Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 251 1 All efforts are for today

Chapter 251 All efforts are for today
In [-], Tokyo.

As early as [-], as soon as Chika Fujiwara graduated from university, she and He Fan held a grand wedding in Japan, officially entering the palace of marriage.

And He Fan's five-star company has already been upgraded to a five-star group, which includes five-star noodle restaurant and catering company, five-star food company, five-star shipping company, YKK company, Sony Electronics and five-star grain and oil companies, and has truly grown into a world-class business enterprise.

Those who knew about He Fan's past, Fujiwara Takumi and others were also stunned. Who would have thought that the "illegal worker" who was once sold to Japan by human traffickers would grow to this point at such a fast speed.

Now He Fan's most valued subsidiary is Five Star Grain and Oil. Not only has a large number of procurement contracts been signed in the main grain producing areas of North and South America, but also in India, Myanmar, and even Thailand and other rice production areas.

New Zealand has contracted three large-scale livestock farms. The dairy cows supply [-]% of the milk powder demand in the world. There are also various farms in North America and South America, which produce a large amount of chicken, pork, beef and other meat products every day. , were sent to cold storage mainly built on Hong Kong Island.

Not only that, He Fan also has contact with the storage units of war preparation materials in many countries. After all, their war preparation materials also need to be updated, so He Fan bought them at a very cheap price. purchase volume.

Many people couldn't understand He Fan's behavior, including his own women Emma, ​​Meizi and Fujiwara Chika, all thought He Fan was crazy.

Except for some necessary expenses and safe working capital, He Fan invested all the funds of the group in Five Star Grain and Oil, and soon made Five Star Grain and Oil a real world-class giant.

He Fan also doesn't have any crazy personal consumption, except for a private jet, which is considered a luxury, and he doesn't even have a yacht. He is often ridiculed by others as a machine that can't enjoy, but only makes money.

You must know that Sony and YKK provide a lot of funds every day, and they have long become real cash cows. Five-star shipping and five-star food factory are only slightly inferior, and they also generate a lot of wealth.

Almost most of the purchased wheat and rice were stored by He Fan in the warehouse on Hong Kong Island. The most shocking thing about Hong Kong Island is not the high-rise buildings or the [-]-ton giant ship, but the towering and huge scale. "Five-Star Warehouse".

Every individual or company that pays attention to Five Star Grain and Oil, seeing He Fan's "Five Star Warehouse", is shocked beyond words, laughing at whether it is He Fan, the boss of Five Star, who got the news of the third world war.

The turmoil from the outside world did not disrupt He Fan's pace, but he still carried out his plan in an orderly manner.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps blowing. The calm days were suddenly broken by a call from Meizi from Hong Kong Island, "He Fan, something happened to the research institute in the Mainland?"

"Research Institute? What can happen to them?" He Fan felt a little baffled when he heard Meizi's words.

"You know, there have been people in the mainland questioning our five-star motives!

Some people have always suspected that our research agency is a special department for collecting information!
So, the conflict is always there!
But recently, it has become more and more violent. I don't know when it started, someone put forward the slogan of driving away the Japanese devils!
Now the leaders of the capital have informed us to go to the capital as soon as possible to discuss the evacuation of the five-star research institute. "Hearing the inexplicable in He Fan's words, Meizi explained helplessly.

"The matter is not complicated, so you didn't investigate the specific reason?" After hearing Meizi's explanation, He Fan realized that there was an opponent behind him, but his five-star research institute is a non-profit organization, and he never thought of making a profit. The conflict is so intense!

"I did some research, and it was the local forestry bureau. They saw that our research over the years has been very fruitful, and the full-light seedling cultivation we proposed was also a success!

They have some taste!
In addition to their forestry bureau, a large number of new college students have arrived, and they may feel that our five-star research institute is an eyesore! Hearing He Fan's question, Meizi explained.

"Hehe, so the "ghost" is here!

Then you should inform the experts of the Five Star Research Institute, pack up your things, and prepare to evacuate!

I will go to the capital to negotiate as soon as possible, and then let them wait for my notice! He Fan was almost amused when he heard about Meizi's investigation. This matter must have been done by Qu and that guy. Even Wu Yansheng has already gone to Saihanba, so he should be involved.

Hearing He Fan's order, Meizi agreed, "Hi! I will notify them!"

"By the way! There is also the price list of the five-star grain and oil that I asked you to count last time. It should be ready, right?

I need it this time!
When I go to the capital, I will pass by Hong Kong Island first! Hearing Meizi's answer, He Fan suddenly remembered the most important thing, and then asked Meizi.

"Already ready!
But the price above is really low!

If we sell at this price, we may not have a single profit! "Hearing He Fan's question, Meizi thought of the quotation above and said with emotion.

"I didn't intend to make money in the first place!
Even if I donate all of it, I am willing to live the most ordinary life with you in the future! He Fan suddenly said with a smile when he heard Meizi's emotion.

Hearing He Fan's true love for her, Meizi was very moved, and then said emotionally, "He Fan, I am willing too!"

