Chapter 58

Seeing Sha Zhu's helpless look, Ah Hong suddenly laughed.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that elder brother who was fearless in Hong Kong Island would be so afraid of his neighbors when he returned to the capital!" Ah Hong said with a smile.

"Who says it's not! They are all elders, and they can't be beaten or scolded. Probably this is the legendary suppression of blood!" Silly Zhu said helplessly.

"However, anyway, I will move back to the new courtyard house in a few days. It's really not suitable for living here!"

"Well, I think so too! There are too many neighbors here, it's lively, and there are a lot of troubles!" Ah Hong also said helplessly.

Soon Silly Zhu and the two finished their meal, and sat down in the seat reserved for them by their neighbors in advance.

It didn't take long to see Xu Damao returning to the courtyard, drunk.

Seeing the neighbor who was watching TV, Xu Damao became furious. Adding to his strong wine and cowardice, Xu Damao said to Sha Zhu, "Si Zhu, do you know where my buddy went to eat today? Tell me." Can scare you to death!"

I saw that everyone's eyes were on me.

"Five-star hotel! Are you stupid! You are a stupid cook who can only cook, why don't you want to serve me!" Xu Damao boasted.

"Pfft! Haha! This man is so funny!" Seeing Xu Damao's ridiculous look, Ah Hong couldn't hold back and laughed.

"Xu Damao is the clown of our courtyard house! You won't be surprised in the future!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Hey, silly Zhu! What's wrong with your wife? I said I went to a five-star restaurant for dinner, what's so ridiculous!" Xu Damao said angrily.

"There is nothing wrong with my wife, it is your grandson who is wrong! After a meal, you can become so awesome, why don't you go to heaven!" Silly Zhu said angrily.

"I, I, you are just jealous! Jealousy buddy is a guest at a five-star hotel! And you are just a stupid cook who serves people!" Xu Damao said angrily.

"What's a meal? Go there every day if you're capable! As long as you go, I'll serve you every day! I'm afraid you don't have any money in your pocket!" Silly Zhu said mockingly to Xu Damao.

"Just kidding, I will have no money! My buddy just made a big deal and earned thousands of dollars! I will have no money! If you take it out, it will scare you to death!" Xu Damao continued to brag.

When Sha Zhu heard this, his heart moved. Xu Damao said that he earned several thousand yuan, which seemed to be true!Since Xu Damao invited Li Haiwang to dinner today, it seems that he and Li Haiwang connected online to start a foreign trade smuggling business.

The risk of smuggling in foreign trade is too great. Regardless of the fact that Xu Damao earned some money today, he will probably spit it out soon, and Li Haiwang is a hypocrite through and through, and he eats people without spit out bones!

Xu Damao can't play Li Haiwang, he can only be a leek waiting to be harvested by Li Haiwang.

Qin Jingru, who heard the movement, hurriedly dragged the drunk Xu Damao home.That's the end of this farce.

Xu Damao's words successfully attracted the attention of neighbors in the courtyard.

What kind of business can make thousands of dollars at a time?It seems that we need to inquire about it!

If he can join Xu Damao's business, then he won't be prosperous anytime soon.

Among the neighbors who are excited, the second uncle and the third uncle are the most willing!
The three sons of the second uncle ignored the second uncle, and the second uncle happened to have some money in his hand. If he made some money by doing some business, those three unfilial sons would come back and beg themselves!

The third master has always been calculating, and his family is also the richest in the courtyard. Hearing Xu Damao's words, he is also very moved!After all, no one thinks they have too much money!

With thoughts, it's like grass growing in my heart, and I can't watch any good TV programs anymore.Soon the neighbors all went home.

Seeing this situation, Sha Zhu and Ah Hong were also happy, and hurriedly packed up the TV and went home.

"Brother, this person is Sister Lou's ex-husband! It's too funny! He doesn't deserve Sister Lou at all!" Ah Hong said.

"Who says it's not! Lou's family is a master in business, but they are really bad at judging people, so they chose such a son-in-law!" Silly Zhu also said incomprehensibly.

"This Xu Damao used to be a projectionist in a steel rolling mill. He often went to the nearby countryside to show that kind of open-air movie! Then he often got involved with widows in the village. When he was drunk and had no alcohol, he often beat his wife! Such a rotten person, To marry a big girl just after divorce! Don't you think it's annoying?!" Silly Zhu introduced.

"Look at him going to the five-star hotel for a meal today, and he's just like this! If he finds out that you are the owner of the five-star hotel, I don't know what his expression will be!" Ah Hong laughed as she spoke.

"Probably as uncomfortable as eating a fly!" Sha Zhu thought of that scene and laughed too!
"Old Yan, have you really decided to do business with Xu Damao?" The third mother said worriedly.

"It's said that Xu Damao won't lie about it when he speaks the truth after drinking! He earned thousands of dollars at a time! Don't you feel tempted?" said the third master Yan Banggui with bright eyes.

I have been calculating for my whole life, and I can still calculate it with such a clear account!
Wait until you have made money, still worry about retirement?Give me a break!Those sons and daughters still revolve around themselves every day.

Yan Jiefang and Yu Li also had the same conversation. They have made some money by opening restaurants in the past few years. If they can earn thousands of dollars at a time like Xu Damao, it will be much easier than opening a restaurant.

"Yu Li! I feel there is still a risk!" Yan Jiefang said worriedly.

"There must be risks! But without risks, there is no benefit! If you are really afraid, we will bring your parents and we will work together! Let's share the pressure!" Yu Li said.

Hearing Yu Li's words, Yan Jiefang immediately brightened up and said, "My wife is still smart, why didn't I think of it?!"

"That's because you're stupid!" Yu Li said proudly when she heard Yan Jiefang's praise.

The second uncle said to the second aunt, "I have been wanting to start a business with money recently. Since Xu Damao has connections, I will go over and propose to do business with him tomorrow."

"Will Xu Damao agree?" Second Aunt asked worriedly.

"How dare he agree! No matter what, I am the second uncle of this courtyard! Unless he doesn't want to hang around in this courtyard in the future! You haven't seen how rampant the silly Zhu used to be, but now he is still honest !” said the second uncle proudly.

"If that's the case, we've made money! Our three sons will all be back soon!" The second aunt said in surprise.

"If you have money, why do you beg them! I don't care about the three unfilial sons!" The second uncle said proudly.

"I don't think you should pay too much attention to your sons' unfilial piety, Old Liu! They also have difficulties. If they admit their mistakes in the future, let them be spared! After all, they are our own sons!" The second aunt said impatiently.

"Hey! Let's talk about it when the time comes!" The second uncle still said stubbornly.

 All kinds of tickets are needed, because Mengxin can't sign a contract, so the signing information doesn't know how to operate!As a result, the signing was late, which can be said to be a congenital deficiency. It would be great if you could send me up!
(End of this chapter)

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