Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 249 Unexpected Shooting

Chapter 249 Unexpected Shooting

He Fan agreed to invest in Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd. of Inoue Ibuka and Akio Morita. Chika Fujiwara watched the whole process from the side, and was really shocked by He Fan's operation.

Seeing the backs of Jing Shenda and Morita Akio leaving excitedly, Fujiwara Chika looked at He Fan suspiciously, "He Fan, what are you thinking?

It's not really what the outside world says, you are a "boy who spreads money"!

Could it be that your wealth is really too much to spend, and then you just squander it like this? "

"Haha, this is just my normal investment, how can you say it is so exaggerated!" He Fan said disapprovingly when he heard Chika Fujiwara's incomprehensible and shocked words.

"Tokyo Communication Industry Co., Ltd. of Ibuka and Morita Akio, I have heard a little before.

They have also looked for my father, but their company has not been ideal since its establishment to the present! Seeing He Fan's disapproving expression, Chika Fujiwara said worriedly.

"Qianhua, I know what you said!
But I think the development prospects of the electronics industry are very broad. Even without them, I will enter the electronics industry!

And now with their management, I will save a lot of trouble! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing Chika Fujiwara's concern.

Jing Shenda and Morita Akio, who left the five-star company, turned around and looked back at the skyscraper where the five-star company was located. Jing Shenda said to Akio Morita with lingering fear, "Mr. Morita, fortunately, we have invested in Mr. He this time, otherwise we It really could be a big trouble!"

"Nani?" Akio Morita, who was still happy when he heard Jing Shenda's emotion, became a little confused.

"From the conversation just now, I found that Mr. He is very familiar with the electronics industry, and he is not a "boy who spreads money" as rumored by the outside world!" Seeing Akio Morita's doubts, Jing Shenda explained with a wry smile.

"So what?" Hearing Jing Shenda's explanation, Akio Morita was still puzzled.

"Mr. He's meaning is very obvious, he decided to enter the electronics industry!

In the current Japanese electronics industry, if he joins in, there will be no business between the two of us! Seeing that Akio Morita hadn't understood yet, Jing Shenda took the trouble to explain again.

"And now that he has agreed to take a stake in our Sony, we don't have to worry anymore!"

"I see! Jing Shen-kun, I understand!

It seems that we are really honored to have Mr. He's investment! "After Jing Shenda's detailed explanation, Morita Akio finally understood it belatedly, and felt a little lucky.

This time he successfully invested in Jing Shenda and Morita Akio. He Fan was very happy and went home early to make a big table of delicious food.

It was the first time for Chika Fujiwara to eat Chinese food made by He Fan, and she kept eating there alone. The food looked very gratifying, but Emma at the side looked sullen.

After the meal, He Fan and Emma returned to their room, and then asked Emma with concern, "Emma, ​​what's the matter with you today? Why do you always look depressed?"

"He Fan, where has your Meizi been recently?
How come I haven't seen her? "Looking at He Fan in front of her, Emma suddenly asked seriously.

"Huh? Meiko was sent to Hong Kong Island by me!
You also know that Hong Kong Island also needs someone I trust to sit in town!
And Meizi is very suitable! He Fan explained unnaturally when Emma suddenly asked about Meizi.

"haha, yes!

Meizi even gave birth to a son for you, of course you trust me! "Hearing He Fan's explanation and seeing his unnatural expression, Emma said sarcastically.

"What? Who did you listen to!" After hearing Emma's sarcasm to him, He Fan realized that Emma already knew about the child. Last year, Meizi gave birth to a baby for herself on Hong Kong Island. son.

"Hmph! If you want people to not know, unless you do nothing!

This is an old saying of you Chinese, don't you forget it! Seeing He Fan's surprised expression, Emma said an old saying to mock He Fan.

"I said, I don't mind if you have other women!
But I can't bear it, they have children before me! "

"This Emma, ​​don't blame me!
You asked me to take protective measures every time!

If you really wanted kids, we'd already have several of them! "For Emma's reaction, He Fan felt very wronged. It was you, Emma, ​​who didn't want to have a child, but in the end you blamed He Fan instead.

"Hmph! Then from today onwards, you don't need to bring a small raincoat!" Knowing that what He Fan said was true, Emma announced.

"Haha, actually, I've wanted to have a mixed-race baby for a long time!
Since you also want to have children, let's have more! He Fan was actually very happy when he heard Emma's decision, and immediately said with surprise.

