Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 250 Shazhu's next main goal

Chapter 250 Shazhu's next main goal

He Fan and Fujiwara Chika hid in the closet and got bored with it for a long time before they left panting. After all, the occasion was not right and there was no way to continue doing anything.

After carefully hearing the sound of the police coming from outside, He Fan and Fujiwara Chika breathed a sigh of relief, and finally regained their safety. As expected, the police soon went upstairs to inform that the matter had been resolved.

After hearing the police's explanation, He Fan and Fujiwara Chika were relieved. It turned out that it was just the patient making trouble, and the gun was just used.

He Fan was feeling emotional in his heart, so Japan also has medical problems!

He Fan and Fujiwara Chika came out of the hospital, and He Fan brought Fujiwara Chika back home. Since he was sick and experienced a thrilling medical trouble, he decided to rest at home for a day.

"Qianhua, are you hungry? I'm going to cook now!" Looking at what happened to Fujiwara Chika just now, both of them broke through their respective psychological barriers, and their relationship became more harmonious and natural.

"I'm not hungry! I want to eat you!" Hearing He Fan's arrangement, Fujiwara Chika was dissatisfied, looking at He Fan in front of her, she said provocatively.

In He Fan's eyes, Fujiwara Chika is an extremely rare and stunning beauty, and she is also his favorite type. He has long been greedy for a long time. Due to various reasons, He Fan has been suppressing it all the time. There was a gun battle, but Chika Fujiwara let go of her thoughts first.

He Fan asked how he could endure such a hot tease, and immediately hugged Chika Fujiwara in a princess hug, and wanted to go to the bedroom.

Seeing that He Fan was going to the bedroom, Chika Fujiwara quickly stopped and said, "Don't go to the bedroom, it's your and Emma's room!
I want one of my own! "

After hearing Chika Fujiwara's words, how could He Fan not understand what she meant, put down Chika Fujiwara again, kissed Chika affectionately, and said, "Since you don't like this place, I will take you to a space that belongs only to you! "

"Nani?" Chika Fujiwara said in surprise.

"Qianhua, don't be impatient, you will know when you arrive!" Seeing the surprised expression of Fujiwara Qianhua, He Fan let it go, and then said with a smile.

Bringing Fujiwara Chika to a villa he bought in Tokyo, and dismissing the cleaning staff, Fujiwara Chika showed a satisfied expression, and then said doubtfully, "He Fan, you have such a big house in Tokyo, why do you have such a big house in Tokyo? Are you still living in that small rented apartment?"

"In Tokyo, I bought a lot of properties like this, and they were too big!
I often come to live alone, I don't feel very comfortable!

I like to be lively!
We'll have so many children that we'll be able to fill this house! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing Chika Fujiwara's doubts.

"Who wants to give birth to you? I don't!" The women are duplicity, Fujiwara Chika refused, but the body is honest, followed He Fan to the master bedroom of this villa, the two are desperately entangled with.

Fujiwara Chika noticed He Fan's surprise, and said angrily, "Bad guy, what are you thinking?"

"Hehe, you have lived in such an open place as the United States for so many years, I thought you were very curious!" Facing Fujiwara Chika's coquettish anger, He Fan felt agitated, stroked Qianhua's body again, and was so infatuated with it that he couldn't extricate himself , and explained with a smile.

"How is it possible! No matter how many years I live in the United States, I will not adapt to their western style!
In my eyes, they are barbaric and animalistic, or our oriental culture is deeply rooted in the bone marrow. "After hearing He Fan's explanation, Chika Fujiwara expressed her dislike of the Western way of life, explaining that she is still a traditional oriental woman.

"I didn't expect that our family's Qianhua is so traditional!" He Fan said with some emotion after hearing Fujiwara Qianhua's explanation.

"I really want to be with you forever like this, never to be apart!" Chika Fujiwara said emotionally again as she surrounded He Fan like an octopus.

"It's not easy, after you graduate, we'll get married!" Looking at the beauty in front of him, He Fan directly proposed to get married.

"It will be four years later, and I will rush back to the United States before Christmas in a few days. I am so sorry to miss you!" Chika Fujiwara wants no one to be separated from He Fan, really like a girl in love .

"I will often fly to America to see you!

How about we order a private jet, and then it will be much more convenient to go to and from the United States! He Fan was also very moved when he heard Chika Fujiwara's words, but then he assured her.

"Okay! You must visit me in America often!" Hearing He Fan's assurance, Chika Fujiwara said happily.

"Five-star company's current business has almost covered it!

I already have food, shipping, machinery manufacturing, zipper production, and electronics. I plan to devote all my energy to food and strive to become a world-class food giant.

So next, you will definitely need to go to and from the United States. You must know that the United States is one of the main grain-producing areas. In order to reassure Chika Fujiwara, He Fan explained his company's next plans and arrangements.

"Huh? Now the eyes of the West are focused on oil!
How could you do the opposite and put so much emphasis on the food issue? "Fujiwara Chika was originally a high-achieving student who studied business, and was trained by Fujiwara Takumi's business operations since childhood. Her own business vision is also very unique, so Fujiwara Chika said doubtfully.

"The importance of food is actually more important than oil, but it is often ignored by businessmen!
Our five-star needs are not just grains like rice and wheat, but also huge industries including meat processing, farming, and dairy products! "

Hearing He Fan's huge plan, Chika Fujiwara was also shocked. It turned out that the man in front of her had such a grand plan. With some success, He Fan would really become a world-class giant.

"He Fan, what you said makes sense!

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the food issue will always be the most important!
Just like Japan suffered a serious shortage of food after World War II, but the aid from the United States was all wheat. We had no choice but to accept wheat as our staple food. "Hearing He Fan's huge plan and explanation, Chika Fujiwara thought for a while, couldn't help contacting Japan after the war, and then said in agreement.

"Qianhua, call me brother from now on!"

"Well! Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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