Chapter 25 Confession
The stock market crash is still like the wheel of history, ruthlessly crushing the Hong Kong Island stock market.

Now Hong Kong Island is full of mourning.

No one discusses the stock market anymore, and more news has become that everyone jumped off the building! ?
Shazhu is not a moral man, nor is he a savior, so he can't ask the market to save the world.

I'm just with ordinary mortals, just take care of yourself!

Manager Chen, who was in a state of desperation, hadn't encountered a single satisfactory thing since the stock market crash broke out.

Every day is troublesome, and my head is about to explode.

This damn stock market crash!Manager Chen thought to himself complaining.

"Manager Chen, Mr. He Yuzhu wants to see you! Do you need to see me?" The secretary came in and said.

"No! No! I won't see anyone!" Manager Chen said with a big head, and was about to pick up the phone, "Wait, you just said, who wants to see me?"

"It's Mr. He Yuzhu!" The secretary repeated again.

"It's Mr. He! My big stock god! Please, please!" Manager Chen who reacted hurriedly got up and said.

As soon as he left the door, he saw Silly Zhu walking towards him in high spirits, "Manager Chen, how are you doing recently? I don't seem to welcome me very much!"

"My Mr. He, welcome! I've been really struggling recently!" Manager Chen said hastily.

"You are the stock god of Hong Kong Island now!"

"What kind of stock god! I'm just lucky! I came this time to entrust your bank to help me acquire a company." Sha Zhu said straightforwardly.

"Oh? I wonder which company Mr. He is interested in?" Manager Chen asked in surprise.

"Shaw Brothers Film Company!" Silly Zhu said, "How about it? Can it be done?"

"It should be possible! Now that the stock market crash broke out, the stock market is full of grief! There must be many shareholders of Shaw Brothers who are willing to sell their shares in Shaw Brothers." Manager Chen thought about it and said cautiously.

"Then I will leave this matter to your bank!" Silly Zhu said.

"I wonder how many shares Mr. He plans to buy?" Manager Chen asked.

"A wholly-owned acquisition, and then delisted!" Silly Zhu said.

"A wholly-owned acquisition is a bit difficult! Let's try our best!" Manager Chen said.

After all, it was a stock market disaster, and the early acquisition went smoothly!
Before the stock market crash broke out, Shaw Brothers’ share price reached a high price of 35 Hong Kong dollars, but once the stock market crash broke out, it collapsed!
But in the end I ran into trouble!

"Mr. He, we have acquired 70.00% of Shaw's shares! But the last 20.00% of Wu is in the hands of Mr. Shao, and Mr. Shao is very firm and does not agree to sell it!" Manager Chen said briefly.

"Oh? The stock market is like this! Mr. Shao still disagrees? I really don't know what he thinks!" Silly Zhu said strangely.

"Who said no! And Mr. Shao wants to ask you to meet! Do you need to agree?" Manager Chen said.

"I really didn't expect Mr. Shao to be anxious, and I didn't expect him to take the initiative one day! Well then! Time? Where?" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Mr. He, hello! I've seen you for a long time!" Mr. Shao said hastily when he saw the young silly Zhu.

"Mr. Shao, hello! I have also admired Mr. Shao for a long time!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

Then he looked at Ms. Fang and asked, "This must be Ms. Fang? Hello!"

"Hello, Mr. He!"

After the three of them were seated, they heard Mr. Shao say, "Shao's is my painstaking effort, I really don't want to sell it! I hope Mr. He will raise his hand!"

"Listen to my conditions first! The name of the Shaw Brothers film will remain the same, and the management will remain the same! The wholly-owned acquisition is only for the purpose of delisting! How about it? The conditions are favorable, right?" Sha Zhu said directly.

Both Mr. Shao and Ms. Fang looked at each other in surprise, and said, "The conditions are very generous, but I still don't want to sell my shares!"

"Actually, I now own 70.00% of Shaw's shares, you can't stop it! Just admit defeat!" Sha Zhu said directly.

Wealth is the source of Sha Zhu's arrogance, I really don't have the mood to argue here.

"You really want to kill them all? Can't you hold your hands high?" Mr. Shao said angrily.

"Mr. He, there's no need to buy it wholly! After all, you already own 70.00% of Shaw's shares." Ms. Fang said hastily.

"Mr. Shao values ​​Shaw's shares so much? Well, let's change the game. I won't buy the rest of Shaw's shares! But I want to buy 20.00% shares of Wireless, but you can't stop it!" Silly said .

Wireless is also a listed company. Mr. Shao actually doesn't have many shares in Wireless, but if the other party blocks him, he still can't get what he wants.

In fact, Shazhu puts more emphasis on the prospects of wireless, and wants to win the shares of wireless, but the situation of wireless is too complicated.

I can only use a little bit of strategy, which can be regarded as a slap in the face!
Mr. Shao and Ms. Fang glanced at each other, thought for a while, and agreed, "Yes!"

"Then wish us a happy cooperation!"

Time flies, time flies, and soon the time came to 77 years.

"Zhu Zi, Ah Hong's 17th birthday will be in a few days! I want to borrow your house, use it, and save it for the birthday party!" Ah Cheng found Sha Zhu and said.

"is it okay?"

"Is it too small to do it in my house? Let's do it this way! I just bought a villa some time ago, let Ah Hong go to the villa!" Silly Zhu thought for a while and said.

"Also, I will arrange the cake and the chef! I'll give you the key later!"

"How can I do that, it's too much trouble for you!" Ah Cheng said.

"Look at what you said, Ah Hong has taken care of me for so many years and said she has no feelings, do you believe it? So, brother Ah Cheng, don't refuse! It's my kindness!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Brother, thank you for helping me organize such a grand birthday party!" Ah Hong said happily.

"Ah Hong, you have taken care of me for so many years, so it's not right to hold a birthday party for you!" Silly Zhu said.

"You said, I am used to being taken care of by you. If I don't have your care one day, what should I do?" Silly Zhu said distressedly.

"Then I'll take care of you all the time, that's fine!" Ah Hong said with a smile.

"But you are 17 years old this year! In a few years, you will get married! How can you take care of me!" Silly Zhu pretended to be puzzled and said, "Then how about we make an agreement like this?"

"Brother, what agreement!?" Ah Hong asked.

"The agreement is that after two years, that is, when you are 19 years old, if I don't marry, you don't marry either! Just marry me, okay?" Silly Zhu said sincerely.

"Ah!" Ah Hong was surprised and at a loss, blushing like a red apple, stammering and shyly saying,
"Brother, you are necrotic! People ignore you!"

"I'm serious! I've never been married. In fact, I'm even surprised! Today I realize that I'm not reconciled. I want to find someone I really like! And someone who really likes me! And that person is you!"

(End of this chapter)

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