Chapter 46
After tossing and tossing all day, Sha Zhu was so tired that he lay on the bed and didn't want to move.

After washing up, Ah Hong looked at the situation in the yard outside, and found that the neighbors had turned off the lights and went to sleep.

He looked at the time strangely, saw the silly pillar on the bed, and asked, "Brother, why do the neighbors go to bed so early?"

"Oh? Didn't I tell you! There is no entertainment in the mainland at night, like Lan Kwai Fong on Hong Kong Island does not exist! If you don't sleep, what else can you do?" Sha Zhu said listlessly.

Seeing the lazy silly Zhu, Ah Hong patted coquettishly, and said, "Brother, why are you so lazy! You don't even wash your feet!"

"Wash your feet? Hey! Alright!" Sha Zhu said reluctantly, and was about to get up.

Seeing that Sha Zhu was so obedient, Ah Hong smiled and said, "Then I'll fetch water for elder brother!"

Ah Hong not only washed Sha Zhu's feet with water, but also took a Maza and sat beside him to help Sha Zhu wash his feet.

Silly Zhu enjoyed the warmth of this moment comfortably, and said with a smile, "Nowadays, there are very few inland families with a TV set! If you can, just listen to the radio or something!"

"I didn't expect that the mainland is so difficult now!" Ah Hong said with emotion.

"Difficulty is very difficult! However, it also shows that the current inland area is a virgin land with a huge market! That's why my elder brother hurried back to get the first piece of high ground first!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Brother, don't work too hard, as long as you have enough money! Too much, it's boring!" Ah Hong said.

"Well, it makes sense! But what should be earned is still earned! We still have children, and your younger siblings should also be arranged!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

What Shazhu wants more is to help those around him as much as he can.

The winner in life in the original play is more like Director Li's pious villain.

No matter what time it is, what policy, that guy can adapt quickly, and he can handle it like a fish in water, with ease!

Whether it's Liu Lan in the early stage or You Fengxia in the later stage, Director Li can make clear arrangements.

What's even more weird is that Director Li still thinks about Qin Huairu.

This is the real scumbag and Neptune, or the kind of master who can pass a leaf without touching himself among thousands of flowers.

Of course, Director Li's life is not what Sha Zhu is pursuing now.

"Thank you brother!" Ah Hong said with a smile.

"I feel that the neighbors in the courtyard are very easy to get along with!"

"Really? Maybe it's because you just came here and don't understand! Speaking of evening entertainment! Because our TV is the first TV in this yard, and it's a color TV. A few days ago, you were still When we photographed the horseman, the neighbors in our yard wanted to see it, but I had no choice but to promise to let them see it for three days in a row,” Sha Zhu said.

"There are so many neighbors, don't they all come to visit our house? They can't stand up!" Ah Hong asked curiously.

"No, it was placed in the yard to watch!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"That must be very lively and interesting!" Ah Hong thought for a while and said.

"It's lively, but it can't be like that for a long time! It's too annoying!" Silly Zhu said.

"I think it's okay! Anyway, we don't watch TV very much, so we might as well put it in the yard and watch it together! It's still lively, and everyone has leisure programs at night, so we won't be looking for trouble!" Ah Hong said.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to think about things like this!" Silly Zhu looked at Ah Hong in surprise and said.

Ah Hong was embarrassed by Sha Zhu, thinking she was wrong, she said, "Brother, don't look at him like that! Am I wrong?"

"No! You're right! I just didn't expect my Ah Hong to be so smart!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"In the past, I always wanted to escape from the courtyard house and stop contacting them! For their demands, I no longer satisfied them like before!" Silly Zhu said, "But, as you just said, if you change the angle, Maybe we can live in harmony!"

"Brother can think like this, it's the best! This way you can have a better life." Ah Hong said with a smile.

"Stop talking, let's rest!" Silly Zhu said again.


"Ah Hong? Let's have another baby!"

"Ah! I don't want it!"

"Why not?"

"I want to wait another two years!"

"But elder brother can't wait! I'm in a hurry now!"

"Brother, don't want you bastard!"

Ten thousand words are omitted below!

The second uncle thought about the banquet during the day, and still had some unfinished thoughts, "I never thought that Sha Zhu would be so rich and marry such a young wife! What kind of luck did their old He family have!"

"Yes! Silly daughter-in-law, I think she is beautiful just looking at her! Just like a movie star! I heard from the third master that the silly daughter-in-law is also very rich!" The second aunt also said.

"How did Lao Yan know that silly Zhu's daughter-in-law is rich?" the second uncle asked suspiciously.

"Third Master said that he saw Sha Zhu driving back with his wife yesterday! Sha Zhu said the car belonged to his wife!" Second Aunt explained.

"That's quite rich!" said the second uncle.

"Old Liu, a few days ago, the director of the sub-district office came to me and wanted to reconcile the conflict between us and our son! What do you think?" the second aunt said.

"Do you think I will bow to those unfilial sons? Anyway, we have money, do we need to ask them?" The second uncle said proudly.

"I'm planning to find a profitable business in a few days! When we make money, they will regret it!"

"When they come to beg me, see how I teach them!"

"It's up to you! Anyway, it's up to you to make decisions at home!" Second Aunt said helplessly.

The second uncle has been arrogant all his life, always thinking that he should be a leader, but his life is not good, and his education level is not high!

He beats and scolds his sons right and wrong, and doesn't think about them when he eats something.

Just as the old lady in the backyard said, parents are unkind, and children are unfilial.

What's okay is that the second uncle will not bow to his mistakes until the last step.

Qin Jingru looked at Xu Damao who just came back, and said, "Da Mao, Sha Zhu and his wife set up several tables today to entertain the neighbors in our courtyard! I didn't go if you were not at home!"

"I didn't go, that's right! Stupid silly Zhu, he and I are deadly enemies!" Xu Damao said disdainfully.

"I heard that Shazhu is rich now! He came back in a car! Where do you think he got so much money?" Qin Jingru asked.

"You ask me, I'll ask who! However, Director Li contacted me to start a big business! We will never worry about money again!" Xu Damao boasted.

"Really! Da Mao, you are amazing!" Qin Jingru said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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