Chapter 45 Wedding Banquet
Looking at the courtyard in front of me, this is where I grew up.

If there is no emotion, it is absolutely impossible.

Now that he decided to entertain all the neighbors in the courtyard, Shazhu decided to do better and more thoroughly.

Although this era has undergone tremendous changes, and individuals are allowed to fend for themselves, life is indeed better than in previous years, but after all, the good days have just begun, and everyone is still generally poor.

They are all neighbors, and it is no longer rare for people like the third master to rack their brains to calculate for stuttering.

Since he wanted everyone to have a good time, Shazhu would not go out of his way to play with some fancy clothes and make some flashy dishes.

"Ma Hua! Cook in a while, try to be as simple as possible, chicken, fish, meat and eggs, just ask for everything! Just eat and eat! As long as the taste and portion can be guaranteed." Sha Zhu told Ma Hua in front of him.

"I know what the master means, that is, we are not playing tricks!" Ma Hua said with a smile.

"That's what Master meant. Aside from other things, our lives are indeed a bit rough. After all, it's a big happy event. We must make everyone happy from the bottom of our hearts, so that they can all enjoy the benefits and eat delicious food!" Silly Zhu said.

"But, master! The people in the courtyard are so calculating, and they treated you like that before! Don't you hate it at all?" Ma Hua asked curiously.

"Hate? Master, why should I hate! Master's current situation, you know best, do you still need to use hatred to punish them and comfort myself?" Silly Zhu said speechlessly.

"Hehe, think about it carefully, there is really no need to worry about it!" Ma Hua agreed.

"That's why I went out in the first place!

If I still stayed at the beginning, I would have nothing but two results. One is that they still play with them like a fool; "Silly Zhu said with emotion, "No matter what the result is, I will not be truly happy!

It's different now!I walked out!See what is the real sea of ​​stars.

However, when I looked back, I found that the previous ones were no longer a thing. "

Ma Hua understands it, but it seems that she doesn't understand it!

Seeing Ma Hua's reaction, Shazhu said with a smile, "Okay, go get busy! The banquet is over, let the neighbors in the yard take away the leftovers! As for the kitchen staff you brought, I will There is another red envelope!"

"Hey! Then I will thank the master for them!" Ma Hua happily went to work.

Looking at the excited neighbors, as well as A Hong and Ran Qiuye who were chatting and teasing the children at the table, Sha Zhu was momentarily confused.

Two different women represent two different lives of oneself.

If I had stayed back then, Teacher Ran Qiu Yeran would have been my wife today!MCA's current life is his own life.

And he left the courtyard house, the capital city, and went to Hong Kong Island, and his wife became Ah Hong!My own life has also become very different.

What is amazing is that today the two women actually sat together and talked happily.

Seeing how happy the two are, they have become good girlfriends!good friend!

The banquet was over, and the neighbors in the courtyard were full and left with food.

Seeing the old man's lonely and happy expression, Shazhu suddenly felt an unbearable touch in his heart, and hurried up, "How is it? Grandpa, are you happy today!?"

"Zhu Zi, you did a good job today! It should be like today, thinking about the big guy all the time." The old man said happily.

"All the time, it's absolutely impossible! I can't do it either! After all, I have my own life to live! It's impossible to live for others all the time!" Sha Zhu said with a smile and shook his head.

The uncle wanted to refute, but he didn't say it in the end. Instead, he looked at Ah Hong and said, "Zhu Zi, since we have a family! Let's live a good life!"

After speaking, he left with a lonely face.

Seeing that Sha Zhu's side was over, Ah Hong hurried over, "Brother, are you okay!"

"It's okay! Silly girl, what can I do! My uncle and I just have different ways of thinking!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Brother, I just found out today that the banquets in the north are different from those in the south!?" Ah Hong said with a smile.

"Well, in fact, except for some rules, everything else is pretty much the same. After all, both the host and the guest are required to enjoy each other!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"How is your relationship with Teacher Ran Qiuye Ran?"

"Teacher Ran is very talkative, she can be regarded as my first friend in the capital!" Ah Hong said happily.

"Don't worry, as time goes by, you will have more friends!" Sha Zhu said with a smile.

Jia Zhang looked at Qin Huairu with a sad face, and said deliberately, "I didn't see it! Sha Zhu is so rich now! Today's banquet will cost five or six hundred yuan! Where do you think he is so rich?" Rich?"

Qin Huairu glanced at his mother-in-law, and said angrily, "Where will I know the details! If you want to know, you can ask yourself!"

"Hey, don't talk to me! I know you're unhappy, and I know you've always had thoughts about Shazhu.

But, if they don't want you, they just turn around and marry a young and beautiful wife!you!Just stop wishful thinking! "Jia Zhang also sarcastically said, "Look at that Ah Hong's age is about the same as Sophora japonica!What about you?

I also heard from the third master that she still has a car herself!She and Sha Zhu both drove back yesterday!Is this all you can compare with? "

"Who am I comparing with? Am I worthy of being compared?" Qin Huairu burst into tears when he heard her mother-in-law's harsh words.

"Hey, Huai Ru, don't cry! I'm not! I know your life is hard, but you don't have that good life! You can live your life with peace of mind. When Bang Geng gets married and has a child, you take care of your grandson! Life That's pretty good!" Jia Zhang said with a sigh.

"You don't need to say, I'm thinking about the children too! I'm so worried about the job right now! I'm just thinking about who I can ask for help! My uncle has retired, so I can't talk anymore!" Qin Huai rubbed Dry tears, said helplessly.

"Then what should we do? You can't just stay at home like this all the time!" Jia Zhang also said with worry.

"I'll go to the street tomorrow to have a look! Anyway, the living can't be suffocated by urine!" Qin Huairu said without admitting defeat.

Seeing Silly Zhu now, Qin Huairu felt heartbroken.

All of this was originally my own!
I don't know what I did wrong, and I lost it all in one day!

(End of this chapter)

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