Chapter 254
After leaving the courtyard, He Fan and Fujiwara Chika left here hand in hand, and rushed back to their residence, the Capital Hotel.

"Brother, who is that White Widow?"

"Hehe, it's my dad's girlfriend! Back in [-], my dad wanted to arrange a stable job for me, and then entrusted my younger sister, He Yushui, to take care of me!"

"And he can go to Baoding and live with that white widow!"

"Ah? Why is father like this?"

"Hehe, don't you feel selfish?"

"At that time, I was very disgusted with his selfish and irresponsible side, and wanted to escape from here!

Unexpectedly, by mistake, he was exiled to Japan! "

"So that's the case! But, brother, why don't you want to tell father that your cooking skills are great now?" Chika Fujiwara said still puzzled.

"Haha, my dad just wants to arrange me to work in a steel rolling mill, put my younger sister He Yushui in charge, and then he can go to the White Widow in style!
Of course I can't tell him that my current cooking skills are very good, otherwise it will be endless pestering! Seeing Chika Fujiwara's doubts, He Fan shook his head helplessly and said.

"I thought, brother, you would take me to know the neighbors around?"

"Haha, you don't really think how long we can live in the capital, do you?
Living here, you won't get used to it!

So some unnecessary entertainment is not necessary at all! He Fan explained with a smile.

As long as a foundation of trust is established between the two parties after the first transaction, it will be much more convenient in the future.

He Fan didn't lie to Chika Fujiwara, he had indeed stayed in the Mainland not long ago, and it was impossible for him to focus his career on the Mainland like when he first traveled through the courtyard world.

Qu He and Wu Yansheng couldn't contain their excitement when they saw the Five-Star Research Institute evacuated from Saihanba. They had been looking at the Five-Star camp for a long time, and Qu He's dream finally came true.

Over the years, since the Five Star Research Institute put forward the "full-light seedling cultivation", it has continuously provided a large number of saplings to the Forestry Bureau, and finally planted them in Saihanba.

However, the forestry bureau always felt aggrieved, as if they were just tools for work, and they also wanted to think and take the initiative.

Life in the interior is very difficult now, and it would be nice to be able to eat miscellaneous grains, but every day seeing this five-star research institute, who makes fine noodles and rice every day, everyone in Saihanba is very unhappy.

Even though he knew that those things were paid for by the five-star boss himself, he still couldn't help being jealous.

Now the opportunity has come, Saihanba wants to build a real forest farm, so many college students are assigned to it.

The first batch of nearly [-] college students came, especially after hearing the thoughts of the representative of the college students, Qin Xuemei, everyone in the Forestry Bureau was moved.

"I think the so-called "full-light seedling cultivation" is a gimmick made by the Japanese!

Deliberately tricking us into tricks, everyone who studies forestry knows that "shading seedlings" is the most basic seedling raising technique!
The "full-light seedling cultivation" proposed by the Japanese is an anti-basic fallacy! "Tan Xuemei's high-spirited speech completely touched the hearts of everyone in the Forestry Bureau, but Feng Cheng in the corner really sighed helplessly.

"What I mean is, we continue to study "shading seedlings", and we can't be led by the nose by this inexplicable "five-star research institute"!
I am confident that with the knowledge we have learned, we can make this plateau desert a green ocean again! "

Seeing hope, Yu Zhenglai and Quhe wanted to build a new forest farm department, so they took a fancy to the large buildings left after the "Five-Star Research Institute" withdrew.

Every time he passed by, Qu He said droolingly, "Old Yu, I heard that the boss of Wuxing is a Chinese. How do you think he is so rich?"

"Hehe, if you understand, you will be the big boss!"

"Old Yu, I think we should apply to the higher authorities as soon as possible to leave this building to us for the construction of the forestry department!"

"I know, the report has been written long ago! I signed it too, and I'm waiting for you to sign it!"

"Director Yu, I heard that the "Five-Star Research Institute" has left behind a lot of experimental equipment, we can take them and use them directly, which will be very helpful to our work!" Tan Xuemei looked at Yu Zheng said excitedly.

