Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 59 Lou Xiaoe Zhang Jing

Chapter 59 Lou Xiaoe returns to Beijing

I remember that in the original play, the second uncle did several business deals with Xu Damao and made a lot of money.

What next, ask for a babysitter!Let the sons rush to serve themselves to eat boiled mutton!Dislike the snacks too vegetarian, clamoring to eat dried meat!Anyway, it's just how high-profile it is!
Just like the face of a nouveau riche.

It's a pity that the second uncle became more courageous later, and even partnered with the third uncle to directly contact Li Haiwang to start a foreign trade smuggled TV set, but was reported by Xu Damao, and ended up bankrupt.

"Ah Hong, I feel something is going to happen in our courtyard! After get off work tomorrow, let's go straight back to the new courtyard! Try not to come here in the future!" Silly Zhu suddenly said to Ah Hong.

"Okay! I'll clean up here first!" Ah Hong said while asking in confusion, "Brother, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

"I'm a little worried about Xu Damao's words just now. The neighbors in the courtyard will definitely be moved by hearing it! The way they make money is to resell scarce supplies by relying on connections! In fact, there is no risk!
I'm afraid that when they become bold, they will go to foreign trade smuggling recklessly!That is very dangerous! "Silly Zhu expressed his worries.

"Then what should we do? Do we want to stop it?" Ah Hong said kindly.

"Don't, they will think that we are cutting off their money, and they still don't work hard with me! You must know that good words are hard to persuade, damn ghost! Think about Hong Kong Island before the 73rd stock market disaster, how crazy it is! Who would Listen!" Silly Zhu said hastily.

"That's right! It was terrifying at that time!" Ah Hong said with lingering fear.

"But, are we going to watch our neighbors commit suicide by jumping off the building one by one!"

"However, don't worry! The neighbors of the courtyard house are not as horrible as the 73rd stock market crash! At most, they will go bankrupt, but they will not commit suicide by jumping off the building!" Silly Zhu comforted.

"Besides, we can't stop them from really going crazy!"

"Hey! That's the only way!" Ah Hong said.

"By the way, Lou Xiao'e will be back tomorrow! I plan to put the five-star food factory in the suburbs of Beijing into operation before the Wrangler is released, which happens to be able to take advantage of the popularity of the Wrangler to distribute the goods across the country. Hong Kong Island Food Factory and Fotai's Beverage Factory I have made all the arrangements, and when the time comes, we will work together to let five-star products take over the world!" Silly Zhu said suddenly.

"This is the elder brother in my cognition!" Ah Hong looked at Sha Zhu infatuatedly and said.

"So which one do you like?" Silly Zhu asked.

"I like them all, because I know Elder Brother only likes me!" Ah Hong said with a sweet smile.

Finally, it was time for Lou Xiaoe to return to the capital.

The food factory in the suburbs of Beijing has been watched by Sha Zhu himself in the early stage. Whether it is building a factory or installing a production line, Sha Zhu is tortured to death!
Silly Zhu found that he was not very suitable for specific implementation work, it was too cumbersome and exhausting!

This is all right, finally there is a specific implementer.

As long as she moves her mouth, Lou Xiao'e will lose her leg!

"Silly Zhu, why did you come to pick me up by yourself! Where's your little girlfriend?" As soon as Lou Xiao'e got out of the airport, she saw Silly Zhu who came to pick her up.

"How are you talking? What little girlfriend! That's the wife I'm marrying! Be careful!" Silly Zhu said angrily.

"She's at work, and recently their unit has an important project that needs to be watched!" Sha Zhu then explained.

"But you are too narcissistic, you actually want to trouble my wife to pick you up! It's really beautiful!"

"Work? Where do you arrange your wife to work?" Lou Xiao'e asked suspiciously.

Shazhu's business is so big, in Lou Xiao'e's perception, he will arrange his wife in his company!

But according to what Shazhu said, Shazhu arranged his wife in another unit.

In this way, Lou Xiaoe became confused and curious!
"CCTV?" Silly Zhu said proudly.

"What? You actually arranged for your wife to work on CCTV? How did you do it?" Lou Xiao'e said in shock.

"With my current strength, it's not too difficult to do these things!" Sha Zhu didn't elaborate, feeling unnecessary.

"That's true! It seems that you really love your wife so much that you actually found such a safe unit for her.

You don't know how popular your wife is in Hong Kong Island now!Almost everyone I saw was discussing Feng Chengcheng and Qiao Huang Rong! " Lou Xiaoe said with a lot of emotion.

"I'm getting bored to death! Not only do you have to work hard for your husband and wife, but you also have to endure the praise of your wife from everyone around you! Do you want to die!?" Lou Xiao'e continued to complain.

"Haha, you think my 5.00% shares are so easy to get!" Silly Zhu said jokingly.

"But to be honest, you really don't plan to let your wife go back to Hong Kong Island to develop? Just stay in the mainland?" Lou Xiaoe asked curiously.

"It depends on the situation! The resources on Hong Kong Island are not suitable for Ah Hong! They are too commercialized. It is not very good to shoot too many commercial things! On the contrary, she will have better contacts and connections in CCTV. Resources!" Silly Zhu said.

"Where did Zhong Chuhong attract you, to make you think of her like this!" Lou Xiao'e said sourly.

"Actually, I can't tell! Probably this is love!" Sha Zhu said pretending to be affectionate.

"I didn't realize you were so disgusting!" Lou Xiao'e suddenly ate a wave of disgusting dog food.

"You even forcibly fed me dog food!"

"Cut! Feed you dog food, I think highly of you! Don't be ignorant!" Sha Zhu jokingly said.

"Let's get down to business, the purpose of bringing you back to the capital this time is to allow you to start working quickly so that the five-star food factory in the suburbs of Beijing can be put into production quickly!" Silly Zhu said suddenly.

"I see! Is something big going to happen, or you are going to make some big moves? Why do you ask Hong Kong Island, Fotai and Beijing to increase production?" Lou Xiaoe asked suspiciously.

"It's very complicated to say! Anyway, you just do it! You will know the reason soon!" Silly Zhu said mysteriously.

"It's quite mysterious!" Lou Xiao'e said mockingly.

"Are you going to stay at my house or a five-star hotel?" Silly Zhu asked.

"That house in your courtyard house? Can you live there?" Lou Xiao'e asked suspiciously.

"I bought a big courtyard a long time ago, I can live in it!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Forget it, let's go to a five-star hotel! It's more convenient!" Lou Xiao'e thought about it and said.

"Okay, do as you say!" Sha Zhu agreed with a smile.

Lou Xiaoe looked at the street view of the capital city outside the car window, and said with emotion, "The capital city has not changed much! It's still so beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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