Waking up early in the morning, He Fan felt a feeling of weakness in his limbs and a splitting headache. He didn't need to ask, he knew he was sick.

It must be because I worked too hard with Emma last night, which caused me to catch a cold, and I had a fever in the morning.

Seeing that Emma had already gone to work, He Fan got up with difficulty and came to the living room. Seeing He Fan's limp feet, He Fan jokingly said, "He Fan, what's wrong with you?
Couldn't it be that I was too crazy with Emma last night, and my feet are a little soft today, right? "

"What nonsense?
I didn't cover the quilt yesterday, I caught a cold and had a fever!

Hurry up and accompany me to the hospital!
This is your job as an assistant too! "Hearing Fujiwara Chika's teasing to him, He Fan spoke out about his condition angrily.

"Haha, is it true or not?" Chika Fujiwara still doubted He Fan's explanation.

Chika Fujiwara helped He Fan to a nearby hospital, and he was put on an IV. It was almost noon when He Fan's fever subsided and he felt alive again.

Seeing that He Fan's complexion is much better, Fujiwara Chika directly touched He Fan's forehead, felt the temperature, and said to He Fan with a smile, "It's all right now! Your fever is finally gone!"

"Pour me some water! I'm a little thirsty!" He Fan, who had just recovered from a serious illness, was a little thirsty, so he said to Fujiwara Chika.

"Here you are!" Looking at He Fan in front of her, Fujiwara Chika obediently poured a glass of water, and handed it to He Fan uncharacteristically gentle, which made He Fan feel flattered.

"Now my fever is gone, let's get out of the hospital and have some food!
As soon as the disease is cured, I will be a little hungry! After drinking a glass of water, He Fan felt much more comfortable, and then suggested with a smile.

"Okay!" Chika Fujiwara responded with a smile to He Fan's proposal.

He Fan and Fujiwara Chika, who were about to be discharged from the hospital and went downstairs, suddenly heard a chaotic gunshot outside. He Fan immediately looked at Fujiwara Chika in horror, and hurried to an empty room to hide.

After entering the room, I realized that this is the room where the doctor rests, and at this time, there are no doctors or nurses resting here.

Immediately hitting the door with something, He Fan pulled Fujiwara Chika, and hid in the cabinet in the rest room with a terrified expression, listening carefully to the movement outside.

"He Fan, do you think we will be shot to death?" Fujiwara Chika whispered to He Fan in fear, hearing sporadic gunshots still coming from outside.

"Qianhua, don't be afraid!
I am here!Will definitely protect you! Seeing the terrified Fujiwara Chika, He Fan realized that she was just a 17-year-old girl, and quickly smiled and comforted her.


He Fan, will you take a bullet for me? "For He Fan's comfort, Fujiwara Chika suddenly said with surprise.

"Eh? Yes!
I will never let you die in front of me! "Fujiwara Chika's miraculous request caught He Fan a little off guard, and he could only promise with a wry smile.

"He Fan, you are so kind to me!
do you like me "For some reason, Fujiwara Chika asked in amazement suddenly.


"I haven't been in a relationship until now, so it's a pity to die like this!" Seeing that He Fan didn't respond, Chika Fujiwara suddenly said sadly.


"He Fan, why don't you just be my boyfriend!
I won't feel alone when we're killed! "Not caring about He Fan's ignorance, Chika Fujiwara still talked to herself.


"He Fan, why don't you speak? Are you unwilling?" Seeing that He Fan still didn't respond, Chika Fujiwara complained in a low voice.

"Uh no!

We'll be fine for sure!

This is the center of Tokyo, the police will be here soon!
You don't have to think about it anymore! He Fan said helplessly after hearing Chika Fujiwara's complaint.

"He Fan, I know you like me!
You can feel the love for me in the look in my eyes!

If you really like me, let me be your girlfriend! "Receiving He Fan's response, Fujiwara Chika was very happy, and then said in a low voice.


Looking at Chika Fujiwara in front of him, and hearing her "dying confession", He Fan really didn't know how to answer.

Just staring at Chika Fujiwara in front of her in bewilderment, it's really puzzling that she was surprised by such a brain circuit in such a fearful atmosphere!

Seeing that He Fan didn't respond to his "dying confession", Chika Fujiwara suddenly held He Fan's head, mouth to mouth and began to gnaw.
(End of this chapter)

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