Chapter 261

1960, Beijing, a rolling mill.

He Daqing was working boredly at this time, but he was thinking about how his son He Yuzhu was so capable.

All of a sudden, I grew up, and I was no longer the child in my previous impression.

In this era, judging whether a person is capable is not based on how much money he has, nor is it full of guests, but whether he can get food.

He Fan often sent a large amount of food to his father and sister He Yushui without interruption, including polished rice, refined noodles, ham sausage, five-star instant noodles, everything that one expects to find!
Although the normal food supply has been restored, since his son He Yuzhu started sending food home, He Daqing didn't bother to get the rationed food.

"Master He, these three young people are the three new cooks in our rolling mill. You can accept them as apprentices!" The director of the cafeteria led the three young people, two men and one woman, into the cafeteria. kitchen.

Looking at the three young men, He Daqing didn't take it seriously at first, but when he saw the pretty young woman, his eyes lit up unconsciously, "This lesbian, what's your name?"

"Master He, my name is Liu Lan!" The young woman is new here, after all, she feels a little reserved.

"Liu Lan? Good! Very good!

Would you like to teach me how to cook? "He Daqing said with a smile suddenly showing the appearance of a bad uncle.

"Yes! I am willing! Master!" Hearing He Daqing's question, Liu Lan immediately showed an excited expression.

"Hmm! Not bad! Very spiritual! I like it!" He Daqing said with a pun.

"What about you? Fatty, what's your name?" Then he looked at the fat man with big ears and said.

Hearing the conversation between He Daqing and Liu Lan, the fat man thought that He Daqing was very talkative, so he bowed his head and said with a smile, "Master, your guess is always accurate!
My name is Fatty!
If you have any errands in the future, you can order them casually! "

"Don't! I didn't say I want to be your master!

Have you ever been a cook before?
Or the family conditions are very good? "

"I've never been a cook!
Also. The family conditions are not good either! Fatty was a little confused by He Daqing's refusal, and then he stammered his answer.

"Okay! I can't accept you as an apprentice!"

"Ah?" This voice was made by the director of the cafeteria and the fat man in confusion.

Ignoring the fat man, He Daqing looked directly at the director of the cafeteria, and explained with a smile, "Life is so difficult now, even though the normal food supply has been restored, no one can let go of their stomachs to eat!
But look at this fat man, he is neither a good cook nor a wealthy family, he can only eat at home and treat his relatives and parents harshly! "

"Ah? Master He, what are you talking about?
However, what you said seems to make sense! "Hearing He Daqing's explanation, the director of the cafeteria and everyone in the cafeteria widened their eyes in surprise, and then unconsciously looked at the fat man aside, but they felt more and more that He Daqing's analysis made sense.

"Let's do this! Fatty, from now on, you can do some chores in the back kitchen!" The director of the canteen ordered.

"Ah? Yes, Director!"

The fat man felt that he was wronged. Could it be that the fat-prone physique would make him fat after drinking water?
But he didn't dare to refute, because in the end he might be taken to a hard workshop.

"Look, this young man is very good! What's your name?" After dealing with the fat man, He Daqing suddenly smiled and looked at the last new worker.

"Master He, my name is Ma Hua!" Ma Hua replied timidly.

"Master He, how do you know that Mahua is doing well?" Although the director of the cafeteria thought that He Daqing's analysis was reasonable, he still felt rebellious.

"Look at this young man, he is skinny, he has many brothers and sisters, and he usually takes care of his brothers and sisters!
The most important thing is that once you bring it into the kitchen, you always keep your eyes on it!
This is so rare! "

"Huh? It seems to make sense!

Ma Hua's family is indeed more difficult!

So, are you willing to accept him too? "The director of the cafeteria also lost his temper in admiration at this time.

"Of course! I agree!"

"Stupid boy, quickly call Master!" The director of the cafeteria heard He Daqing's nod in agreement, looked at Ma Hua who was stunned aside, and said angrily.

"Master!" Hearing the canteen director's urging, Ma Hua showed a surprised expression.

The atmosphere in the cafeteria suddenly became very happy, only a fat man was hiding in a corner, feeling dejected.

God!I'm fat, who did I mess with?
It's always me who is discriminated against!
In [-], Hong Kong Island.

Seeing He Fan changing clothes again, Ah Hong said with some doubts, "Brother, it's so late! You still want to go out?"

"Brother Yao helped me get things done and invited me out for dinner!" He Fan explained with a smile while changing his clothes.

"Oh! Then don't drink too much wine at night!" Ah Hong instructed.


He Fan hugged Ah Hong, kissed her hard, and then said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon! Wait for me on the bed!"

"Brother! You are necrotic!"

After leaving the door, He Fan went straight to the place he had made an appointment with Brother Yao, and sure enough, he saw Brother Yao at a roadside fish ball stand.

"Brother Yao, you came so fast!"

He Fan said with a smile, then looked at the female stall owner at the side and said, "Give me ten fish balls first!"


He Fan found that the female stall owner was looking at him strangely, but he had always kept a low profile in Hong Kong Island and never allowed his photos to be published in newspapers.

Otherwise, he might really be worried about being recognized by others, so He Fan just felt a little strange, so he didn't take it to heart.

"Mr. He, the matter has been taken care of for you!" Looking at He Fan who was eating fish balls, Brother Yao introduced with a smile.

"Yeah! I'm sure you can do things! Thank you this time!"

"Mr. He, you are willing to use me, Ayao, because you think highly of me!

I'm so happy it's too late! "

"Hehe, brother Yao, you are almost forty this year, right?
The boss is not young anymore, do you have any other plans! "

"Hey! Once you enter the rivers and lakes, you can't help yourself!

It's hard to get out! "

"You don't have to worry about this. If you really want to leave the society and live the life of ordinary people, I can help you negotiate with your society!"

"Really? Mr. He! Are you willing to help me?" Brother Yao asked in surprise.

"Since I came to Hong Kong Island at the end of [-], we have cooperated several times!

Brother Yao, do you think someone like me is a big talker? He Fan said with a smile.

"Then thank you Mr. He in advance!"

"Hello! Excuse me, sir, is your name He Yuzhu?" At this moment, the female stall owner suddenly asked with an uncertain smile.

"Eh? You are?" He Fan looked at the strange female stall owner in front of him, completely confused.

(End of this chapter)

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