Chapter 260
In [-], the capital.

Huaihua took a lunch box of braised pork from Xiao Cui and returned to the rental room. When Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang saw the lunch box in Huaihua's hand, they suddenly felt a sense of space-time confusion.

A long, long time ago, there was a man who often gave himself lunch boxes, but he didn't know what he did wrong. That man suddenly disappeared from his life. There was a slight ripple in the lunch box inside.

Seeing the puzzled expressions of mother Qin Huairu and grandma Jia Zhangshi, Huaihua smiled and explained, "Mom, grandma, this is Ma Hua's apprentice Xiao Cui. You should try the braised pork brought back from the kitchen!"

"Hey, this is another silly pillar!" Mrs. Jia Zhang said with a wretched smile when she heard her granddaughter Huaihua's explanation.

"Hua Huai, does this little Cui like you? How is he? How is his family?" Qin Huai asked non-stop.

Huaihua blushed to the ears when she heard Qin Huairu's question, and stammered, "I don't know!"

"Silly girl! These questions are very important! If this little Cui is really a good boy, you should seize the opportunity and don't follow mother's old path!" Qin Huai said earnestly.

"Yes! Mom, I see!" Sophora Hua replied with a smile and lowered her head.

Jia Zhang, who was eating braised pork at the side, heard the conversation between the mother and daughter, wiped his greasy mouth, and said disdainfully, "Qin Huairu, you don't think about silly Zhu anymore, do you?

Don't even think about it, if he marries you and stays in the capital, he's just a worthless, silly cook!

How promising can a poor cook be! "

1960, Japan, Hokkaido, Hakodate.

He Fan, who was relieved of the crisis, returned to his base camp. Fujiwara Takumi looked at the relaxed He Fan, and felt a little funny, "He Fan, now you know you are scared! Usually you are very low-key, why are you so so this time?" Show off!"

"Hey! I can't help it! I'm too impatient! After all, time is life!" He Fan said helplessly with a sigh.

"I heard from Qianhua that the next investment target of your five-star project is the wharf project?

Why did you want to go ashore when you just developed shipping? "Then Fujiwara Takumi asked about investment.

"Hehe, the future of shipping is going ashore!
Better to do it sooner than later!
In fact, what I most want to invest in is Japan's shipbuilding industry and steel plants!
However, it is impossible for Japan to open these two businesses to me! He Fan explained with a smile.

"Hmm! What you said makes sense!
The steel and shipbuilding industries are really awesome!

This time the matter is too big, you should keep a low profile for a while!
If it doesn't work, just sell the five-star grain and oil! "

"It is impossible to sell five-star grain and oil!

I am also planning to flex my muscles in the grain and oil business!
If you encounter this setback, back off!

Not my style! "

One Nine 1960, Beijing.

A major incident happened in the courtyard house today. When Jia Dongxu was working in the rolling mill, he lost his immediate staff because of improper operation.

Jia Zhang was crying heart-rendingly, but Qin Huairu was holding BangGong and XiaoDang, with a big belly, and stood there dazed and at a loss.

Seeing the poor family of the Jia family, the neighbors in the courtyard were moved with compassion. People from the rolling mill and the street came to express their condolences. They directly left 600 yuan in compensation and pension, and then shook their heads helplessly and left. .

Before the street director left, he took the hand of the elder Yi Zhonghai and said earnestly, "Old Yi, Lao Liu, Lao Yan, the Jia family is really miserable!
In the future, try to help their family as much as possible. If there are any problems that cannot be solved, you can find me at the sub-district office! "

"Director, don't worry! We will take good care of Qin Huairu's family!" The three uncles looked at each other, then nodded their promises.

Seeing that the Jia family had also received a pension, Yi Zhonghai called the neighbors in the courtyard house to help him bury Jia Dongxu.

The following neighbors in the courtyard, those who have money donated money, those who had things donated things, and those who did not have money and things also helped, and finally buried Jia Dongxu.

He Daqing also took out ten catties of refined noodles, and handed it to Qin Huairu when there was no one in the courtyard, then took Qin Huairu's little hand, and kept stroking, "Huairu! What do you have at home in the future?" If it's difficult, you must tell Uncle He!"

"Thank you, Uncle He, I will!" Feeling He Daqing's dishonest movements, Qin Huairu wanted to pull out his hand, but how could it compare to He Daqing's strength.

"Qin Huairu, you also know that I work as a cook in our rolling mill!
I often make small stoves for some factory leaders, and I can predict some chicken, duck and fish in advance!

Hey, as long as you want, just tell Uncle He!

Uncle He will try his best to bring it to you every day! "At this time, He Daqing didn't think about the old-fashioned white widow anymore, and now all he saw was the beautiful and charming new widow Qin Huairu.

Hearing the meaning of He Daqing's words, how could Qin Huairu make He Daqing happy, so he could only pull out his hands, "Then thank you, Uncle He!"

Looking at Qin Huairu's back twisting his back to go home, He Daqing drooled unconsciously, feeling really hot and unbearable.

When Qin Huairu returned home, just put down the fine noodles in his hand, Jia Zhang crawled out of nowhere like a ghost, and said to Qin Huairu in a cold tone, "Just now, that old critic He Daqing told you What?"

Just gave our family ten catties of fine noodles!

He also said that he can help our family often bring meals from the small stove from the rolling mill! "

"Hmph! He Daqing would be so kind!
However, if you can really give us meals with a small stove in the rolling mill, the days of our Jia family will be beautiful in the future! "

One Nine 1960, Beijing, Siheyuan.

He Daqing and Qin Huairu murmured in the yard for a long time, and the first mother saw them clearly. After the uncle Yi Zhonghai came back from work, the first mother hurriedly said mysteriously, "Just now I saw He Daqing next door. , took Qin Huairu's hand, and kept touching it!
I don't know what this old color critic is thinking! "

"You said that He Daqing was criticized by the old man, so he must have changed his target again!" Hearing what the big mother said, the old man Yi Zhonghai said helplessly.

"Ah? Didn't he want to go to Baoding to find the White Widow?" The big mother's eyes widened in shock.

"Hmph! How can the old and frail White Widow compare to the young and beautiful Qin Huairu!" Elder Master Yi Zhonghai understood He Daqing's thoughts best.

"Oh my god! He Daqing really dares to think about it!" The aunt really couldn't accept it.

"Hey! He Daqing, no one can control him!
When Zhuzi's mother was alive, she couldn't control He Daqing!
If Zhuzi has been living in the capital, there is still a possibility to control him!

Now Zhuzi doesn't know what to do in the south, so He Daqing has completely let go of the sheep! "The elder Yi Zhonghai said with a helpless wry smile.

"Now, it depends on whether Qin Huai can resist He Daqing's temptation!"

(End of this chapter)

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