see Jing Shenda and Morita Akio being so sensible and interesting, and then spoke about Sony's future development direction.

"Nani? So the boss is so familiar with the development of electronic technology!

Akio Morita and I have been developing transistor technology, but the current transistor technology is not favored by the outside world, so we have been hesitant!
With the support of the boss this time, our Sony will definitely achieve great success in transistor technology! Jing Shenda and Morita Akio were shocked when they heard that He Fan's plan for Sony's development was the same as theirs, and then they realized that if they didn't come to He Fan today, He Fan might soon enter the electronics industry. industry.

"Haha, maybe this is called "Heroes agree with each other!

Then let us create a real Sony electronic kingdom together! Seeing the shock of Jing Shenda and Morita Akio, He Fan said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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