Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 41 The Protagonist with the Most Things

Chapter 41 The Protagonist with the Most Things
Bang likes his current job very much. As an apprentice film projectionist in a factory, he is very lucrative.

Every time I go to the countryside to show a movie, others will at least give some local products and the chickens, ducks and geese raised by the farm.

Since becoming an apprentice projectionist, the living standard of my family has risen linearly.

And when I meet generous folks, I will give you ten or twenty yuan as a favor.

Of course, most of the benefit fees are handed over to his master Xu Damao.

After a long time, Bang Geng became more and more courageous, and gradually he was no longer satisfied with the souvenirs sent by fellow villagers!Slowly began to hide the benefit fee from Xu Damao.

Who is Xu Damao?

I just wanted to see the opportunity and drive away Bang Geng directly.

This opportunity came up soon, and Bang Geng, who had tasted the sweetness, even asked the folks for benefits directly.

Then there was a quarrel with the folks. Of course, the folks gave the favor fee and made a concession in the end.

Xu Damao, who was secretly observing everything, directly found the fellow villager who had a conflict with Bang Geng.

"My fellow, I heard that this temporary worker in our factory had a conflict with you?"

"That's right! He's just a temporary worker? He's really not a thing! He even asked us for 20 yuan!" The fellow said helplessly.

"This guy is too much, you go directly to the rolling mill to sue him! What's the matter, you still keep this kind of person for the Chinese New Year?" Xu Damao urged.

"But what if I offend the other party and no one will come to show the movie in the future?" the fellow said hesitantly.

"That's why you don't understand! Where to show the movie is a unified arrangement in the factory! Not to mention that he is just a temporary worker, it is useless even if he is a regular worker!" Xu Damao continued to encourage.


"Sha Zhu, are you home?" The third master knocked on the door of Sha Zhu's house, shouting non-stop.

"Third Master, is there something wrong with looking for me so late?" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"The last time I saw you, didn't you miss the general meeting of our hospital? Today our hospital is going to hold a general meeting. Let's go, I'll wait for you!" said the third master.

"That's not right, Third Master! Last time, it wasn't you who said, isn't it time to hold a general assembly now?" Silly Zhu asked suspiciously.

"Isn't this something that happened in the courtyard? It can't be solved, and the whole courtyard meeting is still going to be held!" The third master said angrily.

"Look at what you mean, is there something big that can't be solved in our courtyard?" Silly Zhu asked curiously.

"Hey, why are you talking so much, hurry up! I'll be waiting for you, and you'll know when you arrive!" The third master turned and left after speaking.

The first master saw the silly Zhu who was following the third master, and immediately said, "Okay, everyone is here now! Let's start the meeting!"

"I called everyone here today because two major incidents happened in our compound! It can't be resolved for a while!" The uncle said directly.

"First, Bang Geng lost his job! He urgently needs to find a job! Second, last night, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu of the second uncle's house secretly vacated the second uncle's house! Now the second uncle's pension needs to be solved. solve!"

"Everyone has an opinion, let's talk about it."

Everyone in the courtyard is you look at me, I look at you, no one talks nonsense.

The uncle looked at all this, not to mention the pain in his heart, the hearts of the people in the courtyard were scattered.

Entering the 80s, the great changes of the times have gradually deepened, and everyone has their own way out. Like Yan Jiefang and Yu Li, there are not a few people who start their own businesses.

Those who can be moved are trying to find a way to move away, and those who are left behind are powerless.

It is very likely that the next general meeting of the courtyard will not be held again, and perhaps this will be the last general meeting of the courtyard.

"Since everyone doesn't want to talk about it, let me tell you what I think!" the uncle finally said by himself.

"About Bang Geng looking for a job, Zhu Zi seems to be working as a cook in a five-star hotel! The five-star hotel is a large foreign-funded hotel. Can you help Bang Geng find a job as a security guard?" The old man said to Silly Zhu.

"It's not a big problem for security! But Bang Geng's temper, can he do this kind of work of welcoming and sending?" Silly Zhu said with a wry smile.

Staying in this courtyard is really an endless trouble. After everything goes around, it will be pushed on me.

I am the protagonist, but I am too busy!

"I seem to remember that stick prefers to drive! Why can't I find a way to learn to drive!" Sha Zhu said despite his helplessness.

"Actually, I think it doesn't matter what you do, what matters is whether you like it or not. Now that times have changed dramatically, Yan Jiefang and his wife are thinking of making a living by themselves, why can't Bang Geng?"

"Then what do you mean? You just don't plan to help?" the uncle said impatiently.

"Eh? Grandpa! I have said so much together, but you didn't listen to a single sentence!" Silly Zhu said speechlessly.

"Then it's easy! Bang Geng's surname is Jia, not He! Does he have anything to do with me? Why, he lost his job and asked me to find a way?" Sha Zhu retorted bluntly.

"You Zhuzi, why are you so selfish! Are you still the enthusiastic Zhuzi I know?" the uncle said in disbelief.

"What you think is up to you! And how to do it is up to me! We don't interfere with each other!" After Sha Zhu finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Silly Zhu, don't worry! There's still something about the second uncle that hasn't been discussed!" The third uncle hurriedly stopped him.

"What else is there to talk about! That's their own private matter! We need to worry about it here!" Sha Zhu said bluntly.

"That's not right! Didn't you want to hold a general meeting? Why are you angry again after holding a general meeting!? This is your fault!" said the third master rascally.

"I want to hold a general meeting because I thought I was going to criticize Xu Damao. Who would have thought that it would be something that has nothing to do with me! Tell me, can I be happy?" Silly Zhu said.

"Hey, silly Zhu! You always think about me!" Xu Damao complained speechlessly.

"Who made us two destined!" Sha Zhu said jokingly.

"Also! The second uncle's pension problem is rooted in his three sons! They are irresponsible, and if they want to hide, can they hide?"

"It's like my father has been away for so many years and has never taken any responsibility for our brothers and sisters, so can our brothers and sisters stop asking about his pension issues!?"

"Whether my father is or not, I have to make preparations for his retirement. If he comes back one day, the old lady's room in the backyard will be prepared for him. My own responsibility."

"So, you should go directly to the street, let the street contact the workplaces of the second uncle's three sons, and force the second uncle's three sons to be responsible for their father's pension. This is an unshirkable responsibility!"

(End of this chapter)

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