Chapter 252
He Fan was very excited to see that his husband agreed to enter the mainland market with his grain and oil supplies.

"Sir, can I borrow your phone?"

"Of course! This black one!"

With permission, He Fan picked up the phone on his husband's desk and called Meizi who was far away on Hong Kong Island.

"Meizi, it's me, He Fan! The matter is settled, and the mainland is willing to buy our grain and oil. Now our five-star grain and oil are saved!"


"Follow our plan! Goodbye!"

After hanging up Meizi's phone, He Fan explained to his husband with a smile, "In the next few days, our food will be transported by five-star sea, and will arrive at various ports in the mainland one after another."

"Xiao He, you bothered!" Seeing that He Fan had already made a plan, the husband was very moved and understood everything.

"Sir, it's serious! If it wasn't for your willingness to accept our batch of products, our five-star grain and oil might really be blown up! I'm really grateful!"

Leaving the special office area, He Fan sighed for a while, like a dream, finally resolved the important matter in his heart.

Looking at He Fan who came back, Chika Fujiwara smiled and said, "Brother, is everything settled?"

"Yes! The rest is our private matter! I don't know how my father and my sister are doing now?"

"Your sister, what's her name?"

"He Yushui! He should be 15 years old this year!"

"Let's go outside and buy them some presents later! Little girls must love novelty!"

"Also, we also need to change our outfits, so don't speak Japanese! Speak Mandarin!"

He Fan and the reception staff in the Mainland exchanged a large amount of Mainland currency and various tickets with US dollars, and then went shopping in the capital with Fujiwara Chika.

First, they each bought two sets of ordinary clothes from the mainland, and then Chika Fujiwara set her sights on exquisite porcelain and antiques.

Looking at the interested Chika Fujiwara, He Fan smiled, "Qianhua, are you interested in antiques?"

"Yeah! Look how beautiful they are! There is a sense of history! I really like it!"

"Hehe, now is not a good time! When conditions permit, I plan to build a private museum in the capital!"

What He Fan and Fujiwara Qianhua bought were ordinary things, and the most expensive one was a Feige brand ladies bicycle for He Yushui.

Fujiwara Chika wanted to buy a radio for her father-in-law, who had never masked her face, but He Fan refused.


"The mainland is relatively poor, and it is not suitable for buying these consumer goods. Unlike foreign countries, which belong to the free economy."

"Oh I see!"

Seeing that Fujiwara Chika understood what he meant, He Fan said with a smile, "Qianhua, hurry up and give yourself a Chinese name! Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to accept it!"

"Okay! Then what's my name? Tengweimu, why not call me Murui!"

"Oh my god! Mu Rui, this name is great too! From now on, you will be called Mu Rui!"

"Mu Rui", this name is really good!Refreshing feeling.

The next day, in the morning, after breakfast at the Jingcheng Hotel, He Fan took Fujiwara Chika, who is now Mu Rui, to the courtyard.

When shopping yesterday, He Fan and Fujiwara Chika were accompanied by the reception staff, but today they knew that He Fan was going home to visit relatives and didn't like publicity, so no one followed them.

Chika Fujiwara looked at the nearby streets of the capital, showing a very interested expression, and soon felt that her eyes were not enough.

"Brother, the ancient buildings in the capital are so beautiful, it's like stepping into history!"

"Have you never been to the capital before?"

"No! I just went to Shanghai once when I was very young!"

After hearing Chika Fujiwara's answer, He Fan didn't ask any more questions. If he asked again, both of them would be embarrassed.

He Fan's heart moved, and he suddenly said with a smirk, "Qianhua, how about I take you to watch movies in the Mainland if you spare some time?"

"Really? I'm also curious, what are the movies in the mainland like?" Chika Fujiwara was very interested.

"Haha, you must feel very excited!"

It must be interesting to find a movie about fighting devils for Chika Fujiwara, and let her, a real devil, enjoy it. Haha, it must be very interesting.

The Capital Hotel is not too far from He Fan's courtyard house, and this road has been walked many times when he crossed the courtyard world for the second time, not to mention that He Fan is already an authentic old capital city.

Today is Sunday, and He Fan is not worried that He Yushui and He Daqing are not at home.

Looking at the quadrangle that he hadn't seen in ten years, He Fan was very sad. Without the legend of the God of War in the quadrangle, he wondered if the quadrangle was still the Qinman quadrangle.

Yan Bugui was still like a door god, when he saw the stranger coming, he asked with a smile, "Two comrades, who are you looking for?"

"He Daqing, do you still live in this courtyard?"

When He Fan asked He Daqing directly, Yan Pugui felt that He Fan looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Yes! Are you a relative of He Daqing's family? I'll take you there!"

"No need! Uncle Yan, I'm He Yuzhu! I'm familiar with this yard!" He Fan refused with a smile.

"What? Are you a fool?"

"Hey, Uncle Yan, you have a pretty good memory! I haven't seen you in ten years! Thinking of this as soon as we met, are you disgusting me?"

"Hey, blame me!" Hearing He Fan's complaint, Yan Bugui quickly apologized and said, but he looked at the big bags and small bags in He Fan's hand, and the new bicycle pushed by Chika Fujiwara, unconsciously. jealous red eyes.

Ignoring Yan Bugui any more, He Fan didn't care about the curious eyes of the other neighbors, and took the bewildered Fujiwara Chika directly back to the middle courtyard's home.

"Old Yan, who is this? We don't have such a grand child in our school?"

"Who? Speaking out scared you to death! He Daqing's son, silly Zhu!"

"Ah? Silly Zhu, didn't he die outside long ago?"

He Daqing stared blankly at He Fan who suddenly appeared, and stood there at a loss for a moment.

Putting down the things in his hands, he helped Chika Fujiwara to fix the bicycle, looked at He Daqing and said, "Dad, where is the rain?"

"Yu Shui, she went to a classmate's house to play! She will be back when she eats at noon!"

"Oh! Dad, let me introduce you! Her name is Mu Rui, she is my wife, a southerner!"

"Oh! Oh." Seeing He Fan who had "resurrected from the dead", He Daqing was a little confused. In the hearts of everyone in the courtyard, He Fan had already died outside.

"Hello, father-in-law! My name is Mu Rui, and I'm your daughter-in-law!" Chika Fujiwara was a little cautious when facing the strange father-in-law.

"Hello there!"

"Mu Rui, just do the same as me, just call Dad!" He Fan said to Fujiwara Chika with a smile.

"Dad, this is 100 yuan! There are also food stamps, which are the rations for Mu Rui and me these days!"

After hearing He Fan's words, He Daqing took the money and food stamps, and said with some disappointment, "Are you going to leave this time?"

"Yes! I have my own job in the south! This time, I also brought her back to meet my family because I married Mu Rui!"

(End of this chapter)

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