"Huh? I also want to use the equipment left by the "Five-Star Research Institute", and even want to directly build a forestry department there, but the application report has been typed up!
But they replied that the boss of Five Stars firmly disagreed with the use of our forestry bureau, and wanted to donate it to the local school, and it would be better to build a university! " Yu Zhenglai explained with a helpless wry smile.

"What? These businessmen are so selfish, they are gone, and they are still unwilling to give up their rights!

Deliberately embarrassing our forestry bureau! "

"Who said it wasn't! I heard that the boss of Five Star is still a Chinese. It's so disappointing!" Yu Zhenglai was also very helpless about Tan Xuemei's complaint.

"Xuemei! All of us in the Forestry Bureau are counting on you, the most favored college students, to give us a good turnaround!"

"As long as you can prove the success of "shading seedlings", our Forestry Bureau will be able to "turn over"!

Ordinary people will not look down on us! "

Hearing Yu Zhenglai's entrustment, Tan Xuemei felt that the burden on her body was even heavier, and she also felt a sense of honor.

The first batch of grains from Five Star Grains and Oils has arrived in Hong Kong and soon entered the mainland market. The inspectors saw that the quality was really high-quality and immediately reported it to the husband.

Upon receiving the news, the husband was very satisfied and happy, and summoned He Fan again.

As soon as He Fan returned to the Capital Hotel, he called Meizi, and all the five-star shipping ships transported grain into the mainland.

After receiving He Fan's order, Meizi gave an order, and all the cargo ships of Five Star, large and small, drove towards the inland with full power.

The Eagle Sauce Navy was the first to discover the anomaly, and was completely shocked to see such a huge cargo fleet.

Nearly [-] million tons of freight were transported to the inland together, and every businessman who heard the news was shocked.

Hong Kong Island.

"Mr. Bao, the order volume of our shipping company is soaring every day recently!"

"Really? That's great! How come there are so many orders suddenly?" Mr. Bao was very happy after hearing the report from his subordinates, and then he became a little puzzled.

"According to the investigation, we found that our competitor, "Five Star Shipping" has already stopped accepting orders, and is fully committed to delivering food to the mainland!"

"What? Mr. He still has courage! He has feelings! I am ashamed!" Hearing his subordinate's explanation, Mr. Bao was stunned for a long time in shock, and then said with emotion.

"You go to the Five Star Group and ask them if they need the help of our "Bao's Shipping"! The shipping fee is directly free!"

"Huh? This"

"Go down and do as I say!"

At this moment, everyone who realized the purpose of the five-star group felt admiration in their hearts.

They were all asking whether the Five Star Group needed their help, but after being rejected by the Five Star Group, they all felt a little bit disappointed.

He Fan's action was too big, which shocked Ying Jiang, as well as the countries along the shipping route. Every country was shocked.

Knowing that He Fan's five-star company only delivered food, Ying Jiang couldn't say anything and could only watch helplessly.

But there is one faction that is hard to accept, that is, they are trying to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but they are all destroyed by He Fan's five-star grain and oil.

The warship wanted to intercept the five-star [-]-ton freighter, but the crew on the freighter ran into the small ship plank that they didn't like.

"Please "Five Star" stop immediately, we have to go up and check!"

Hearing the yell of "Small Boat Board", the crew on the "Five Star" laughed loudly, without any intention of stopping.

Those on the "small boat board" all looked in horror at the [-]-ton giant ship approaching, as if they were about to devour them like a giant beast.


"The "Five Star" stops!"

The one on the "boat board" ordered the "five-star" over and over again, but the "five-star" directly bumped into it heavily, and the "small boat board" was directly blocked.

Then the "Five Star" walked away in a chic manner, leaving behind a wave of shouting for help.

The bystanders on the side were stunned and stunned on the spot. Hearing this, they woke up and ran away.

Things are completely messed up, jumping up and down non-stop, let him.

But Emma's relationship with Yingjiang is not able to get along, so she can only let her suffer a dumb loss!

The headlines on the international front page every day are all about this ship collision incident, which made him completely lose face.

If one plan fails, another plan is made, and the five-star big boss is directly assassinated.

