Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 253 He Daqing's Strange Brain Road

Chapter 253 He Daqing's Strange Brain Circuit

Sure enough, He Daqing's prediction was very accurate. Before noon, just after ten o'clock, the silly sister He Yushui came back in a hurry.

"Yu Shui, your brother is back?"

"What? Mom, are you kidding me?"

"Silly girl, go home and have a look!"

He Yushui was a little skeptical when he heard Da Ma's words, but he was a little envious when he saw the new bicycle parked at the door.

Then he returned home timidly, and sure enough, he saw some familiar faces, but he had a completely different temperament from the silly brother in his memory.

"Rain, are you back?

How come I haven't seen you for ten years and don't know my brother? "

"Brother, it's really you! You're not dead!"

"Huh? Feelings, you all think I'm dead?
I'm not dead, I'm alive and well!
This is your sister-in-law, Southerner!
Mandarin is not very good, don't be surprised! "

"Oh! Hello sister-in-law, you look so beautiful!"

"Yu Shui, you are beautiful too!
Come see what I bought you as a gift!
By the way, the bicycle outside is also for you! "

"Really?" He Yushui's eyes widened in surprise.

Seeing that his son came back and received 100 yuan and food stamps from He Fan, He Daqing immediately went out to buy something and cook happily after realizing it.

Thinking that his daughter-in-law Mu Rui is from the south, He Daqing was moved and went to buy a roast duck first.

"Hey, Master He, I haven't seen you come to buy roast duck for a long time!
Our waitresses at Bianyifang miss you! Seeing He Daqing in front of him, the male waiter joked with a smile.

"Stinky boy, what nonsense! Believe it or not, people say you are a hooligan! You will cry when the time comes!"

"Hey, I was just joking!"

"It's bad luck to owe someone! I don't bother to talk to you!"

Seeing the back of He Daqing leaving, the male waiter of Bianyifang felt a little lingering in his heart, and really wanted to slap him on the mouth.

After leaving Bianyifang, He Daqing went to the vegetable market again and bought a lot of seasonal vegetables, chicken, duck and fish. When he returned home, he cooked a table of high-level dishes under the shocked eyes of the neighbors.

Although He Daqing is a bit scumbag as a father, his cooking skills are really not good, I saw Chika Fujiwara constantly moving the chopsticks in his hand.

He Fan and He Daqing were very happy watching, "Silly Zhu, I don't know if your cooking skills have fallen over the past few years?"

"Cough? Dad, what do you call me?"

"Ah? Yes! Zhuzi, have you lost your cooking skills?" Upon hearing He Fan's reminder, and seeing his son He Fan's face turn from cloudy to cloudy, he immediately said in embarrassment.

"I forgot! When I left, I was only twelve or thirteen years old. How can I have any cooking skills! The work of these few years has nothing to do with cooking!"

Hearing the conversation between He Fan and He Daqing, Chika Fujiwara was a little puzzled, but she didn't say anything, and happily ate the delicious food on the table with her sister-in-law He Yushui.

He Daqing felt a little heartbroken upon hearing He Fan's explanation, "Why don't you quit your current job and come back to the capital to learn how to cook with me, and I'll arrange you to work in the Red Star Rolling Mill!"

"Hehe, then, you go to Baoding again, and fly wing-to-wing with your White Widow?" He Fan said with a sneer when he heard He Daqing's strange proposal.

Seeing that He Fan saw through his little thoughts, He Daqing was a little embarrassed and felt ashamed.

"Brother, don't blame our dad! Not long after you walked by, our dad talked about a girl from the countryside! I didn't expect it to be a liar! My dad was cheated out of a lot of money!"

After hearing He Yushui's explanation, He Fan also showed a surprised expression. He didn't expect that in the 60s, there would be such a thing as a fraudulent marriage.

Looking at the cheap father He Daqing in front of him, he felt that the relationship was not close, and then he sighed and said, "Yu Shui is going to be sixteen this year! There are at most six years before he can get married! If you really like that white Widow, when Yushui is married, I will not interfere with you again!"

"This house is also reserved for rainwater. It's best to find a son-in-law!"

"What about you?"

"Me? You don't have to worry about it! My job is very stable now, and I don't need to compete with the rain for these things!"

"It's mainly you, can you hold on for another six years?"

"Okay! No problem! Listen to your arrangement!" He Daqing said happily suddenly.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, He Fan was also very happy. He Daqing was always restless, and no one knew what big commotion he could make.

"Dad, remember what you said today! Before He Yushui gets married, you can't leave the capital!"

In order to prevent He Daqing from going back on his word, He Fan warned in a low voice, "Although I haven't lived here in the capital these few years, I still know a few leaders. If you let me know that you have broken your oath, I will let the White Widow's three All the sons lost their jobs, and let the white widow's son lock you up in the pigsty!"

"You" heard He Fan's surprise, He Daqing was a little angry.

"You don't have to question my ability. Over the years, the greatest ability I have learned outside is to do what I say!" Seeing He Daqing's anger, He Fan sneered again in a low voice.

After the meal, He Daqing was still thinking about being threatened by his son He Fan, but motioned to his daughter He Yushui and said, "Brother, my father said that in the future, you and your sister-in-law will sleep in this room, and he will go out and find a place to sleep by himself!"

"No, I'll live in a guest house with your sister-in-law!"

"Ah?" He Yushui was a little surprised.

"Hmph! You don't need to spend money to stay in a guest house! I don't know how to save some money!" He Daqing couldn't help it.

"Hehe, the unit will reimburse you! We don't have to pay for it personally!"

After hearing He Fan's explanation, He Daqing stopped dwelling on this issue.

Originally, I planned to take Fujiwara Chika around the courtyard and introduce her to the neighbors, but later I felt that it was unnecessary, so I took Fujiwara Chika and left directly.

"Zhuzi, are you leaving now?" Yi Zhonghai heard the movement, and hurriedly came out with his wife to check the situation.

"Yes! The room is too small to fit in! Let's stay in the guest house!"

Looking at Yi Zhonghai in front of him, He Fan smiled, but did not introduce Chika Fujiwara.

"What? It's a waste of money to live in a guest house! How about I let the deaf old lady in the backyard squeeze in our room for a while, and you and your wife can live in her room!"

"No need, Mr. Yi! Our unit will reimburse you! I'm also on a business trip this time! Don't bother you!"

Seeing the back of He Fan and Fujiwara Qianhua leaving, Yi Zhonghai felt very complicated, but he couldn't say anything.

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang who heard the movement also ran out to check the situation, but they didn't know what they were thinking when they saw He Fan and Fujiwara Chika leaving.

"Mom, this person is He Yuzhu, the son of the He family next door?"

"Hmm! Don't look at him like a human being, but he's actually hopelessly stupid! I didn't expect his fate to be so hard, I thought he would have died outside!" Hearing his daughter-in-law Qin Huairu's question, Jia Zhang raised her head and looked at Qin Huairu. , as if Qin Huairu wanted Hongxing to get out of the wall, he said angrily.

"Eh? I think his wife is so beautiful! She should be doing well now!" Qin Huairu was still a little uncomfortable with Jia Zhang's viciousness, but when he saw Chika Fujiwara, he said with emotion.

"Hmph! No matter how good you are, you're not as promising as our family's Dongxu! This idiot is just out of shit luck!"

"Silly? Mom, why do you call him silly?"

"Haha, it's a long story! That year was 1949." Seeing the doubts on his daughter-in-law Qin Huairu's face, Jia Zhang became excited, and then said to Qin Huairu with a smooth voice.

(End of this chapter)

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