After hanging up Meizi's phone, He Fan looked at Emma and Chika Fujiwara, and said with a wry smile, "Now you see my purpose?

It may only be a drop in the bucket, but I will still do my best! "

According to outside news, looking back at He Fan's operations, it turned out that it was all for this day, Chika Fujiwara said with a smile, "You go to the capital this time, and I want to go with you!"

This time I may stay in the capital for a while longer, just in time to show you my father and sister!
I don't know, how are they doing now? He Fan agreed with a smile when he heard Chika Fujiwara's proposal.

"I won't go!

After all, my identity is special, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings! "Hearing the conversation between He Fan and Fujiwara Chika, Emma also wanted to go with her, but holding the baby in her arms, thinking of her sensitive background, she could only sigh and said helplessly.

"It's fine if you don't go. During the time when Qianhua and I are away, I can rest assured that you and Meizi are watching the Five Star Group!" Looking at Emma in front of him and understanding her thoughts, He Fan comforted him with a smile.

He Fan took Fujiwara Chika to Hong Kong Island first, and after spending a few days with Meizi, he went directly to the capital.

As soon as He Fan and Fujiwara Chika came to the capital, they were arranged to stay at the Capital Hotel. It seems that He Fan is still not qualified to live in the State Guest House.

"Brother, should we go home to visit the father-in-law and sister-in-law first, or continue to wait for the reception from the leaders of the capital?" Looking at He Fan in front of him, Chika Fujiwara said with a smile.

"Don't be in a hurry to go home, wait until the major issues are resolved, and then we will deal with our own private affairs!
However, you have to be prepared, the neighbors of our family will definitely surprise you! He Fan said without hesitation when he heard Chika Fujiwara's doubts. After all, in Saihanba, there are still many experts waiting for his news.

Although He Fan and Fujiwara Chika spoke Japanese, the reception staff arranged for them must be able to understand, and then looked at He Fan with some doubts, but didn't say anything.

A quaint office area.

"Sir, I have arranged the five-star Mr. He and his wife in the Capital Hotel!" The receptionist arranged for He Fan and hurried back to the unit to report to the husband.

"Oh! Then you can discuss it with your secretary, Xiao Li, and see if I have time in the near future, and I will make an appointment with them!
Can't keep customers waiting too long! Hearing the receptionist's report, the gentleman said without raising his busy head.

"Yes, sir!
It's just that I found a special situation and want to report it to you! "Hearing Mr.'s order, the receptionist replied.

"Oh? What's the situation?" Hearing what the receptionist said, the husband raised his head in surprise and said.

"I heard the conversation between Mr. He and his wife. Mr. He seems to be from the capital, and he has a father and sister in the capital!" Seeing the consent of the husband, the reception staff quickly explained.

"What? Such an important situation, why didn't the people below report it!
You ask my secretary to show me the information of Five Star Group! "The gentleman was surprised when he heard the explanation from the reception staff.


Soon the husband's secretary handed He Fan's five-star group information to the husband. After receiving the information, the husband became more and more surprised when he saw the five-star group information, because He Fan was only 23 years old this year.

But the above is just the simplest information. In terms of He Fan's family, only his wife Chika Fujiwara is the eldest princess of the Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce in Japan. There is no introduction to Meiko and Emma, ​​let alone family background.

"Xiao Li, why is the information on Five Star Group so rough?" The gentleman put down the information in his hand and asked the secretary suspiciously.

"We thought Five Star Group was just a small foreign company, so we didn't take it to heart!

So." Hearing the husband's questioning, the secretary Xiao Li felt very uncomfortable. It is the dream of every Chinese to work with the husband, but he did not do his job well.

"Hey! Forget it!
Make an appointment to meet the five-star He Fan as soon as possible!

Don't blame you either! "Mr. is an open-minded person. He saw the secretary's discomfort and ordered without any harsh words.

He Fan was so excited that he wanted to shout, it was really like a dream.

Seeing He Fan's excitement, Chika Fujiwara had never seen it before, and then said in surprise, "Your husband, is he very powerful?"

"Haha, it's more than amazing!
He is the idol of all Chinese people! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing Chika Fujiwara's doubts.

He Fan didn't bring Fujiwara Chika, but followed the reception staff to the front of the husband alone, and his excitement was beyond words.

"Mr. He, isn't it!
You sit down, you're welcome! "Mister's smile made He Fan feel like a spring breeze.

"Sir, you can call me Xiao He!
Otherwise, I really can't sit still! He Fan said with a wry smile when he heard Mr. addressing him.

"Hehe, that's good too!

Then I will call you Xiao He! Hearing He Fan's request, the gentleman said with a smile.

"Haha, I feel very kind!" He felt even more honored to hear his husband call himself Xiao He than in the previous trips, when the big boss called him Sha Zhu.

"I'm really sorry about the Five Star Research Institute!

Because most of your research institutes are Japanese, ordinary people may not understand it! "Looking at He Fan in front of him, who is young and outrageously young, Mr. explained helplessly.

"I understand what you mean, sir!

