Chapter 26 Returning to Beijing
"Brother, is what you said true?" Ah Hong blushed and asked with her head down.

"Of course it is true! If you agree, you will be 19 years old in two years! We can get married!" Silly Zhu said.

"Then sister Liza, what should I do?" Ah Hong still asked.

"Liza? When she went to Fusang to study abroad, we broke up peacefully! Have you seen her by my side in the past few years? Besides, have you seen other female friends?" Silly Zhu said speechlessly. "How many years have passed! The story between me and her has long been over!"

"Then I have to go back and discuss with my parents. I wonder if they agree? If they don't agree, what should I do?" Ah Hong said nervously again.

"Your parents should agree, right? After so many years of getting along, they should know who I am! Besides, I am so handsome, and if you marry me, you will wake up with a smile in your dreams! I also have the ability to give you the life you want ! Don't you like me?" Silly Zhu said.

"Besides, if your parents don't agree, I'll try to persuade them! The main problem is you. Whether you are willing or not is the most important thing! Tell brother, are you willing?"

"I, I don't know!" Ah Hong blushed, ran out of the door, and said mischievously, "Brother, I just realized that you are so narcissistic, and you are the only one who says you are handsome!"

Looking at the back of Ah Hong who ran home, Sha Zhu also smiled, which showed that Ah Hong did not dislike her confession.

In fact, the relationship between the two of them can reach this point now, which is enough!

After all, Ah Hong is still young, so she has enough to wait patiently.

Silly Zhu suppressed his excitement, and with trembling hands, he inquired about the way back to the country.

It is a pity that Hong Kong Island has not yet opened free passage to the mainland, and it is impossible for him to smuggle in, so he can only ask for help from outside.

"Your director, are you there? I want to see your director?" Silly Zhu came to Xinhua News Agency and asked at the front desk.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" The front desk asked politely.

"There is no appointment, here is my business card, let's see if your director is willing to meet me!" Sha Zhu took out his business card, handed it to the front desk, and said.

The receptionist took the business card handed over by Sha Zhu, looked at it hesitantly, and then said with a flash of light, "Sir, wait a moment! I'll come as soon as I go!"

After speaking, the front desk went upstairs.

Don't say that the fool is average, even if he becomes the richest man, he must be more humble in this place!Here, you are a huge dragon, and you have to coil it, not to mention that you are just a small loach.

After a short wait, the front desk came back with a smile and brought Sha Zhu to the director's office.

"Director, hello! My name is He Yuzhu!"

"Mr. He, hello! Please sit down!" The director said with a smile.

"Mr. He is here this time, what's the matter?"

"A few days ago, I heard that the country has proposed a great change of the times! I just want to go back and see if I can transfer the business back to China." Silly Zhu explained with a smile.

"I didn't expect that Mr. He's news is so well-informed!?" The director also became happy, and said, "In this way, there will be a chartered flight today! If possible, you can fly directly to the capital today."

"That's great! Thank you very much, Director!" Sha Zhu said happily.

The director's driver took Sha Zhu to the airport in a hurry.

Seeing the special plane waiting to take off, Sha Zhu was relieved.

After boarding the plane, I saw many familiar faces in future generations, and they all looked at me. Sha Zhu quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I missed everyone's time."

A middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit, who looked like the leader in charge of liaison, said to Sha Zhu, "Young man, why are you wearing a mask! Come and sit, there is an empty seat here!"

"Oh, okay! Leader!" Sha Zhu quickly sat down and explained, "I've caught a cold these two days! Wear a mask and feel better!"

After Shazhu came up, the plane took off quickly.

The bigwigs in Hong Kong who could only be seen on TV before were all arrogant, they were invited guests, and they asked questions without much trouble.

Besides, he's just a young man, and he won't be a big shot.

"Young man, where are you from?" The middle-aged leader beside him asked in a low voice.

"Leader, I'm from the capital city! Take a ride!!" Silly Zhu also said in a low voice.

"Shunfeng? Are you kidding me? Who agreed for you to board this flight?" The middle-aged leader raised his eyebrows and said bluntly.

"It was the director of your Xinhua News Agency who agreed! It was his driver who brought me to the airport! Don't worry, I won't be able to come if no one takes me with me!" Sha Zhu explained.

"Director!? That's fine! Remember not to talk nonsense!" The middle-aged leader gave up.

Not long after, the stewardess came to ask if I needed some water.

The middle-aged leader said, "Let's have a cup of coffee!"

Then he looked at Shazhu and asked casually, "Young man, what about you?"

It may be that I felt that my questioning just now was too rigid, so I deliberately eased the relationship.

Silly Zhu saw the stewardess had poured coffee for the leader before saying,

"Uh? Beauty, do you have mineral water?"

"There is mineral water, it's five-star! Do you want it?" the stewardess said with a smile.

"Five-star? Okay, give me a bottle! Another bottle of Five-Star Red Bull! Do you have this too?" Silly Zhu said happily.

"Yes, sir!" The flight attendant said with a smile, and then handed Shazhu a bottle of mineral water and Red Bull.

When they saw their products, they all entered the plane.

Silly Zhu couldn't stop being excited in his heart. It took a lot of effort to buy Red Bull back then!
The owner of Red Bull is a native of Southeast Asia, and he is not short of money at all. Sha Zhu also used a lot of means to get what he wanted.

"Young man, is this mineral water good?" The middle-aged leader asked suspiciously as he saw Shazhu giggling while holding the mineral water and Red Bull.

"Mineral water has no taste, but this Red Bull is very good! It is a functional drink, which is very good for the human body. Try it!" Sha Zhu explained with a smile, opened the Red Bull, and handed it to the middle-aged leader.

"Oh? Let me try!" the middle-aged leader said suspiciously.

"It tastes a bit weird, but it's delicious!" The leader took a sip and said with a smile.

Hearing the leader's praise, Shazhu took a sip of mineral water from the bottom of his heart.

"When you're staying up late and tired, drinking a bottle of Red Bull is more refreshing than coffee!"

No matter how quiet the voice was, the dialogue between Sha Zhu and the two still fell into the ears of all the bigwigs on Hong Kong Island without saying a single word.

They all thought of the sudden appearance of the "five-star" dragon crossing the river in their hearts!

The reason why it is said to be the Raptors of the River is because the "five-star" boss is too mysterious!No one knows where it came from, and how it suddenly became so big!
But the good thing is that, only in the food industry, at most it can be regarded as setting foot in the entertainment circle of Hong Kong Island.Never invaded the real estate of their big guys.

Speaking of the entertainment industry, this mysterious five-star boss is also a wonderful thing. When buying wireless and Shaw shares, he can be said to be simple and rude!

It seems that there is another disruptor in the business circle of Hong Kong Island.

(End of this chapter)

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