He Fan, who was far away in the capital, heard the news of the ship collision, smiled indifferently, and then distributed huge bonuses to all the crew members on the "Five Star".

Without any words, the crew on the "Five Star" knew that they had succeeded in making the boss happy. When the crew of other cargo ships heard the news, their eyes were almost red.

Once passing the cross-strait straits, they will slow down to see if there are any blind guys who want to try the feeling of being bumped.

It's a pity that since the last incident, I have learned to be smart. When I saw the five-star shipping fleet, I immediately followed it from a distance and never dared to approach it. This disappointed the crew members who hoped to get the bonus.

They all yelled, "Cowards! Cowards!"

Hearing the news, his face was completely green with anger, and he persuaded from the side, "Darling, don't worry, the assassination team will act soon!"

"But, that nasty He Fan has been hiding in the capital! There is really nothing we can do!" said a little annoyed.

"It's all right! Darling, He Fan is used to a comfortable and free life, he won't be able to stay in the mainland! He will definitely return to Japan! There will be a chance when the time comes!"

"Damn! That's the only way to go!"


"Old Liu, I heard that there is a large supply of various meats and fine grains recently, and you can buy them with your food book, and the price is very cheap!" Yan Bugui said to Liu Haizhong excitedly.

"Hey, I want you to tell me, I'm going to buy it back! There's beef too! The price is so cheap!" Liu Haizhong looked at Yan Pugui in front of him with disdain, and said with emotion.

"Huh? You bought it all back? It seems that I'm going to buy it too!"

"Hehe, look at your worthless appearance, Lao Yan! You're so ridiculous!"

There was a lot of discussion in the courtyard, and He Daqing has been sitting on the Diaoyutai all the time, because He Fan sent back a large amount of meat, rice, and fine noodles.

It was the first time that He Daqing felt the joy of having a son, especially the eyes of the elder Yi Zhonghai when he saw those things, and I couldn't hide the expression of envy and hatred, which made He Daqing extremely happy.

"Small sample, isn't it just being a bullshit old man, just shouting and drinking! If you are capable, you will have a biological son! Haha!" He Daqing muttered in a low voice.

But what He Daqing thought was a low voice, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of the elder Yi Zhonghai, making Yi Zhonghai's face turn green with anger.

The angrier Yi Zhonghai was, the happier He Daqing was, laughing like an ignorant child.

Seeing He Daqing's demeanor, how could He Yushui not know anything? In the past few years, his father, He Daqing, has been at odds with his elder brother, Yi Zhonghai, and often satirizes him with guns and sticks.

"Dad, don't be like this! Da Ye is very kind! Da Ma is also very kind to me!"

"Why, I need you to teach me a lesson now? If you are half as capable as your brother, I'll reprimand you at will!" He Daqing said angrily.

"Look, many of the things you and Zhu Zi sent back are what others need to rush to buy! What is this? This is the skill!"

Hearing He Daqing's words, He Yushui was also speechless and could only feel bitter in his heart.

Seeing He Yushui's misfire, He Daqing happily hummed a ditty again, enjoying the good life now.


Seeing the arrival of the supply vehicles, bags of rice and refined noodles were unloaded, and a lot of meat, the members of the advance team were all happy as if they were celebrating the New Year.

"How come there are so many supplies this time, and they are all the best food. They don't send all the good things to Saihanba?" Tan Xuemei asked suspiciously.

"No! The country has purchased a large amount of grain, and we don't have to suffer from hunger anymore! There are plenty of them under Saihanba!" Hearing Qin Xuemei's doubts, Qu He explained with a smile.

"Great! With these materials, we must work harder to plant good trees on Saihanba. The "Five Star Research Institute" has left hundreds of thousands of saplings. We can't waste them, and we have to give them All planted on Saihanba!"

"When I mention this "Five-Star Research Institute", I get angry! It would be great to give us the camp to build a field department. Now that it has been built into a university, our Forestry Bureau is completely hopeless!" Mentioning the "Five-Star Research Institute", Qu He Said angrily.

"Haha, we will definitely succeed! He Fan, the boss of the "Five Star Research Institute", will definitely regret his actions!" Wu Yansheng said with a stinking face.

(End of this chapter)

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