Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 255 Five Star Security Company

Chapter 255 Five Star Security Company
The incident of the ship collision caused a lot of noise, but He Fan didn't care about it, he just stayed in the capital with peace of mind.

Seeing the stock of Five Star Grains and Oils decreasing little by little, while the faces of ordinary people around him gradually turned rosy, He Fan felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Xiao He, the ship collision incident is too big! Chang Kaishen issued a hunting order for you! You'd better stay in the mainland for a while!" The husband looked at He Fan in front of him and sighed.

"That's not possible! I'm just a small businessman, so he shouldn't be chasing him so hard!" He Fan was a little shocked.

"Hehe, he's very face-saving! You've let him down this time! How can you not hate you!" Mr. shook his head and smiled wryly.

"However, it is still safe in the mainland! After all, the mainland is strictly controlled, and the people he sends will not be so easy to get rid of!"

"Mr. is right! However, I can't stay in the mainland all the time. I have family members abroad, and I'm worried that Chang Kaishen will focus on my family members!"

"Sir, I want to form a security company, which can not only provide security for my family, but also make a profit!"

He Fan's heart moved, and he suddenly suggested to the gentleman in front of him.

"Oh? This kind of operation can also be profitable?" The husband was a little suspicious of He Fan's proposal.

"Many wealthy businessmen in the outside world still do this kind of assassination and kidnapping. It just so happens that my security company can provide them with suitable security services! There should be no problem with making profits!"

"Hmm! Xiao He, you told me this, it seems that you need our help?" The husband nodded in agreement and admired He Fan's business mind, and then said with a smile.

"Mister is wise! I want to hire retired officers and soldiers in the mainland, and then set up a five-star security company on Hong Kong Island. Therefore, the support of the mainland is definitely needed!"

"Well! There is no problem in theory about this matter, but we still need to discuss it with Mr. Da! You should go back to the Capital Hotel and wait for news!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"By the way! Xiao He, do you want to arrange you to the State Guest House? After all, the security work there is better!"

"Thank you sir for your concern! In fact, I am very safe in the Mainland, so there is no need to go to the State Guest House!"

As soon as he returned to the Capital Hotel, He Fan saw Fujiwara Chika nervously saying, "Brother, my father called me just now, saying that the bald man issued a kill order for you! What should I do?"

"Haha, the bald man helped us a lot. I was thinking of setting up a security company, and I was always worried that there would be no suitable personnel. Now I can propose to hire retired personnel from the mainland!" He Fan explained with a smile when he heard Chika Fujiwara's concern. .

"Ah? Really? Will the mainland agree?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem! After all, a large number of officers and soldiers retire every year, and it happens to be an extra way out. I should agree!"

Hearing He Fan's words, Fujiwara Chika felt relieved, and hugged He Fan with lingering fear, "I knew that with my brother here, we are all safe!"

"Xiao He, Mr. Da agrees! I can give you a battalion of veterans, depending on the situation in the future! The up-line is a regiment of veterans!" The gentleman summoned He Fan again and told him the good news.

"Great! Sir, see if you can do it in one step! Just give me the number of people in a regiment!"

"Can you need so many people?" The gentleman was a little surprised.

"In addition to the security issues of myself and my family, our five-star company will also deploy terminal business in the future, and we will definitely need a lot of security personnel! Therefore, 2000 people may not be enough!" He Fan explained with a smile.

"Yes! Yes!" Mr. thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"Thank you sir!" He Fan was really surprised.

With the security personnel, He Fan suddenly felt much safer. When he was notified, all the personnel were in place, and He Fan took Fujiwara Chika and left the mainland.

Meizi from Hong Kong Island was also shocked to see He Fan and Chika Fujiwara bring back so many security personnel.

During this period of time, Meizi was also very worried about the safety of herself and her children. Fortunately, Emma stayed by Meizi's side. After all, the bald man was still afraid of Emma, ​​which made Meizi feel relieved.

"He Fan, why did you bring so many people back?"

"They are all security guards from our five-star security company! In the future, not only will our family members be protected, but we will also be hired by rich businessmen from outside!" He Fan explained with a smile.

"That would be great! You don't have to worry about the bald man's revenge anymore!" Meizi was very happy.

The bald head heard about He Fan's establishment of a five-star security company, especially with a scale of more than 2000 people at once, and the bald head was furious, knowing that he would never have the chance to assassinate He Fan again.

I can only look at He Fan, powerless like a thorn in my side and a thorn in my flesh!
"Darling, calm down! Maybe we can deal with He Fan in another way!"

"Oh? How do you say it?" The bald head was a little puzzled.

"He Fan is just a businessman! Businessmen are only looking for profit! As long as we promise him benefits that he can't refuse, will he be able to use it for me?" Seeing the doubts of the bald head, the bald mother said with an unfathomable expression.

"Oh! Why didn't I think of it! It seems that Madam has a political mind!" Hearing what the mother bald son said, the bald head said excitedly.

"Haha, let's do it this way! If He Fan sells it to the mainland for one yuan, I will pay ten times the price, and I will give him ten yuan directly. I don't believe that he is not tempted!"

There are many people who have the same idea as Baldy Head, Mao Xiong is another one.

It wasn't the bald man who approached He Fan first, but Mao Xiong. Some time ago, He Fan had been in the capital, and Mao Xiong couldn't get in touch.

Now as soon as He Fan appeared on Hong Kong Island, Mao Xiong sent someone to come to He Fan.

"Mr. He, our Mao Xiong's family is very interested in your five-star grain and oil! I want to eat this batch of your goods! Please ask Mr. He to make an offer!" Mao Xiong came and said directly.

"Huh? You don't know that my nationality is Yingjiang, right? You buy my supplies so directly, and you don't worry about Yingjiang's blockade at all?"

"Haha, everyone is smart! A businessman only cares about money. If we give you a hundred times, or even a thousand times, I don't believe you won't be tempted!" Hearing He Fan's words, Mao Xiong said disapprovingly.

The arrogance and arrogance of Mao Xiong made He Fan feel very uncomfortable. He wondered who gave him the courage to think that he would obey them?

"Looks like we're going to disappoint friend Bear! We, Five Star, have already signed a contract with the mainland, and we will only supply the mainland! So, I'm really sorry!"

"What? I think Mr. He doesn't know the strength of our bears, right? We don't allow others to refuse!"

(End of this chapter)

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