Chapter 42

Shazhu's words can be said to be a bomb thrown in a courtyard.

It completely woke up the bewildered people.

yes!Bang Geng lost his job, so he can just find a job by himself, or start a small business no matter how bad he is!Whose work is not all the way they think of? !

Need someone to help?Need help from others?I just need to find a job in a hurry, shouldn't I look for the street?

Besides, the second uncle's pension problem, isn't it the responsibility of his three sons?Don't want to provide for your parents, hide aside, and then it's over?

Some things have always been looked at that way, but looking at it from a different angle, I got another point of view.

The uncle is arrogant, and always thinks that he is the highest point of morality, and his own ideas are the standard of morality.

But today, I found sadly that I was living like a clown.

Suddenly felt a sense of frustration.

"Old Yi, I think what silly Zhu said just now makes sense. How about we go directly to the street and see how the street arranges this matter?" The third master said, looking at the first master excitedly.

"Third uncle, I suddenly feel a little tired. You can handle the matter of the second uncle! I won't ask any questions!" The first uncle said with his head down, turned and left.

The third master looked at the back of the first master, feeling a little strange.

The third master can't understand the world and thoughts of the first master, and even if he understands it, he still can't understand it.

"Then let's break up the meeting! Let's go back to our homes!"

Ah Hong has finally finished filming "The Wrangler", and "The Garland Under the Mountain" is still in preparation.

Even if "The Garland Under the Mountain" is ready, it is a war film after all, and most of them are male dramas, and Ah Hong's role is very small.

After driving to the airport, Sha Zhu and Ah Hong were both suppressing their yearning for each other because Sister Liu was there.

But looking at Ah Hong who had lost a lot of weight in front of him, Sha Zhu felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Ah Hong, how does it feel to shoot the Wrangler this time!? It must be very hard!"

"It's a little hard work, but the scenery in the Chilechuan pastoral area is so beautiful! The sky is blue, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass and sees cattle and sheep! I also learned to ride a horse! Thank you, brother, for bringing me to the inland, so that I have seen the great rivers and mountains of the motherland." Ah Hong said excitedly.

"Then how do you feel about the acting skills of the mainland actors who acted with you?" Silly Zhu asked with a smile again.

"Their acting skills are awesome! The acting skills of Hong Kong actors are also very good, but I always feel that they don't have the depth of mainland actors." Ah Hong frowned and said after thinking.

"Well, this is the real reason why I want to bring you back to the mainland. There are few projects in the mainland, so they cherish every hard-won opportunity. The effect of the performance is beyond the reach of Hong Kong Island Film and Television!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Thank you, brother!" Ah Hong said.

Silly Zhu rubbed Ah Hong's hair helplessly, and complained, "Silly girl, you still need to say thank you to me!"

"The garland under the mountain is under preparation, and it will be one year at the earliest. You can work at CCTV when you return to the capital this time! Pay more attention to the work behind the scenes, and I hope you can focus on the work behind the scenes in the future." Silly Zhu said.

"Okay, brother!" Ah Hong went to Chilechuan pastoral area and saw the high quality of the main creative staff of Wrangler, so she no longer doubted Sha Zhu's arrangement for her.

Only then did Shazhu think of Sister Liu in the back seat, and said with a smile, "Sister Liu, I've caused you trouble this time!"

"I will definitely complete the task assigned by the chief! You don't need to say thank you!" Sister Liu said concisely.

Silly Zhu didn't find it weird at all with the soldier's unique way of speaking, but instead felt an indescribable sense of comfort, maybe that damn sense of security!
Chinese people naturally have a natural sense of trust in their own soldiers.

"I heard from the big leader that Sister Liu has retired?" Silly Zhu asked with a smile.


"Sister Liu's family is also in the capital?" Silly Zhu asked again.

"Yes! I live near Beihai Park!"

"Oh! Then I want to hire Sister Liu to be my wife A Hong's autocratic bodyguard, okay?" Silly Zhu looked at Sister Liu from the rearview mirror and said.

"She works at CCTV now, so she shouldn't need a bodyguard!" Sister Liu said with some doubts.

"It's not necessary in Beijing, but she will go out to film occasionally, and sometimes she will return to Hong Kong Island to film, so I want someone to protect me." Sha Zhu explained with a smile, "That is to say , usually you can do your own things at home, and you can be there on call when you need it. Usually, your salary is paid according to your routine in the army! When there are tasks, there will be additional subsidies!"

"That's fine!" Sister Liu hesitated for a moment, but after thinking of the chief's instructions, she agreed.

Sha Zhu looked at Ah Hong in surprise, and said happily, "That's great!"

After sending Sister Liu to the vicinity of Beihai Park, Sha Zhu and Ah Hong went directly back to the new courtyard.

"Ah Hong, I thought about it, and I will take you back to the old courtyard tomorrow." Silly Zhu said.

"Okay, brother! I also want to meet your neighbors!" Ah Hong said happily.

"Hehe, don't be too happy! The living habits of the northerners may not be suitable for you southerners!" Silly Zhu thought about his neighbors in the courtyard, suddenly laughed, and said.

"It should be fine!" Ah Hong said.

"I originally wanted to treat each of them to some wedding candy. However, I have been out for so many years, and now they are still very worried about my marriage.

So, I am going to call some back kitchen staff from our five-star restaurant tomorrow, and set up a few tables directly in the old courtyard. "

"Well, it should be! Listen to you!" Ah Hong said with a smile.

To be honest, Shazhu had thought about not letting his neighbors take advantage of him anymore.

However, these few times, the neighbors in the courtyard house showed too much concern about their marriage.

Regardless of whether they are false or false, they are considered to value themselves.Just set up a few tables directly, without saying anything, while drinking, let's drink all the unhappiness from before.

Chilechuan, at the foot of Yinshan Mountain.

The sky is like a dome, covering the four fields.

The sky is vast, the wild is vast,
The wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep.

The blood of a man, the color of a hero.

Call for me, the river and sea echo.

The mountains are silent, and the water is sad.

Vertical and horizontal Ben highlights the sharpness.

(End of this chapter)

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