Chapter 27 Five Star Hotel
"Young man, how many years have you been on Hong Kong Island?" the middle-aged leader asked again.

"I have been on Hong Kong Island for almost 13 years in [-]!" Sha Zhu said.

"Also, the leader can call me Xiao He!"

"Well, what does Xiao He do for a living on Hong Kong Island?" The leader continued to ask.

"I'm doing some small catering business. I'm going back this time to see if I can transfer the business back to the capital." Silly Zhu explained.

"Yes! Now that the national policy has changed, it can be said that there is a lot of waste waiting to be done. It just needs the strong support of you patriotic businessmen!" The middle-aged leader said with emotion.

"When I arrive in the capital, can I ask the leader to introduce me to the leader in charge of attracting investment in the capital? I would like to inquire about the current specific policies of the capital." Silly Zhu said.

"Okay, no problem!" said the middle-aged leader.

"Hey, this five-star Red Bull is really good! I read all the information last night, and I was sleepy just now! I didn't expect to drink a bottle, and I feel much more energetic!"

"Hehe, for leaders like you who often stay up late, it's definitely better to have some five-stars than drinking coffee!" Silly Zhu said happily.

When he arrived in the capital, Shazhu separated from the big brothers and went directly to the capital leader in charge of attracting investment.

Silly Zhu directly took out his business card, handed it to the investment promotion leader of the capital, and said directly, "Hi leader, this is my business card. I want to invest in a hotel in the capital! I wonder if the current policy allows it?"

"The policy allows it! I don't know how big Mr. He's investment is?" the leader of the capital said happily.

"I'm going to invest in a 38-story hotel that integrates dining, accommodation and leisure! I wonder if the capital city can approve it!?" Silly Zhu said.

"Oh! It should be no problem! However, we still need to hold a meeting to discuss the specific situation. Mr. He will stay here for the time being, and we will notify you as soon as we have the result!" The leader said happily.

Sha Zhu was on Hong Kong Island. He had bought an old commercial and residential building in 73. After renovation, it was changed into a restaurant integrating dining, accommodation and leisure, named "Five-Star Hotel".

This time when I return to Beijing, I also want to open a "five-star hotel" with the same combination of food, accommodation and leisure.

It happened that his apprentice Ma Hua, as well as those subordinates who were in the capital before, could hold up the situation.

This is much easier and more satisfying than when I was fighting alone on Hong Kong Island!

After waiting for two or three days, the capital informed him that his investment project had been approved.

As soon as the capital side approved it, Sha Zhu transferred his own funds.

All the formalities were complete, and the work started soon. Looking at the gradually rising buildings every day, Shazhu felt at ease.

"Mr. He is courageous! He really took action so quickly. I heard that the rich businessmen from Hong Kong Island who came with Mr. He just looked around, and none of them really invested!" The leaders of the capital were full of emotion. Said.

"They are just waiting and watching now! After all, no matter how good the policy is, it has only just been implemented! It's normal for them to have concerns! They are the real business leaders in Hong Kong Island. If they really decide to invest, my current investment is nothing compared to it." Already!" Silly Zhu said with a disapproving smile.

"Hopefully!" said the capital leader.

"By the way, I still have a small matter, I want to ask the leader!" Sha Zhu said suddenly.

"Mr. He, if you have anything to do, just say it! If we can do it, we will do it!" The leader said with a smile.

"I like courtyard houses very much, can you connect me with a better courtyard house! I want to buy one!" Silly Zhu said.

"That's it, it's very simple! I will help you pay attention!" The leader promised with a smile.

The investment matter has come to an end, and I can finally go back to the courtyard to have a look.

When he came to the familiar alley and stood at the gate of the courtyard, Shazhu smiled unconsciously.

Looking at the third master Yan Banggui in the front yard, who was serving his several pots of broken flowers and plants, Sha Zhu said with a smile, "Third master, are you still alive? I thought you were gone!"

"Hey, who is this!? The mouth is so stinky!" The third master said angrily, and looked up at the silly Zhu who was speaking.

"You are a fool!" The third master said from ear to ear in surprise.

"It's not me!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Big guy, come out quickly! Something big has happened! Silly Zhu is back! Silly Zhu is back!" The third master suddenly howled hysterically.

The earth-shattering howl of the third master attracted the neighbors in the courtyard, and everyone came out one after another, complaining, "Third master!? What's the matter?"

The first master came out and said to the third master, "Third master, what's wrong with you!?"

"Silly Zhu is back!" said the third master.

When the other neighbors saw it, they were really stupid, and they all said in surprise, "It's really stupid!"

"Silly Zhu, you're back!?" The old man also said in surprise.

"Hey, isn't it just me coming back? Look, the third master is so excited! I don't know, I thought it was me, silly Zhu, who came back!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

After speaking, he walked to his home in the middle courtyard.

"Hey, after all these years, the mouth is still so stinky! It hasn't changed at all!" The third master said with a smile.

"It's not right! I always feel that something is wrong!"

"Old Yan, what are you muttering?" The third mother complained.

"By the way, I remembered! Silly Zhu has been gone for more than ten years! He must be in his 40s! Why is he still in his 20s! I feel younger than when he left!" The third master finally remembered Something is wrong, said.

"No way! Could it be that your old eyesight made a mistake!?" The third mother said in disbelief.

"No, I'm not mistaken! Could it be that it's not Shazhu, the son who came back is Shazhu's son! It's not right! Shazhu has only been away for more than ten years, and he has a son, so it's impossible for him to be so old! Could it be true? Returned?" The third master thought for a while and said, "My mother!"

"Old Yan, what nonsense are you talking about! Maybe Sha Zhu can live comfortably outside and not look old! Can people of the same age, who work every day and dress up every day, be the same?!" The third mother said angrily .

"That's right! Why didn't I think of it! You are still smart! You scared me to death just now!" The third master said with a wry smile.

"Master, you are finally back!" Ma Hua saw Sha Zhu's figure, and rushed to meet him.

Silly Zhu saw his beloved apprentice, he was very happy from the bottom of his heart, and was about to praise him when he saw Ran Qiuye behind Ma Hua, and said in surprise, "Ma Hua, you and Teacher Ran?"

Ma Hua scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Yes, master! Ran Qiuye and I are married!"

"Yes, you boy! You did a good job!" Sha Zhu said happily from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing that the master was really happy instead of angry, Ma Hua was relieved.

"Mr. Ran, hello! What a good eye! Ma Hua is a loyal man, and he is worthy of entrusting him for life!" Silly Zhu said to Ran Qiuye with a smile.

"Master He, you are back!" Teacher Ran also laughed and said.

"Well, I'm back!" After Sha Zhu finished speaking, he looked at the uncle beside him, "Master, your body is still strong!?"

"It's okay! Zhuzi, you finally know you're back!" Looking at the still young silly Zhu in front of him, the elder complained with mixed feelings.

Silly Zhu didn't care about the uncle's complaints, but looked at Qin Huairu on the other side, and said with a smile, "Sister Qin, I haven't seen you for many years, you are okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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