Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 256 Director, are you a devil?

Chapter 256 Director, are you a devil?

In [-], Hong Kong Island.

Li Haiwang took Xiaodang and drove to the five-star hotel. Looking at Xiaodang sitting next to the co-pilot, Li Haiwang spit unconsciously, and then explained with a smile.

"Xiao Dang! No, it should be Jiani! The young master of the Li family I introduced you this time is a big fish!"

"Oh? How big is it?"

"Before that silly uncle of yours came to Hong Kong Island, the Li family was still the king of Hong Kong Island and the major shareholder of TVB. Although the economic downturn has been bad for the past few years, it's still that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!"

"Oh! I see! Uncle!"

"Don't take it seriously! I heard that Shaw Brothers is going to make a movie, and Young Master Li will definitely be able to speak for you! You don't need me to hear, you should understand!"

"Hehe, I got it! Thank you uncle!"

"You don't need to thank me! We are a relationship that is both prosperous and hurt! The reason why I brought you to Hong Kong Island at that time was because you were not only beautiful, but also able to let go! I believe that you will be able to grasp it. It's a second chance!"

Early the next morning, Xiao Dang woke up pretending he didn't know anything, and stared blankly at Young Master Li in front of him.

Seeing Xiaodang's bewildered look, Young Master Li was very excited, "Jiani, I heard from your uncle that you want to participate in a new movie prepared by Shaw Brothers?"

"." Xiao Dang kept showing an aggrieved expression, without saying a word.

Seeing Xiao Dang's behavior, Young Master Li really regarded Xiao Dang as a pure girl, "Jiani, don't think so wildly, as long as you follow me at ease! I will definitely praise you as a big star! Isn't it the new show of Shaw Brothers! The main character is yours!"

"Ah?" Xiao Dang, who was about to cry, unconsciously revealed surprise.

Young Master Li helped Xiaodang wipe away his tears, and explained with a smile, "I can still say a few words in front of Master Shao Liu, the boss of Shao Brothers! Don't worry, the heroine must be yours!"

"Really? Thank you, Young Master Li!"

Xiaodang was really pleasantly surprised, thinking that she would be very satisfied if she could get a small role for her hard work this time.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, she suddenly became the heroine of Shaw Brothers' new film.

Seeing that success is in sight, how could Xiaodang not be pleasantly surprised.

"By the way, Master Li! You haven't told me the name of this new movie yet?"

"Huh? It seems that I heard it's called "未@情"! It's also a big production!"


Looking at He Xu and He Jing, two naughty ghosts, He Fan really had no choice. The two brothers and sisters always stayed awake at night and woke up during the day.

He Fan wanted to hire a nanny to take care of the children, but he was worried that it would be hard to find a good nanny, and in the end, don't make a lot of messes, or it would be troublesome.

"Brother, why don't we hire a nanny!" Seeing He Fan's lawsuit, Ah Hong felt amused, so she suggested.

"Hey! I want to find a nanny too! But it's hard to find a good nanny. It's a situation that can't be found! It's not something that can be solved with two small money! I'll be a "baby dad" for a while "!" He Fan said helplessly.

Hearing what He Fan said, Ah Hong also thought it was very reasonable, so she had no choice but to go to work.

Watching Ah Hong leave for work, He Fan once again fell into the loveless "dad" state.

Near noon, when He Fan was about to get up to cook, he saw the former street director appearing in front of him again.

"He Yuzhu, are you taking care of the children at home?"

"Eh? Yes, take the child! Is the director here for business?"

"Hehe, there's something wrong! You used to have Jia Geng from the courtyard house, also known as Bang Geng, who was arrested for fraud!"

"I've heard about this, but what does it have to do with me? I remember I told you last time about the courtyard house, don't come to me again! What are you doing?"

"Hey! It's not that Qin Huairu's old people's home was also implicated by the stick, and now it's also sealed up! I know you still have real estate in that courtyard house. I want to ask, can you buy all of that courtyard house? Come down!"

"And then?" He Fan knew that buying a courtyard house was easy, but the next request was very troublesome.

"Next, you'd better continue to maintain the operation of the nursing home!"

"Director, what do you mean to say, I spent a lot of money to buy a courtyard house, but in the end I have to provide for others, isn't that right?"


"It's not a last resort! After Qin Huairu was closed down in the nursing home, he also refunded the food expenses of those elderly people. However, many elderly people are used to being served by others, and they don't want to go back to their respective homes!"

"Especially, Liu Haizhong, the second uncle of your courtyard house, and Yan Bugui, the third uncle, they are the most violent!"

"Hehe, I've said long ago that I won't bother with the matter of the courtyard house! Besides, I really don't like a courtyard house now. If you really want to ask me for help, then in exchange, you can also help me." Solve a problem!"


"If I want to buy it, I will buy the courtyard house on the street all day long! Otherwise, I won't buy one or two courtyard houses!"

"Ah? He Yuzhu, what are you doing buying a whole street of courtyard houses?"

"I'm going to open a special homestay. Anyway, it's a business matter, and you don't need to know too much detail!" He Fan simply explained.

Hearing He Fan's request, the sub-district director felt a little overwhelmed. After all, the acquisition of the entire sub-district is a troublesome matter, which cannot be solved by a mere sub-district director like her.

"He Yuzhu, do you really want to buy the whole street? I will report to my superiors as soon as possible! After all, it is not something that I, the street director, can solve! I hope you will not play me when the time comes!"

"Director, when did I say such a big word! As long as you can negotiate the acquisition of the courtyard house in the entire street, I will transfer the purchase price to your public account, and I will not directly contact the residents of the street!"

When the street director heard He Fan's explanation, his eyes lit up unconsciously, and he suddenly realized that this was a great contribution. It seemed that before he retired, he could add another contribution.

"He Yuzhu, we've made a deal like this! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!" the director of the street said happily.

"Hehe, then I'll wait for your good news!"

Seeing the two little babies beside He Fan, the street director had an idea, and then suggested with a smile, "He Yuzhu, I think you need a nanny, and if Qin Huai has nothing to do now, why not hire her to take care of the children for you! "

"What? Director, are you a devil? How come you have such a weird idea?" He Fan's expression turned cold when he heard the proposal from the street director, and he sneered bluntly.

Seeing that He Fan's face changed because of his proposal, he immediately felt terrified. He was really worried that his self-righteousness would make He Fan give up his plan to buy the whole street, and he would regret it later.

"Hehe, I was just joking! He Yuzhu, don't take it seriously!"

Having figured everything out, the director of the street forced a smile on his face and fled He Fan's courtyard in a hurry.

 In the future, the first courtyard world and the fourth courtyard world will be written at the same time!One is the story of He Fan and Zhong Chuhong after 1960!The other is the story of He Fan and Fujiwara Chika after [-] and [-]!Two worlds will not meet!The time will be indicated in front, please dear friends, tell the time!After [-], the main business is entertainment!

(End of this chapter)

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