Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 258 The Garland Under the Mountain

Chapter 258 The Garland Under the Mountain
In [-], the capital.

"Ah Hong, I heard that Hong Kong Island has already prepared the premiere of "Garland Under the Mountain". Get ready, we will go to Hong Kong Island the day after tomorrow!" Looking at the beloved woman in front of him, He Fan tenderly Said like water.

"Brother, I got it! The unit has also asked for leave! However, I heard that Shaw Brothers has made a small move this time!"

"What little move?" He Fan felt a little puzzled.

"Ms. Fang secretly cast a film to compete with our "Garland under the Mountain"!" Ah Hong explained helplessly. Since He Fan returned to the capital, he rarely asked Hong Kong Island. things.

"That's not right! Without theaters, how can Shaw Films show it?"

"I heard from Sister Liza that Shaw Brothers Films will cooperate with the newly established Debao Cinemas this time!"

"Hey! This sixth Shao, just likes to mess around! What he doesn't know is that the harder he messes, the faster Shaw Films will die!" He Fan said with a sneer.

[-], Hong Kong Island.

He Fan and A Hong took their two children, He Xu and He Jing, and the family returned to Hong Kong Island. They put the two children at the home of A Hong's parents, and the two went to the leading theater of the five-star theater chain - Five-Star University The theater attends the premiere of "Wreaths Beneath the Mountains."

The investor in the mainland, the Magic City Cinema, also values ​​this "garland under the mountain", so it also sent an observation group headed by the director Xie Lao and the deputy director.

He Fan can be regarded as half of the host on Hong Kong Island. In order to make the trip worthwhile for Mr. Xie and his party, he specially contacted TVB, Shaw Brothers, and Golden Harvest and other famous film and TV production departments on Hong Kong Island. They can learn advanced shooting experience this time.

Although the premiere ceremony this time is relatively grand, He Fan knows that it is impossible to achieve too good a result!
"The Garland under the Mountain" is very touching, and it can easily resonate with the audience, but it is only a Chinese audience, and it is difficult for nervous Westerners to understand the delicate friendship in "The Garland under the Mountain".

After the film opened, the audience in the theater, whether it was a big boss or an ordinary moviegoer, watched curiously, wanting to learn about the real and mysterious Eastern Army through this war film.

The hero Zhao Mengsheng's stealth and slyness, Jin Kailai's fiery temper, and the company leader Liang Sanxi's selfless dedication all formed a sharp and three-dimensional contrast.

Let every audience know that the soldiers are men of flesh and blood.

Next, with the sacrifice of a single character, it conveys the tragedy of the warrior.

In the end, it was the aftermath of the war, which filled the cinema with sobs, and Ah Hong beside He Fan had already cried to tears.

After the movie ended, the audience stood up in unison and applauded warmly for the main creators on stage.

When Mr. Xie saw that his film had a successful premiere on Hong Kong Island, he couldn't help but feel very relieved.

"Director Xie, congratulations! Another film has been a success!" He Fan congratulated Mr. Xie with a smile.

"Haha, it's all thanks to Mr. He, otherwise how could it be so successful! I'm really grateful to Mr. He!" Mr. Xie said happily.

"Just, I don't know if this "Wreath under the Mountain" can reach the height of "Wrangler"?"

"We must have confidence! Maybe it will become a hit like "Wrangler"!" The occasion is not right, it is only suitable to say optimistic words, so He Fan said with a smile.

In the corner of the five-star movie theater, Xiao Dang looked at He Fan and A Hong on the stage with a complicated expression. Originally, everything was within easy reach, but she took so many detours.

There is no regret medicine in the world, Xiaodang really wants to go back to the past, and desperately persuades his mother, Qin Huairu, to marry He Fan.

Xiao Dang is very clear about her brother Banggun's imprisonment, but she chooses to turn a blind eye.

He also doesn't care whether his mother Qin Huairu, grandma Jia Zhangshi and younger sister Huaihua have enough to eat and whether they have a place to stay.

Xiao Dang now only wants to succeed, because she feels that she has paid too much, and if she doesn't get what she wants, she is doomed to have nothing.

After the premiere ceremony, He Fan was about to go home with Ah Hong, but Ah Hong suggested, "Brother, I don't feel sleepy! I am suddenly very interested in the new film of Shaw Brothers, and I want to go to Debao Academy Check it out!"

"Ah? What kind of film did Shaw Brothers make? It made you so interested?" He Fan felt a little surprised.

"I heard it's called "未@情"!"

"What? Ah Hong, what do you think is the name of Shaw Brothers' new film?" He Fan asked again in shock.

"Peeping@情! What's the matter, brother?" Seeing He Fan's shock, Ah Hong asked with some doubts.

"Eh? It's okay! It's just a romantic movie! It's not very interesting! Or don't go!"

He Fan was really shocked. The reason why he brought Ah Hong to the capital and prevented her from contacting Hong Kong Entertainment was to let her avoid this big pit.

Unexpectedly, without Ah Hong and with his own suppression in various aspects, Shaw Brothers still secretly made this romantic film.

What's even more amazing is that Ah Hong actually showed interest in "peeping @情".

"Brother, so you know it all!" Ah Hong suddenly said with emotion.

"Eh? Anyway, I'm also one of the big bosses in Hong Kong Entertainment!

I've heard of romance films like "走@情" before!

There is really no need to watch it, I think it will fuel Shao Lao Liu's arrogance! "

"Hehe, brother, you will talk nonsense!

Mr. Shao is not arrogant at all, but he has his own ideas!

However, I am really curious about this movie!

Brother, just take me there! "

"Hey! Alright! I'm giving up my life to be with my wife!
In the capital, I have long been used to going to bed early and waking up early!
It seems that Hong Kong Island is really not a place to stay for a long time, the nightlife is too rich, and there are too many temptations! "He Fan said pretending to be emotional.

"Haha, brother, you are the best to me!"

"By the way! Who is the heroine of "Peeping @情"?"

"A newcomer, I haven't heard of it before, it seems to be called Jani! Sister Liza told me all this!"

"Hey! Poor Jani! I just don't know whether this sudden appearance of Jani was voluntary or coerced!" He Fan suddenly sighed.

Randomly came to a theater in Debao Cinemas, He Fan and Ah Hong directly bought two movie tickets, and walked in.

"Ajie, I see that woman who entered the movie theater looks like the big star Zhong Chuhong!"

"Cut! You must be dazzled! Zhong Chuhong also has a premiere of a new movie today, how could she come over to watch Fengyue movies!"

"That's right! It seems that my eyes are really dazzled! It seems that I can't stay up all night often! It's too bad for my health!"

He Fan and Ah Hong walked into the cinema and took their seats. Not long after they sat down, the screening of "走@情" started.

In all honesty, if the nudity scenes are removed from the film "走@情", it's actually quite good.

But if there are not a lot of nude shots, it will not be attractive to the audience, and it will fall into an endless loop.

After the movie opened, He Fan and Ah Hong saw a familiar figure and looked at each other in shock. Both of them saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

It was only then that the two discovered that this so-called Jani was actually the Xiaodang they were familiar with.

Xiao Dang, a character who shouldn't appear here, just came to Hong Kong Island inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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