Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 257 There is no free lunch in the world

Chapter 257 There is no free lunch in the world

[-], Hong Kong Island.

Young Master Li did not disappoint Xiao Dang, and soon let her really get the heroine of "起@情", and also successfully signed a contract with Shaw Brothers Films, which made Xiao Dang uncontrollably happy.

The students in the wireless acting training class were all stunned on the spot when they heard the news, and then started discussing explosively.

"This Janie, what does the family do? It's too deep to hide!"

"That's right! It's amazing that Jiani's first film is to be the heroine! Fortunately, I didn't offend her before, otherwise I'm really worried about Jiani's revenge!"


Shang Tian'e was the one who offended Xiaodang, when she heard her classmates' comments, she just let out a cold snort indifferently.

Hearing the students' shocking comments, Carina Lau and Zeng Huaqian both showed complicated emotions. The two of them are relatively close to Xiao Dangyou, and they didn't expect such a turnaround.

"Hey, Carina Lau, you are so close to classmate Jia Ni! She has become a leading actress, but she didn't promote you to a role! It's too much!" Shang Tian'e said mockingly to Carina Lau.

"You..." Carina Lau was momentarily choked and speechless.

Zeng Huaqian on the side was also saddened and not in the mood to help Carina Lau with some rebuttals.

Xiao Dang received the script of "未@情" full of joy. He didn't expect that after seeing the script, he was really dumbfounded. It turned out that there were a lot of nude scenes in "未@情".

This made Xiao Dang, who had just debuted in the capital city of the Mainland, a little bit unacceptable for a while, "Director, can I not shoot a lot of nude scenes in the script?"

"What? Miss Jiani, don't think that you can be unscrupulous because you were introduced by Young Master Li! You have to know that you have signed a contract with Shaw Brothers Films. If you can't complete the filming according to the script, you may face 100 million Hong Kong dollars. compensation!"

"What? How could this be!"

"Shaw Brothers Films made their fortunes from Fengyue movies! This "Peeping@情" is already in the category of literary films! Miss Jia Ni, you can be content! If you don’t believe me, go out and ask, is there any star who dares to reject our Shao Films!" the director said to Xiao Dang with a sneer.

"Then can we suspend work for a day? I'll go back and think about it!" Xiao Dang wanted to go back and ask Li Haiwang what was going on.

"Hmph! Who do you think you are? Do you really think of yourself as the eldest princess of TVB and Shaw Brothers? You stop working if you say so, so what's the use of me as a director!"

Hearing the director's reprimand, Xiao Dang reluctantly accepted the shooting plan. Fortunately, today's scene did not show nudity.

As soon as work was over, Xiao Dang came back in a hurry and found Li Haiwang, "Uncle Li, what's going on? How could "未@情" be a romantic film?"

"What's so surprising about this! Xiao Dang, you have to know that Shaw Brothers Films became popular in Hong Kong Island and Southeast Asia through Fengyue movies!" Li Haiwang said disapprovingly.

"But I can't accept this kind of romance film!"

"Then there is no other way! After all, the contract has been signed, and if you break the contract, you will have to pay 100 million Hong Kong dollars! Xiao Dang, do you have so much money? This time it can be regarded as a lesson for you. Before you accept the film, you'd better see clearly. The details of the script!" Looking at Xiao Dang with a livid face, Li Haiwang showed his true face.

"However, you have signed with Shaw Brothers Pictures now, and they will decide the future filming plans! Actually, if you want to open it, that's the way it is!"

"After all, there is no free lunch in the world! Believe it or not, if you refuse today, there will be a large number of girls vying for this opportunity tomorrow?!"

One Nine 1960, Hong Kong Island.

With qualified security personnel, He Fan felt much safer. Looking at Mao Xiong's leaving back, and hearing his cursing threats, He Fan only felt helpless for a while. Such a huge polar bear would come here for some food. Threatened himself the little businessman.

He Fan was not afraid of Mao Xiong's threat at all. It's not that he has no background at all. Whether it's Emma from Yingjiang, Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce in Japan, or Mr. from the Mainland, they are all his help. It's safe if you don't make a big death yourself.

What worries He Fan the most now is the elder brother who has nothing. This time he has lost face by himself, and he will definitely take revenge on himself.

Meizi rushed to He Fan's office in a hurry, and said out of breath, "He Fan, someone from below said that someone over there asked to see you!"

"What? Who are you talking about?" He Fan's eyes widened in surprise.

"People over there!"

"Let's bring him in first!" Although he was puzzled, He Fan said helplessly.

The visitor looked at He Fan in front of him, and said with a livid face, "Boss He, I am here to send you an invitation letter on behalf of our boss! Welcome to our dinner party!"

"It's a personal honor to be invited to the dinner by you! It's just that I heard that I'm already on your blacklist, so I won't go!" He Fan refused directly.

"What? You rejected us! It seems that Boss He is too confident in your security personnel! I hope you don't regret it!" He Fan's face turned even more threatening when the visitor heard He Fan's refusal.

"Hehe, I'm just a businessman! There's really no need for you to go to war like this! If you want to do business, we can sit down and have a good talk!" He Fan said against the visitor's threat.

"I'm in the middle of Hong Kong Island. I just bought a beautiful villa. I hope you have time to come and visit me! If your boss doesn't like Hong Kong Island, you can also go to my home in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan. I also have a villa of my own there. The manor. I would like to invite you, Boss, to enjoy the beautiful snow scenery of Hokkaido together!"

Seeing that He Fan came directly to turn against the guest, the visitor was stunned, but he never expected it.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the visitor can only leave the five-star company without success, return to the base camp, and report to their boss.

Hearing the subordinate's report, the boss and his wife were also shocked, then shook their heads helplessly, and sent the subordinate to leave.

"Darling, it seems that this He Fan is determined and we dare not touch him!" said the eldest brother's wife with a full face of emotion.

"That's right! Standing behind He Fan is not only the Fujiwara Chamber of Commerce in Japan, but also Emma's Eagle Sauce family. We can't provoke them!" The eldest brother has been warned by the forces behind He Fan recently.

"Why don't we accept He Fan's invitation and sit down and have a good talk. We can buy all the grain, oil and other supplies in his hands!" The eldest brother's wife suggested.

"No way! Just after getting the information, Mao Xiong also sent someone to buy five-star grain and oil supplies, but He Fan refused!"

"No way! This He Fan is so arrogant!"

"But they have the capital of arrogance! It seems that we can only suffer from this dumb loss!" The eldest brother said with a helpless wry smile.

 To be honest, writing is really tiring!If you don't move, you will be locked up in a small black room!Gosh, that's too picky!Really affect the mood!However, I must stick to it!

(End of this chapter)

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