As soon as I return to the Capital Hotel, I will call them and tell them to evacuate!
I want to donate the camp of the Five Star Research Institute to the local school!

Because after several years of expansion, the scale has become very large, and it is very suitable for running a university! He Fan said quickly and wittily after hearing Mr.'s explanation.

"We are very grateful for Xiao He's generosity!" Hearing He Fan's donation arrangement, the husband was also surprised, after all, he had heard of the scale of the Five Star Research Institute.

"Sir, you don't need to thank you, it's all trivial! I have a request, I don't know if I should say it or not?" Looking at the gentleman in front of him, He Fan asked nervously.

"Oh? If you have any difficulties, Xiao He, just tell me! If you can do it, I will help you!" Hearing He Fan's request, the husband didn't feel any strange, but said with a smile.

"Thank you in advance sir!

You should also know that I have a five-star grain and oil company!
Now there are a lot of food and meat, and even a lot of milk powder!

I want to ask, can you enter the domestic market? "He Fan carefully recalled his wording, and then asked nervously to Mr.

"Is this... a lot?" Hearing He Fan's explanation, the husband was a little puzzled.

"Eh? A lot! This is our quotation, and the price is very favorable!" He Fan quickly took out a document and handed it to the secretary next to him when he heard his husband's doubts.

The husband accepted the quotation from He Fan suspiciously, gradually became shocked, and said in disbelief, "Your price is so cheap?

There is a backlog of inventory again, will there be quality problems! ? "

"Don't worry, sir!

Except for some war preparation materials in some areas, most of them are recent food and meat!

Our Five Star has its own meat farms in North America and South America, and New Zealand also has dairy farms, so there is no problem with the quality! He Fan explained with a smile when he heard Mr.

"But according to your price, your Five Stars may not make any profit, or even lose money?" After hearing He Fan's explanation, the husband believed it, because no businessman had the guts to deceive him, and he still said doubtfully.

"In the past few years, my five-star group has been too smooth!

Speaking out, I am not afraid of my husband's jokes. In terms of food and oil, I have taken too many steps, and now I really can't bear it!
It is urgent to sell these stocks and return the funds as soon as possible, otherwise other industries will be affected! He Fan explained with a wry smile upon hearing Mr.'s doubts.

"Of course, I know that too!

With such a large transaction, sir will definitely have concerns!

I can accept the transaction method of goods first and payment later. The payment method is not limited to time and currency types, and physical goods are also acceptable! "

"This..." He was surprised when he heard He Fan's explanation and generous conditions.

"If sir still has concerns!
I can stay in the capital during the transaction period!

Now in the whole world, only the domestic market can eat such a large order of grain goods!
The most terrible thing is that my farms are continuously producing meat and milk powder every day!
Our five-star and many major grain producing areas have contracts of more than five years!
That is to say, our Five Stars can’t do without buying it!
Instead, they need to pay a large amount of liquidated damages! "Seeing that the husband is still a little surprised, He Fan continued to explain with a wry smile.

"How much is the specific amount?" The gentleman was a little moved.

"This, this is the total amount of goods in stock at present, sir, please have a look!" He Fan hastily took out another document and handed it to the secretary beside him when he heard that the husband was a little tempted.

After receiving the document handed over by He Fan again, and seeing the quantity of various grains and meat on it, the husband, who had been calm for a long time, was also shocked.

Only then did the husband realize that He Fan's good intentions, in the absence of purpose, would be impossible for any merchant to hoard so much inventory.

"I heard, Xiao He, your ancestral home is from the capital?" The gentleman calmed down his inner excitement, and then suddenly asked He Fan with a smile.

"Hehe, my ancestral home is not in the capital city! I am a real man from the capital city!" Hearing what the husband said, knowing that the husband agreed, and then replied with a smile.

"Oh?" Mr. He Fan was puzzled by He Fan's answer.

"At the beginning of 13, I was less than [-] years old!
Because I made a mistake, I was deceived by others, and then I was beaten up by my father!
I was out of breath for a while, so I thought of going to the Northeast to serve as a soldier!
As a result, on the train, he was stunned by two traffickers and sold to a Japanese dealer named Ichiro Kameda. Seeing Mr.'s doubts, He Fan then explained his experience with a wry smile.

"Then, it was resold by Kameda Ichiro to a small restaurant in Hakodate City, Hokkaido, Japan!

Later, by chance, he rescued Chika Fujiwara, the daughter of the president of the Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce, and obtained legal American citizenship and a large fortune! "

"Then, I started doing business in Tokyo, Japan, and after several years of hard work, I can be regarded as a small fortune!

In Beijing, I still have a father and a younger sister! "

Hearing He Fan's explanation, both the husband and the secretary next to him widened their eyes in shock. It is really He Fan's experience, which is too legendary.

"Xiao He, you have suffered!

Do your father and your sister know about you? "Hearing He Fan's legendary experience, the gentleman was very moved, and then said doubtfully.

"I don't know! They are just ordinary people, I don't want them to know about me! Being an ordinary person is actually quite happy!" He Fan replied with a wry smile when he heard the question from his husband.

(End of this chapter)

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